House Votes 382 to 35 for “Blue Lives Matter” Bill, a Dangerous Solution in Search of a Problem

I support stiff penalties on attacks on police. Likewise I support strict penalties on the killing of unarmed civilians. We need to to be looking at less lethal ways of de escalating situations.

Except there are laws against attacking a police officer. There is no law that forbids officers (or armed citizens) from using a firearm against an unarmed attacker.
Who says it is an attacker?

It has to be an attacker if one is to use deadly force. Either that or one about to attack.
No. In a number of cases it did not involve an attack.
House Votes 382 to 35 for “Blue Lives Matter” Bill, a Dangerous Solution in Search of a Problem

absolutely fucking insane that Blue Lives Matter is a thing that's just been mainstreamed without fanfare. It's as openly fascist as anything I've ever seen in this country; the purpose is to respond to Black Lives Matter by saying "no they don't, and your murderers are heroes"


The 35 nose-noodles who voted against it -


35 people that believe in states rights...more power to them. But that must really piss off a statist like you

That is literally the first time in history that I have been called a statist. :auiqs.jpg:

Tell me, do you approve of federal "hate crime" statutes?

I cannot image why nobody has called you that before, I have not seen anything you do not approve of the Fed doing.

No, I do not approve of any hate crimes, at any level. Hate crimes violate the equal protection clause.
I support stiff penalties on attacks on police. Likewise I support strict penalties on the killing of unarmed civilians. We need to to be looking at less lethal ways of de escalating situations.

Except there are laws against attacking a police officer. There is no law that forbids officers (or armed citizens) from using a firearm against an unarmed attacker.
Who says it is an attacker?

It has to be an attacker if one is to use deadly force. Either that or one about to attack.
No. In a number of cases it did not involve an attack.

Maybe not, but it had to involve a threat or perceived threat.
I'm a street cop ... two years on transit foot patrol and now in a car. Here are my observations, in no particular order ...

1. I don't feel the job is particularly dangerous (albeit I don't work in Detroit or LA). People threaten us every day but unless they're drug or alcohol affected they don't typically follow through. Cops must always maintain situational awareness but in any fight the odds are typically on our side.
2. Cops are all colors, bad guys are all colors. Racial politics isn't a singular dividing line in the question of of police policy.
3. I don't want anyone to care about my life except a few select people of my own choosing.
4. No one should assault anyone unlawfully without consequences.
5. A person who assaults a cop, firefighter, or ambulance worker, wouldn't shy from assaulting a child or woman. It's a special kind of idiot.
House Votes 382 to 35 for “Blue Lives Matter” Bill, a Dangerous Solution in Search of a Problem

absolutely fucking insane that Blue Lives Matter is a thing that's just been mainstreamed without fanfare. It's as openly fascist as anything I've ever seen in this country; the purpose is to respond to Black Lives Matter by saying "no they don't, and your murderers are heroes"


The 35 nose-noodles who voted against it -


35 people that believe in states rights...more power to them. But that must really piss off a statist like you

That is literally the first time in history that I have been called a statist. :auiqs.jpg:

Tell me, do you approve of federal "hate crime" statutes?

I cannot image why nobody has called you that before, I have not seen anything you do not approve of the Fed doing.

Then you have not been reading my posts. I do not approve of the feds stepping outside the Constitutional box, at all, for any reason. However, right or wrong, hate crime statutes exist at all levels and one must fight fire with fire.

No, I do not approve of any hate crimes, at any level. Hate crimes violate the equal protection clause.

Good. Then there is hope for you yet.
House Votes 382 to 35 for “Blue Lives Matter” Bill, a Dangerous Solution in Search of a Problem

absolutely fucking insane that Blue Lives Matter is a thing that's just been mainstreamed without fanfare. It's as openly fascist as anything I've ever seen in this country; the purpose is to respond to Black Lives Matter by saying "no they don't, and your murderers are heroes"


The 35 nose-noodles who voted against it -


35 people that believe in states rights...more power to them. But that must really piss off a statist like you

That is literally the first time in history that I have been called a statist. :auiqs.jpg:

Tell me, do you approve of federal "hate crime" statutes?

I cannot image why nobody has called you that before, I have not seen anything you do not approve of the Fed doing.

Then you have not been reading my posts. I do not approve of the feds stepping outside the Constitutional box, at all, for any reason. However, right or wrong, hate crime statutes exist at all levels and one must fight fire with fire.

No, I do not approve of any hate crimes, at any level. Hate crimes violate the equal protection clause.

Good. Then there is hope for you yet.

Hope that I will move to the left and join you? :21::21:
House Votes 382 to 35 for “Blue Lives Matter” Bill, a Dangerous Solution in Search of a Problem

absolutely fucking insane that Blue Lives Matter is a thing that's just been mainstreamed without fanfare. It's as openly fascist as anything I've ever seen in this country; the purpose is to respond to Black Lives Matter by saying "no they don't, and your murderers are heroes"


The Blue Lives Matter bill is not going to help the motherfuckers

Police Are More Dangerous To The Public Than Are Criminals

The goon thug psychopaths no longer only brutalize minorities–it is open season on all of us –the latest victim is a petite young white mother of two small children

Police Brutality -  Video - Shocking dashcam video shows cops in Tallahassee slam their pint-sized, female prisoner onto a patrol car and then the pavement. One cops mashes her face into the street as the woman howls in pain.

The worse threat every American faces comes from his/her own government.

At the federal level the threat is a seventh war (Syria) in 12 years, leading on to the eighth and ninth (Iran and Lebanon) and then on to nuclear war with Russia and China.

The criminal psychopaths in Washington have squandered trillions of dollars on their wars, killing and dispossessing millions of Muslims while millions of American citizens have been dispossessed of their homes and careers. Now the entire social safety net is on the chopping bloc so that Washington can finance more wars.

At the state and local level every American faces brutal, armed psychopaths known as the police. The “law and order” conservatives and the “compassionate” liberals stand silent while police psychopaths brutalize children and grandmothers, murder double amputees in wheel chairs, break into the wrong homes, murder the family dogs, and terrify the occupants, pointing their automatic assault weapons in the faces of small children.

The American police perform no positive function. They pose a much larger threat to citizens than do the criminals who operate without a police badge. Americans would be safer if the police forces were abolished.

The police have been militarized and largely federalized by the Pentagon and the gestapo Homeland Security. The role of the federal government in equipping state and local police with military weapons, including tanks, and training in their use has essentially removed the police from state and local control. No matter how brutal any police officer, it is rare that any suffer more than a few months suspension, usually with full pay, while a report is concocted that clears them of any wrong doing.


The 35 nose-noodles who voted against it -


35 people that believe in states rights...more power to them. But that must really piss off a statist like you

That is literally the first time in history that I have been called a statist. :auiqs.jpg:

Tell me, do you approve of federal "hate crime" statutes?

I cannot image why nobody has called you that before, I have not seen anything you do not approve of the Fed doing.

Then you have not been reading my posts. I do not approve of the feds stepping outside the Constitutional box, at all, for any reason. However, right or wrong, hate crime statutes exist at all levels and one must fight fire with fire.

No, I do not approve of any hate crimes, at any level. Hate crimes violate the equal protection clause.

Good. Then there is hope for you yet.

Hope that I will move to the left and join you? :21::21:

It was amusing the first time. Now it's just silly.
That’s not what video after video tells us. Time after time, we see police over-reacting and brutalizing men who are no threat to them whatsoever. The their victims end up dead at a far higher rate than unarmed whites

That’s not what video after video tells us. Time after time, we see police over-reacting and brutalizing men who are no threat to them whatsoever. The their victims end up dead at a far higher rate than unarmed whites


Exactly, blacks commit half of the murders in this country and 94% of those are towards other blacks. This is genocide against their own people and yet they can only blame whites. Pretty fucked up.
House Votes 382 to 35 for “Blue Lives Matter” Bill, a Dangerous Solution in Search of a Problem

absolutely fucking insane that Blue Lives Matter is a thing that's just been mainstreamed without fanfare. It's as openly fascist as anything I've ever seen in this country; the purpose is to respond to Black Lives Matter by saying "no they don't, and your murderers are heroes"


The Blue Lives Matter bill is not going to help the motherfuckers

Police Are More Dangerous To The Public Than Are Criminals

The goon thug psychopaths no longer only brutalize minorities–it is open season on all of us –the latest victim is a petite young white mother of two small children

Police Brutality - Video - Shocking dashcam video shows cops in Tallahassee slam their pint-sized, female prisoner onto a patrol car and then the pavement. One cops mashes her face into the street as the woman howls in pain.

The worse threat every American faces comes from his/her own government.

At the federal level the threat is a seventh war (Syria) in 12 years, leading on to the eighth and ninth (Iran and Lebanon) and then on to nuclear war with Russia and China.

The criminal psychopaths in Washington have squandered trillions of dollars on their wars, killing and dispossessing millions of Muslims while millions of American citizens have been dispossessed of their homes and careers. Now the entire social safety net is on the chopping bloc so that Washington can finance more wars.

At the state and local level every American faces brutal, armed psychopaths known as the police. The “law and order” conservatives and the “compassionate” liberals stand silent while police psychopaths brutalize children and grandmothers, murder double amputees in wheel chairs, break into the wrong homes, murder the family dogs, and terrify the occupants, pointing their automatic assault weapons in the faces of small children.

The American police perform no positive function. They pose a much larger threat to citizens than do the criminals who operate without a police badge. Americans would be safer if the police forces were abolished.

The police have been militarized and largely federalized by the Pentagon and the gestapo Homeland Security. The role of the federal government in equipping state and local police with military weapons, including tanks, and training in their use has essentially removed the police from state and local control. No matter how brutal any police officer, it is rare that any suffer more than a few months suspension, usually with full pay, while a report is concocted that clears them of any wrong doing.

Funny the Neo-Marxists were extolling the virtues of 'Black Lives Matter' but let anyone else's live matter and they whine like little butt hurt babies.
35 people that believe in states rights...more power to them. But that must really piss off a statist like you

That is literally the first time in history that I have been called a statist. :auiqs.jpg:

Tell me, do you approve of federal "hate crime" statutes?

I cannot image why nobody has called you that before, I have not seen anything you do not approve of the Fed doing.

Then you have not been reading my posts. I do not approve of the feds stepping outside the Constitutional box, at all, for any reason. However, right or wrong, hate crime statutes exist at all levels and one must fight fire with fire.

No, I do not approve of any hate crimes, at any level. Hate crimes violate the equal protection clause.

Good. Then there is hope for you yet.

Hope that I will move to the left and join you? :21::21:

It was amusing the first time. Now it's just silly.

Welcome to my world. I hear it day in and day out all because I do not kiss the ass of Trump. And I have yet to talk to anyone on this forum that is not to the left of me.
All one has to see is how our society reacts when a cop gets killed

When a young black male gets killed, nobody seems to notice

Could it have something to do with...? From that liberal mecca, San Francisco.

Many blacks being killed are not criminals, are not armed and are doing nothing wrong

Society just shrugs and says.......too bad for them

A policeman’s death gets public mourning, his family gets taken care of

Is this helpful to you?

They can’t fathom that the police target minorities, but they DO believe the FBI is corrupt because they are looking at Trump .

Of course there are racist cops only a moron would believe otherwise. Equally moronic is the belief in institutionalized racism it doesn't exist anymore and hasn't since the KKK was the militant arm of the Democratic party.
I too support stiff penalties on attacks on police, with justice applied at the lowest level, the Feds need not be involved.

That would be fine were it not for Progressive run cities you would have a point. As you know, those are the cities with the biggest problems and are most likely to be exceptionally lenient on the murder of a police officer.
No. In a number of cases it did not involve an attack.

Right, they held something or appeared to have something and they refused really simple orders. That would be whose fault?
They can’t fathom that the police target minorities, but they DO believe the FBI is corrupt because they are looking at Trump .

Of course there are racist cops only a moron would believe otherwise. Equally moronic is the belief in institutionalized racism it doesn't exist anymore and hasn't since the KKK was the militant arm of the Democratic party.

Of all races.

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