Houston Mayor Forces All to Open Girls Rooms to Men

Holy Smokes...you have got to be kidding..
a lot LINKS in the article at site

by Bob Price 29 May 2014, 8:51 AM PDT 590 post a comment

HOUSTON, Texas—Houston’s bathrooms, showers, and dressing facilities will now be open to all, regardless of gender, gender identity, gender expression, or other predilection of gender behavior. By an 11-6 vote of the Houston City Council, Mayor Annise Parker achieved this as the crowning jewel of her tenure as mayor.
Mayor Parker, Houston’s first openly gay mayor, said passing this ordinance was not the most important thing she has done in office, according to an article in the Fairfield Citizen, but it is the “most personally meaningful thing I will ever do as mayor.”

Houston Council Member, At Large Position 3, Michael Kubosh took exception to this. Kubosh told KPRC TV, "It's going to criminalize people that have been found in violation in the ordinance and the fine could be between $500 to $5,000."

In an interview with Breitbart Texas, Kubosh said, “The system is flawed and has little, if any, transparency. I did everything I could do to get the ordinance delayed or defeated, but the mayor controlled the whole process.” Kubosh said he voted against the ordinance along with District A Council Member Brenda Stardig, District D Council Member Dwight Boykins, District E Council Member Dave Martin, District G Council Member Oliver Pennington and At Large Position 5 Council Member Jack Christi.

Stephen Costello, the At Large Position 1 Council Member who supported Mayor Parker on the Proposition 1 “Rain Tax” ordinance, joined ten other council members in standing beside Mayor Parker.

The ordinance was strongly opposed by many black pastors, members of the Houston Area Pastors Council. 150 pastors from the conservative group representing a diverse coalition, ethnically and denominationally, angrily walked out of the council meeting today after two prominent African American pastors who represented the group were snubbed by the council body. According to a press release obtained by Breitbart Texas, Council Member Boykins asked to have two black pastors, Willie Davis and Max Miller, to be allowed to be moved up in the speakers list and speak out against the ordinance. It is a common practice by council members and one that is rarely opposed by other members.

ALL of it here
Houston Mayor Forces All to Open Girls Rooms to Men
Oh dear Stephanie, you are so easily fooled!

Breibart didn't tell anyone at all what this is ALL ABOUT....such POOR POOR Journalism on their part.....HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THIS girl?

so then I have to follow a link, then I got to a link from that link to an article that finally explains that this has NOTHING to do with boys being allowed to use girls rooms.....

the part where transgenders were allowed to use the rest room of their choice WAS TAKEN OUT of the bill dearest Stephanie....

DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT when you posted this crap? If you didn't it's because Breibart is a piece of crap news organization that has no idea what journalism is....

oh dear care, I read the other links
so you can save it..but you might explain to others since you know so much about it
it was taken out over 2 weeks ago stephanie....surely Breibart KNEW THIS when they posted their piece of crud lie.....

but YOU still believed them....

I doubt it would have passed if they had left that part in there...
Last edited:
Oh dear Stephanie, you are so easily fooled!

Breibart didn't tell anyone at all what this is ALL ABOUT....such POOR POOR Journalism on their part.....HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THIS girl?

so then I have to follow a link, then I got to a link from that link to an article that finally explains that this has NOTHING to do with boys being allowed to use girls rooms.....

the part where transgenders were allowed to use the rest room of their choice WAS TAKEN OUT of the bill dearest Stephanie....

DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT when you posted this crap? If you didn't it's because Breibart is a piece of crap news organization that has no idea what journalism is....

oh dear care, I read the other links
so you can save it..but you might explain to others since you know so much about it
it was taken out over 2 weeks ago stephanie....surely Breibart KNEW THIS when they posted their piece of crud lie.....

Houston City Council passes controversial Equal Rights Ordinance | News - Home

but YOU still believed them....

I doubt it would have passed if they had left that part in there...

how do you know what I believed?
I think they put in the bathrooms to make a statement..I said there were a lot of LINKS in the article from Breitbart...so stop whining and EXPLAIN the damn thing to everyone...it sounds like more discrimination against OTHERS to me and now they can be FINED up to $5,000...YOU don't have a problem with that?
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My son in laws response:

Yep. They will try to put it on the ballot in November, a petition is starting to overturn it.

And recall petitions are up for 4 that voted for it.

I am not a citizen of Houston, I live in Bellaire. But my business is in Houston. I sent two more emails after the one I sent you. It passed 16-6.

I am moving my business.

Terrible, I think. What kind of world do we live in?

Its always been busted but this is beyond broken.

Sodom and Gomorrah.
Have you not noticed?

Discrimination based on gender is getting harder and harder to enforce. The gender benders will make anything separate but equal, including that shower your teen uses at the gym a non gender specific facility.

Sad, but it will happen.

I'd deal with this crap sooner than later
this was from ONE of the links in the article from Brietbart for all you whiners...there's a video at this site if that helps


Houston City Council passes controversial Equal Rights Ordinance

Author: Mary Benton, Reporter, [email protected]
Matt Aufdenspring, Web Managing Editor, Click2Houston.com
Phillip Mena, Anchor/Reporter, [email protected]

Published On: May 28 2014 11:44:57 AM CDT Updated On: May 28 2014 11:10:17 PM CDCity Council passes controversial Equal Rights Ordinance

Show Transcript

The emotional battle over the controversial Equal Rights Ordinance finally came to an end Wednesday night at Houston City Hall. City Council passed the ordinance in an 11-6 vote.

Wednesday's meeting began at 9 a.m. and continued until 8 p.m. as speakers were given a chance to add their voices to the debate before council voted.

According to the city secretary, the issue prompted 209 people to speak on the proposed ordinance -- the biggest turnout the public comments council has seen.

The ordinance bans discrimination in housing and employment, and would extend protections to Houston's gay and transgender community.

Also included among the 14 now-protected characteristics were race, ethnicity, age, religion and disability.

"This ordinance covers all of those categories," Mayor Annise Parker said moments after the vote. "It is a good step forward for the city of Houston."

While people spoke in front of city leaders, a group protested outside the building.

"I'm against it. I believe the word of God is specific about it," said William Sutherland.

Some City Council members said their offices have been bombarded with calls and emails from people who don't think the ordinance should pass.

Houston City Council Member Michael Kubosh said he doesn't like that violators would face stiff penalties.

"It's going to criminalize people that have been found in violation in the ordinance and the fine could be between $500-$5,000," said Kubosh.

ALL of it here
Houston City Council passes controversial Equal Rights Ordinance | News - Home
My son in laws response:

Yep. They will try to put it on the ballot in November, a petition is starting to overturn it.

And recall petitions are up for 4 that voted for it.

I am not a citizen of Houston, I live in Bellaire. But my business is in Houston. I sent two more emails after the one I sent you. It passed 16-6.

I am moving my business.

Terrible, I think. What kind of world do we live in?

Its always been busted but this is beyond broken.

Sodom and Gomorrah.

Good for you.
Holy Smokes...you have got to be kidding..
a lot LINKS in the article at site

by Bob Price 29 May 2014, 8:51 AM PDT 590 post a comment

HOUSTON, Texas—Houston’s bathrooms, showers, and dressing facilities will now be open to all, regardless of gender, gender identity, gender expression, or other predilection of gender behavior. By an 11-6 vote of the Houston City Council, Mayor Annise Parker achieved this as the crowning jewel of her tenure as mayor.
Mayor Parker, Houston’s first openly gay mayor, said passing this ordinance was not the most important thing she has done in office, according to an article in the Fairfield Citizen, but it is the “most personally meaningful thing I will ever do as mayor.”

Houston Council Member, At Large Position 3, Michael Kubosh took exception to this. Kubosh told KPRC TV, "It's going to criminalize people that have been found in violation in the ordinance and the fine could be between $500 to $5,000."

In an interview with Breitbart Texas, Kubosh said, “The system is flawed and has little, if any, transparency. I did everything I could do to get the ordinance delayed or defeated, but the mayor controlled the whole process.” Kubosh said he voted against the ordinance along with District A Council Member Brenda Stardig, District D Council Member Dwight Boykins, District E Council Member Dave Martin, District G Council Member Oliver Pennington and At Large Position 5 Council Member Jack Christi.

Stephen Costello, the At Large Position 1 Council Member who supported Mayor Parker on the Proposition 1 “Rain Tax” ordinance, joined ten other council members in standing beside Mayor Parker.

The ordinance was strongly opposed by many black pastors, members of the Houston Area Pastors Council. 150 pastors from the conservative group representing a diverse coalition, ethnically and denominationally, angrily walked out of the council meeting today after two prominent African American pastors who represented the group were snubbed by the council body. According to a press release obtained by Breitbart Texas, Council Member Boykins asked to have two black pastors, Willie Davis and Max Miller, to be allowed to be moved up in the speakers list and speak out against the ordinance. It is a common practice by council members and one that is rarely opposed by other members.

ALL of it here
Houston Mayor Forces All to Open Girls Rooms to Men
Oh dear Stephanie, you are so easily fooled!

Breibart didn't tell anyone at all what this is ALL ABOUT....such POOR POOR Journalism on their part.....HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THIS girl?

so then I have to follow a link, then I got to a link from that link to an article that finally explains that this has NOTHING to do with boys being allowed to use girls rooms.....

the part where transgenders were allowed to use the rest room of their choice WAS TAKEN OUT of the bill dearest Stephanie....

DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT when you posted this crap? If you didn't it's because Breibart is a piece of crap news organization that has no idea what journalism is....

This is the actual wording from the ordnance, I can find no place that says it was deleted.

(b) It shall be unlawful for any place of public accommodation or any employee or agent thereof to intentionally deny any person entry to any restroom, shower room, or similar facility if that facility is consistent with and appropriate to that person’s expression of gender identity. It shall be a defense to prosecution for discrimination on the basis of gender identity under this article, however, if the defendant had a good faith belief that the gender or gender identity of the person discriminated against was not consistent with the gender designation of the facility. For purposes of this section, a defendant has a good faith belief if the manner in which the person represented or expressed gender to others (e.g. behavior, clothing, hairstyles, activities, voice or mannerisms) is not consistent with the gender designation of the facility the person attempted to access. Nothing in this section shall require construction of a new bathroom, shower room, or similar facility.

If you have a link that says otherwise provide it.

I already posted it.
this was from ONE of the links in the article from Brietbart for all you whiners...there's a video at this site if that helps


Houston City Council passes controversial Equal Rights Ordinance

Author: Mary Benton, Reporter, [email protected]
Matt Aufdenspring, Web Managing Editor, Click2Houston.com
Phillip Mena, Anchor/Reporter, [email protected]

Published On: May 28 2014 11:44:57 AM CDT Updated On: May 28 2014 11:10:17 PM CDCity Council passes controversial Equal Rights Ordinance

Show Transcript

The emotional battle over the controversial Equal Rights Ordinance finally came to an end Wednesday night at Houston City Hall. City Council passed the ordinance in an 11-6 vote.

Wednesday's meeting began at 9 a.m. and continued until 8 p.m. as speakers were given a chance to add their voices to the debate before council voted.

According to the city secretary, the issue prompted 209 people to speak on the proposed ordinance -- the biggest turnout the public comments council has seen.

The ordinance bans discrimination in housing and employment, and would extend protections to Houston's gay and transgender community.

Also included among the 14 now-protected characteristics were race, ethnicity, age, religion and disability.

"This ordinance covers all of those categories," Mayor Annise Parker said moments after the vote. "It is a good step forward for the city of Houston."

While people spoke in front of city leaders, a group protested outside the building.

"I'm against it. I believe the word of God is specific about it," said William Sutherland.

Some City Council members said their offices have been bombarded with calls and emails from people who don't think the ordinance should pass.

Houston City Council Member Michael Kubosh said he doesn't like that violators would face stiff penalties.

"It's going to criminalize people that have been found in violation in the ordinance and the fine could be between $500-$5,000," said Kubosh.

ALL of it here
Houston City Council passes controversial Equal Rights Ordinance | News - Home

Nowhere in there does it mention restrooms.
This is a link to the PDF for the whole thing dated 15 May, I can find no changes after that date.

Equal Rights Ordinance | Greater Houston Partnership (GHP)

The bathroom section is still in it.
Houston City Council delays vote on controversial Equal Rights Ordinance | News - Home

from the news article....mentioning of the REMOVAL
Conservative church groups say the mayor and council members who support the ordinance are trying to trick people into believing the removal of the "bathroom clause" will make the policy more acceptable.

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