House Intel Committee briefed on more Russian efforts to help the Orange Fraud

Wow! talk about living in the liberal echo chamber....NYTimes, WaPo, and TPM....Couldn't you find anything from Democracy Now? I'm sure that Amy Goodman has a few nut job conspiracy theories she could add....

This is pure narrative bull shit...Maguire's time as acting, was coming to an end, and the administration is trying to find a place for him within the administration....

I want to know why obammy didn't stop putin. And I'd like to know what he actually did.

Because everyone expected Hillary to win and didn't understand how powerful the GOP propaganda machine was and how a bunch of ridiculous emails could change the election. Emails hacked by the Russians as everyone agrees except the brainwashed....

Show us these emails that changed the election. francoHFW

This will be hilarious.

Jesus what a moron. All the emails that's supposedly proved that Sanders was obstructed etc etc etc etc etc. You can't remember anything about emails now LOL? Google it I'm not your mother. Jesus Christ poor America....

francoHFW show us these emails you claim changed the course of history in the US.

Where are they?

We want to see these amazing emails.

Surely you weren't talking out of your ass, again.

Where are they?

60% of political coverage was about emails and you can't remember anything about it? LOL. All investigated all discredited never retracted by the GOP propaganda machine of course....
Jesus what a moron. All the emails that's supposedly proved that Sanders was obstructed etc etc etc etc etc. You can't remember anything about emails now LOL? Google it I'm not your mother. Jesus Christ poor America....
The links to the news reports and the e-mails have been posted repeatedly on this board in the many different threads at the time and since. Their existence is beyond question.

The snowflake tactic of repeatedly demanding those links and declaring 'See, they don't exist ' if there is even 1 time when they are not posted AGAIN' is both documented and the snowflakes who use that tactic....but it's all they have because they KNOW they exist and it happened.

DNC CHAIRWOMAN Donna Brazile admitted publicly, several times, that the DNC had rigged their 2016 Primaries for Bernie, helped Hillary cheat in debates, and redirected campaign cash for other Democrats in other races to her campaign. This has also been documented repeatedly, as you know.

This pathetic snowflake exercise of repeating this little theatrical performance again and again is just a reminder to everyone of how snowflakes refuse to accept the 2016 election results and every bit of evidence of their scandals, losses, lies, and crimes.
Because the GOP is totally full of crap propaganda?
so son, still waiting on what it was the Putin did in 2016 and what he's doing today? why won't you answer that?
Everybody in the real world knows Putin hacked the DNC and podesta servers and wrecked the election.60% of political coverage in 2016 was about stupid emails that meant nothing have all been investigated and there is nothing there but GOP propaganda and staffers at the DNC bullshiting. This time I expect they won't be able to hack servers. they still continue the social media crap but I don't think that has much importance or changes many minds. Basically just more crap GOP propaganda LOL
how did he do it?
Part of the Russian military has sections dedicated to hacking. Google it read something change the channel stop being a ridiculous dupe.
I want to know how trump colluded with them. Did he give them the IP addresses? I'm still trying to figure out how trump had impacted the supposed DNC server hack. Now Donald has them on his payroll? is that what you are attempting to say? he owns the russians? Clinton got 145 million dollars, but trump owns them. too fking funny. you should buy more sav.

Mueller proclaimed that no American colluded with Russia.
No American.
The end of that story

This guy just comes across as really just basically a retard, parroting that Maddow dude, over and over.
Russia / Putin would love nothing more than to have the TDS-suffering, treasonous Democrats spend the next 4 1/2 years continuing to engage in Conspiracy, Obstruction, altering witness testimony / official government documents, illegal investigations, FISA Court abuses, prosecutorial conduct, undermining the President, Sedition, political partisan witch hunts, and treasonous coup attempts in the form of more Impeachment attempts based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses...all of which they claim they don't need to overthrow the democratically elected President....and they know all they have to do for this to happen is have Putin say in public to western Press, 'Gee, I hope President Trump wins re-election.'

Marx is celebrating in his grave right now....He said the US would never be conquered but instead would fall from within......

For the last 4 years the Democrats - denied authoritarian / Socialist imposed rule through Hillary's loss in 2016, have been attempting to affect a publicly declared partisan political coup for the last 4 years and are still looking for any reason to continue to affect their treason after their 2016 Presidential election loss, their Weismann-Mueller coup loss, and now their 2020 Pelosi-Schiff-Nader Coup Failure.

Meanwhile, Sanders - steamrolling the others in the DNC Primaries - is touting the virtues or and praising Communist Fidel Castro and his dictatorship....

Snowflakes are echoing Democrats' fear-mongering that Trump is a Communist Putin Puppet while their own run-away Primary Candidate leader is a self-admitted, self-demonstrating COMMUNIST who are leading Snowflakes down the Communist / Socialist path while pointing back at Trump, accusing him of being manipulated by one.

Just like in 2016, The Russians, with help from their REAL preferred candidate - Sanders, has the Democrats and Snowflakes 'organizing and marching' for them again.
Absolute idiocy, all the Russians want to do is cause chaos and division in the United States and with assets like Trump Fox news Rush Limbaugh and people like you, they are having great success. Trump is being blackmailed by Putin because he wants a Moscow tower and he loves oligarchs. Russia is not communist anymore it is a kleptocracy oligarchy corrupt capitalist and very ambitious scumbag country. Just like Trump wants to be. And the dossier has not been proven wrong. What Trump has been accused of in the dossier is certainly not out side is history
so son, still waiting on what it was the Putin did in 2016 and what he's doing today? why won't you answer that?
Everybody in the real world knows Putin hacked the DNC and podesta servers and wrecked the election.60% of political coverage in 2016 was about stupid emails that meant nothing have all been investigated and there is nothing there but GOP propaganda and staffers at the DNC bullshiting. This time I expect they won't be able to hack servers. they still continue the social media crap but I don't think that has much importance or changes many minds. Basically just more crap GOP propaganda LOL
how did he do it?
Part of the Russian military has sections dedicated to hacking. Google it read something change the channel stop being a ridiculous dupe.
I want to know how trump colluded with them. Did he give them the IP addresses? I'm still trying to figure out how trump had impacted the supposed DNC server hack. Now Donald has them on his payroll? is that what you are attempting to say? he owns the russians? Clinton got 145 million dollars, but trump owns them. too fking funny. you should buy more sav.
In public Trump made it obvious he supported any help and told them to hack Hillary's server LOL and the Chinese and anyone else. The Russians didn't need any technical help from incompetent you find nothing suspicious about the Trump campaign meeting with Russians 30 x lied about it and never wrote anything down? LOL LOL. Change the channel dipstick. The GOP is the swamp and has been a disaster for 35 years at least for regular people. We still have Reagan tax rates. You are the perfect chump of greedy idiot GOP billionaires dumbass Dupe...
well there are a couple things wrong with your post. Number one, trump never said hack anything, he merely stated if they had the emails to release them. I agree. They were supposed to be in congresses hands. So, afraid of transparency are you?

Number two, there isn't any evidence of trump meeting thirty times with any russians. flat out lie right there. And BTW, the FBI walked back the Flynn supposed lie. it wasn't. So now you don't have him for anything.

so basically, you got nothing as fking usual.
I want to know why obammy didn't stop putin. And I'd like to know what he actually did.
Because everyone expected Hillary to win and didn't understand how powerful the GOP propaganda machine was and how a bunch of ridiculous emails could change the election. Emails hacked by the Russians as everyone agrees except the brainwashed....
Show us these emails that changed the election. francoHFW

This will be hilarious.
Jesus what a moron. All the emails that's supposedly proved that Sanders was obstructed etc etc etc etc etc. You can't remember anything about emails now LOL? Google it I'm not your mother. Jesus Christ poor America....
francoHFW show us these emails you claim changed the course of history in the US.

Where are they?

We want to see these amazing emails.

Surely you weren't talking out of your ass, again.

Where are they?
60% of political coverage was about emails and you can't remember anything about it? LOL. All investigated all discredited never retracted by the GOP propaganda machine of course....
what about the emails? you've tied yourself in knots. what is it you're trying to say?
so son, still waiting on what it was the Putin did in 2016 and what he's doing today? why won't you answer that?
Everybody in the real world knows Putin hacked the DNC and podesta servers and wrecked the election.60% of political coverage in 2016 was about stupid emails that meant nothing have all been investigated and there is nothing there but GOP propaganda and staffers at the DNC bullshiting. This time I expect they won't be able to hack servers. they still continue the social media crap but I don't think that has much importance or changes many minds. Basically just more crap GOP propaganda LOL
how did he do it?
Part of the Russian military has sections dedicated to hacking. Google it read something change the channel stop being a ridiculous dupe.
I want to know how trump colluded with them. Did he give them the IP addresses? I'm still trying to figure out how trump had impacted the supposed DNC server hack. Now Donald has them on his payroll? is that what you are attempting to say? he owns the russians? Clinton got 145 million dollars, but trump owns them. too fking funny. you should buy more sav.

Mueller proclaimed that no American colluded with Russia.
No American.
The end of that story

This guy just comes across as really just basically a retard, parroting that Maddow dude, over and over.
shit dude, Mueller couldn't even say what happened. Two years and 45 million dollars, and nothing.
Everybody in the real world knows Putin hacked the DNC and podesta servers and wrecked the election.60% of political coverage in 2016 was about stupid emails that meant nothing have all been investigated and there is nothing there but GOP propaganda and staffers at the DNC bullshiting. This time I expect they won't be able to hack servers. they still continue the social media crap but I don't think that has much importance or changes many minds. Basically just more crap GOP propaganda LOL
how did he do it?
Part of the Russian military has sections dedicated to hacking. Google it read something change the channel stop being a ridiculous dupe.
I want to know how trump colluded with them. Did he give them the IP addresses? I'm still trying to figure out how trump had impacted the supposed DNC server hack. Now Donald has them on his payroll? is that what you are attempting to say? he owns the russians? Clinton got 145 million dollars, but trump owns them. too fking funny. you should buy more sav.

Mueller proclaimed that no American colluded with Russia.
No American.
The end of that story

This guy just comes across as really just basically a retard, parroting that Maddow dude, over and over.
shit dude, Mueller couldn't even say what happened. Two years and 45 million dollars, and nothing.
Are you lying or just ignorant?

Obstruction of Justice in the Mueller Report: A Heat Map
Obstruction of Justice in the Mueller Report: A Heat Map

Everybody in the real world knows Putin hacked the DNC and podesta servers and wrecked the election.60% of political coverage in 2016 was about stupid emails that meant nothing have all been investigated and there is nothing there but GOP propaganda and staffers at the DNC bullshiting. This time I expect they won't be able to hack servers. they still continue the social media crap but I don't think that has much importance or changes many minds. Basically just more crap GOP propaganda LOL
how did he do it?
Part of the Russian military has sections dedicated to hacking. Google it read something change the channel stop being a ridiculous dupe.
I want to know how trump colluded with them. Did he give them the IP addresses? I'm still trying to figure out how trump had impacted the supposed DNC server hack. Now Donald has them on his payroll? is that what you are attempting to say? he owns the russians? Clinton got 145 million dollars, but trump owns them. too fking funny. you should buy more sav.

Mueller proclaimed that no American colluded with Russia.
No American.
The end of that story

This guy just comes across as really just basically a retard, parroting that Maddow dude, over and over.
shit dude, Mueller couldn't even say what happened. Two years and 45 million dollars, and nothing.
As reported by the ridiculous disgraceful GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron.
Because everyone expected Hillary to win and didn't understand how powerful the GOP propaganda machine was and how a bunch of ridiculous emails could change the election. Emails hacked by the Russians as everyone agrees except the brainwashed....
Show us these emails that changed the election. francoHFW

This will be hilarious.
Jesus what a moron. All the emails that's supposedly proved that Sanders was obstructed etc etc etc etc etc. You can't remember anything about emails now LOL? Google it I'm not your mother. Jesus Christ poor America....
francoHFW show us these emails you claim changed the course of history in the US.

Where are they?

We want to see these amazing emails.

Surely you weren't talking out of your ass, again.

Where are they?
60% of political coverage was about emails and you can't remember anything about it? LOL. All investigated all discredited never retracted by the GOP propaganda machine of course....
what about the emails? you've tied yourself in knots. what is it you're trying to say?
I'm saying change the channel read a newspaper not published by Rupert Murdoch and get some facts behind you, not just more garbage propaganda and stupid questions....
how did he do it?
Part of the Russian military has sections dedicated to hacking. Google it read something change the channel stop being a ridiculous dupe.
I want to know how trump colluded with them. Did he give them the IP addresses? I'm still trying to figure out how trump had impacted the supposed DNC server hack. Now Donald has them on his payroll? is that what you are attempting to say? he owns the russians? Clinton got 145 million dollars, but trump owns them. too fking funny. you should buy more sav.

Mueller proclaimed that no American colluded with Russia.
No American.
The end of that story

This guy just comes across as really just basically a retard, parroting that Maddow dude, over and over.
shit dude, Mueller couldn't even say what happened. Two years and 45 million dollars, and nothing.
As reported by the ridiculous disgraceful GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron.
then post the piece that backs your story.
WHO initiated a political coup based on a LIE
No one. Trump was impeached for extorting Ukraine and obstruction the investigation. He is guilty of both.

What did he extort them with? I read the transcript a dozen times. I see nowhere that Trump even suggested that. Why don't you tell the truth, and that is the Democrats lied about it to create a phony impeachment?
Show us these emails that changed the election. francoHFW

This will be hilarious.
Jesus what a moron. All the emails that's supposedly proved that Sanders was obstructed etc etc etc etc etc. You can't remember anything about emails now LOL? Google it I'm not your mother. Jesus Christ poor America....
francoHFW show us these emails you claim changed the course of history in the US.

Where are they?

We want to see these amazing emails.

Surely you weren't talking out of your ass, again.

Where are they?
60% of political coverage was about emails and you can't remember anything about it? LOL. All investigated all discredited never retracted by the GOP propaganda machine of course....
what about the emails? you've tied yourself in knots. what is it you're trying to say?
I'm saying change the channel read a newspaper not published by Rupert Murdoch and get some facts behind you, not just more garbage propaganda and stupid questions....
what about the emails? son, you've tied yourself in knots. what about the emails? can't articulate a story? and you're here? hmmmm must suck to be you at this moment.
WHO initiated a political coup based on a LIE
No one. Trump was impeached for extorting Ukraine and obstruction the investigation. He is guilty of both.
but he didn't and was exonerated. you must have missed that week of shear fun.
Is that why he is referred to as conspirator number one LOL? He did a bunch of illegal stuff but Mueller and James Comey say he can't be indicted because he is president. Quite the GOP scam...
Show us these emails that changed the election. francoHFW

This will be hilarious.
Jesus what a moron. All the emails that's supposedly proved that Sanders was obstructed etc etc etc etc etc. You can't remember anything about emails now LOL? Google it I'm not your mother. Jesus Christ poor America....
francoHFW show us these emails you claim changed the course of history in the US.

Where are they?

We want to see these amazing emails.

Surely you weren't talking out of your ass, again.

Where are they?
60% of political coverage was about emails and you can't remember anything about it? LOL. All investigated all discredited never retracted by the GOP propaganda machine of course....
what about the emails? you've tied yourself in knots. what is it you're trying to say?
I'm saying change the channel read a newspaper not published by Rupert Murdoch and get some facts behind you, not just more garbage propaganda and stupid questions....

You never post facts nonfunctional brain dead retard.
WHO initiated a political coup based on a LIE
No one. Trump was impeached for extorting Ukraine and obstruction the investigation. He is guilty of both.
but he didn't and was exonerated. you must have missed that week of shear fun.
Is that why he is referred to as conspirator number one LOL? He did a bunch of illegal stuff but Mueller and James Comey say he can't be indicted because he is president. Quite the GOP scam...

how did he do it?
Part of the Russian military has sections dedicated to hacking. Google it read something change the channel stop being a ridiculous dupe.
I want to know how trump colluded with them. Did he give them the IP addresses? I'm still trying to figure out how trump had impacted the supposed DNC server hack. Now Donald has them on his payroll? is that what you are attempting to say? he owns the russians? Clinton got 145 million dollars, but trump owns them. too fking funny. you should buy more sav.

Mueller proclaimed that no American colluded with Russia.
No American.
The end of that story

This guy just comes across as really just basically a retard, parroting that Maddow dude, over and over.
shit dude, Mueller couldn't even say what happened. Two years and 45 million dollars, and nothing.
Are you lying or just ignorant?

Obstruction of Justice in the Mueller Report: A Heat Map
Obstruction of Justice in the Mueller Report: A Heat Map

well none of that is true. funny, that was simple. son, post the part of the report that said all of that.
WHO initiated a political coup based on a LIE
No one. Trump was impeached for extorting Ukraine and obstruction the investigation. He is guilty of both.
but he didn't and was exonerated. you must have missed that week of shear fun.
Is that why he is referred to as conspirator number one LOL? He did a bunch of illegal stuff but Mueller and James Comey say he can't be indicted because he is president. Quite the GOP scam...
is that ? who is conspirator number one? what the fk are you talking about now?

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