Housing is not a right

You'll have to be more explicit. This is what I've found in the past. When pressed, there is no clear reason why "reformers" want government to intervene. Other than to establish government authority of whatever it is they're after (health care, housing, etc...).

We have jobs that only illegals will do and people who will only live off the dole. That is a disconnect.

Government assistance has to require some skin in the game.
The part you don't understand is that a good number of those "unemployed" people here are unemployable.

Right. Before the excuse was there was not enough jobs. Now that there are plenty of jobs, they are unemployable.
I personally do not have the means to support every desperate individual in the country neither on a financial or logistical level but don't mind paying taxes to help finance state and local institutions that can.

You mean our government that's 20 trillion in debt does have the financial abilities to do this?
Only in areas controlled by Dumbocrats who have implemented failed left-wing policy. Go to any city, state, or county controlled by Republicans and housing is more than affordable. It only doesn’t “keep pace” in progressive shit-holes like New York and San Francisco.

It's more affordable because nobody wants to live there.

Actually it's because the cost of living is so much lower due to less government. When I'm kicking back and nothing better to watch on television, I turn on HGTV. A home that would cost around 200K here is like 800K in these liberal meccas. That's why they are the ones that are trying to sue Trump with his new tax structure of not being able to write of interest on any house over 800K. 800K is a standard home there. Here, an 800K home is almost a mansion.
the greatest nation on earth shouldnt allow women and children to freeze to death in the winter.
What an ignorant statement. For starters, that emotional “argument” is immature. Second, that doesn’t happen. Third, if you feel that way, you fund it. That’s how life works, junior. When you want something, you pay for it. You don’t get to make me pay for it.

Sorry I want to protect women and children from freezing to death, I know it's awful of me.

I hear ya. The biggest problem now facing Americans, is that wages aren't keeping pace with skyrocketing rents and overall cost of living. The 'American Dream' is dying. We do need to address it.

So why do you think rents are exceeding cost of living?

My property taxes go up almost every year, and over 60% of those taxes goes to schools which me nor any of my tenants have children in. Then there is the EPA that caused our water to skyrocket which I have to pay for. Then there is our city government who thinks they deserve a cut of our rental income. So they create regulations that cost us money we have to give to them.

And remember during the housing bubble we took a huge loss--thousands of dollars in losses because everybody was buying a home and few were renting. Now the tables are turned and it's time to make up some of that lost revenue.
Maybe not a right, but we do need to address our worsening housing crisis. Wages are not keeping up with the cost of living. Rents and Mortgages are skyrocketing. The 'American Dream' is dying. If folks can't afford housing, this country is in deep trouble.

I guess roommates are out of the question, huh?
I personally do not have the means to support every desperate individual in the country neither on a financial or logistical level but don't mind paying taxes to help finance state and local institutions that can.

You mean our government that's 20 trillion in debt does have the financial abilities to do this?

Yet somehow they manage to find the funding to instigate wars in the middle east.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
Housing isn't a right, boom ya got us. Shame on us for noticing. Unlike firearms, which is. Talk about misplaced priorities, People NEED houses, but...Guns are just toys, distractions. We need to reconstruct the Constitution in favor of reality and necessities, not technological toys.GUNS? Please. We should have a basic right to HOMES, not arms.

Er...until somebody comes with a gun and tells you to get the fuck out of your house.

God are people really this hopelessly stupid?

When did someone come with a gun and order the occupants out of the house? This happened in nazi Germany. Where else has it ever happened?
the greatest nation on earth shouldnt allow women and children to freeze to death in the winter.

It gets pretty damn cold up here in Cleveland by the great lakes, and in my entire life, I don't remember one story about woman and children freezing to death here.

We have shelters and emergency temporary shelters for these people, but the problem is they don't want to be in those shelters. We can't force them to go in if they don't want to. That's unconstitutional according to the courts.

I came across a few bucks last year and my first charity of choice are the homeless. Instead of giving money to these organizations, I gave it to a church who had a crew that distributed sleeping bags, tents, blankets and heavy winter coats to the homeless. Realizing that many will refuse shelter, it's the best way I could use my money to help them.

There is only so much you can do.
I personally do not have the means to support every desperate individual in the country neither on a financial or logistical level but don't mind paying taxes to help finance state and local institutions that can.

You mean our government that's 20 trillion in debt does have the financial abilities to do this?

Yet somehow they manage to find the funding to instigate wars in the middle east.

Protecting the country is in our Constitution. Shelter is not.
I personally do not have the means to support every desperate individual in the country neither on a financial or logistical level but don't mind paying taxes to help finance state and local institutions that can.

You mean our government that's 20 trillion in debt does have the financial abilities to do this?

Yet somehow they manage to find the funding to instigate wars in the middle east.

Protecting the country is in our Constitution. Shelter is not.

I don't think the middle east is "the country" they had in mind.
I personally do not have the means to support every desperate individual in the country neither on a financial or logistical level but don't mind paying taxes to help finance state and local institutions that can.

You mean our government that's 20 trillion in debt does have the financial abilities to do this?

Yet somehow they manage to find the funding to instigate wars in the middle east.

Protecting the country is in our Constitution. Shelter is not.

I don't think the middle east is "the country" they had in mind.

Most of us didn't either........until 911.
I personally do not have the means to support every desperate individual in the country neither on a financial or logistical level but don't mind paying taxes to help finance state and local institutions that can.

You mean our government that's 20 trillion in debt does have the financial abilities to do this?

Yet somehow they manage to find the funding to instigate wars in the middle east.

Protecting the country is in our Constitution. Shelter is not.

I don't think the middle east is "the country" they had in mind.

Most of us didn't either........until 911.

Bullshit. We'd been fucking around over there for sixty plus years. That's WHY 911 happened.
I still don't get it, but whatever you can find to diss your poorer neighbors, I guess it flies for you.
Truth is something you loath eh ??
What's wrong with BBQ'ing?
4 days straight, and with 30 people or more ??? Good grief.
Ray got his binoculars out, counting the people, checking what they're eating, and making sure it is the same 30 people every night?
Ray's got the problem, if you ask me.
It's hot. There's nothing wrong with bbq-ing and they may have all been at work all day; he doesn't know shit about it.

They have? If they work, why are they on HUD? And how do they get to work since their cars are usually there all day long? And how do they wake up for work when they are coming home all hours of the work week drunk as a skunk?
So you're stalking their cars, too? Know who owns which vehicle and then check to see if they're at the nightly bbg?
But what should I expect from someone with your avi?
I personally do not have the means to support every desperate individual in the country neither on a financial or logistical level but don't mind paying taxes to help finance state and local institutions that can.

You mean our government that's 20 trillion in debt does have the financial abilities to do this?

Yet somehow they manage to find the funding to instigate wars in the middle east.

Protecting the country is in our Constitution. Shelter is not.

Why do you have an avatar that points a gun at people's faces? Isn't it the sign of faith to take care of all? Our tribe has never had any business in the Middle East. Not a thing. We are supposed to be taking care of each other.
Truth is something you loath eh ??
What's wrong with BBQ'ing?
4 days straight, and with 30 people or more ??? Good grief.
Ray got his binoculars out, counting the people, checking what they're eating, and making sure it is the same 30 people every night?
Ray's got the problem, if you ask me.
It's hot. There's nothing wrong with bbq-ing and they may have all been at work all day; he doesn't know shit about it.

They have? If they work, why are they on HUD? And how do they get to work since their cars are usually there all day long? And how do they wake up for work when they are coming home all hours of the work week drunk as a skunk?
So you're stalking their cars, too? Know who owns which vehicle and then check to see if they're at the nightly bbg?
But what should I expect from someone with your avi?

What, that I take note of what's going on around me? That's what the police told me to do. I had to call them a half-dozen times already in the little over the year they've lived next door to me.
the greatest nation on earth shouldnt allow women and children to freeze to death in the winter.

It gets pretty damn cold up here in Cleveland by the great lakes, and in my entire life, I don't remember one story about woman and children freezing to death here.

We have shelters and emergency temporary shelters for these people, but the problem is they don't want to be in those shelters. We can't force them to go in if they don't want to. That's unconstitutional according to the courts.

I came across a few bucks last year and my first charity of choice are the homeless. Instead of giving money to these organizations, I gave it to a church who had a crew that distributed sleeping bags, tents, blankets and heavy winter coats to the homeless. Realizing that many will refuse shelter, it's the best way I could use my money to help them.

There is only so much you can do.

I'm not trying to go all bleeding heart liberal on you here, I'm trying to be reasonable. I understand that federal assistance programs are often abused by people who are able yet unwilling to care for themselves. And we should do what we can to reduce fraud and identify freeloaders. I'm not even suggesting we pay their rent for them. Just set aside some money for shelters in extreme conditions at the very least. Is that really so much to ask?
I personally do not have the means to support every desperate individual in the country neither on a financial or logistical level but don't mind paying taxes to help finance state and local institutions that can.

You mean our government that's 20 trillion in debt does have the financial abilities to do this?

Yet somehow they manage to find the funding to instigate wars in the middle east.

Protecting the country is in our Constitution. Shelter is not.

Why do you have an avatar that points a gun at people's faces? Isn't it the sign of faith to take care of all? Our tribe has never had any business in the Middle East. Not a thing. We are supposed to be taking care of each other.

You mean we don't take care of each other? Many of our so-called poor have cell phones for crying out loud. Do you want me to post how the poor live in this country? Foreigners that come here from real poverty laugh at what we call the poor.
the greatest nation on earth shouldnt allow women and children to freeze to death in the winter.
What an ignorant statement. For starters, that emotional “argument” is immature. Second, that doesn’t happen. Third, if you feel that way, you fund it. That’s how life works, junior. When you want something, you pay for it. You don’t get to make me pay for it.

Sorry I want to protect women and children from freezing to death, I know it's awful of me.

I hear ya. The biggest problem now facing Americans, is that wages aren't keeping pace with skyrocketing rents and overall cost of living. The 'American Dream' is dying. We do need to address it.

So why do you think rents are exceeding cost of living?

My property taxes go up almost every year, and over 60% of those taxes goes to schools which me nor any of my tenants have children in. Then there is the EPA that caused our water to skyrocket which I have to pay for. Then there is our city government who thinks they deserve a cut of our rental income. So they create regulations that cost us money we have to give to them.

And remember during the housing bubble we took a huge loss--thousands of dollars in losses because everybody was buying a home and few were renting. Now the tables are turned and it's time to make up some of that lost revenue.

Oh! I got this!

Because when the housing bubble burst, and lots of people lost their homes, instead of letting the lenders fail, the government

propped them up, and the banks ended up owning 5x more property. They snapped up all the property, and now..they wanna

make a profit on it.

Those banks should have been allowed to fail. First off, they should have been liquidated, and all proceeds go to their depositors

before any executives get paid.

It did not happen like that. Banks gained about 5x the properties they had before.

Citi and Bank of America come to mind. Someone posted a list not long ago.

Those banks gambled and lost, then Uncle Sugar comes along and says "that's ok" we got some taxpayer money to cover your debts and make you rich beyond your wildest dreams".


/end rant
the greatest nation on earth shouldnt allow women and children to freeze to death in the winter.

It gets pretty damn cold up here in Cleveland by the great lakes, and in my entire life, I don't remember one story about woman and children freezing to death here.

We have shelters and emergency temporary shelters for these people, but the problem is they don't want to be in those shelters. We can't force them to go in if they don't want to. That's unconstitutional according to the courts.

I came across a few bucks last year and my first charity of choice are the homeless. Instead of giving money to these organizations, I gave it to a church who had a crew that distributed sleeping bags, tents, blankets and heavy winter coats to the homeless. Realizing that many will refuse shelter, it's the best way I could use my money to help them.

There is only so much you can do.

I'm not trying to go all bleeding heart liberal on you here, I'm trying to be reasonable. I understand that federal assistance programs are often abused by people who are able yet unwilling to care for themselves. And we should do what we can to reduce fraud and identify freeloaders. I'm not even suggesting we pay their rent for them. Just set aside some money for shelters in extreme conditions at the very least. Is that really so much to ask?

Then you have to support the politicians and party that feels the same way. Democrats rely on government dependents. It's how they get votes. So their view is to make as many government dependents as possible. We Republicans on the other hand want people who can help themselves to do exactly that, and then we can take care of the people who have no way to take care of themselves.

So when Democrats are in charge, they make it so just about anybody can be on some social program, and then we taxpayers get pissed off like when I see my HUD neighbor next door here in the suburbs, or at the grocery store where some lowlife is asking us if he could buy some of our items using his food stamps, and then we buy those items back from him in cash after the checkout.

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