How about some examples of this “socialism” stuff y’all are afraid of?

in Finland, you never get bankrupt if you get sick, my friends. you get 10 months paid parental leave if you have a child, and your child gets high quality daycare. though the winters are dark and miserable, the summers are glorious

What does that mean?
That’s not really a secret, wealth inequality exists...especially in utopian Liberal shitholes like Loon York and Mexifornia. Weird huh?
But tell us how your neighbor having more than you changes your life?

If you don't understand what that means, you shouldn't be commenting on economic matters.

What does it mean if your neighbour gets wealthy and you don't. It means the quality of your life never improves because you can't afford to buy things. You can't afford to eat in restaurants, or go on vacations. You have no money to spend. All your income goes to a subsistence level of living. If you're not able to spend money buying things, there's less demands for things like restaurants, movies, TV's, cars, home furnishings or clothes, so there are fewer jobs in stores selling these products, and manufacturers making them.

Republicans have been selling "supply side economics" since Ronald Reagan was President. The "trickle down" theory. Under the Republican tax code, the wealth hasn't "trickled down", it has trickled UP. Republican policies have bankrupted the working poor, and has all of them on social assistance and "earned income credits".

Let the rich keep more of their money, and they'll buy and invest, and the poor will all have jobs and be fine. But that's not what happened. The rich kept more of their money, and nothing trickled down. The poor didn't get any raises, and their income started being eroded by inflation. Food stamp useage doubled, even though Reagan tightened the income requirements.

Then Reagan attacked the Air Traffic Controllers Unions, and that was a declaration of war on the entire union movement in the USA. Reagan promised that corporations would reward workers who got rid of the unions with big fat raises, and people would be rewarded. Workers are still waiting for that raise. And the raise that Donald Trump promised them with this last tax cut.

Corporate profitds are at a record high. Executive wages have increased by nearly 300% since 1980, but the wages paid to the middle class and the working poor, have not gone up at all. They've gone down, in real terms. A working man can't afford to buy a house because his wages aren't high enough to save a down payment. If you're relying on food stamps to feed your family, you can't save money for a better life.

Your solution is to cancel all social programs and let people starve, or die from lack of health care. That's why people are rioting in Venezuela. Because the government has stolen all of their money, and they have nothing to eat. You want to turn the USA into Venezuela, keep pretending that what happened there was because of socialism.
in Finland, you never get bankrupt if you get sick, my friends. you get 10 months paid parental leave if you have a child, and your child gets high quality daycare. though the winters are dark and miserable, the summers are glorious

How many thirdworld wetbacks are the Finish paying to fuck their country up?
socialist countries produced no Steve Jobs, no GE, no Hollywood, no Boeing, no Google, no Amazon

What does that mean?
That’s not really a secret, wealth inequality exists...especially in utopian Liberal shitholes like Loon York and Mexifornia. Weird huh?
But tell us how your neighbor having more than you changes your life?

If you don't understand what that means, you shouldn't be commenting on economic matters.

What does it mean if your neighbour gets wealthy and you don't. It means the quality of your life never improves because you can't afford to buy things. You can't afford to eat in restaurants, or go on vacations. You have no money to spend. All your income goes to a subsistence level of living. If you're not able to spend money buying things, there's less demands for things like restaurants, movies, TV's, cars, home furnishings or clothes, so there are fewer jobs in stores selling these products, and manufacturers making them.

Republicans have been selling "supply side economics" since Ronald Reagan was President. The "trickle down" theory. Under the Republican tax code, the wealth hasn't "trickled down", it has trickled UP. Republican policies have bankrupted the working poor, and has all of them on social assistance and "earned income credits".

Let the rich keep more of their money, and they'll buy and invest, and the poor will all have jobs and be fine. But that's not what happened. The rich kept more of their money, and nothing trickled down. The poor didn't get any raises, and their income started being eroded by inflation. Food stamp useage doubled, even though Reagan tightened the income requirements.

Then Reagan attacked the Air Traffic Controllers Unions, and that was a declaration of war on the entire union movement in the USA. Reagan promised that corporations would reward workers who got rid of the unions with big fat raises, and people would be rewarded. Workers are still waiting for that raise. And the raise that Donald Trump promised them with this last tax cut.

Corporate profitds are at a record high. Executive wages have increased by nearly 300% since 1980, but the wages paid to the middle class and the working poor, have not gone up at all. They've gone down, in real terms. A working man can't afford to buy a house because his wages aren't high enough to save a down payment. If you're relying on food stamps to feed your family, you can't save money for a better life.

Your solution is to cancel all social programs and let people starve, or die from lack of health care. That's why people are rioting in Venezuela. Because the government has stolen all of their money, and they have nothing to eat. You want to turn the USA into Venezuela, keep pretending that what happened there was because of socialism.

Hold on a minute Beggar...I can’t get past this line....
“What does it mean if your neighbour gets wealthy and you don't. It means the quality of your life never improves because you can't afford to buy things.”

Soooo.....I can’t improve my life because my neighbor has improved his? I get less because he gets more?
You can’t be serious...can she be serious rightwinger
in Finland, you never get bankrupt if you get sick, my friends. you get 10 months paid parental leave if you have a child, and your child gets high quality daycare. though the winters are dark and miserable, the summers are glorious

How many thirdworld wetbacks are the Finish paying to fuck their country up?
lousy capitalists lose money on border policy with no immigration clause.
according to a Newsweek, a young person has a better chance to get a tremendous quality of life in Finland than in any other country on earth
in Finland, you never get bankrupt if you get sick, my friends. you get 10 months paid parental leave if you have a child, and your child gets high quality daycare. though the winters are dark and miserable, the summers are glorious

How many thirdworld wetbacks are the Finish paying to fuck their country up?
They are going to build a wall around the North Pole
It means nothing to those who don't study history or economics or sociology, for whom talk radio provides their "news" and "information".

So, you're right, absolutely.

I get it...I’m a talk radio nut. Cool, now enlighten us on how your life changes when your neighbors wealth grows and yours doesn’t.
This should be simple for
I don't know that it does.

But don't let that stop your little talking points.

Hold on a minute...we’re in the midldle of discussing the “talking point” fostered by the “I hate rich people crowd”.....You really can’t explain it can you? Yet you jump right in line ready to lynch the rich?
There are legitimate reasons for controlling wealth inequalities and there are illegitimate reasons for controlling wealth inequalities.

I wonder if that makes any sense to someone like you, on any level, whatsoever.
There really are no legitimate reasons for the government to engage in income redistribution.

The real reason for such policies is envy. That is simply indisputable.
From your hardcore right wing partisan perspective, yes.
I get it...I’m a talk radio nut. Cool, now enlighten us on how your life changes when your neighbors wealth grows and yours doesn’t.
This should be simple for
I don't know that it does.

But don't let that stop your little talking points.

Hold on a minute...we’re in the midldle of discussing the “talking point” fostered by the “I hate rich people crowd”.....You really can’t explain it can you? Yet you jump right in line ready to lynch the rich?
There are legitimate reasons for controlling wealth inequalities and there are illegitimate reasons for controlling wealth inequalities.

I wonder if that makes any sense to someone like you, on any level, whatsoever.
There really are no legitimate reasons for the government to engage in income redistribution.

The real reason for such policies is envy. That is simply indisputable.
From your hardcore right wing partisan perspective, yes.

This isn’t the partisan / bipartisan issue you want it to be....this is simply a begging bottom feeder vs. productive citizen can’t dare admit that though. We totally get it.
I don't know that it does.

But don't let that stop your little talking points.

Hold on a minute...we’re in the midldle of discussing the “talking point” fostered by the “I hate rich people crowd”.....You really can’t explain it can you? Yet you jump right in line ready to lynch the rich?
There are legitimate reasons for controlling wealth inequalities and there are illegitimate reasons for controlling wealth inequalities.

I wonder if that makes any sense to someone like you, on any level, whatsoever.
There really are no legitimate reasons for the government to engage in income redistribution.

The real reason for such policies is envy. That is simply indisputable.
From your hardcore right wing partisan perspective, yes.

This isn’t the partisan / bipartisan issue you want it to be....this is simply a begging bottom feeder vs. productive citizen can’t dare admit that though. We totally get it.
My goodness, it must be nice living in such a simplistic, shallow reality.

One or the other. This or that. Up or down. All or nothing.

Sometimes I kind of envy such child-like worldviews. But only for a moment.
for all the talk about Scandinavian countries being socialist nanny states, it is American businesses that are saddled with a nanny's job to take care of an employee's health care. that is thought of as absurd in Finland.

Milton Friedman would be turning over in his grave

the unhealthy dependence on employers is at odds with individual liberty. i can see the consequences with everyone i knew.
according to a survey by Save The Children, Nordic countries are the best at caring for the mother's well-being while the US ranked 33rd. Freeing up children from dependency on a rigged system frees them up to care for their parents, something that is unthinkable in the US, where children are dependent on their parents forever.
How’s Venezuela socialism doing?
Not the same.
Knees news indoctrination.
Just google socialist programs
Social sec
There's 100 more
I presume you are sucking off your social it SS M, VA ?
Gawd, such ignorance.
Ever heard of the S & P 500?
How’s Venezuela socialism doing?

Bad . For many reasons . Mainly corruption.

How’s UAE socialism doing ?

American socialism programs seem to be doing great .

UAE is a capitalist nation.

No, it has cradle to the grave social programs, free education, and free health care. Just like Canada, Norway, the New Zealand and all of the other countries which made the list of the top 10 places in the world to live. I don't think the USA made that list. You're way down in like 17th place.
Me just like millions of Americans want nothing to do with the nanny state
How’s Venezuela socialism doing?

Bad . For many reasons . Mainly corruption.

How’s UAE socialism doing ?

American socialism programs seem to be doing great .

UAE is a capitalist nation.

What do you consider a socialist nation ? UAE has cheap healthcare , gas , schools , citizens get free money .

What’s left on the socialism check list ?
Google it, there's a ton, VA ?
Most educated countries are a mix
SS Medicare, police, S& p 500?
As the trumpie said "keep the gov out of my Medicare"
Unbelievable ignorance
I don't know that it does.

But don't let that stop your little talking points.

Hold on a minute...we’re in the midldle of discussing the “talking point” fostered by the “I hate rich people crowd”.....You really can’t explain it can you? Yet you jump right in line ready to lynch the rich?
There are legitimate reasons for controlling wealth inequalities and there are illegitimate reasons for controlling wealth inequalities.

I wonder if that makes any sense to someone like you, on any level, whatsoever.
There really are no legitimate reasons for the government to engage in income redistribution.

The real reason for such policies is envy. That is simply indisputable.
From your hardcore right wing partisan perspective, yes.

This isn’t the partisan / bipartisan issue you want it to be....this is simply a begging bottom feeder vs. productive citizen can’t dare admit that though. We totally get it.
isn't right wing, special pleading wonderful.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
Cons seem to love tagging everything they don’t like as “socialism “ . The word has lost all meaning .

How about some real life examples of American socialism? And how it’s hurt us .

I’ll give you an example : US socialism going waaaay back to the 1800s . When the gov purchased and then opened up the west and gave away land to Americans.
Well lets see do we have Americans leaving Americas capitalist society to go to socialist nations .hummm odd its really not a issue is it. I suggeat you move to Venezuela or Cuba try it out for a few months
You picked 2 extreme communist countries...why cant you pick, denmark, sweden, Switzerland. Canada,.Qatar and a long lost of countries where governments take care of their citizens and dont jand all their budget to defense contractors..
Because they are hardly anymore socialist than the United States. When you morons are talking about socialism, why can't you use an actual socialist country as an example?

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist
Is what you cons like to call those countries that have extensive social welfare programs....Let me tell you something, I know those countries and i know the US very well, you guys here are fucked in the ass...they take your money spend it on Mars missions, warfare, defense contractors, secret service and other bullshit...and when it comes to health care and welfare they show you me dude, you are raped beyond believe and you don't know it.

That’s forgot to mention the amount we spend on illegal Wetbacks and Ragheads.
The US makes more off of them. Shut up racist.
Hold on a minute...we’re in the midldle of discussing the “talking point” fostered by the “I hate rich people crowd”.....You really can’t explain it can you? Yet you jump right in line ready to lynch the rich?
There are legitimate reasons for controlling wealth inequalities and there are illegitimate reasons for controlling wealth inequalities.

I wonder if that makes any sense to someone like you, on any level, whatsoever.
There really are no legitimate reasons for the government to engage in income redistribution.

The real reason for such policies is envy. That is simply indisputable.
From your hardcore right wing partisan perspective, yes.

This isn’t the partisan / bipartisan issue you want it to be....this is simply a begging bottom feeder vs. productive citizen can’t dare admit that though. We totally get it.
My goodness, it must be nice living in such a simplistic, shallow reality.

One or the other. This or that. Up or down. All or nothing.

Sometimes I kind of envy such child-like worldviews. But only for a moment.

There’s nothing child-like about it...It’s actually the grown up, mature, accountable position to take...That’s what real problem solvers do Mac, they simplify seemingly complicated issues.
Those who seek no resolution keep things complex and trivial.

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