Housing is not a right

We use our government, our collective voice, to make sure that those among us have food, housing, the staples of living, because this is what a society does and has done throughout the ages. It is the moral thing to do.
Shame on you. You’re an absolute disgrace to humanity. You’re trying to make plunder/theft/pillaging/etc. “moral”. There is nothing “moral” about it. Frédéric Bastiat warned society about people like you centuries ago.

It is profoundly disturbing to be in a society in which people are so unwilling to help others. This is our downfall. All tribes take care of their members. Beagle9 daughter and her husband have a problem. We try to take action through a government that works on our behalf to fix it, to lessen the burden on them. We use our government, our collective voice, to make sure that those among us have food, housing, the staples of living, because this is what a society does and has done throughout the ages. It is the moral thing to do.
There seems to be a "thing" among some Americans of wanting to check out of the society they are living in. People who do not want to be members of the group, yet they don't want to go to some island somewhere. Ain't no way.

You're conflating society with government. Government is a tool that we, as a society, use to protect our rights. It operates by passing laws and forcing compliance. It's not an appropriate mechanism for taking care of people in need.
Government is our collective voice. Our way of getting things done. We have a very large tribe here, something like 320 million.

The first thought is to take care of each other.

Government is not our collective voice, what horse shit.

We have our own voices. We don't permit government to speak for us..and we sure as shit are not surrendering our voices to a *collective*. Cripes.
Under Demon-crat rule they figured you had surrendered, but then came Trump to free you, and that just drove them MAD.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
Housing isn't a right, boom ya got us. Shame on us for noticing. Unlike firearms, which is. Talk about misplaced priorities, People NEED houses, but...Guns are just toys, distractions. We need to reconstruct the Constitution in favor of reality and necessities, not technological toys.GUNS? Please. We should have a basic right to HOMES, not arms.

Yes, I agree, you have a basic right to a home....any home you can afford.
You agree, but the fact remains, we don't have a right to health care or a home.Despite our income level. But damn, irregardless of your income level. Guns are way cheaper than housing, can you buy a black market house? That segways into other issues.How many people have been needlessly housed by reckless realtors and been housed to death? Needless housing that lead to housing up schoolkids in schools? Science fiction. The lack of housing is a issue (not a Constitutional issue), the plethora of firearms (a Constitutional issue) IS. Let's put our priorities in order here.
Why this guns to housing comparison here ?? It's not working what ever it is that you're attempting to pull.

Separate issues altogether.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
Housing isn't a right, boom ya got us. Shame on us for noticing. Unlike firearms, which is. Talk about misplaced priorities, People NEED houses, but...Guns are just toys, distractions. We need to reconstruct the Constitution in favor of reality and necessities, not technological toys.GUNS? Please. We should have a basic right to HOMES, not arms.

Yes, I agree, you have a basic right to a home....any home you can afford.
You agree, but the fact remains, we don't have a right to health care or a home.Despite our income level. But damn, irregardless of your income level. Guns are way cheaper than housing, can you buy a black market house? That segways into other issues.How many people have been needlessly housed by reckless realtors and been housed to death? Needless housing that lead to housing up schoolkids in schools? Science fiction. The lack of housing is a issue (not a Constitutional issue), the plethora of firearms (a Constitutional issue) IS. Let's put our priorities in order here.
Why this guns to housing comparison here ?? It's not working what ever it is that you're attempting to pull.

Separate issues altogether.
This is the garbage they're fed by the media and the schools, where applicable.
It is profoundly disturbing to be in a society in which people are so unwilling to help others. This is our downfall. All tribes take care of their members. Beagle9 daughter and her husband have a problem. We try to take action through a government that works on our behalf to fix it, to lessen the burden on them. We use our government, our collective voice, to make sure that those among us have food, housing, the staples of living, because this is what a society does and has done throughout the ages. It is the moral thing to do.
There seems to be a "thing" among some Americans of wanting to check out of the society they are living in. People who do not want to be members of the group, yet they don't want to go to some island somewhere. Ain't no way.

Republicans and Conservatives contribute far more to charities in time and money than do Democrats and Progressives. Democrats and Progressives want to reach into someone else's pocket to do what they view as good for society.
Our constitution doesn't give basic needs like housing any concern, that's true. Guns, well that seems more important.Life liberty and happiness ok. Sooo, if I get my gun and take someone's life, liberty or happiness away from them, and force them out of their house they bought and worked hard for, as long as I use my constitutionally right to bare arms, that is ok? Of course not, we all know that. Everyone has a basic right to happiness, ie :SHELTER. Shelter is a part of happiness, is it not? Or do you think squatting anywhere your ass lands ten minutes from now is what the founding fathers meant by life liberty and happiness?

That's just stupid. Murder someone and hopefully, you'll end up with a needle in your arm quickly. Which eliminates the rest of your rant.

Perhaps you are not aware but the purpose of our Constitution is to protect us FROM our government, not dictate what our government is responsible for doing TO us.
Housing should always be a privilege and not a right, and here is the biggest reason why...... It is because many times the house belongs to someone else, and due to that fact alone, a person and/or persons (if renting or leasing the house), are required to act and conduct themselves accordingly as in regards to the rules and conditions that were laid out by the owners of said house or property or land.

Act stupid, destructive, unclean, broke and you are out. It shouldn't take an act of Congress to put you out either as it is in some states, like I said housing is a privilege not a right to use or destroy someone else's property at will.

No one should be granted such a right ever, but due to judicial activism over the years, somehow this nation went completely stupid to allow the renter more rights than the owner has in his or her properties.
Housing should always be a privilege and not a right, and here is the biggest reason why...... It is because many times the house belongs to someone else, and due to that fact alone, a person and/or persons (if renting or leasing the house), are required to act and conduct themselves accordingly as in regards to the rules and conditions that were laid out by the owners of said house or property or land.

Act stupid, destructive, unclean, broke and you are out. It shouldn't take an act of Congress to put you out either as it is in some states, like I said housing is a privilege not a right to use or destroy someone else's property at will.

No one should be granted such a right ever, but due to judicial activism over the years, somehow this nation went completely stupid to allow the renter more rights than the owner has in his or her properties.

It's not like that, at least over here it isn't. A few years ago I had to evict somebody and the court didn't give me a problem. In fact they were pretty much on my side. My tenants were out of there in two weeks.

But this idea that there should be rent control telling us how much we are allowed to ask for apartments is Nazi Germany if you ask me.

Liberals think that if you make an investment that has to do with the public, you automatically signed on to a social obligation of some sort. If you have a business, you must pay minimum wage and provide them with healthcare. If you are a landlord, you can't charge more than X a month for rent. If you own a bakery, you have to make a cake for anybody for any reason even if you find it offensive or disturbing.

People make investments to benefit themselves, not benefit liberals.
Everyone has a basic right to happiness, ie :SHELTER. Shelter is a part of happiness, is it not? Or do you think squatting anywhere your ass lands ten minutes from now is what the founding fathers meant by life liberty and happiness?

Correct, everybody does have the the ability for shelter, but not a right to have it provided to them by taxpayers.

You can't call anything you'd like to have a right. It's not. A right is written somewhere. It's a law and protection. My happiness would be to never have to work again. Does that mean I have a right to never work because the Constitution guarantees me the "pursuit" of happiness?
It is profoundly disturbing to be in a society in which people are so unwilling to help others. This is our downfall. All tribes take care of their members. Beagle9 daughter and her husband have a problem. We try to take action through a government that works on our behalf to fix it, to lessen the burden on them. We use our government, our collective voice, to make sure that those among us have food, housing, the staples of living, because this is what a society does and has done throughout the ages. It is the moral thing to do.
There seems to be a "thing" among some Americans of wanting to check out of the society they are living in. People who do not want to be members of the group, yet they don't want to go to some island somewhere. Ain't no way.

You're conflating society with government. Government is a tool that we, as a society, use to protect our rights. It operates by passing laws and forcing compliance. It's not an appropriate mechanism for taking care of people in need.
Government is our collective voice. Our way of getting things done. We have a very large tribe here, something like 320 million.

The first thought is to take care of each other.

People taking care of each other is good. Forcing people to take care of each other is not. Why do you think we are 20 trillion in debt today?
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
Housing isn't a right, boom ya got us. Shame on us for noticing. Unlike firearms, which is. Talk about misplaced priorities, People NEED houses, but...Guns are just toys, distractions. We need to reconstruct the Constitution in favor of reality and necessities, not technological toys.GUNS? Please. We should have a basic right to HOMES, not arms.

So we need to rewrite the Constitution to include homes? We don't need that. Ever hear of HUD?

Your claim is silly. We need to provide homes, but not the ability for people to defend themselves.
Housing should always be a privilege and not a right, and here is the biggest reason why...... It is because many times the house belongs to someone else, and due to that fact alone, a person and/or persons (if renting or leasing the house), are required to act and conduct themselves accordingly as in regards to the rules and conditions that were laid out by the owners of said house or property or land.

Act stupid, destructive, unclean, broke and you are out. It shouldn't take an act of Congress to put you out either as it is in some states, like I said housing is a privilege not a right to use or destroy someone else's property at will.

No one should be granted such a right ever, but due to judicial activism over the years, somehow this nation went completely stupid to allow the renter more rights than the owner has in his or her properties.

It's not like that, at least over here it isn't. A few years ago I had to evict somebody and the court didn't give me a problem. In fact they were pretty much on my side. My tenants were out of there in two weeks.

But this idea that there should be rent control telling us how much we are allowed to ask for apartments is Nazi Germany if you ask me.

Liberals think that if you make an investment that has to do with the public, you automatically signed on to a social obligation of some sort. If you have a business, you must pay minimum wage and provide them with healthcare. If you are a landlord, you can't charge more than X a month for rent. If you own a bakery, you have to make a cake for anybody for any reason even if you find it offensive or disturbing.

People make investments to benefit themselves, not benefit liberals.
Might not be like that where you live, but it's like that where we live. Try to control your tendencies to think that what is policy in your state is the same in other states. The fact that you had to go to court to get them out is ridiculous. There should only be a form to fill out, where it states that you gave the tenants 60 days to move out, the reason for eviction, and both you and them has to sign it. Then you submit the form to the county or city office in your district for filing purposes only.

If a tenant refuses to sign the agreement of eviction, then one should involve the proper authorities.
Housing should always be a privilege and not a right, and here is the biggest reason why...... It is because many times the house belongs to someone else, and due to that fact alone, a person and/or persons (if renting or leasing the house), are required to act and conduct themselves accordingly as in regards to the rules and conditions that were laid out by the owners of said house or property or land.

Act stupid, destructive, unclean, broke and you are out. It shouldn't take an act of Congress to put you out either as it is in some states, like I said housing is a privilege not a right to use or destroy someone else's property at will.

No one should be granted such a right ever, but due to judicial activism over the years, somehow this nation went completely stupid to allow the renter more rights than the owner has in his or her properties.

It's not like that, at least over here it isn't. A few years ago I had to evict somebody and the court didn't give me a problem. In fact they were pretty much on my side. My tenants were out of there in two weeks.

But this idea that there should be rent control telling us how much we are allowed to ask for apartments is Nazi Germany if you ask me.

Liberals think that if you make an investment that has to do with the public, you automatically signed on to a social obligation of some sort. If you have a business, you must pay minimum wage and provide them with healthcare. If you are a landlord, you can't charge more than X a month for rent. If you own a bakery, you have to make a cake for anybody for any reason even if you find it offensive or disturbing.

People make investments to benefit themselves, not benefit liberals.
Might not be like that where you live, but it's like that where we live. Try to control your tendencies to think that what is policy in your state is the same in other states. The fact that you had to go to court to get them out is ridiculous. There should only be a form to fill out, where it states that you gave the tenants 60 days to move out, the reason for eviction, and both you and them has to sign it. Then you submit the form to the county or city office in your district for filing purposes only.

If a tenant refuses to sign the agreement of eviction, then one should involve the proper authorities.

Well that's why I said "at least over here." I understand that in liberal states it's probably much more difficult.

Here, the law is I have to post a notice on all entrance ways that they have three days to move. If they don't, I can file for an eviction. The eviction is heard the very next court date; they have court once a week. There you make your case, the tenant makes theirs, and the judge asks if there is anyway to reconcile the problem. If not, then the judge orders the tenant to be out within 10 days unless they have a lease that they didn't violate.

If they are not out on the tenth day, you call the court and they send the bailiff out to assist removing the tenant and their belongings. If the tenant gives any resistance, the police are called in. After the tenant is out, they are reminded of our trespassing laws and penalties, and the bailiff stays on the property until you finish changing the locks.
It is profoundly disturbing to be in a society in which people are so unwilling to help others. This is our downfall. All tribes take care of their members. Beagle9 daughter and her husband have a problem. We try to take action through a government that works on our behalf to fix it, to lessen the burden on them. We use our government, our collective voice, to make sure that those among us have food, housing, the staples of living, because this is what a society does and has done throughout the ages. It is the moral thing to do.
There seems to be a "thing" among some Americans of wanting to check out of the society they are living in. People who do not want to be members of the group, yet they don't want to go to some island somewhere. Ain't no way.

You're conflating society with government. Government is a tool that we, as a society, use to protect our rights. It operates by passing laws and forcing compliance. It's not an appropriate mechanism for taking care of people in need.
Government is our collective voice. Our way of getting things done. We have a very large tribe here, something like 320 million.

The first thought is to take care of each other.

People taking care of each other is good. Forcing people to take care of each other is not. Why do you think we are 20 trillion in debt today?

The debt we ran up had nothing to do with taking care of our people.
It is profoundly disturbing to be in a society in which people are so unwilling to help others. This is our downfall. All tribes take care of their members. Beagle9 daughter and her husband have a problem. We try to take action through a government that works on our behalf to fix it, to lessen the burden on them. We use our government, our collective voice, to make sure that those among us have food, housing, the staples of living, because this is what a society does and has done throughout the ages. It is the moral thing to do.
There seems to be a "thing" among some Americans of wanting to check out of the society they are living in. People who do not want to be members of the group, yet they don't want to go to some island somewhere. Ain't no way.

You're conflating society with government. Government is a tool that we, as a society, use to protect our rights. It operates by passing laws and forcing compliance. It's not an appropriate mechanism for taking care of people in need.
Government is our collective voice. Our way of getting things done. We have a very large tribe here, something like 320 million.

The first thought is to take care of each other.

People taking care of each other is good. Forcing people to take care of each other is not. Why do you think we are 20 trillion in debt today?

The debt we ran up had nothing to do with taking care of our people.

Which people do we own?
Government is our collective voice. Our way of getting things done. We have a very large tribe here, something like 320 millions.

You're describing a totalitarian government. In a free society, government protects our freedom to get things done, but it doesn't tell us how to go about it.

This is really central to so many of the debates on here. Some of you seem to see government as the 'boss' of society. I see it as the other way around.
It is profoundly disturbing to be in a society in which people are so unwilling to help others. This is our downfall. All tribes take care of their members. Beagle9 daughter and her husband have a problem. We try to take action through a government that works on our behalf to fix it, to lessen the burden on them. We use our government, our collective voice, to make sure that those among us have food, housing, the staples of living, because this is what a society does and has done throughout the ages. It is the moral thing to do.
There seems to be a "thing" among some Americans of wanting to check out of the society they are living in. People who do not want to be members of the group, yet they don't want to go to some island somewhere. Ain't no way.

You're conflating society with government. Government is a tool that we, as a society, use to protect our rights. It operates by passing laws and forcing compliance. It's not an appropriate mechanism for taking care of people in need.
Government is our collective voice. Our way of getting things done. We have a very large tribe here, something like 320 million.

The first thought is to take care of each other.

People taking care of each other is good. Forcing people to take care of each other is not. Why do you think we are 20 trillion in debt today?

The debt we ran up had nothing to do with taking care of our people.

Actually most of it is. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIPs, HUD, Food Stamps, Daycare, School Lunches, you name it. We have over 80 national welfare programs alone.

If you ever have some time to kill, go to our US Constitution where it lists the role of our federal government, and then imagine that since our founding, we only funded those things within the document. We would have such a surplus today everybody's taxes would be cut in half.
the greatest nation on earth shouldnt allow women and children to freeze to death in the winter.
the greatest nation on earth shouldnt allow women and children to freeze to death in the winter.
What an ignorant statement. For starters, that emotional “argument” is immature. Second, that doesn’t happen. Third, if you feel that way, you fund it. That’s how life works, junior. When you want something, you pay for it. You don’t get to make me pay for it.

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