House Representative calls for violent uprising against President

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she doesnt NEED to clarify them, to people with common sense, which YOU seem to lack

Hell no, she does not need to clarify them, she is another right wing wacko. :lol:


"I can see Russia from my house." -Sarah Palin when asked about foreign policy.

"I can see Mount St. Helens from my kitchen window". You when asked about global warming and its effects on the glaciers.

Well, stupid ass, you made a statement about a glacier in the protected crater of St. Helens. And I have lived in Oregon and Washington all of my life. And have been on most of the volcanic mountains in the Cascades, including St. Helens, before and after the eruption. And, yes, I can see the top of St. Helens from my kitchen window. It is rather local, and the local papers and news stations keep a good running commentary on it.

Other than the glacier within the crater, St. Helens no longer has glaciers. And where else in the US to understand glaciers better than in the Cascades? After all, they have more glaciers than the rest of the lower 48 put together.

And you were stupid enough to list the Nisqually Glacier as one that was advancing when the slightest research would have shown you that it is one that is in rapid retreat.
death threat removed

you are about to get your wish
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Interesting dingbats eveywhere. Oh well, with that kind of opposition, 70 Dem Senators and another 35 or 40 Dem Reps in 2010.

The Democrats will simply put a bunch of ads together showing her and uninformed yet treasonous commentary.

It will be all they need to do to have another successful mid-term. I want her front and center and armed with her silly conspiracy theories on a weekly basis.. I hope nobody shuts her up.
Bachmann is a rare breed of politician: She speaks her mind. I like politicians who speak their minds (even if i don't like their views).
:lol: You don't "give a fuck" because you don't like the obvious answer. :lol:

The obvious answer is when you take a fictional scenario and call for it to happen in real life WHICH IS WHAT YOU DID then it becomes a threat.

Don't like my answer? Tough.

Case closed.
That's your opinion girlie. However I never saw anyone accuse Clancey of that so your opinion is worth shit. :lol:
Guess what April dear, I'm back after you banning me for three months after I scalded your ass with this post. Care to answer the question now? :lol:
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