House votes to create sexual deviant rights and violates constitutional limitations


See House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights


“WASHINGTON — Democrats in the House approved sweeping anti-discrimination legislation Friday that would extend civil rights protections to LGBT people by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The protections would extend to employment, housing, loan applications, education, public accommodations and other areas.”

Well, if you are one who supports and defends our constitutionally limited system of government, and also support our federal constitution’s amendment process to accommodate change for alleged changing times, the Democrat controlled House has confirmed today it is more than willing to usurp powers not granted, and unwilling to be tied to observing our Constitution’s amendment process to gain consent of the governed prior to exercising new legislative powers.

The truth is, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with creating, under law, a privileged sexually deviant class with the government’s muscle behind it. Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as it would open a Pandora's Box with countless unintended consequences both disruptive and dangerous. In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations which are both inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again, but this time the Democrat control House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process, and has simply passed legislation usurping a legislative power not granted ____ a legislative power actually rejected when the Equal Rights amendment was defeated in the 1980s.


"If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, [our constitution’s amendment process] would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?"___ Justice Story
If those afflicted could trust the generosity of the Christian nation then no codicils would be necessary, yet, that has not been the case with people in the USA and their inability to "naturally" treat people that are different equally..

See House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights


“WASHINGTON — Democrats in the House approved sweeping anti-discrimination legislation Friday that would extend civil rights protections to LGBT people by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The protections would extend to employment, housing, loan applications, education, public accommodations and other areas.”

Well, if you are one who supports and defends our constitutionally limited system of government, and also support our federal constitution’s amendment process to accommodate change for alleged changing times, the Democrat controlled House has confirmed today it is more than willing to usurp powers not granted, and unwilling to be tied to observing our Constitution’s amendment process to gain consent of the governed prior to exercising new legislative powers.

The truth is, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with creating, under law, a privileged sexually deviant class with the government’s muscle behind it. Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as it would open a Pandora's Box with countless unintended consequences both disruptive and dangerous. In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations which are both inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again, but this time the Democrat control House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process, and has simply passed legislation usurping a legislative power not granted ____ a legislative power actually rejected when the Equal Rights amendment was defeated in the 1980s.


"If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, [our constitution’s amendment process] would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?"___ Justice Story
That's strange. Our Constitution already gives everyone equal rights. There's no need for panty police laws as such. :rolleyes:
Thank Fox that here in America bigots andmhomophobe still feel that not every citizen is equal under law and can say so.

But those bigots and homophobes do not have the right to impose their arcane attitudes through law.
No one has the right to force others to serve them. We are all equal in that regard.
Do you reserve the 'right' to Snyder service to Blacks because they're Black?
Thank Fox that here in America bigots andmhomophobe still feel that not every citizen is equal under law and can say so.

But those bigots and homophobes do not have the right to impose their arcane attitudes through law.
No one has the right to force others to serve them. We are all equal in that regard.
Do you reserve the 'right' to Snyder service to Blacks because they're Black?
What the hell does "Snyder service" mean?
Surely a nation that had a pedophile VP can tread softly on the rights of ordinary pedos......

See House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights


“WASHINGTON — Democrats in the House approved sweeping anti-discrimination legislation Friday that would extend civil rights protections to LGBT people by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The protections would extend to employment, housing, loan applications, education, public accommodations and other areas.”

Well, if you are one who supports and defends our constitutionally limited system of government, and also support our federal constitution’s amendment process to accommodate change for alleged changing times, the Democrat controlled House has confirmed today it is more than willing to usurp powers not granted, and unwilling to be tied to observing our Constitution’s amendment process to gain consent of the governed prior to exercising new legislative powers.

The truth is, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with creating, under law, a privileged sexually deviant class with the government’s muscle behind it. Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as it would open a Pandora's Box with countless unintended consequences both disruptive and dangerous. In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations which are both inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again, but this time the Democrat control House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process, and has simply passed legislation usurping a legislative power not granted ____ a legislative power actually rejected when the Equal Rights amendment was defeated in the 1980s.


"If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, [our constitution’s amendment process] would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?"___ Justice Story

So let me get this straight (ha)

After 175 or so years of folks enslaving others and forcing peeps to ride on the back of the bus or whatever you don't think we need protections from eachother.

Someday someone is going to demand you kneel to Mecca or stand funny during a song about gays or something and you'll be looking for the same protection.
All we have to do is read message boards like this and some CRC "ideas" on what to do with people of a different race, a different gender, a different orientation, a different religion, a different original nationality....and we know damn well we still need those written protections.

See House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights


“WASHINGTON — Democrats in the House approved sweeping anti-discrimination legislation Friday that would extend civil rights protections to LGBT people by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The protections would extend to employment, housing, loan applications, education, public accommodations and other areas.”

Well, if you are one who supports and defends our constitutionally limited system of government, and also support our federal constitution’s amendment process to accommodate change for alleged changing times, the Democrat controlled House has confirmed today it is more than willing to usurp powers not granted, and unwilling to be tied to observing our Constitution’s amendment process to gain consent of the governed prior to exercising new legislative powers.

The truth is, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with creating, under law, a privileged sexually deviant class with the government’s muscle behind it. Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as it would open a Pandora's Box with countless unintended consequences both disruptive and dangerous. In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations which are both inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again, but this time the Democrat control House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process, and has simply passed legislation usurping a legislative power not granted ____ a legislative power actually rejected when the Equal Rights amendment was defeated in the 1980s.


"If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, [our constitution’s amendment process] would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?"___ Justice Story

The Equality act is about forced acceptance of alternative lifestyles many millions of Americans either want nothing to do with or which violate the tenets of their religious beliefs. You can't force acceptance of anyone, unless you resort to totalitarian rule. On another note, doesn't this "Equality" Act discriminate against the Democratic Party's other sacred lamb? Muslims? The radical/postmodern American Left is so confused it is unable to equally pander to its different groups of pet perverts without openly oppressing one or the other. And finally, this Act if passed, will open the door to pedophile civil rights. Who will be able to resist grown men entering a woman's restroom or locker room, say at the Y, so long as they claim to be trans without breaking the new law? No one, that's who.
Anti discrimination laws are built around "protected. classes" in if you belong one of these selected classes then you are protected from discrimination. If some classes have more protection than other classes, then the protection is not equal.

I thought that is what you were indicating. And I agree completely and why I wrote in the OP "The truth is, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with creating, under law, a privileged sexually deviant class with the government’s muscle behind it."


Civil rights ought not be based upon the personal desires of sexual deviants who now impinge upon the inalienable right of mankind being free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations.
Not true....they protect both sides of a particular class that historically has been discriminated against.

To keep it simple for you....A protected class is "race"....not "blacks". A protected class is "religion", not christians. A protected class is gender, "not females"....we can ALL be discriminated against based on those catagories....each of us can rely on anti-discrimination laws.
the one place we seem to disagree is that you think that homosexuals are sexual deviants, I disagree. I think we should all be allowed to do what makes us happy without judgement from others as long as we are not hurting anyone and it involves consenting adults.

Well, when I use the phrase "sexual deviants" I am only going by this groups' intentional desire to label themselves as an identifiable "community", and having different sexual proclivities [LGBT] than ordinary folk. Am I factually in error?

I'm not sure where our disagreement is.


The Democrat Party Leadership detests people being left free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations.
Again, to keep it simple...Anti-discrimination laws about sexual preference protect us or straight.
the one place we seem to disagree is that you think that homosexuals are sexual deviants, I disagree. I think we should all be allowed to do what makes us happy without judgement from others as long as we are not hurting anyone and it involves consenting adults.

Well, when I use the phrase "sexual deviants" I am only going by this groups' intentional desire to label themselves as an identifiable "community", and having different sexual proclivities [LGBT] than ordinary folk. Am I factually in error?

I'm not sure where our disagreement is.


The Democrat Party Leadership detests people being left free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations.
Again, to keep it simple...Anti-discrimination laws about sexual preference protect us or straight.

And pedophilia as well, right? Sorry, Charlie you've talked yourself into a cul de sac.
Thank Fox that here in America bigots andmhomophobe still feel that not every citizen is equal under law and can say so.

But those bigots and homophobes do not have the right to impose their arcane attitudes through law.
No one has the right to force others to serve them. We are all equal in that regard. support these guys who were fined and suspended for their beliefs and refusal to serve people based on their religion....Muslim cab drivers lose round in court

See House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights


“WASHINGTON — Democrats in the House approved sweeping anti-discrimination legislation Friday that would extend civil rights protections to LGBT people by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The protections would extend to employment, housing, loan applications, education, public accommodations and other areas.”

Well, if you are one who supports and defends our constitutionally limited system of government, and also support our federal constitution’s amendment process to accommodate change for alleged changing times, the Democrat controlled House has confirmed today it is more than willing to usurp powers not granted, and unwilling to be tied to observing our Constitution’s amendment process to gain consent of the governed prior to exercising new legislative powers.

The truth is, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with creating, under law, a privileged sexually deviant class with the government’s muscle behind it. Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as it would open a Pandora's Box with countless unintended consequences both disruptive and dangerous. In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations which are both inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again, but this time the Democrat control House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process, and has simply passed legislation usurping a legislative power not granted ____ a legislative power actually rejected when the Equal Rights amendment was defeated in the 1980s.


"If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, [our constitution’s amendment process] would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?"___ Justice Story

So let me get this straight (ha)

After 175 or so years of folks enslaving others and forcing peeps to ride on the back of the bus or whatever you don't think we need protections from eachother.

Someday someone is going to demand you kneel to Mecca or stand funny during a song about gays or something and you'll be looking for the same protection.
Race is a scientific thing. Claiming you’re anything other than the sex you were born is a mental illness. You idiots already demand kneeling for muslims and baking cakes for The mentally unstable. WTF are you talking about someone coming to save us? Nobody will be coming. They’re all in on the SJW bullshit.
the one place we seem to disagree is that you think that homosexuals are sexual deviants, I disagree. I think we should all be allowed to do what makes us happy without judgement from others as long as we are not hurting anyone and it involves consenting adults.

Well, when I use the phrase "sexual deviants" I am only going by this groups' intentional desire to label themselves as an identifiable "community", and having different sexual proclivities [LGBT] than ordinary folk. Am I factually in error?

I'm not sure where our disagreement is.


The Democrat Party Leadership detests people being left free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations.
Again, to keep it simple...Anti-discrimination laws about sexual preference protect us or straight.

And pedophilia as well, right? Sorry, Charlie you've talked yourself into a cul de sac.
Well see right there. Someone who cannot distinguish between what consenting adult tax-paying, law-abiding citizens do.....and a predator going after children who cannot consent.

Such people who cannot tell the difference need to be kept from children.....................and animals.
Thank Fox that here in America bigots andmhomophobe still feel that not every citizen is equal under law and can say so.

But those bigots and homophobes do not have the right to impose their arcane attitudes through law.
No one has the right to force others to serve them. We are all equal in that regard.
Do you reserve the 'right' to Snyder service to Blacks because they're Black?
What the hell does "Snyder service" mean?
Sorry. Small keyboard, large thumbs.

Do you reserve the right to deny service to Blacks because they're Black?
Who gives a fuck what the House does?
Without the Senate and Presidential approvals its Nancy's toilet paper.

Actually, the Equality Act highlights the nitwit thinking of the rainbow crowd which supports it.

The fact is, the Equality Act, in addition to being beyond Congress’ delegated legislative powers, impinges upon a homosexual shop owner’s inalienable right to only hire other homosexuals.

Similarly, the Equality Act impinges upon a lesbian shop owner’s inalienable right to hire who the lesbian chooses to hire, who may want to choose to only hire other lesbians. As such, the Equality Act is therefore a fundamental attack on the lesbian’s right to mutually agree in contracts and associations.

Why is this so difficult for the rainbow crowd to understand and accept? Why are they so eager to surrender an inalienable right to mutually agree in contracts and associations?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed the democrat’s slaves. ___ Author unknown
You seem to assume that they'd have a problem with that.
Most people are smart enough to know that equal rights means just that...for everyone.
After all that's all these people are asking for...not special rights, just the same rights as everyone esle.
I don’t support any discrimination or public accommodation laws, but the idea this act will allow civil rights for pedos is nothing more than scaremongering by silly retards.

See House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights


“WASHINGTON — Democrats in the House approved sweeping anti-discrimination legislation Friday that would extend civil rights protections to LGBT people by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The protections would extend to employment, housing, loan applications, education, public accommodations and other areas.”

Well, if you are one who supports and defends our constitutionally limited system of government, and also support our federal constitution’s amendment process to accommodate change for alleged changing times, the Democrat controlled House has confirmed today it is more than willing to usurp powers not granted, and unwilling to be tied to observing our Constitution’s amendment process to gain consent of the governed prior to exercising new legislative powers.

The truth is, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with creating, under law, a privileged sexually deviant class with the government’s muscle behind it. Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as it would open a Pandora's Box with countless unintended consequences both disruptive and dangerous. In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations which are both inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again, but this time the Democrat control House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process, and has simply passed legislation usurping a legislative power not granted ____ a legislative power actually rejected when the Equal Rights amendment was defeated in the 1980s.


"If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, [our constitution’s amendment process] would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?"___ Justice Story

Women will be hard pressed to support this.

I think the GOP would be wise to debate this in the Senate and inform women everywhere, that the law, if passed, would make "women sports" illegal.
That law spells out basing things on "gender." That applies equally to women as it does to men. There would be other laws that protect women
in the workplace that would become null and void.

Women, everywhere, are already complaining about these freak guys taking over women's High School Track and Field. Colleges will love it
because they will no longer have to drain their men's profits on women sports. There will be just one Basketball team and both genders will
be allowed to compete for a position. Good-Bye Girls from Sports.

See House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights


“WASHINGTON — Democrats in the House approved sweeping anti-discrimination legislation Friday that would extend civil rights protections to LGBT people by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The protections would extend to employment, housing, loan applications, education, public accommodations and other areas.”

Well, if you are one who supports and defends our constitutionally limited system of government, and also support our federal constitution’s amendment process to accommodate change for alleged changing times, the Democrat controlled House has confirmed today it is more than willing to usurp powers not granted, and unwilling to be tied to observing our Constitution’s amendment process to gain consent of the governed prior to exercising new legislative powers.

The truth is, the proposed “Equality Act” as it is called, has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with creating, under law, a privileged sexually deviant class with the government’s muscle behind it. Keep in mind, when the same type of legislation was advanced as a constitutional amendment in the 1980s ___ the Equal Rights Amendment ___ it was rejected by the people of the United States, and for good cause, as it would open a Pandora's Box with countless unintended consequences both disruptive and dangerous. In fact, if adopted, the Equality Act would subvert the people’s right to mutually agree in their contracts and associations which are both inalienable rights of mankind.

And here we are again, but this time the Democrat control House has decided to ignore our Constitution’s required amendment process, and has simply passed legislation usurping a legislative power not granted ____ a legislative power actually rejected when the Equal Rights amendment was defeated in the 1980s.


"If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, [our constitution’s amendment process] would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?"___ Justice Story
If those afflicted could trust the generosity of the Christian nation then no codicils would be necessary, yet, that has not been the case with people in the USA and their inability to "naturally" treat people that are different equally..
Going by the OP's so-called "trust" in people...we wouldn't even need the Bill of Rights, would we? :71:
How long before the SJW crowd insists you have a faggot, a tranny and a pedophile in your employ to make you versification enough to get by?

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