Housing is not a right

Well, again, you're describing a solution. What problem are you hoping to solve?

Suckling the .gov teat.

You'll have to be more explicit. This is what I've found in the past. When pressed, there is no clear reason why "reformers" want government to intervene. Other than to establish government authority of whatever it is they're after (health care, housing, etc...).
You'll have to be more explicit. This is what I've found in the past. When pressed, there is no clear reason why "reformers" want government to intervene. Other than to establish government authority of whatever it is they're after (health care, housing, etc...).

We have jobs that only illegals will do and people who will only live off the dole. That is a disconnect.

Government assistance has to require some skin in the game.
You'll have to be more explicit. This is what I've found in the past. When pressed, there is no clear reason why "reformers" want government to intervene. Other than to establish government authority of whatever it is they're after (health care, housing, etc...).

We have jobs that only illegals will do and people who live off the dole. That is a disconnect.

Government assistance has to require some skin in the game.


Ok, let's back up. The topic is the effort of liberals to establish health care as a "right". Why are they doing that? What problem are they trying to solve? Why should anyone listen to them?
You'll have to be more explicit. This is what I've found in the past. When pressed, there is no clear reason why "reformers" want government to intervene. Other than to establish government authority of whatever it is they're after (health care, housing, etc...).

We have jobs that only illegals will do and people who live off the dole. That is a disconnect.

Government assistance has to require some skin in the game.


Ok, let's back up. The topic is the effort of liberals to establish health care as a "right". Why are they doing that? What problem are they trying to solve? Why should anyone listen to them?

Thought it was housing ?
I unfortunately live next door to HUD people. Nice and quiet here until they moved in. Now they wake me at night because these lowlifes don't work or only work a few hours. They have BBQ parties for their friends; likely food bought with food stamps, and they are in the suburbs.

So where does this right exist that I work at least 40 a week to live here, and they get to move in virtually free and not work? As for the adults, all they'd have to do is lose about 200 lbs each and they could easily work. They have the energy to setup these parties of theirs all the time, I'm sure they have enough energy to support themselves.
They BBQ?
OMG! Where does the depravity end?
Well it's like my friends that me and the wife knows, and yep they confirmed the same story Ray has... LOL.... They said they ain't got a problem with people BBQing but when it goes on for 4 days straight like they experienced recently it was like Come onnnnnn really.
I still don't get it, but whatever you can find to diss your poorer neighbors, I guess it flies for you.
Truth is something you loath eh ??
What's wrong with BBQ'ing?
4 days straight, and with 30 people or more ??? Good grief.
Everyone needs a roof over his/her head. Otherwise, it's living on the street and people complaining that people live on the street with no where to go.
I know someone who has been on and off government assistance since she was 18 years old, and she says that the system of assistance sets the person up to fail, and causes the person to remain dependent.

I said to her that I think that there should be case workers assigned to 20 cases each or more if the work load is organized properly.. Reports are to be made, records kept, and help given in financial and schooling with results obtained. Drug testing should also be a big part of it. Living inspections made on properties being rented by the assistance programs etc.

And most of all we need government workers hired that don't have a biased or conflict of interest involved in doing their jobs. Otherwise drain the dam swamp already.

Everyone knows what has gone on to create these things, but people feel helpless to straighten the bullcrap out. Time to vote in the answers to these issues, and quit being fooled to place people in jobs that never intend to do the right thing, but instead see's their position as a given once obtained.

Trump is setting the tone on work ethic, and if others aren't willing to work hard, then get the hell out.
In Maine, unless you have a documented disability, you can't get any welfare unless you have children. A lot of them would happily be working and out of the "system" but the cost of daycare would make it impossible. That and the loss of healthcare. We have to care for the kids, give them the best start we can, or this cycle of generational poverty will never end. So I believe that safe, affordable daycare for all parents should be a priority. It is definitely a huge problem here.

I thought we already have government daycare. I live in an majority black suburb and there are as many daycares here as there are dollar stores and nail salons. If they are not here because of government, why do we have so many with no government funds?
It isn't because day cares don't exist, it is because to pay for two or three kids to have daycare costs more than a lot of people earn.
I don't live in a suburb and the jobs for people without a college degree, unless you can somehow go out on a fishing boat, are not high. Most employers are also careful to hire part-time (30 hour cut off) so they don't have to provide medical insurance.

There is no longer any law that says if you work past 30 hours, you must provide medical insurance. That went out with President Trump.

So if there are no government vouchers for daycare, why are they popping up nearly every ten blocks? Do people around here have a lot more money than I suspected? Because I go into better suburbs and see very few.

State Child Care Assistance/Child Care Vouchers

Every state receives funds from the federal government to support child care assistance programs. These programs may go by other names, such as vouchers, fee assistance, subsidy, or use a specific program name. These programs help families who qualify pay for child care so they can work or go to school. Check your state’s eligibility requirements by visiting your state’s child care assistance website (find it on our State by State Resource Map under your state’s Financial Assistance tab.)

State Funded Pre-K

Some states fund half-day or full-day Pre-K programs for 3 to 5 year old children, with the goal of improving school readiness. These programs may be offered at low or no cost to eligible families. Some states have made it available for all families. Contact your local Child Care Resource and Referral agency to find out more and to help you find a Pre-K program where you live.

Help Paying for Child Care - Child Care Aware
Daycare is so high here, that my daughter had to quit her job and become a stay at home mom. Her husband makes just over a line where they get no benefits, but stay in poverty because of the situation.

Years ago when daycares started, it was to battle the cost of women trying to work their profession's where it got to the point where two in the household had to work. Most daycares we're run by friends and family, but not anymore. When it became a booming business, regulatory actions kicked in, and now you have to qualify to run daycares.
You'll have to be more explicit. This is what I've found in the past. When pressed, there is no clear reason why "reformers" want government to intervene. Other than to establish government authority of whatever it is they're after (health care, housing, etc...).

We have jobs that only illegals will do and people who live off the dole. That is a disconnect.

Government assistance has to require some skin in the game.


Ok, let's back up. The topic is the effort of liberals to establish health care as a "right". Why are they doing that? What problem are they trying to solve? Why should anyone listen to them?

Thought it was housing ?

What is the problem with housing?

See, this is exactly kind of evasive horseshit dems pulled with ACA. They equivocate on what the actual problem is so that they're never pinned down to solving anything. In reality, the only persistent goal of ACA was to inject government into health care. Some libs were honest about this - calling it a 'foot in the door'.

So, what problem are you trying to solve when you claim housing is a 'right'? Is your complaint that housing costs too much? Or is your complaint that people have to pay for housing at all? Or is the problem, in your view, simply that government doesn't control it?
So, what problem are you trying to solve when you claim housing is a 'right'? Is your complaint that housing costs too much? Or is your complaint that people have to pay for housing at all? Or is the problem, in your view, simply that government doesn't control it?

Not the droid you’re looking for.
So, what problem are you trying to solve when you claim housing is a 'right'? Is your complaint that housing costs too much? Or is your complaint that people have to pay for housing at all? Or is the problem, in your view, simply that government doesn't control it?

Not the droid you’re looking for.

Nothin? Just a shell game?
So, what problem are you trying to solve when you claim housing is a 'right'? Is your complaint that housing costs too much? Or is your complaint that people have to pay for housing at all? Or is the problem, in your view, simply that government doesn't control it?

Not the droid you’re looking for.

Nothin? Just a shell game?
I view gov as the problem.
The wrong kind of government is the problem.
They want the government to pay for everything........lefties cant function without someone telling them what to do.....they're like perpetual children, that need a mommy and daddy to function.
This from a blind member of a group who cannot live without Donnie shitstain telling them what to think and do. Which would only be somewhat pathetic if Donnie shitstain didn’t get the entirety of being from Faux news

Amazing. One post and I know it's a waste of time to read your drivel and put you on ignore. A record!

Awww. Vag-sore little snowflake tucks and slinks away.
They want the government to pay for everything........lefties cant function without someone telling them what to do.....they're like perpetual children, that need a mommy and daddy to function.
This from a blind member of a group who cannot live without Donnie shitstain telling them what to think and do. Which would only be somewhat pathetic if Donnie shitstain didn’t get the entirety of being from Faux news

Amazing. One post and I know it's a waste of time to read your drivel and put you on ignore. A record!

Awww. Vag-sore little snowflake tucks and slinks away.

Impressive discourse.

You seem pretty intelligent and grounded.

Donnie Shitstain, you must be referrring to Don Lemon.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
Actually, housing is a right. Your rights are nearly unlimited. The problem is, the idiots on the left think that a right means the government must provide it for you.

Nothing could be further from the truth. I have a 2nd Amendment right to a firearm. But the government doesn’t provide that firearm to me. It is my responsibility to legally obtain my own firearm.

Just like it’s every lefties responsibility to legally obtain their own housing.

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