Housing is not a right

They want the government to pay for everything........lefties cant function without someone telling them what to do.....they're like perpetual children, that need a mommy and daddy to function.
It’s such an odd perspective.

Is it in the Constitution?

South Africa
In South Africa, section 26 of Chapter Two of the Constitution establishes that "everyone has the right to have access to adequate housing". The Department of Human Settlements is tasked with implementing this mandate. Based on recent data, around 3.6 million South Africans still live in shacks or informal settlements (2013 data) [7], while it is estimated that around 200,000 are homeless or living on the streets (2015 data) [8].
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
Because they need housing, but because of the regulations and ridiculous licensing that is required to build and/or rent they can't afford it.

Good job, you fucking retards. Your ridiculous restrictions on builders and landlords mean that now you can't afford the houses you regulate the shit out of, thinking you're making things *better* for you.

$45,000 in licensing fees/reviews/other bullshit to build a house?

I think the most who complain about social programs are those who don't pay taxes.
Who says that Housing is not a right? That is merely an unfortunate opinion.

Then point out where Americans are guaranteed a right to housing.

This oughtta be good.

To be fair, I don't think leftists believe Americans ARE guaranteed a right to housing.

I think they believe Americans SHOULD be guaranteed a right to housing.

Yes. Many say it should be a right.

It’s done wonders in South Africa.

The left want government to be as big as possible for them to control.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
You prefer them shitting on the sidewalk in L.A. because they're living on the street with no options. I'm pretty sure you were strongly in favor of that, weren't you?
Then those assholes move to red states to screw those up.
First they move the epa an the other agencies in to shut down all production.
Then they level ridiculous restrictions on development and building.
Then the offal from the cities moves in, aka *carpetbaggers*, and they whine about the restrictions...which they insisted be leveled... that make it all but impossible for oridinary people to build, let alone buy, adequate housing.

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