How about this for the middle ground?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
How about this for some middle ground? You legalize pot and cut 1/4th of all federal laws on the books that harm the poor and we democrats will help you cut 500,000 useless regulations plus lower taxes that harm businesses.
Alright, I'll bite. Exactly what laws on the books do you think "harm the poor"?

What regulations on the books do you think "harms business"? That is for our law makers to figure out. But one could be the legalization of pot and other laws that make life harder on the individual.
living without weed isn't a hardship

but I'm for the legalization of all drugs with the caveat that if you get hooked then you and you alone are responsible and the taxpayers will not fund you at all
How about this for some middle ground? You legalize pot and cut 1/4th of all federal laws on the books that harm the poor and we democrats will help you cut 500,000 useless regulations plus lower taxes that harm businesses.
How about, who needs the Democrats?
How about this for some middle ground? You legalize pot and cut 1/4th of all federal laws on the books that harm the poor and we democrats will help you cut 500,000 useless regulations plus lower taxes that harm businesses.

How do you categorize the quarter of the laws? By counting or by quantifiable impact metric(s)/estimated metric(s)?

Alright, I'll bite. Exactly what laws on the books do you think "harm the poor"?

What regulations on the books do you think "harms business"? That is for our lawmakers to figure out. But one could be the legalization of pot and other laws that make life harder on the individual.

What, Matthew?
  • Are you saying that legalized weed harm the poor?
  • Are you saying that pot restrictions harm business?
  • Something else?
I know what I think you mean, but I also see what you wrote, and seeing as you've not written much, it's not clear to me what to make of your statements.

  • What's for lawmakers to figure out? What laws harm the poor or what laws harm business?
  • How do you intend to deal with laws that aim to help the poor or help business, but that due to public policy preferences are cast as having the opposite effect?
    • Public assistance and the minimum wage laws are two that have been enacted to help poor people and that are cast as moral hazards by conservatives, yet conservatives rarely want to consider the multiplier impact of either of those provisions and they assume that private spending occurs from saved capital rather than from borrowed capital, which, of course, is true re: some individuals sums, but not in aggregate and on the scale of public assistance spending, thus to the extent that private money is borrowed, it's economically better that the government to do the borrowing because it does so at lower interest rates than can individuals.
    • Lower marginal (statutory) corporate income tax rates are generally touted as being good for business, but the people who advocate doing so readily ignore the fact that lowering the top marginal income rates will have no impact on the overwhelming majority of C-corps because they already pay corporate income taxes at an effective tax rate below whatever the marginal rates are lowered to.
Don't drive drunk or high and you don't have a problem with DUI laws

that's so simple I wouldn't have thought it had to be iterated

How about this for some middle ground? You legalize pot and cut 1/4th of all federal laws on the books that harm the poor and we democrats will help you cut 500,000 useless regulations plus lower taxes that harm businesses.
How about, who needs the Democrats?

Boy, that sure added a lot to the conversation. NOT!
Alright, I'll bite. Exactly what laws on the books do you think "harm the poor"?

What regulations on the books do you think "harms business"? That is for our law makers to figure out. But one could be the legalization of pot and other laws that make life harder on the individual.
Typical stain, won't answer the question.
How about this for some middle ground? You legalize pot and cut 1/4th of all federal laws on the books that harm the poor and we democrats will help you cut 500,000 useless regulations plus lower taxes that harm businesses.
Great, too bad you and the other denizens of USMB don't get to decide the direction of federal laws but if we did....

Legalize pot and cut ALL of the federal laws on the books "that harm the poor"; what's this 1/4 shit? You Democrats only want to fuck the poor over 75% as much as you do now? How fucking noble of you.

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