House Votes to Halt U.S. Role in Lybia


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Friday - June 24, 2011

The House has voted to reject continuation of the U.S. role in Lybia.

The vote was 295 to 123 with 70 Democrats voting with the majority.

A second vote to defund almost all military operations in Lybia is scheduled.

It is speculated neither measure has any chance to pass the Senate most especially with John McCain taking the lead to support the U.S. involvement in Lybia.

House rejects measure to continue US role in Libya - Yahoo! News
Quite the crisis for this administration the House controls the purse the senate can only agree with the administration what to do what to do.
This is a huge embarrassment for the Administration and I'm sure the White House is in full damage control mode. The media seems pretty quiet right now.
This is a huge embarrassment for the Administration and I'm sure the White House is in full damage control mode. The media seems pretty quiet right now.

Yeah sadly it's a lot easier to find good info on the Libya disaster in foreign news outlets than the american ones.
McCain/Obama? I tried to tell people there was very little difference between the two. It is good to see some in Congress trying to restore Checks & Balances in our Government though. They may not be successful in the end but i still have to give them Kudos for trying. And shame on the U.S. Senate. They're a real disgrace.
This is a huge embarrassment for the Administration and I'm sure the White House is in full damage control mode. The media seems pretty quiet right now.

Yeah sadly it's a lot easier to find good info on the Libya disaster in foreign news outlets than the american ones.

Nothing new here.

They've gone all in on the lie that Obama is a diplomacy-first, peace at all costs type, better to just cover up or lie than admit to being wrong in their view.
interesting Opinion Piece by Krauthammer on this subject.

Who takes us to war? - The Washington Post

I agree with him that declarations of war are a state instrument of the past. What is needed is an amendment that defines how the president, as commander in chief can use the military, and how the people, via congress determine how and for how long he can use it.
interesting Opinion Piece by Krauthammer on this subject.

Who takes us to war? - The Washington Post

I agree with him that declarations of war are a state instrument of the past. What is needed is an amendment that defines how the president, as commander in chief can use the military, and how the people, via congress determine how and for how long he can use it.

I think it's called The War Powers Act.

I think it's also been established that Barry doesn't give 2 flying farts about it or what Congress has to say on the matter.
interesting Opinion Piece by Krauthammer on this subject.

Who takes us to war? - The Washington Post

I agree with him that declarations of war are a state instrument of the past. What is needed is an amendment that defines how the president, as commander in chief can use the military, and how the people, via congress determine how and for how long he can use it.

I think it's called The War Powers Act.

I think it's also been established that Barry doesn't give 2 flying farts about it or what Congress has to say on the matter.

The constitutionality of the war powers act has been debated since it was passed. A true fix would an amendment defining how the president can direct the armed forces, and when he has to go to Congress for approval.
Obama told us he didn't give a hoot about the law from the beginning. Remember when he went on TV to defend the BLACK professor and said, "I don't know the details but the cop was wrong."

This is what we are stuck with, he ought to join the military and do a tour in Afghanistan and he would have a different opinion but he never had the balls to even consider joining the armed forces.
It truly amazes me. So many of you are so politicized and so ideological that nothing seems to phase you.

I'm by no means a war monger but I recognise the reality that it is sometimes absolutely neccessary for the U.S. to wage war.

In the case of Libya, Gahdafi is a dictator that is responsible for a terrorist attack which killed many innocent people. We cannot forget this. He is an enemy of all the people of the world. We must show all dictators and terrorists that their actions will not be forgiven or forgotten.

Ronald Reagan attempted to assasinate Gahdafi by bombing. It's grossly political and partisan that conservatives do not support this war in Libya.

Liberals that are against this war are simply condoning terrorism.

The same thing holds true in Afganistan. We were attacked by the Talibans ally, Al Queda. If we do not win in Afganistan, they will almost certainly attack us again.

The war in Afganistan is more like WWII, when were were also attacked without provocation. It is not like Vietnam or the Iraqi war or even like the Persian gulf war. All of those were wars of choice.

Like WWII, the war in Afganistan is a war that HAS to be fought.
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Ever notice how USC is always using words like idiots, hacks and he does it a lot. I am think that maybe it is because he see one each morning when he gets up. I am a conservative but also and idiot and hack but he seems to do far more name calling that actually staying with the theme of the post. Go figure.
So the House won’t authorize the Libya War, but won’t defund it either.

What a bunch of wimps.
It truly amazes me. So many of you are so politicized and so ideological that nothing seems to phase you.

I'm by no means a war monger but I recognise the reality that it is sometimes absolutely neccessary for the U.S. to wage war.

In the case of Libya, Gahdafi is a dictator that is responsible for a terrorist attack which killed many innocent people. We cannot forget this. He is an enemy of all the people of the world. We must show all dictators and terrorists that their actions will not be forgiven or forgotten.

Ronald Reagan attempted to assasinate Gahdafi by bombing. It's grossly political and partisan that conservatives do not support this war in Libya.

Liberals that are against this war are simply condoning terrorism.

The same thing holds true in Afganistan. We were attacked by the Talibans ally, Al Queda. If we do not win in Afganistan, they will almost certainly attack us again.

The war in Afganistan is more like WWII, when were were also attacked without provocation. It is not like Vietnam or the Iraqi war or even like the Persian gulf war. All of those were wars of choice.

Like WWII, the war in Afganistan is a war that HAS to be fought.

Afganistan is nothing like WW2.

Terrorists not afghan govt reps ie troops caused 911.

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