House Representative calls for violent uprising against President

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That's one pissed off Representative.

Did she really just call for Americans to prepare for an armed overthrow of the government?

Sure reads like that to me.
This is how revolutions begin. I welcome this type of change. It is long overdue. :clap2:

Revolutions are much like war, I suspect

Lots more people are 100% behind them when they start then they are when they find themselves in the bush killing or being killed.

A civil war in THIS nation is going to be a disaster regardless of what side you happen to find yourself on.
Senator Feinstein will not let the California desert do solar panels or wind either, no one wants this stuff in their back yard. The wacko environmentalists are already protesting the wind generators because birds might fly into them. And we wonder why the dependence on foriegn oil, no need to look further than our incompetent government. Drill here and drill now, do it all here and do it now, heavens somebody might even able to get a job doing it.
Michele Bachmann: I Want People "Armed And Dangerous" Over Obama Tax Plan

This woman should've been defeated last year after her gaffe that anyone who doesn't believe in the Conservative agenda is un-American.

Could be grounds for removal from office - Amendment XIV Section 3
"No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress...have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same..."

However, I think this is becoming well over-blown by the Huffing-Glue Post! She is saying that Americans should protest and be very very upset (and justifiably so) for the crazy tax and spending plan to combat global warming! She is in no way advocating the overthrow of the US government! In fact, I think she is a patriot for stating up to the tax and spend ideology that is marking the Obama administration, to which he campaigned against!
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Senator Feinstein will not let the California desert do solar panels or wind either, no one wants this stuff in their back yard. The wacko environmentalists are already protesting the wind generators because birds might fly into them. And we wonder why the dependence on foriegn oil, no need to look further than our incompetent government. Drill here and drill now, do it all here and do it now, heavens somebody might even able to get a job doing it.


That's why I asked the crazy DUmbobamabots the other day if they just intended to freeze their azzes off? God these people are stamped with stupid.
I'd rather have $5.00 a gallon gas and Bush back in office than this idiot chimp that acorn slimed into our Whitehouse.
Michele Bachmann: I Want People "Armed And Dangerous" Over Obama Tax Plan

This woman should've been defeated last year after her gaffe that anyone who doesn't believe in the Conservative agenda is un-American.

She's not the first and she won't be the last. I'm afraid as long as we have morons like pelosi and reid leading obama, who's in far too deep over his head, around by the nose like a trained monkey, spending money we don't have creating a debt that will ultimately cripple this country, a revolution is all but inevitable. I hope it's soon. I'd like to see obama and company impeached.
Senator Feinstein will not let the California desert do solar panels or wind either, no one wants this stuff in their back yard. The wacko environmentalists are already protesting the wind generators because birds might fly into them. And we wonder why the dependence on foriegn oil, no need to look further than our incompetent government. Drill here and drill now, do it all here and do it now, heavens somebody might even able to get a job doing it.

You are a hugely misinformed person, I think, Maple.

Details, honey.

The devil is in the details.
Whew! what a wacko.

[ame=]YouTube - Countdown: Bachmann Returns[/ame]

That's one pissed off Representative.

Did she really just call for Americans to prepare for an armed overthrow of the government?

Sure reads like that to me.
no, you are a moron if you think thats what she was talking about

She's not the first and she won't be the last. I'm afraid as long as we have morons like pelosi and reid leading obama, who's in far too deep over his head, around by the nose like a trained monkey, spending money we don't have creating a debt that will ultimately cripple this country, a revolution is all but inevitable. I hope it's soon. I'd like to see obama and company impeached.
Impeachment will never work- the Republicans will simply be labeled racists. xxxxx :eusa_whistle:
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