Housing is not a right

It is profoundly disturbing to be in a society in which people are so unwilling to help others. This is our downfall. All tribes take care of their members. Beagle9 daughter and her husband have a problem. We try to take action through a government that works on our behalf to fix it, to lessen the burden on them. We use our government, our collective voice, to make sure that those among us have food, housing, the staples of living, because this is what a society does and has done throughout the ages. It is the moral thing to do.
There seems to be a "thing" among some Americans of wanting to check out of the society they are living in. People who do not want to be members of the group, yet they don't want to go to some island somewhere. Ain't no way.
It is profoundly disturbing to be in a society in which people are so unwilling to help others. This is our downfall. All tribes take care of their members. Beagle9 daughter and her husband have a problem. We try to take action through a government that works on our behalf to fix it, to lessen the burden on them. We use our government, our collective voice, to make sure that those among us have food, housing, the staples of living, because this is what a society does and has done throughout the ages. It is the moral thing to do.
There seems to be a "thing" among some Americans of wanting to check out of the society they are living in. People who do not want to be members of the group, yet they don't want to go to some island somewhere. Ain't no way.

You're conflating society with government. Government is a tool that we, as a society, use to protect our rights. It operates by passing laws and forcing compliance. It's not an appropriate mechanism for taking care of people in need.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
Because they need housing, but because of the regulations and ridiculous licensing that is required to build and/or rent they can't afford it.

Good job, you fucking retards. Your ridiculous restrictions on builders and landlords mean that now you can't afford the houses you regulate the shit out of, thinking you're making things *better* for you.

$45,000 in licensing fees/reviews/other bullshit to build a house?

You don't think that building regulations are a good idea? Neither did the Chinese until an earthquake shook their buildings to the ground. Neither did folks who build in flood plains until their houses were washed from their foundations. Neither did Lndoners until a fire spread and destroyed a third of the city. Neither did the couple who opposed zoning only to have a hillbilly move in next door and dump fifty jobs no cars on his lot.
The biggest problem I've seen with rent free or subsidized housing, is the time it takes to destroy the house along with the neighborhood, and worse how it traps the elderly who can't escape late in their years. It virtually ruins years of investment leaving their properties worthless, unafe and trashed in the end.

Done seen it far to many times in the past. Now we see these false misleading commercials talking about how housing is a right, and that discrimination in housing is illegal... How is it illegal to decide who is suitable tenant's or not when it comes to a person's personal property ?????

How did we get to a situation where the government can force people to rent their properties to people in which the government can't even vouch for as to be quality tenant's that would satisfy the criteria set out by the owners in order to protect their investments and community ??

Could it be that many owners sold their communities out by joining up with the government idea on the matter, and this was because the government would pay them handsomely if they went along with the bullcrap ???? I also saw where people/owners would move into luxurious communities, and then turning around and offering their properties to become as government rentals, and to become available without their former friends or communities realizing it until the neighborhood begins to change for the worse.

Greed is a tragic thing, and the government screwing this country over every chance it can has also been a tragic thing. It's time to stop the bullcrap by expecting compliance and responsibility out of the people again.

All people....... Stop the insanity and the selling your neighbor's out you bunch of greed loving I'm smarter than everyone else is, because I play the system which makes me part of the problem and not part of the solution type of people.
It is profoundly disturbing to be in a society in which people are so unwilling to help others. This is our downfall. All tribes take care of their members. Beagle9 daughter and her husband have a problem. We try to take action through a government that works on our behalf to fix it, to lessen the burden on them. We use our government, our collective voice, to make sure that those among us have food, housing, the staples of living, because this is what a society does and has done throughout the ages. It is the moral thing to do.
There seems to be a "thing" among some Americans of wanting to check out of the society they are living in. People who do not want to be members of the group, yet they don't want to go to some island somewhere. Ain't no way.

Our founders never designed the federal government to be a charity. In fact they were quite against it at the time.

However it doesn't restrict states from doing whatever the hell they like. That way power isn't concentrated at the federal level thus empowering them.

Forced charity is not charity at all, forced charity is theft. Outside our government, the individual American people are the most generous people in the world.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
It is profoundly disturbing to be in a society in which people are so unwilling to help others. This is our downfall. All tribes take care of their members. Beagle9 daughter and her husband have a problem. We try to take action through a government that works on our behalf to fix it, to lessen the burden on them. We use our government, our collective voice, to make sure that those among us have food, housing, the staples of living, because this is what a society does and has done throughout the ages. It is the moral thing to do.
There seems to be a "thing" among some Americans of wanting to check out of the society they are living in. People who do not want to be members of the group, yet they don't want to go to some island somewhere. Ain't no way.
Horseshit. YOU are unwilling to help people, and thus you have nominated the rest of us to do it for you, via our government.

Not only that, YOU make it difficult for people to give as they please..by taking their money to pay for bloated government, and by regulating charitable organizations which makes it difficult for them to operate.

Just because your own existence is so self absorbed and sterile does not mean the rest of us exist in the same manner. I give of my time and money on top of that which the government takes..and it is a hardship to do it. People like you don't realize that because aside from paying taxes and the occasional buck flipped to the guy in the McDonald's parking lot, you don't do shit.

If you did, you would realize that welfare and other programs which subsidize destructive behavior are not the only options for the poor. You doubt your fellow man will step up because you don't step up...and the fact that you think government is the only way to help people proves it.
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why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
Housing isn't a right, boom ya got us. Shame on us for noticing. Unlike firearms, which is. Talk about misplaced priorities, People NEED houses, but...Guns are just toys, distractions. We need to reconstruct the Constitution in favor of reality and necessities, not technological toys.GUNS? Please. We should have a basic right to HOMES, not arms.
It is profoundly disturbing to be in a society in which people are so unwilling to help others. This is our downfall. All tribes take care of their members. Beagle9 daughter and her husband have a problem. We try to take action through a government that works on our behalf to fix it, to lessen the burden on them. We use our government, our collective voice, to make sure that those among us have food, housing, the staples of living, because this is what a society does and has done throughout the ages. It is the moral thing to do.
There seems to be a "thing" among some Americans of wanting to check out of the society they are living in. People who do not want to be members of the group, yet they don't want to go to some island somewhere. Ain't no way.

You're conflating society with government. Government is a tool that we, as a society, use to protect our rights. It operates by passing laws and forcing compliance. It's not an appropriate mechanism for taking care of people in need.
Government is our collective voice. Our way of getting things done. We have a very large tribe here, something like 320 million.

The first thought is to take care of each other.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
Housing isn't a right, boom ya got us. Shame on us for noticing. Unlike firearms, which is. Talk about misplaced priorities, People NEED houses, but...Guns are just toys, distractions. We need to reconstruct the Constitution in favor of reality and necessities, not technological toys.GUNS? Please. We should have a basic right to HOMES, not arms.

Er...until somebody comes with a gun and tells you to get the fuck out of your house.

God are people really this hopelessly stupid?
It is profoundly disturbing to be in a society in which people are so unwilling to help others. This is our downfall. All tribes take care of their members. Beagle9 daughter and her husband have a problem. We try to take action through a government that works on our behalf to fix it, to lessen the burden on them. We use our government, our collective voice, to make sure that those among us have food, housing, the staples of living, because this is what a society does and has done throughout the ages. It is the moral thing to do.
There seems to be a "thing" among some Americans of wanting to check out of the society they are living in. People who do not want to be members of the group, yet they don't want to go to some island somewhere. Ain't no way.

You're conflating society with government. Government is a tool that we, as a society, use to protect our rights. It operates by passing laws and forcing compliance. It's not an appropriate mechanism for taking care of people in need.
Government is our collective voice. Our way of getting things done. We have a very large tribe here, something like 320 million.

The first thought is to take care of each other.

Government is not our collective voice, what horse shit.

We have our own voices. We don't permit government to speak for us..and we sure as shit are not surrendering our voices to a *collective*. Cripes.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
Housing isn't a right, boom ya got us. Shame on us for noticing. Unlike firearms, which is. Talk about misplaced priorities, People NEED houses, but...Guns are just toys, distractions. We need to reconstruct the Constitution in favor of reality and necessities, not technological toys.GUNS? Please. We should have a basic right to HOMES, not arms.

Yes, I agree, you have a basic right to a home....any home you can afford.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
Housing isn't a right, boom ya got us. Shame on us for noticing. Unlike firearms, which is. Talk about misplaced priorities, People NEED houses, but...Guns are just toys, distractions. We need to reconstruct the Constitution in favor of reality and necessities, not technological toys.GUNS? Please. We should have a basic right to HOMES, not arms.

Yes, I agree, you have a basic right to a home....any home you can afford.
You agree, but the fact remains, we don't have a right to health care or a home.Despite our income level. But damn, irregardless of your income level. Guns are way cheaper than housing, can you buy a black market house? That segways into other issues.How many people have been needlessly housed by reckless realtors and been housed to death? Needless housing that lead to housing up schoolkids in schools? Science fiction. The lack of housing is a issue (not a Constitutional issue), the plethora of firearms (a Constitutional issue) IS. Let's put our priorities in order here.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
Housing isn't a right, boom ya got us. Shame on us for noticing. Unlike firearms, which is. Talk about misplaced priorities, People NEED houses, but...Guns are just toys, distractions. We need to reconstruct the Constitution in favor of reality and necessities, not technological toys.GUNS? Please. We should have a basic right to HOMES, not arms.

Why do I think, you think supermarket's make ham , chicken , steak, veal , venison?????
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
Housing isn't a right, boom ya got us. Shame on us for noticing. Unlike firearms, which is. Talk about misplaced priorities, People NEED houses, but...Guns are just toys, distractions. We need to reconstruct the Constitution in favor of reality and necessities, not technological toys.GUNS? Please. We should have a basic right to HOMES, not arms.

Yes, I agree, you have a basic right to a home....any home you can afford.
You agree, but the fact remains, we don't have a right to health care or a home.Despite our income level. But damn, irregardless of your income level. Guns are way cheaper than housing, can you buy a black market house? That segways into other issues.How many people have been needlessly housed by reckless realtors and been housed to death? Needless housing that lead to housing up schoolkids in schools? Science fiction. The lack of housing is a issue (not a Constitutional issue), the plethora of firearms (a Constitutional issue) IS. Let's put our priorities in order here.
Sounds good. Hopefully soon you can go to a Trump school, live in a Trump house, and have Trump healthcare.
Our constitution doesn't give basic needs like housing any concern, that's true. Guns, well that seems more important.Life liberty and happiness ok. Sooo, if I get my gun and take someone's life, liberty or happiness away from them, and force them out of their house they bought and worked hard for, as long as I use my constitutionally right to bare arms, that is ok? Of course not, we all know that. Everyone has a basic right to happiness, ie :SHELTER. Shelter is a part of happiness, is it not? Or do you think squatting anywhere your ass lands ten minutes from now is what the founding fathers meant by life liberty and happiness?
Horseshit. YOU are unwilling to help people, and thus you have nominated the rest of us to do it for you, via our government.

This is the simple fact they don't seem to get. The welfare state is not an expression of a society's compassion.
It is profoundly disturbing to be in a society in which people are so unwilling to help others. This is our downfall. All tribes take care of their members.
Exactly. The tribe takes care of their own. Not a government of the tribe. Like all lefties, you want no responsibility for taking care of others. You prefer government to place a gun to my head and make me do it for you. Disgusting.
Beagle9 daughter and her husband have a problem. We try to take action through a government that works on our behalf to fix it, to lessen the burden on them.
Why not “take action” without government rather than “through” government? Oh yeah - because you have absolutely no interest in actually helping Beagle9 or anyone else.

We use our government, our collective voice, to make sure that those among us have food, housing, the staples of living, because this is what a society does and has done throughout the ages.
Well that is not why our government exists. What a damn shame that you are so ignorant, you literally don’t even know something as basic as why we have a government in the U.S.

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