Housing is not a right

the greatest nation on earth shouldnt allow women and children to freeze to death in the winter.
What an ignorant statement. For starters, that emotional “argument” is immature. Second, that doesn’t happen. Third, if you feel that way, you fund it. That’s how life works, junior. When you want something, you pay for it. You don’t get to make me pay for it.

Sorry I want to protect women and children from freezing to death, I know it's awful of me.

I hear ya. The biggest problem now facing Americans, is that wages aren't keeping pace with skyrocketing rents and overall cost of living. The 'American Dream' is dying. We do need to address it.

So why do you think rents are exceeding cost of living?

My property taxes go up almost every year, and over 60% of those taxes goes to schools which me nor any of my tenants have children in. Then there is the EPA that caused our water to skyrocket which I have to pay for. Then there is our city government who thinks they deserve a cut of our rental income. So they create regulations that cost us money we have to give to them.

And remember during the housing bubble we took a huge loss--thousands of dollars in losses because everybody was buying a home and few were renting. Now the tables are turned and it's time to make up some of that lost revenue.

Oh! I got this!

Because when the housing bubble burst, and lots of people lost their homes, instead of letting the lenders fail, the government

propped them up, and the banks ended up owning 5x more property. They snapped up all the property, and now..they wanna

make a profit on it.

Those banks should have been allowed to fail. First off, they should have been liquidated, and all proceeds go to their depositors

before any executives get paid.

It did not happen like that. Banks gained about 5x the properties they had before.

I was never for the bailouts, but in their defense, it was government regulations that got them to make those bad loans. Government should have never been involved in the first place. That was the problem.
You mean our government that's 20 trillion in debt does have the financial abilities to do this?

Yet somehow they manage to find the funding to instigate wars in the middle east.

Protecting the country is in our Constitution. Shelter is not.

I don't think the middle east is "the country" they had in mind.

Most of us didn't either........until 911.

Bullshit. We'd been fucking around over there for sixty plus years. That's WHY 911 happened.

Maybe, but it did happen. Remember oil is the commodity that makes our country run. Think of what we'd do without it or if it was unaffordable.
I personally do not have the means to support every desperate individual in the country neither on a financial or logistical level but don't mind paying taxes to help finance state and local institutions that can.

You mean our government that's 20 trillion in debt does have the financial abilities to do this?

Yet somehow they manage to find the funding to instigate wars in the middle east.

Protecting the country is in our Constitution. Shelter is not.

Why do you have an avatar that points a gun at people's faces? Isn't it the sign of faith to take care of all? Our tribe has never had any business in the Middle East. Not a thing. We are supposed to be taking care of each other.

You mean we don't take care of each other? Many of our so-called poor have cell phones for crying out loud. Do you want me to post how the poor live in this country? Foreigners that come here from real poverty laugh at what we call the poor.
You have to, finally, wake up and see the facts of this reality. You come from a made-up world. None of us can afford to live in your made-up world. I don't think that you have any idea about "the poor." No contact, no idea.
Yet somehow they manage to find the funding to instigate wars in the middle east.

Protecting the country is in our Constitution. Shelter is not.

I don't think the middle east is "the country" they had in mind.

Most of us didn't either........until 911.

Bullshit. We'd been fucking around over there for sixty plus years. That's WHY 911 happened.

Maybe, but it did happen. Remember oil is the commodity that makes our country run. Think of what we'd do without it or if it was unaffordable.

We'd find something better. And avoid getting tangled up with religious fanatics.

"They have it, we want it, we'll take it" is the same mentality driving liberal statism.
You mean our government that's 20 trillion in debt does have the financial abilities to do this?

Yet somehow they manage to find the funding to instigate wars in the middle east.

Protecting the country is in our Constitution. Shelter is not.

Why do you have an avatar that points a gun at people's faces? Isn't it the sign of faith to take care of all? Our tribe has never had any business in the Middle East. Not a thing. We are supposed to be taking care of each other.

You mean we don't take care of each other? Many of our so-called poor have cell phones for crying out loud. Do you want me to post how the poor live in this country? Foreigners that come here from real poverty laugh at what we call the poor.
You have to, finally, wake up and see the facts of this reality. You come from a made-up world. None of us can afford to live in your made-up world. I don't think that you have any idea about "the poor." No contact, no idea.

I think I have a pretty good idea. Some are poor through no fault of their own because of mental disabilities. Most are poor because of laziness or being irresponsible like having kids they could never afford in the first place.

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves
Protecting the country is in our Constitution. Shelter is not.

I don't think the middle east is "the country" they had in mind.

Most of us didn't either........until 911.

Bullshit. We'd been fucking around over there for sixty plus years. That's WHY 911 happened.

Maybe, but it did happen. Remember oil is the commodity that makes our country run. Think of what we'd do without it or if it was unaffordable.

We'd find something better. And avoid getting tangled up with religious fanatics.

"They have it, we want it, we'll take it" is the same mentality driving liberal statism.

We never "took" oil at anytime. We made deals that some people didn't like, but we never stole the stuff.

Yes, we could find something else, but that something else would be much less reliable, much more expensive, and have a dramatic impact on our economy.

My employer took a vacation to Italy a few years back. He told me nearly everybody uses public transportation. Why? Because gasoline is so expensive there. They use public transportation to get to work, to the store, or just about anywhere. Do you want to live like that? I don't.

A car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot was a milestone set years ago when we did have a society like that. It was time consuming, uncomfortable, and restricted freedom.
Yet somehow they manage to find the funding to instigate wars in the middle east.

Protecting the country is in our Constitution. Shelter is not.

Why do you have an avatar that points a gun at people's faces? Isn't it the sign of faith to take care of all? Our tribe has never had any business in the Middle East. Not a thing. We are supposed to be taking care of each other.

You mean we don't take care of each other? Many of our so-called poor have cell phones for crying out loud. Do you want me to post how the poor live in this country? Foreigners that come here from real poverty laugh at what we call the poor.
You have to, finally, wake up and see the facts of this reality. You come from a made-up world. None of us can afford to live in your made-up world. I don't think that you have any idea about "the poor." No contact, no idea.

I think I have a pretty good idea. Some are poor through no fault of their own because of mental disabilities. Most are poor because of laziness or being irresponsible like having kids they could never afford in the first place.

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves

Somebody needs to be held accountable...LOL...WTF?
Housing should always be a privilege and not a right, and here is the biggest reason why...... It is because many times the house belongs to someone else, and due to that fact alone, a person and/or persons (if renting or leasing the house), are required to act and conduct themselves accordingly as in regards to the rules and conditions that were laid out by the owners of said house or property or land.

Act stupid, destructive, unclean, broke and you are out. It shouldn't take an act of Congress to put you out either as it is in some states, like I said housing is a privilege not a right to use or destroy someone else's property at will.

No one should be granted such a right ever, but due to judicial activism over the years, somehow this nation went completely stupid to allow the renter more rights than the owner has in his or her properties.

It's not like that, at least over here it isn't. A few years ago I had to evict somebody and the court didn't give me a problem. In fact they were pretty much on my side. My tenants were out of there in two weeks.

But this idea that there should be rent control telling us how much we are allowed to ask for apartments is Nazi Germany if you ask me.

Liberals think that if you make an investment that has to do with the public, you automatically signed on to a social obligation of some sort. If you have a business, you must pay minimum wage and provide them with healthcare. If you are a landlord, you can't charge more than X a month for rent. If you own a bakery, you have to make a cake for anybody for any reason even if you find it offensive or disturbing.

People make investments to benefit themselves, not benefit liberals.
Might not be like that where you live, but it's like that where we live. Try to control your tendencies to think that what is policy in your state is the same in other states. The fact that you had to go to court to get them out is ridiculous. There should only be a form to fill out, where it states that you gave the tenants 60 days to move out, the reason for eviction, and both you and them has to sign it. Then you submit the form to the county or city office in your district for filing purposes only.

If a tenant refuses to sign the agreement of eviction, then one should involve the proper authorities.

Well that's why I said "at least over here." I understand that in liberal states it's probably much more difficult.

Here, the law is I have to post a notice on all entrance ways that they have three days to move. If they don't, I can file for an eviction. The eviction is heard the very next court date; they have court once a week. There you make your case, the tenant makes theirs, and the judge asks if there is anyway to reconcile the problem. If not, then the judge orders the tenant to be out within 10 days unless they have a lease that they didn't violate.

If they are not out on the tenth day, you call the court and they send the bailiff out to assist removing the tenant and their belongings. If the tenant gives any resistance, the police are called in. After the tenant is out, they are reminded of our trespassing laws and penalties, and the bailiff stays on the property until you finish changing the locks.
Just think, that if you were able to check the tenants out before hand, and refuse them access to your properties, then you wouldn't have to go through all that bullcrap or worse repair your crap because you can't suck blood out of a turnip.

If you refuse tenants their supposed right to your property, then they run to the government with claims of racism, discrimination or you name it.. It's all bullcrap and wrong.
I don't think the middle east is "the country" they had in mind.

Most of us didn't either........until 911.

Bullshit. We'd been fucking around over there for sixty plus years. That's WHY 911 happened.

Maybe, but it did happen. Remember oil is the commodity that makes our country run. Think of what we'd do without it or if it was unaffordable.

We'd find something better. And avoid getting tangled up with religious fanatics.

"They have it, we want it, we'll take it" is the same mentality driving liberal statism.

We never "took" oil at anytime. We made deals that some people didn't like, but we never stole the stuff.

Yes, we could find something else, but that something else would be much less reliable, much more expensive, and have a dramatic impact on our economy.

My employer took a vacation to Italy a few years back. He told me nearly everybody uses public transportation. Why? Because gasoline is so expensive there. They use public transportation to get to work, to the store, or just about anywhere. Do you want to live like that? I don't.

Like I said. It's the same mentality as the liberals. "We want it. We'll take it." Save the excuses for them, they seem to 'get it'.
Yet somehow they manage to find the funding to instigate wars in the middle east.

Protecting the country is in our Constitution. Shelter is not.

Why do you have an avatar that points a gun at people's faces? Isn't it the sign of faith to take care of all? Our tribe has never had any business in the Middle East. Not a thing. We are supposed to be taking care of each other.

You mean we don't take care of each other? Many of our so-called poor have cell phones for crying out loud. Do you want me to post how the poor live in this country? Foreigners that come here from real poverty laugh at what we call the poor.
You have to, finally, wake up and see the facts of this reality. You come from a made-up world. None of us can afford to live in your made-up world. I don't think that you have any idea about "the poor." No contact, no idea.

I think I have a pretty good idea. Some are poor through no fault of their own because of mental disabilities. Most are poor because of laziness or being irresponsible like having kids they could never afford in the first place.

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves

What is "CNS"? What the hell is wrong with you people?
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Protecting the country is in our Constitution. Shelter is not.

Why do you have an avatar that points a gun at people's faces? Isn't it the sign of faith to take care of all? Our tribe has never had any business in the Middle East. Not a thing. We are supposed to be taking care of each other.

You mean we don't take care of each other? Many of our so-called poor have cell phones for crying out loud. Do you want me to post how the poor live in this country? Foreigners that come here from real poverty laugh at what we call the poor.
You have to, finally, wake up and see the facts of this reality. You come from a made-up world. None of us can afford to live in your made-up world. I don't think that you have any idea about "the poor." No contact, no idea.

I think I have a pretty good idea. Some are poor through no fault of their own because of mental disabilities. Most are poor because of laziness or being irresponsible like having kids they could never afford in the first place.

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves

What is "CNS"? What the hell is wrong with you people?

Prove them wrong then. I have more sites if you'd like.
Most of us didn't either........until 911.

Bullshit. We'd been fucking around over there for sixty plus years. That's WHY 911 happened.

Maybe, but it did happen. Remember oil is the commodity that makes our country run. Think of what we'd do without it or if it was unaffordable.

We'd find something better. And avoid getting tangled up with religious fanatics.

"They have it, we want it, we'll take it" is the same mentality driving liberal statism.

We never "took" oil at anytime. We made deals that some people didn't like, but we never stole the stuff.

Yes, we could find something else, but that something else would be much less reliable, much more expensive, and have a dramatic impact on our economy.

My employer took a vacation to Italy a few years back. He told me nearly everybody uses public transportation. Why? Because gasoline is so expensive there. They use public transportation to get to work, to the store, or just about anywhere. Do you want to live like that? I don't.

Like I said. It's the same mentality as the liberals. "We want it. We'll take it." Save the excuses for them, they seem to 'get it'.

So you're saying you could do just fine without your car, paying twice as much for roof shingles, paying twice as much in taxes for asphalt used for the roads or your driveway?

One of the reasons we are the greatest country in the world is our economy and the ability to make money here. Oil is essential to our success.
Housing should always be a privilege and not a right, and here is the biggest reason why...... It is because many times the house belongs to someone else, and due to that fact alone, a person and/or persons (if renting or leasing the house), are required to act and conduct themselves accordingly as in regards to the rules and conditions that were laid out by the owners of said house or property or land.

Act stupid, destructive, unclean, broke and you are out. It shouldn't take an act of Congress to put you out either as it is in some states, like I said housing is a privilege not a right to use or destroy someone else's property at will.

No one should be granted such a right ever, but due to judicial activism over the years, somehow this nation went completely stupid to allow the renter more rights than the owner has in his or her properties.

It's not like that, at least over here it isn't. A few years ago I had to evict somebody and the court didn't give me a problem. In fact they were pretty much on my side. My tenants were out of there in two weeks.

But this idea that there should be rent control telling us how much we are allowed to ask for apartments is Nazi Germany if you ask me.

Liberals think that if you make an investment that has to do with the public, you automatically signed on to a social obligation of some sort. If you have a business, you must pay minimum wage and provide them with healthcare. If you are a landlord, you can't charge more than X a month for rent. If you own a bakery, you have to make a cake for anybody for any reason even if you find it offensive or disturbing.

People make investments to benefit themselves, not benefit liberals.
Might not be like that where you live, but it's like that where we live. Try to control your tendencies to think that what is policy in your state is the same in other states. The fact that you had to go to court to get them out is ridiculous. There should only be a form to fill out, where it states that you gave the tenants 60 days to move out, the reason for eviction, and both you and them has to sign it. Then you submit the form to the county or city office in your district for filing purposes only.

If a tenant refuses to sign the agreement of eviction, then one should involve the proper authorities.

Well that's why I said "at least over here." I understand that in liberal states it's probably much more difficult.

Here, the law is I have to post a notice on all entrance ways that they have three days to move. If they don't, I can file for an eviction. The eviction is heard the very next court date; they have court once a week. There you make your case, the tenant makes theirs, and the judge asks if there is anyway to reconcile the problem. If not, then the judge orders the tenant to be out within 10 days unless they have a lease that they didn't violate.

If they are not out on the tenth day, you call the court and they send the bailiff out to assist removing the tenant and their belongings. If the tenant gives any resistance, the police are called in. After the tenant is out, they are reminded of our trespassing laws and penalties, and the bailiff stays on the property until you finish changing the locks.
Just think, that if you were able to check the tenants out before hand, and refuse them access to your properties, then you wouldn't have to go through all that bullcrap or worse repair your crap because you can't suck blood out of a turnip.

If you refuse tenants their supposed right to your property, then they run to the government with claims of racism, discrimination or you name it.. It's all bullcrap and wrong.

I've been a landlord for 25 years now, but prior was a tenant several times. In fact, I was a tenant here before I bought the place.

Tenants can be real assholes, but so can landlords. I've had one or two of those. So the system is setup so it's fair for both and not one sided.
Bullshit. We'd been fucking around over there for sixty plus years. That's WHY 911 happened.

Maybe, but it did happen. Remember oil is the commodity that makes our country run. Think of what we'd do without it or if it was unaffordable.

We'd find something better. And avoid getting tangled up with religious fanatics.

"They have it, we want it, we'll take it" is the same mentality driving liberal statism.

We never "took" oil at anytime. We made deals that some people didn't like, but we never stole the stuff.

Yes, we could find something else, but that something else would be much less reliable, much more expensive, and have a dramatic impact on our economy.

My employer took a vacation to Italy a few years back. He told me nearly everybody uses public transportation. Why? Because gasoline is so expensive there. They use public transportation to get to work, to the store, or just about anywhere. Do you want to live like that? I don't.

Like I said. It's the same mentality as the liberals. "We want it. We'll take it." Save the excuses for them, they seem to 'get it'.

So you're saying you could do just fine without ...

No. I'm saying your rationalizations are immoral. Need isn't a justification for violence.
Constitution and other American blessings are largely aspirational
They are not material nor designed to place a roof over your head
Maybe not a right, but we do need to address our worsening housing crisis. Wages are not keeping up with the cost of living. Rents and Mortgages are skyrocketing. The 'American Dream' is dying. If folks can't afford housing, this country is in deep trouble.
The thing is that everyone is different, so to suggest that people won't be able to afford something really, is to suggest that everyone is on the same level with each other.

That will never be the case because people do all sorts of crazy crap that might limit their ability to afford a shack much less a house in your neighborhood.

Without looking into each person's specific decisions and choices made in life, then how can we know what or why they can't afford something ??

It's easy to use the poor in order to keep prices lower in alot of things, but in alot of ways it has gotten way out of hand as to what has gone on in all of this lately. Remember Fannie Mae & Fredie Mac etc ??

Yes we need lower prices for all citizens in America, and yes the poor amongst us will benefit in the trickle down effect that is created or caused by it all, and this will be because of that across the board strategy to keep prices reasonable in this country for all citizens when ever and/or where ever possible.

Take vacation resort areas for example. The poor can't live there because the economy is based on high prices due to seasonal business. Not a good place for the poor to set up camp, and especially not our government trying to set them up there so they can feel inclusive off of our tax dollars.

Not saying they should be held back from the dream, but working towards that dream is what it's all about. Making good decisions is what it's all about, and if make bad choices then at least there is the incentive to turn it back around. Yes, never leave a man behind, but at least help the man to fish instead of giving him a fish. It's ultimately up to him though. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make the horse drink.
I personally do not have the means to support every desperate individual in the country neither on a financial or logistical level
That's your problem. Don't make it mine. I don't have the means for a private jet. I don't demand that government provide it for me. I recognize that if I want something, it's my responsibility to pay for it.

Not to mention, you and all of your left-wing pals do have enough both financially and logistically to start the Socialism of America Foundation which unites all left-wing Americans voluntarily to share everything they have in the pursuit of helping each other.

Yet none of you do it. Why? Because none of you actually care.
Well he's made it pretty clear that he resents the idea of any sort of social safety net.
Well yes and no. Government run? Hell no. At the federal level it is 100% unconstitutional.

Now, if you mean a "social safety net" like Habitat for Humanity, the United Way, and other various CHARITIES in the U.S., then I am 100% for it.
Yet somehow they manage to find the funding to instigate wars in the middle east.
Well first of all, defense is a constitutional responsibility of our federal government (unlike socialism). Second, we didn't "instigate" 9/11. You lefties are so anti-American, it's disgusting.

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