Housing is not a right

why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
I prefer to live in an advanced society where it is a right.

You want to live in some third world country & probably why you voted for Trump. To get us there.

You and your ilk prefer to live in a society where anything you want is a right. Right to college, a right to a home, a right to a gun free society, a right to take as much money away from anybody else that you want, a right to no political opposition, a right to shut down speech you don't want to hear...........

Oh fuck off. I never said any of that shit. You want to live in this country & whine whine whine about supporting it through taxes. to quote you " OMG OMG OMG the government is stealing my money" As you make a living utilizing the governent supplied highway system/. Whart a hytp;ocrite piece of work you are.

Grow the fuck yup. OPut down your gun &man up & support this country.

I don't mind supporting the country for things outlined in our Constitution. Everything else should not be funded.

As for the roads, nobody pays more tax to create and maintain them than trucks. We pay a high tax on diesel fuel, a high license plate tax, and even a tax on every mile we drive. WTF do you think government gets that money for the roads?
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
I prefer to live in an advanced society where it is a right.
You and your ilk prefer to live in a society where anything you want is a right.
Unfortunately Real Dick thinks a “right” means government provides it. That is not the case. He and his fellow parasites absolutely have a right to housing. But it is their responsibility to arrange for that house themselves (legally). I have a right to keep and bear arms - but the government doesn’t issue me firearms. It is my responsibility to legally obtain them myself.

Unfortunately,you are too fucking stupid to know what I think or know.

First of all, most sane people don't NEED a fucking gun.

People do need shelter. In an advanced society, people are given access to housing. Just like for food & healtrhcarte.

So we provide them with houses, with food, with utilities, with medical care, with child care, with education. Is there anything left for them to provide themselves?????
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
I prefer to live in an advanced society where it is a right.
You and your ilk prefer to live in a society where anything you want is a right.
Unfortunately Real Dick thinks a “right” means government provides it. That is not the case. He and his fellow parasites absolutely have a right to housing. But it is their responsibility to arrange for that house themselves (legally). I have a right to keep and bear arms - but the government doesn’t issue me firearms. It is my responsibility to legally obtain them myself.

Unfortunately,you are too fucking stupid to know what I think or know.

First of all, most sane people don't NEED a fucking gun.

People do need shelter. In an advanced society, people are given access to housing. Just like for food & healtrhcarte.

So we provide them with houses, with food, with utilities, with medical care, with child care, with education. Is there anything left for them to provide themselves?????
Just smokes, alcohol, and pussy hats.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
I prefer to live in an advanced society where it is a right.
You and your ilk prefer to live in a society where anything you want is a right.
Unfortunately Real Dick thinks a “right” means government provides it. That is not the case. He and his fellow parasites absolutely have a right to housing. But it is their responsibility to arrange for that house themselves (legally). I have a right to keep and bear arms - but the government doesn’t issue me firearms. It is my responsibility to legally obtain them myself.

Unfortunately,you are too fucking stupid to know what I think or know.

First of all, most sane people don't NEED a fucking gun.

People do need shelter. In an advanced society, people are given access to housing. Just like for food & healtrhcarte.

So we provide them with houses, with food, with utilities, with medical care, with child care, with education. Is there anything left for them to provide themselves?????

A lot of people receiving help are working. Some can't work.

Housing help, heating help, food stamps, medicaid.

Single parents who work need child care.

If you assholes would increase the minium age then we would not have to subsidize thosr employers.
I prefer to live in an advanced society where it is a right.
You and your ilk prefer to live in a society where anything you want is a right.
Unfortunately Real Dick thinks a “right” means government provides it. That is not the case. He and his fellow parasites absolutely have a right to housing. But it is their responsibility to arrange for that house themselves (legally). I have a right to keep and bear arms - but the government doesn’t issue me firearms. It is my responsibility to legally obtain them myself.

Unfortunately,you are too fucking stupid to know what I think or know.

First of all, most sane people don't NEED a fucking gun.

People do need shelter. In an advanced society, people are given access to housing. Just like for food & healtrhcarte.

So we provide them with houses, with food, with utilities, with medical care, with child care, with education. Is there anything left for them to provide themselves?????

A lot of people receiving help are working. Some can't work.

Housing help, heating help, food stamps, medicaid.

Single parents who work need child care.

If you assholes would increase the minium age then we would not have to subsidize thosr employers.

No, we could just support them outright, because they'd be unemployed.
I prefer to live in an advanced society where it is a right.
You and your ilk prefer to live in a society where anything you want is a right.
Unfortunately Real Dick thinks a “right” means government provides it. That is not the case. He and his fellow parasites absolutely have a right to housing. But it is their responsibility to arrange for that house themselves (legally). I have a right to keep and bear arms - but the government doesn’t issue me firearms. It is my responsibility to legally obtain them myself.

Unfortunately,you are too fucking stupid to know what I think or know.

First of all, most sane people don't NEED a fucking gun.

People do need shelter. In an advanced society, people are given access to housing. Just like for food & healtrhcarte.

So we provide them with houses, with food, with utilities, with medical care, with child care, with education. Is there anything left for them to provide themselves?????

A lot of people receiving help are working. Some can't work.

Housing help, heating help, food stamps, medicaid.

Single parents who work need child care.

If you assholes would increase the minium age then we would not have to subsidize thosr employers.

Oh, in other words government forcing industry to Democrat pay scales. No thank you.

Did you ever think the reason some people are working and receiving government help is because of their irresponsible decisions in life and not minimum wage? You know, like having kids you could never afford?

So let's see: why is it I can support myself on my job and others can't? For one, I never had any children. Two, minimum wage jobs just didn't work for me, so I learned a new career; one where I am highly in demand. Three, I don't spend money I don't have. Four, instead of spending the money I made partying, buying crap I didn't need, I invested it in real estate and created a second income along with a retirement supplement.
You and your ilk prefer to live in a society where anything you want is a right.
Unfortunately Real Dick thinks a “right” means government provides it. That is not the case. He and his fellow parasites absolutely have a right to housing. But it is their responsibility to arrange for that house themselves (legally). I have a right to keep and bear arms - but the government doesn’t issue me firearms. It is my responsibility to legally obtain them myself.

Unfortunately,you are too fucking stupid to know what I think or know.

First of all, most sane people don't NEED a fucking gun.

People do need shelter. In an advanced society, people are given access to housing. Just like for food & healtrhcarte.

So we provide them with houses, with food, with utilities, with medical care, with child care, with education. Is there anything left for them to provide themselves?????

A lot of people receiving help are working. Some can't work.

Housing help, heating help, food stamps, medicaid.

Single parents who work need child care.

If you assholes would increase the minium age then we would not have to subsidize thosr employers.

No, we could just support them outright, because they'd be unemployed.
Yep, because the situation has led also to making employers dependent on the government for subsidizing their employees wages when hiring them as the poor for whom they want them to work for lower wages.

Many misc jobs out there, but when people are handicapped in some way, that is when they are taken advantage of by employers who want to be advantaged for helping those poor people who then inturn help them to make huge revenue in the trade off.

Everything leads to dependency these days whether it's through being unemployed, handicapped in some way or being the employer who is being subsidized for helping the poor. They all become dependent in the end, and it all leads back to government, and back to who controls the government when this stuff goes on the worse.
You and your ilk prefer to live in a society where anything you want is a right.
Unfortunately Real Dick thinks a “right” means government provides it. That is not the case. He and his fellow parasites absolutely have a right to housing. But it is their responsibility to arrange for that house themselves (legally). I have a right to keep and bear arms - but the government doesn’t issue me firearms. It is my responsibility to legally obtain them myself.

Unfortunately,you are too fucking stupid to know what I think or know.

First of all, most sane people don't NEED a fucking gun.

People do need shelter. In an advanced society, people are given access to housing. Just like for food & healtrhcarte.

So we provide them with houses, with food, with utilities, with medical care, with child care, with education. Is there anything left for them to provide themselves?????

A lot of people receiving help are working. Some can't work.

Housing help, heating help, food stamps, medicaid.

Single parents who work need child care.

If you assholes would increase the minium age then we would not have to subsidize thosr employers.

Oh, in other words government forcing industry to Democrat pay scales. No thank you.

Did you ever think the reason some people are working and receiving government help is because of their irresponsible decisions in life and not minimum wage? You know, like having kids you could never afford?

So let's see: why is it I can support myself on my job and others can't? For one, I never had any children. Two, minimum wage jobs just didn't work for me, so I learned a new career; one where I am highly in demand. Three, I don't spend money I don't have. Four, instead of spending the money I made partying, buying crap I didn't need, I invested it in real estate and created a second income along with a retirement supplement.
Good stuff Ray, and it would be great if everyone was like you in thought of when it comes to their finance's or mental state of mind concerning their finance's, but unfortunately everyone is different, and sadly the government sits there awaiting that vulnerability to become a dependency that keeps the government reps in power, and keeps the employers loaded up with cheap labor.
You and your ilk prefer to live in a society where anything you want is a right.
Unfortunately Real Dick thinks a “right” means government provides it. That is not the case. He and his fellow parasites absolutely have a right to housing. But it is their responsibility to arrange for that house themselves (legally). I have a right to keep and bear arms - but the government doesn’t issue me firearms. It is my responsibility to legally obtain them myself.

Unfortunately,you are too fucking stupid to know what I think or know.

First of all, most sane people don't NEED a fucking gun.

People do need shelter. In an advanced society, people are given access to housing. Just like for food & healtrhcarte.

So we provide them with houses, with food, with utilities, with medical care, with child care, with education. Is there anything left for them to provide themselves?????

A lot of people receiving help are working. Some can't work.

Housing help, heating help, food stamps, medicaid.

Single parents who work need child care.

If you assholes would increase the minium age then we would not have to subsidize thosr employers.

Oh, in other words government forcing industry to Democrat pay scales. No thank you.

Did you ever think the reason some people are working and receiving government help is because of their irresponsible decisions in life and not minimum wage? You know, like having kids you could never afford?

So let's see: why is it I can support myself on my job and others can't? For one, I never had any children. Two, minimum wage jobs just didn't work for me, so I learned a new career; one where I am highly in demand. Three, I don't spend money I don't have. Four, instead of spending the money I made partying, buying crap I didn't need, I invested it in real estate and created a second income along with a retirement supplement.

So lets bring back sweat shops & child labor? Look, if a company can't afford to pay their help more than minium wage, then it ain't worth shit & the owner/manager is too stupid to own or manage a company.

Gee, I wonder how dumbass like you can do shit. You must have a job that requires no thought.

Not everyone has the same opportunities..Those born to well off parents have many times better chances than those born into poverty. Some people are physically or mentally unable to work a good job. Single parents have kids to take care off. Some have an illness that prevents then from working full time.

Your item one makes me happy. You had opportunities & you did OK, congratulations.

When employers pay the minimum wagem, they are being subsidized by you as the government has to step in & help them with housing, food, healthcare. So why aren't you having a freak out about them?
Unfortunately Real Dick thinks a “right” means government provides it. That is not the case. He and his fellow parasites absolutely have a right to housing. But it is their responsibility to arrange for that house themselves (legally). I have a right to keep and bear arms - but the government doesn’t issue me firearms. It is my responsibility to legally obtain them myself.

Unfortunately,you are too fucking stupid to know what I think or know.

First of all, most sane people don't NEED a fucking gun.

People do need shelter. In an advanced society, people are given access to housing. Just like for food & healtrhcarte.

So we provide them with houses, with food, with utilities, with medical care, with child care, with education. Is there anything left for them to provide themselves?????

A lot of people receiving help are working. Some can't work.

Housing help, heating help, food stamps, medicaid.

Single parents who work need child care.

If you assholes would increase the minium age then we would not have to subsidize thosr employers.

Oh, in other words government forcing industry to Democrat pay scales. No thank you.

Did you ever think the reason some people are working and receiving government help is because of their irresponsible decisions in life and not minimum wage? You know, like having kids you could never afford?

So let's see: why is it I can support myself on my job and others can't? For one, I never had any children. Two, minimum wage jobs just didn't work for me, so I learned a new career; one where I am highly in demand. Three, I don't spend money I don't have. Four, instead of spending the money I made partying, buying crap I didn't need, I invested it in real estate and created a second income along with a retirement supplement.

So lets bring back sweat shops & child labor? Look, if a company can't afford to pay their help more than minium wage, then it ain't worth shit & the owner/manager is too stupid to own or manage a company.

Gee, I wonder how dumbass like you can do shit. You must have a job that requires no thought.

Not everyone has the same opportunities..Those born to well off parents have many times better chances than those born into poverty. Some people are physically or mentally unable to work a good job. Single parents have kids to take care off. Some have an illness that prevents then from working full time.

Your item one makes me happy. You had opportunities & you did OK, congratulations.

When employers pay the minimum wagem, they are being subsidized by you as the government has to step in & help them with housing, food, healthcare. So why aren't you having a freak out about them?

Companies pay employees the value of their labor, determined by how much revenue they can generate for the company. That's how it works, that's how it always worked, & guess what, it works pretty well. If you wish to have a so-called "living wage", then you need to have skills which allow you to be compensated accordingly. In other words, it's on you to go out & acquire said skills. Companies aren't charities nor should they be viewed as such.
Unfortunately,you are too fucking stupid to know what I think or know.

First of all, most sane people don't NEED a fucking gun.

People do need shelter. In an advanced society, people are given access to housing. Just like for food & healtrhcarte.

So we provide them with houses, with food, with utilities, with medical care, with child care, with education. Is there anything left for them to provide themselves?????

A lot of people receiving help are working. Some can't work.

Housing help, heating help, food stamps, medicaid.

Single parents who work need child care.

If you assholes would increase the minium age then we would not have to subsidize thosr employers.

Oh, in other words government forcing industry to Democrat pay scales. No thank you.

Did you ever think the reason some people are working and receiving government help is because of their irresponsible decisions in life and not minimum wage? You know, like having kids you could never afford?

So let's see: why is it I can support myself on my job and others can't? For one, I never had any children. Two, minimum wage jobs just didn't work for me, so I learned a new career; one where I am highly in demand. Three, I don't spend money I don't have. Four, instead of spending the money I made partying, buying crap I didn't need, I invested it in real estate and created a second income along with a retirement supplement.

So lets bring back sweat shops & child labor? Look, if a company can't afford to pay their help more than minium wage, then it ain't worth shit & the owner/manager is too stupid to own or manage a company.

Gee, I wonder how dumbass like you can do shit. You must have a job that requires no thought.

Not everyone has the same opportunities..Those born to well off parents have many times better chances than those born into poverty. Some people are physically or mentally unable to work a good job. Single parents have kids to take care off. Some have an illness that prevents then from working full time.

Your item one makes me happy. You had opportunities & you did OK, congratulations.

When employers pay the minimum wagem, they are being subsidized by you as the government has to step in & help them with housing, food, healthcare. So why aren't you having a freak out about them?

Companies pay employees the value of their labor, determined by how much revenue they can generate for the company. That's how it works, that's how it always worked, & guess what, it works pretty well. If you wish to have a so-called "living wage", then you need to have skills which allow you to be compensated accordingly. In other words, it's on you to go out & acquire said skills. Companies aren't charities nor should they be viewed as such.

Yep, companies revenue share with their employees.

You are so full of shit your eyes are brown.

Most companies pay the least amount they can & still get workers.

If an employer can't afford to pay more than the minimum wage they should just close the door & go home. Why should I support that with my tax dollars.

I have been an employer & never in my life did I pay the minimum wage or close to it.

Those that do arepiss poor masnagers.
Unfortunately Real Dick thinks a “right” means government provides it. That is not the case. He and his fellow parasites absolutely have a right to housing. But it is their responsibility to arrange for that house themselves (legally). I have a right to keep and bear arms - but the government doesn’t issue me firearms. It is my responsibility to legally obtain them myself.

Unfortunately,you are too fucking stupid to know what I think or know.

First of all, most sane people don't NEED a fucking gun.

People do need shelter. In an advanced society, people are given access to housing. Just like for food & healtrhcarte.

So we provide them with houses, with food, with utilities, with medical care, with child care, with education. Is there anything left for them to provide themselves?????

A lot of people receiving help are working. Some can't work.

Housing help, heating help, food stamps, medicaid.

Single parents who work need child care.

If you assholes would increase the minium age then we would not have to subsidize thosr employers.

Oh, in other words government forcing industry to Democrat pay scales. No thank you.

Did you ever think the reason some people are working and receiving government help is because of their irresponsible decisions in life and not minimum wage? You know, like having kids you could never afford?

So let's see: why is it I can support myself on my job and others can't? For one, I never had any children. Two, minimum wage jobs just didn't work for me, so I learned a new career; one where I am highly in demand. Three, I don't spend money I don't have. Four, instead of spending the money I made partying, buying crap I didn't need, I invested it in real estate and created a second income along with a retirement supplement.

So lets bring back sweat shops & child labor? Look, if a company can't afford to pay their help more than minium wage, then it ain't worth shit & the owner/manager is too stupid to own or manage a company.

Appeal to Extremes

Gee, I wonder how dumbass like you can do shit. You must have a job that requires no thought.

Not everyone has the same opportunities..Those born to well off parents have many times better chances than those born into poverty. Some people are physically or mentally unable to work a good job. Single parents have kids to take care off. Some have an illness that prevents then from working full time.

Your item one makes me happy. You had opportunities & you did OK, congratulations.

When employers pay the minimum wagem, they are being subsidized by you as the government has to step in & help them with housing, food, healthcare. So why aren't you having a freak out about them?

I just heard, "People are too stupid to live their lives, so they need leftist elites to be in charge!" How very feudal of you.
I just heard, "People are too stupid to live their lives, so they need leftist elites to be in charge!" How very feudal of you.

This sums up most of the Democrat's platform. Except that it won't always be the leftists in charge, so they're kind of kidding themselves on that front.
If an employer can't afford to pay more than the minimum wage they should just close the door & go home. Why should I support that with my tax dollars.

You shouldn't and neither should anybody else. That's why you join the Republican party because they don't believe in paying people to stay home or make irresponsible decisions in life. Democrats do that.

I have been an employer & never in my life did I pay the minimum wage or close to it.

Right. I've been an astronaut and never made minimum wage either.
Unfortunately Real Dick thinks a “right” means government provides it. That is not the case. He and his fellow parasites absolutely have a right to housing. But it is their responsibility to arrange for that house themselves (legally). I have a right to keep and bear arms - but the government doesn’t issue me firearms. It is my responsibility to legally obtain them myself.

Unfortunately,you are too fucking stupid to know what I think or know.

First of all, most sane people don't NEED a fucking gun.

People do need shelter. In an advanced society, people are given access to housing. Just like for food & healtrhcarte.

So we provide them with houses, with food, with utilities, with medical care, with child care, with education. Is there anything left for them to provide themselves?????

A lot of people receiving help are working. Some can't work.

Housing help, heating help, food stamps, medicaid.

Single parents who work need child care.

If you assholes would increase the minium age then we would not have to subsidize thosr employers.

Oh, in other words government forcing industry to Democrat pay scales. No thank you.

Did you ever think the reason some people are working and receiving government help is because of their irresponsible decisions in life and not minimum wage? You know, like having kids you could never afford?

So let's see: why is it I can support myself on my job and others can't? For one, I never had any children. Two, minimum wage jobs just didn't work for me, so I learned a new career; one where I am highly in demand. Three, I don't spend money I don't have. Four, instead of spending the money I made partying, buying crap I didn't need, I invested it in real estate and created a second income along with a retirement supplement.

So lets bring back sweat shops & child labor? Look, if a company can't afford to pay their help more than minium wage, then it ain't worth shit & the owner/manager is too stupid to own or manage a company.

Gee, I wonder how dumbass like you can do shit. You must have a job that requires no thought.

Not everyone has the same opportunities..Those born to well off parents have many times better chances than those born into poverty. Some people are physically or mentally unable to work a good job. Single parents have kids to take care off. Some have an illness that prevents then from working full time.

Your item one makes me happy. You had opportunities & you did OK, congratulations.

When employers pay the minimum wagem, they are being subsidized by you as the government has to step in & help them with housing, food, healthcare. So why aren't you having a freak out about them?

So let's go through your laundry list here:

Why are people single-parent families if they could never afford those kids in the first place? Government.

People who cannot work more than part-time are eligible for partial disability. One of my tenants is on it.

Not everybody has equal opportunities; those born with well-off parents have better chances than those born into poverty. I agree. Then why are we subsidizing and incentivizing poor people to have children in the first place? Shouldn't we be doing the exact opposite? Maybe make a requirement that you have to be fixed first before getting one red cent from taxpayers? Then using that money to give tax breaks to affluent families if they have more children?

Your worth as an employee is calculated by how easy you are to replace. You are only worth as much as an employer can pay somebody else to do the same job (same quality) as you do. That's what we are all worth.

If you make 20 bucks an hour, go to your employer and ask for a raise, and he refuses, you can leave and let him find somebody else. Now if he can pay the new replacement 18 bucks an hour to do the exact same job that you did, you were being overpaid. If he can find somebody for the same wage as you, you were making exactly what you were worth. If he has to pay somebody 22 bucks an hour or more to take your job, you were correct in leaving because you were being underpaid.
Unfortunately,you are too fucking stupid to know what I think or know.

First of all, most sane people don't NEED a fucking gun.

People do need shelter. In an advanced society, people are given access to housing. Just like for food & healtrhcarte.

So we provide them with houses, with food, with utilities, with medical care, with child care, with education. Is there anything left for them to provide themselves?????

A lot of people receiving help are working. Some can't work.

Housing help, heating help, food stamps, medicaid.

Single parents who work need child care.

If you assholes would increase the minium age then we would not have to subsidize thosr employers.

Oh, in other words government forcing industry to Democrat pay scales. No thank you.

Did you ever think the reason some people are working and receiving government help is because of their irresponsible decisions in life and not minimum wage? You know, like having kids you could never afford?

So let's see: why is it I can support myself on my job and others can't? For one, I never had any children. Two, minimum wage jobs just didn't work for me, so I learned a new career; one where I am highly in demand. Three, I don't spend money I don't have. Four, instead of spending the money I made partying, buying crap I didn't need, I invested it in real estate and created a second income along with a retirement supplement.

So lets bring back sweat shops & child labor? Look, if a company can't afford to pay their help more than minium wage, then it ain't worth shit & the owner/manager is too stupid to own or manage a company.

Gee, I wonder how dumbass like you can do shit. You must have a job that requires no thought.

Not everyone has the same opportunities..Those born to well off parents have many times better chances than those born into poverty. Some people are physically or mentally unable to work a good job. Single parents have kids to take care off. Some have an illness that prevents then from working full time.

Your item one makes me happy. You had opportunities & you did OK, congratulations.

When employers pay the minimum wagem, they are being subsidized by you as the government has to step in & help them with housing, food, healthcare. So why aren't you having a freak out about them?

Companies pay employees the value of their labor, determined by how much revenue they can generate for the company. That's how it works, that's how it always worked, & guess what, it works pretty well. If you wish to have a so-called "living wage", then you need to have skills which allow you to be compensated accordingly. In other words, it's on you to go out & acquire said skills. Companies aren't charities nor should they be viewed as such.
So you advocate the discrimination or exploitation of those who might be less educated by a man's standard of education in it's entirety, and so if a person has God given talents, and said person can help a company make millions, then you would take advantage of that worker because he or she may not have met a standard that is set in a man's status-quo society ????

Greed can drive men to do awful things to people, and it could make the lines that are drawn in the sand (to) actually work against that greedy owner or management for whom seeks to exploit what is perceived to be a weakness, when in fact it may just be a strength un-be-knownst to the one desiring to abuse and/or to exploit someone who is there to serve them instead of hurt them.

Didn't have these problems as bad back in the day, but wow has those times changed over time. In a day now where so much excess is available, man can't control his tendencies to want to take to much or to exploit those easily exploitable.

Yes, it is time that most get that education needed, but not so much for employment purposes in order to understand the job at hand, but mainly from being abused in their employment while doing their jobs at hand.
Unfortunately,you are too fucking stupid to know what I think or know.

First of all, most sane people don't NEED a fucking gun.

People do need shelter. In an advanced society, people are given access to housing. Just like for food & healtrhcarte.

So we provide them with houses, with food, with utilities, with medical care, with child care, with education. Is there anything left for them to provide themselves?????

A lot of people receiving help are working. Some can't work.

Housing help, heating help, food stamps, medicaid.

Single parents who work need child care.

If you assholes would increase the minium age then we would not have to subsidize thosr employers.

Oh, in other words government forcing industry to Democrat pay scales. No thank you.

Did you ever think the reason some people are working and receiving government help is because of their irresponsible decisions in life and not minimum wage? You know, like having kids you could never afford?

So let's see: why is it I can support myself on my job and others can't? For one, I never had any children. Two, minimum wage jobs just didn't work for me, so I learned a new career; one where I am highly in demand. Three, I don't spend money I don't have. Four, instead of spending the money I made partying, buying crap I didn't need, I invested it in real estate and created a second income along with a retirement supplement.

So lets bring back sweat shops & child labor? Look, if a company can't afford to pay their help more than minium wage, then it ain't worth shit & the owner/manager is too stupid to own or manage a company.

Gee, I wonder how dumbass like you can do shit. You must have a job that requires no thought.

Not everyone has the same opportunities..Those born to well off parents have many times better chances than those born into poverty. Some people are physically or mentally unable to work a good job. Single parents have kids to take care off. Some have an illness that prevents then from working full time.

Your item one makes me happy. You had opportunities & you did OK, congratulations.

When employers pay the minimum wagem, they are being subsidized by you as the government has to step in & help them with housing, food, healthcare. So why aren't you having a freak out about them?

So let's go through your laundry list here:

Why are people single-parent families if they could never afford those kids in the first place? Government.

People who cannot work more than part-time are eligible for partial disability. One of my tenants is on it.

Not everybody has equal opportunities; those born with well-off parents have better chances than those born into poverty. I agree. Then why are we subsidizing and incentivizing poor people to have children in the first place? Shouldn't we be doing the exact opposite? Maybe make a requirement that you have to be fixed first before getting one red cent from taxpayers? Then using that money to give tax breaks to affluent families if they have more children?

Your worth as an employee is calculated by how easy you are to replace. You are only worth as much as an employer can pay somebody else to do the same job (same quality) as you do. That's what we are all worth.

If you make 20 bucks an hour, go to your employer and ask for a raise, and he refuses, you can leave and let him find somebody else. Now if he can pay the new replacement 18 bucks an hour to do the exact same job that you did, you were being overpaid. If he can find somebody for the same wage as you, you were making exactly what you were worth. If he has to pay somebody 22 bucks an hour or more to take your job, you were correct in leaving because you were being underpaid.

My mother was a single parent. You are such a total asshole for assuming all single parents or even most are single & had a pile of kids they could not afford. People don't get sick, they don't get divorced, people don't lose jobs. Nope.

This is why you are such a fucking worthless piece of shit.

Lets put on a minimum income requirement to get a permit to have a kid. That's not government interference,nooooooooo.

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