How About We Elect Our Presidents By Popular Vote?

It is not a left or right argument. It is about the government reflecting the will of the people. Are you so worried about the popular vote that you think your side will never win again unless the rules are fixed?That seems to be your concern.

Dude, you said you wanted a system that didn't elect Republicans. Grow the fuck up
The founding fathers thought that only the white male landed gentry should have the right to vote as well. Times have changed. In a popular vote scenario, every vote weighs the same. Isn’t that the way it should be?
it weights the same now

your right they thought that ans were wrong…but that has nothing to do with logic behind the EC
I think everyone forgot about it. There have been meaningless little split movements all over, and no honest person quotes them as proof of anything.
There are constant attempts to split California. The population of the state is very tired of San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco running the entire state into the ground. If there was an election based upon counties desires, there would have been at least two and possibly three Californias decades ago. Los Angeles is in a similar position, the San Fernando Valley has been trying to secede from Los Angeles as long as I have been alive. It pays most of the taxes and receives few services in return.
Not as an individual U.S. citizen or voter it's not. Does your State have a President? No? Then why not just vote together as an equal along with all your U.S.A.! U.S.A.! bleating brethren? Got a problem with them or what?
i love the United STATES of America. Did you not know what USA stood for?

Yea my state has a President, it’s sadly Joey Xiden
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it might be a failure in your eyes because you want the lib control of everything,, but to me it works just fine and protects small communities from the big ones,, in other words it protects the minority from the majority,,

to save time you may just want to move to another country now while you are young so you can enjoy it,,
As I said why are you so worried about the popular vote? The electoral college is an anachronism. What ever raison d’etre it had in 1789 has long since disappeared.

BTW this is a discussion about the relative merits of the electoral college. FYI, which you may be unaware, the constitution has been amended 27 times since it’s ratification. See if you can discuss this issue without childish arguments about moving out of the country.
it does in respect to electing the president,,

the EC is just fine,,

Doesn't make us a direct democracy in the slightest. In a direct democracy you do not elect officials to make decisions on your behalf the population directly votes instead. It's a mess, nobody does it. Every argument against democracy our founding fathers made was against direct democracy.

We are a republic or constitutional republic if you prefer, we are also a representative democracy and the EC is but a small part of our system of government. It's also old, outdated and has provided us with 2 of the most unpopular presidents our country has had in recent memory. Our democratic institutions now are weaker because of the last president who lost the popular vote not once but twice.
I’m sure that’s how the majority feel. :cuckoo:
You are literally advocating for the majority of voters not to matter at all. Try having better ideas that appeal to more people rather than gaming the system.
Not at all. That's why the framers designed a two house legislature with one house reflecting the population and the other reflecting the states with each states getting two votes regardless of population. BOTH houses had to agree to pass legislation. It was an effort to balance the interests of both the majority and the minority.
As I said why are you so worried about the popular vote? The electoral college is an anachronism. What ever raisin d’etre it had in 1789 and long since disappeared.

BTW this is a discussion about the relative merits of the electoral college. FYI, which you you may be unaware, the constitution has been amended 29 times since it’s ratification. See if you can discuss this issue without childish arguments about moving out of the country.
wrong,, because the country has grown in size its more important now than before,, its all we have to protect diversity and states rights,,

unless of course youre against diversity and states rights??

its not a game,, if you dont like it get the fuck out,,
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Doesn't make us a direct democracy in the slightest. In a direct democracy you do not elect officials to make decisions on your behalf the population directly votes instead. It's a mess, nobody does it. Every argument against democracy our founding fathers made was against direct democracy.

We are a republic or constitutional republic if you prefer, we are also a representative democracy and the EC is but a small part of our system of government. It's also old, outdated and has provided us with 2 of the most unpopular presidents our country has had in recent memory. Our democratic institutions now are weaker because of the last president who lost the popular vote not once but twice.
see previous response,,
wrong,, because the country has grown in size its more important now than before,, its all we have to protect diversity and states rights,,

unless of course youre against diversity and states rights??

its not a game,, if you dont like it get the fuck out,,
I had enough arguing with children. C’ya.
As I said why are you so worried about the popular vote? The electoral college is an anachronism. What ever raison d’etre it had in 1789 has long since disappeared.

BTW this is a discussion about the relative merits of the electoral college. FYI, which you may be unaware, the constitution has been amended 27 times since it’s ratification. See if you can discuss this issue without childish arguments about moving out of the country.
your question has repeatedly be answered and the problems that existed then still exist…in fact maybe even a better argument today since the nation has grown in area so much more.
your question has repeatedly be answered and the problems that existed then still exist…in fact maybe even a better argument today since the nation has grown in area so much more.
No. The reason for the electoral college largely disappeared after the civil war. The electoral college was, in part, a compromise with the slave states. It serves no purpose now.

One of many:

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The one where the EC is the balance between a representative democracy and a direct democracy? No thanks, been there already.

You really know nothing about your own government. Read about the founding fathers and why they did the EC because you obviously have no idea. You just think what Democrats tell you to think

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