House nixes funds for Komen over PP ties

I can guarantee you that the PP release/consent form has something hidden in the fine print about "donating tissue to science" that alleviates them from legal prosecution.

Perhaps but there is too much in the video, she basically admitted they were performing illegal abortions to obtain desired body parts. I don't see them getting around that

Loretta Lynch's DOJ will ignore this same as Holder would have...they won't prosecute their pals at PP and in another 18 months statute of limitations will apply. The only good that can come of this is that they lose their government funding....might put them out of business.
"I have instructed Louisiana’s Department of Health and Hospitals to conduct an immediate investigation into this alleged evil and illegal activity and to not issue any licenses until this investigation is complete,” Jindal said. “I am also asking the FBI to assist DHH in investigating this alleged criminal activity by this organization.”
Bobby Jindal Orders Investigation of Planned Parenthood After Gruesome Video on Fetal Body Part Sales

It will have an effect nationwide.
I can guarantee you that the PP release/consent form has something hidden in the fine print about "donating tissue to science" that alleviates them from legal prosecution.
Maybe. But what they are going to get nailed on is altering the procedure to accommodate donation. They can't do that. It's a huge felony.

I heard an interesting comment about this on talk radio, PP is saying the "fees" were for basically shipping and why the price difference between hearts and livers? The host explained how damning this was and I wish I had the transcript. PP is fugged
"I’m interested to hear more about the “reimbursement” process in all this. Planned Parenthood’s PR firm issued talking points recently to assist the many, many sympathetic reporters in the media who are eager to help them spin this story, and one point stressed was that Nucatola’s reference in the video to a $30-100 fee was misunderstood. It wasn’t PP that was receiving that money, the firm insisted, it was “the range of reimbursement that patients can receive after stating they wish to donate any tissue after a procedure.” So … the woman having the abortion gets a cut of the deal too? Hemingway:
"Because the explicit sale of human tissue or body parts is prohibited by federal law, those professionals who traffic in such sales work very hard to arrange them in such a way as to portray the program as donor-based. So abortion clinics “donate” the body parts. Those seeking abortions must consent to “donating” the body parts of their children. In return, clinics are paid fees related to the “donation” of the body parts. These can be site fees for rental of space where harvesting technicians obtain the items needed from their menus of requested body parts. Purchasers and sellers of the body parts claim, then, that they are just transferring money as reimbursement for associated costs…
"The transcript and videos are clear that Nucatola is discussing how much money to sell aborted baby parts for. But in this backgrounder, Planned Parenthood is claiming the discussion was actually about how abortion clinics pay mothers $30 to $100 per abortion if they donate the body of their child. That’s certainly an interesting claim. Journalists should ask them to explain more about this payment program, as well as what the total payment they receive from purchasing companies for the bodies of aborted children. If they claim they’re paying mothers $30 to $100 for the bodies of their aborted babies, how much more than that are they claiming to sell the bodies for since, as they state, there are many “additional expenses related [to] tissue donation“?
"How is it a “donation” in the first place if the patients are getting paid? I hope Boehner and whatever committee chairman will be in charge of this have some good forensic accountants.

"... because this is a liberal discussing abortion and therefore a hard dose of Orwellianism is inevitable, you’ll find Richards dismissing the undercover video as “heavily edited” even though the full, unedited version has been available for viewing for days."

Planned Parenthood president Hey sorry about that doctor s tone when she talked about crushing babies and removing their organs Hot Air
"I’m interested to hear more about the “reimbursement” process in all this. Planned Parenthood’s PR firm issued talking points recently to assist the many, many sympathetic reporters in the media who are eager to help them spin this story, and one point stressed was that Nucatola’s reference in the video to a $30-100 fee was misunderstood. It wasn’t PP that was receiving that money, the firm insisted, it was “the range of reimbursement that patients can receive after stating they wish to donate any tissue after a procedure.” So … the woman having the abortion gets a cut of the deal too? Hemingway:
"Because the explicit sale of human tissue or body parts is prohibited by federal law, those professionals who traffic in such sales work very hard to arrange them in such a way as to portray the program as donor-based. So abortion clinics “donate” the body parts. Those seeking abortions must consent to “donating” the body parts of their children. In return, clinics are paid fees related to the “donation” of the body parts. These can be site fees for rental of space where harvesting technicians obtain the items needed from their menus of requested body parts. Purchasers and sellers of the body parts claim, then, that they are just transferring money as reimbursement for associated costs…
"The transcript and videos are clear that Nucatola is discussing how much money to sell aborted baby parts for. But in this backgrounder, Planned Parenthood is claiming the discussion was actually about how abortion clinics pay mothers $30 to $100 per abortion if they donate the body of their child. That’s certainly an interesting claim. Journalists should ask them to explain more about this payment program, as well as what the total payment they receive from purchasing companies for the bodies of aborted children. If they claim they’re paying mothers $30 to $100 for the bodies of their aborted babies, how much more than that are they claiming to sell the bodies for since, as they state, there are many “additional expenses related [to] tissue donation“?
"How is it a “donation” in the first place if the patients are getting paid? I hope Boehner and whatever committee chairman will be in charge of this have some good forensic accountants.

"... because this is a liberal discussing abortion and therefore a hard dose of Orwellianism is inevitable, you’ll find Richards dismissing the undercover video as “heavily edited” even though the full, unedited version has been available for viewing for days."

Planned Parenthood president Hey sorry about that doctor s tone when she talked about crushing babies and removing their organs Hot Air
I heard an interesting comment about this on talk radio, PP is saying the "fees" were for basically shipping and why the price difference between hearts and livers? The host explained how damning this was and I wish I had the transcript. PP is fugged

This could well be the tip of the iceberg too...they've literally gotten away with murder for so long, they most likely forgot there are laws governing their activities. What's needed are state investigations because the DOJ won't touch it. Sooner or later a "disgruntled former employee" will come forward under an immunity deal and drop an A-bomb on these creatures.
So how many of you Liberal wimmin gonna get pregnant and try to get a piece of that Planned Parenthood Body Part action?

Now that you know how much they get for baby parts maybe you can cut a deal?
Those who are against breast cancer research funding ... What about when its you or someone you love?
No one is against breast cancer research. Some people are against a research facility taking government money and using some of it to promote Planned Parenthood.
Simple minds can't grasp the difference.

Suppose the government was going to send a billion dollars to a facility that was trying to cure testicular cancer and you learned that they were about to give 20% of that money to Marco Rubio's Presidential campaign. How would you react to that?
Dr. Kermit Gosnell is quietly crying in his cell thinking to himself " if I'd only worked with PP I could have made a fortune instead of just flushing babies down toilets. I'm a fool"
Dr. Kermit Gosnell is quietly crying in his cell thinking to himself " if I'd only worked with PP I could have made a fortune instead of just flushing babies down toilets. I'm a fool"

But his prison husband would then remind him he could have ended up like Tiller Tiller Baby Killer.
Well done, GOP, well done

US House nixes funding for Komen over Planned Parenthood ties

WASHINGTON, D.C., July 16, 2015 – Pro-life Republicans in the House of Representatives amended a commemorative coin bill to cut Susan G. Komen for the Cure off from a potential $4.75 million in revenues. This because the breast cancer research charity funds Planned Parenthood (PP), America's largest abortion provider.

The Breast Cancer Awareness Commemorative Coin Act was passed by the House 429 to 1 Wednesday afternoon after all references to Susan G. Komen for the Cure were removed. It now calls for the minting of gold and silver commemorative coins bearing a design about breast cancer research, with the profits going solely to the New York-based Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

A Republican aide told Roll Call the GOP was "working to ensure that charitable organizations which receive funding from this legislation are 100 percent focused on diagnosing, treating, and curing breast cancer." Komen spends 20 percent of its budget on research.

Behind the GOP were two powerful social conservative organizations: the Heritage Foundation and the Family Research Council. FRC's chief, Tony Perkins, applauded the amendment, linking it to Susan G. Komen's controversial funding of PP. "It is past time for the federal government to stop funding Planned Parenthood, an organization that has provided cover for sex traffickers, engaged in gender targeting, and is known for dirty, bloody clinics."

US House nixes funding for Komen over Planned Parenthood ties News LifeSite

This because the breast cancer research charity funds Planned Parenthood (PP), America's largest abortion provider.

They also do cancer screenings.
Hmmm...I wonder why Komen might want to contribute to that?
Way to go Cons.

Planned Parenthood provides nearly 400,000 Pap tests and nearly 500,000 breast exams each year, critical services in detecting cancer. - See more at: Planned Parenthood at a Glance
I can guarantee you that the PP release/consent form has something hidden in the fine print about "donating tissue to science" that alleviates them from legal prosecution.

Perhaps but there is too much in the video, she basically admitted they were performing illegal abortions to obtain desired body parts. I don't see them getting around that

Well, no, she really didn't. She only discussed how a doctor might avoid damaging tissue.

But you guys keep pretending you hit a home run on this one. You totally need to keep letting women know you want to take us back to the 1960's in family planning.
No one is against breast cancer research. Some people are against a research facility taking government money and using some of it to promote Planned Parenthood.
Simple minds can't grasp the difference.

Suppose the government was going to send a billion dollars to a facility that was trying to cure testicular cancer and you learned that they were about to give 20% of that money to Marco Rubio's Presidential campaign. How would you react to that?

Not really the same thing, as PP does pap smears, cancer screening and other things that are actually related to cancer treatment.

But you mutants just go attack the people who do Breast Cancer Treatment. Can't get that War on Women started soon enough.

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