Household income

those on the left

Go ahead. Make me dictator for a year. You'll see that I am not left wing at all. Why are rational conservatives always despised and labelled as liberals? Is it really required to be retarded to be a conservative? Get a fucking calculator. Stop taking to left-wing nut jobs that piss you off. Get a fucking calculator. Jesus.
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Are you talking to ME?
Around here, the minimum being paid at Target and Walmart is around $16 or $17 an hour, or $35,000.
I'll believe that when I get a job offer for $16 or $17 an hour. You don't know what they pay unless you work there. I recently applied for a job that was advertised as paying $18 an hour. I thought it was bull but I was expecting to be offered $12 ish. I was offered $9.25 an hour. There is a lot of misinformation about pay that has popped up in the last year or two.
Let’s keep analyzing. Why should four family members who never learned a trade or skill, and now are each bringing in $25,000 ($12.50/hr), not doing something to make themselves have some decent market value?
They could learn that skill or trade. Why would that translate to more pay? Employers pay the least that they can. The only reason a company would pay $12.50 an hour for an employee is because there is a shortage of that type of employee. If everybody became skilled in that field then the pay would be $7.25. Nobody has a crystal ball. Your condescending mindset of low-paid people may be 85% accurate but it doesn't take everything into consideration. Hard work pays off sometimes but not every single time. Like I said, your condescending mindset is useful and accurate 85% of the time but it isn't a blanket approach that is always accurate.

Did you even look at the data of the article in the OP? 23.3% of households make less than $35,000 a year. Most households have two people. That translates to $17,500 per year per household member. If you know 200 people then at least 23-46 of them make less than $35,000 per year. How did you miss that? That's a lot of people.
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That wasn't my point. Plug in any number you wish. You can use any number between 1 and 100. Currently the lower 50% of taxpayers pays 2.5% of the income taxes collected.

I just like math. Show me the math. How much money do you anticipate to be collected from the poorest 50% of taxpayers?
I don't know but 5 to 10% would probably be reasonable. It would be significant enough that people would be inclined to vote for tax policy that benefitted everybody and against those proposing spending government money on what we don't need or don't have to have now. As it is now, those in the bottom half don't have to be responsible with their vote when it comes to tax policy because it affects them little or not at all.
Go ahead. Make me dictator for a year. You'll see that I am not left wing at all. Why are rational conservatives always despised and labelled as liberals? Is it really required to be retarded to be a conservative? Get a fucking calculator. Stop taking to left-wing nut jobs that piss you off. Get a fucking calculator. Jesus.
Learn to read accurately and comprehensively and I won't mistake you for a leftie.
5 to 10% would probably be reasonable. It would be significant enough that people would be inclined to vote for tax policy that benefitted everybody and against those proposing spending government money

Only if it was a flat tax. So show me the math. Tax the lowest 50% at 10%. How much revenue would that generate?
Only if it was a flat tax. So show me the math. Tax the lowest 50% at 10%. How much revenue would that generate?
The amount of revenue is immaterial. The effect of tax policy on the taxpayer is what is being argued here. However, the fact that you think $6 trillion is a reasonable federal budget is another reason I have a very difficult time believing you are anything other than a leftie. (That and the reading dysfunction.)

I'll believe that when I get a job offer for $16 or $17 an hour. You don't know what they pay unless you work there.

They could learn that skill or trade. Why would that translate to more pay? Employers pay the least that they can. The only reason a company would pay $12.50 an hour for an employee is because there is a shortage of that type of employee. If everybody became skilled in that field then the pay would be $7.25. Nobody has a crystal ball. Your condescending mindset of low-paid people may be 85% accurate but it doesn't take everything into consideration. Did you even look at the data of the article in the OP?

23.3% of households make less than $35,000 a year. Most households have two people. That translates to $17,500 per year per household member. If you know 200 people then at least 23-46 of them make less than $35,000 per year. How did you miss that? That's a lot of people.
First, many if not most states pay above $7.50 - many twice that. If you are in a poor, rural area where the minimum wage is $7.50, then a household income of $60,000 for four unskilled, uneducated people isn’t that bad. If you want more, you need to develop a career or trade.

Second, the AVERAGE household income is still close to $80,000 in the poorest states in the union - MS and WV. And in half the states, the average income is in the six figures!!

Third, take your example of two unskilled adults earning $35,000 combined. They are paying next to nothing for federal income taxes. With a standard deduction of $29,000, they owe on $6,000 - less than $1,000. (Just how little do you think they should pay?) And on top of that, they are eligible for Pell Grants to enroll in a career-building program, courtesy of the American taxpayer.

Sorry, but if there is a family of four adults living together - Mom, Dad, adult son, and adult daughter - who are all earning minimum wage or close to it, then they have made poor decisions in life.

Have you ever seen a calculator or a budget?
More evidence you are lying when you say you aren't a leftie maybe? Those on the right generally argue their position more honestly and effectively than that.
Learn to read accurately and comprehensively and I won't mistake you for a leftie.
He sounds like a lefty to me - crying about a family of four adults with no skills and stuck at minimum wage, insisting that rich people kick in more.
The tax rate for people earning less than $50,000 should be 1%.

That might generate $12,568,425,000.00.

The tax rate for people earning $50,000 - $149,999.99 should be 14%.

That might generate $699,160,350,000.00.

The tax rate for people earning $150,000 or more should be 44%.

That might generate $4,130,451,600,000.00.

That is a grand total of $4,829,624,518,425.00 in revenue.

I guess just borrow the remaining $1,270,375,481,575.00 to pay the remaining part of the budget. I think I see why over half of the lowest income tax payers do not pay taxes. It is a drop in the bucket. This business is crazy. Our budget is too big or something another.
Or just cut spending to match current revenue levels. If fed-gov wants more money to spend, pass laws that grow the economy.
Learn to read accurately and comprehensively and I won't mistake you for a leftie.
"In 2022, the federal government collected over $2.6 trillion in income taxes, accounting for 52% of total revenue." February 29, 2024

"The IRS processed more than 262.8 million federal tax returns during FY 2022, of which 160.6 million were the tax returns of individuals, and of that total, 150.6 million were e-filed, or almost 94% of all individual tax returns." February 29, 2024

Or just cut spending to match current revenue levels. If fed-gov wants more money to spend, pass laws that grow the economy.

There is a constitutional convention in the works that wants to propose a balanced budget amendment like most states already have. Dang. If that happens I will clap but there are going to be some pissed off people when that happens. I should have said if not when. It will never happen.
Wife and I and other family members who also work and live in same household. Everyone's combined income added up and household income falls in the middle 44.9% and we can't still can't pay our bills. Even with 5 adults in one household, 4 working and 1 on disability in one house we still struggle.

We definitely need higher taxes on the very wealthy.

He sounds like a lefty to me - crying about a family of four adults with no skills and stuck at minimum wage, insisting that rich people kick in more.

Are you talking about me or ScorpioRising007 ?

You were referencing this quote:

Wife and I and other family members who also work and live in same household. Everyone's combined income added up and household income falls in the middle 44.9% and we can't still can't pay our bills. Even with 5 adults in one household, 4 working and 1 on disability in one house we still struggle.

We definitely need higher taxes on the very wealthy.

I never said those things. I'm working strictly with math and macroeconomics. I never referenced my personal situation as sufficient data to solve a large scale problem.
131,662,800 taxpayers made less than $75,000 per year. Let's say the average pay out of all of these taxpayers is half of that. That is $37,500. If we taxed all 131,662,800 people at 10% that would generate $493,735,500,000.00 (four hundred ninety three billion five hundred million dollars). That would be roughly equivalent to 19% of all income taxes collected in 2022.

That might not be such a bad idea.
First, many if not most states pay above $7.50 - many twice that. If you are in a poor, rural area where the minimum wage is $7.50, then a household income of $60,000 for four unskilled, uneducated people isn’t that bad. If you want more, you need to develop a career or trade.

Second, the AVERAGE household income is still close to $80,000 in the poorest states in the union - MS and WV. And in half the states, the average income is in the six figures!!

Third, take your example of two unskilled adults earning $35,000 combined. They are paying next to nothing for federal income taxes. With a standard deduction of $29,000, they owe on $6,000 - less than $1,000. (Just how little do you think they should pay?) And on top of that, they are eligible for Pell Grants to enroll in a career-building program, courtesy of the American taxpayer.

Sorry, but if there is a family of four adults living together - Mom, Dad, adult son, and adult daughter - who are all earning minimum wage or close to it, then they have made poor decisions in life.

You are right. I don't think income taxes is the problem he is having.

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