House margin of popular vote highest since....


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
2018 has nearly 9 million votes in favor of the Democrats.
59.3 million to 50.4 million for the Republicans.

This is the highest popular vote margin since....

2016 1.1 million for Republicans
2014 4.5 million for Republicans
2012 400,000 for Democrats
2010 6 million for Republicans
2008 13 million for Democrats

So, for the Democrats this is the highest they've had since Obama got elected. In Midterms it's the highest since the 1970s.

Well played Trump.
Ouch...a 10 million vote turnaround.

No wonder Trump has been so pissed lately. come the Trumpbots and their trolling, misinformation and spinning of these awful numbers.
Voter fraud: illegals, nonliving, multiple and fraud make up more than half democrat turnout
It’s weird how the dems can neverwin on election night. 2weeks later and they still seem to be voting.
Voter fraud: illegals, nonliving, multiple and fraud make up more than half democrat turnout

Really? How much voter fraud was there? How many illegals voted?

Christ, you people just come out with the same lines and never prove anything.

Joe McCarthy set the scene.
2018 has nearly 9 million votes in favor of the Democrats.
59.3 million to 50.4 million for the Republicans.

This is the highest popular vote margin since....

2016 1.1 million for Republicans
2014 4.5 million for Republicans
2012 400,000 for Democrats
2010 6 million for Republicans
2008 13 million for Democrats

So, for the Democrats this is the highest they've had since Obama got elected. In Midterms it's the highest since the 1970s.

Well played Trump.
"The popular vote doesn't matter"

"This isn't a democracy"

"But if you take out all the illegals who voted"

"What do you want, mob rules?"

Did I miss any?
2018 has nearly 9 million votes in favor of the Democrats.
59.3 million to 50.4 million for the Republicans.

This is the highest popular vote margin since....

2016 1.1 million for Republicans
2014 4.5 million for Republicans
2012 400,000 for Democrats
2010 6 million for Republicans
2008 13 million for Democrats

So, for the Democrats this is the highest they've had since Obama got elected. In Midterms it's the highest since the 1970s.

Well played Trump.
"The popular vote doesn't matter"

"This isn't a democracy"

"But if you take out all the illegals who voted"

"What do you want, mob rules?"

Did I miss any?

I think you missed out "we're Republicans, we have a divine right to rule"
2018 has nearly 9 million votes in favor of the Democrats.
59.3 million to 50.4 million for the Republicans.

This is the highest popular vote margin since....

2016 1.1 million for Republicans
2014 4.5 million for Republicans
2012 400,000 for Democrats
2010 6 million for Republicans
2008 13 million for Democrats

So, for the Democrats this is the highest they've had since Obama got elected. In Midterms it's the highest since the 1970s.

Well played Trump.

This was predictable the day Trump won the election
2018 has nearly 9 million votes in favor of the Democrats.
59.3 million to 50.4 million for the Republicans.

This is the highest popular vote margin since....

2016 1.1 million for Republicans
2014 4.5 million for Republicans
2012 400,000 for Democrats
2010 6 million for Republicans
2008 13 million for Democrats

So, for the Democrats this is the highest they've had since Obama got elected. In Midterms it's the highest since the 1970s.

Well played Trump.
"The popular vote doesn't matter"

"This isn't a democracy"

"But if you take out all the illegals who voted"

"What do you want, mob rules?"

Did I miss any?

Good thing Hillary is president.
2018 has nearly 9 million votes in favor of the Democrats.
59.3 million to 50.4 million for the Republicans.

This is the highest popular vote margin since....

2016 1.1 million for Republicans
2014 4.5 million for Republicans
2012 400,000 for Democrats
2010 6 million for Republicans
2008 13 million for Democrats

So, for the Democrats this is the highest they've had since Obama got elected. In Midterms it's the highest since the 1970s.

Well played Trump.
"The popular vote doesn't matter"

"This isn't a democracy"

"But if you take out all the illegals who voted"

"What do you want, mob rules?"

Did I miss any?

Good thing Hillary is president.
Sorry dude, my bad.

"But... But... but.... Hillary!"

Better now?
The main thing is YOU STILL LOST! Even after soros spending hundreds of millions more than the Republican and your pet communist oshitass screaming. The house is going to flip by 80 seats to the Republicans in 2020 and the Senate will gain 8 more giving them a wide open majority in the senate and enough to do as they please with the 6 to 2 and a half Supreme Court.
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At this very moment, the Orange Marmalade is complaining the American Public wants to sling his sorry ass and send him to prison. He's still frothing about unethical and noncompliance Crooked Ivanka's sending government documents overseas through her private email. :113:
2018 has nearly 9 million votes in favor of the Democrats.
59.3 million to 50.4 million for the Republicans.

This is the highest popular vote margin since....

2016 1.1 million for Republicans
2014 4.5 million for Republicans
2012 400,000 for Democrats
2010 6 million for Republicans
2008 13 million for Democrats

So, for the Democrats this is the highest they've had since Obama got elected. In Midterms it's the highest since the 1970s.

Well played Trump.

What can you expect when you have about 8 commie propaganda channels spewing total garbage day after day for 4 fucking years. I just wonder what will happen when Mueller finishes with a total fizzle, how will the propagandist explain that. The sky isn't really falling and all these constitutional crises were simply fairy tales. What will your commie converts be thinking then?

Voter fraud: illegals, nonliving, multiple and fraud make up more than half democrat turnout

Really? How much voter fraud was there? How many illegals voted?

Christ, you people just come out with the same lines and never prove anything.

Joe McCarthy set the scene.
Conservatively, at least 1/4 of all democrat votes are illigimate

And you're going to prove that.... right... right... no?
2018 has nearly 9 million votes in favor of the Democrats.
59.3 million to 50.4 million for the Republicans.

This is the highest popular vote margin since....

2016 1.1 million for Republicans
2014 4.5 million for Republicans
2012 400,000 for Democrats
2010 6 million for Republicans
2008 13 million for Democrats

So, for the Democrats this is the highest they've had since Obama got elected. In Midterms it's the highest since the 1970s.

Well played Trump.

True...the filthy fucks of Mexifornia and Loon York continue to make the Mexicratic Party look alive on paper.
The Party would have no relevance without Illegals, barely legals, unAmericans, pole puffers, carpet munchers, Ragheads, weirdos, men in dresses, criminals and bottom feeders.

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