How American gun deaths and gun laws compare to Canada's

Smart gun owner to attacker: "I forgot to change the fucking battery! Could you wait for a minute? I'm sure I have a spare battery somewhere in one of these drawers".

Anyone who would do that might also forget to load it.

On cold winter's night

Woman: "Oh wait one second Mr Rapist I need to take my gloves off because I have a smart gun"

Rapist: "Sure thing Ma'am take your time I'll wait for you to take off your gloves and draw your weapon"
Smart gun owner to attacker: "I forgot to change the fucking battery! Could you wait for a minute? I'm sure I have a spare battery somewhere in one of these drawers".

Anyone who would do that might also forget to load it.

On cold winter's night

Woman: "Oh wait one second Mr Rapist I need to take my gloves off because I have a smart gun"

Rapist: "Sure thing Ma'am take your time I'll wait for you to take off your gloves and draw your weapon"

Most rapes aren't defensable with a gun. There is about 0 % chance of that happening.
Smart gun owner to attacker: "I forgot to change the fucking battery! Could you wait for a minute? I'm sure I have a spare battery somewhere in one of these drawers".

Anyone who would do that might also forget to load it.

On cold winter's night

Woman: "Oh wait one second Mr Rapist I need to take my gloves off because I have a smart gun"

Rapist: "Sure thing Ma'am take your time I'll wait for you to take off your gloves and draw your weapon"

Most rapes aren't defensable with a gun. There is about 0 % chance of that happening.

Just as long as you're not that 1 in a million you'll be just fine and so will your little girl
What's 43 times 0

Oh yeah 0

My weapons have a more than 3 decade track record of never harming anyone living in any home I have ever lived in

besides most of the deaths used in that Kellerman study (84%) to be exact were suicides and suicides aren't crimes

Didn't say they were crimes. But a lot of those people wouldn't be dead if there wasn't a gun in the house.

Also, the vast majority of lawn darts never killed anyone either. We still banned them.

Almost all of those people wouldn't be dead if they hadn't married violent people……or people who were violent criminals or people who had drug and alcohol problems….those are the real factors in domestic killings.

If you are a normal person and have a gun you are not going to shoot your family with it. No matter how mad you get, or how late dinner is. The issue is people with long histories of violence, and criminal behavior as well as drug and alcohol problems…….and the signs are usually multiple calls to the police…..

Just comparing accidents to criminals killed one is twice as likely to kill themself rather than a bad guy.
What's 43 times 0

Oh yeah 0

My weapons have a more than 3 decade track record of never harming anyone living in any home I have ever lived in

besides most of the deaths used in that Kellerman study (84%) to be exact were suicides and suicides aren't crimes

Didn't say they were crimes. But a lot of those people wouldn't be dead if there wasn't a gun in the house.

Also, the vast majority of lawn darts never killed anyone either. We still banned them.

Almost all of those people wouldn't be dead if they hadn't married violent people……or people who were violent criminals or people who had drug and alcohol problems….those are the real factors in domestic killings.

If you are a normal person and have a gun you are not going to shoot your family with it. No matter how mad you get, or how late dinner is. The issue is people with long histories of violence, and criminal behavior as well as drug and alcohol problems…….and the signs are usually multiple calls to the police…..

Just comparing accidents to criminals killed one is twice as likely to kill themself rather than a bad guy.

If you attempt suicide you are more likely to shoot yourself

Smart gun owner to attacker: "I forgot to change the fucking battery! Could you wait for a minute? I'm sure I have a spare battery somewhere in one of these drawers".

Anyone who would do that might also forget to load it.

On cold winter's night

Woman: "Oh wait one second Mr Rapist I need to take my gloves off because I have a smart gun"

Rapist: "Sure thing Ma'am take your time I'll wait for you to take off your gloves and draw your weapon"

Most rapes aren't defensable with a gun. There is about 0 % chance of that happening.

Just as long as you're not that 1 in a million you'll be just fine and so will your little girl

Again the chance that one in a million is raped cause she can't get to her gun is about 0.
Smart gun owner to attacker: "I forgot to change the fucking battery! Could you wait for a minute? I'm sure I have a spare battery somewhere in one of these drawers".

Anyone who would do that might also forget to load it.

On cold winter's night

Woman: "Oh wait one second Mr Rapist I need to take my gloves off because I have a smart gun"

Rapist: "Sure thing Ma'am take your time I'll wait for you to take off your gloves and draw your weapon"

Most rapes aren't defensable with a gun. There is about 0 % chance of that happening.

Just as long as you're not that 1 in a million you'll be just fine and so will your little girl

Again the chance that one in a million is raped cause she can't get to her gun is about 0.

Says you?

Since only about 13% of all rapes and attempted rapes are reported you really have no fucking clue how many could have been or were stopped by an intended victim who was armed
Anyone who would do that might also forget to load it.

On cold winter's night

Woman: "Oh wait one second Mr Rapist I need to take my gloves off because I have a smart gun"

Rapist: "Sure thing Ma'am take your time I'll wait for you to take off your gloves and draw your weapon"

Most rapes aren't defensable with a gun. There is about 0 % chance of that happening.

Just as long as you're not that 1 in a million you'll be just fine and so will your little girl

Again the chance that one in a million is raped cause she can't get to her gun is about 0.

Says you?

Since only about 13% of all rapes and attempted rapes are reported you really have no fucking clue how many could have been or were stopped by an intended victim who was armed


We know a lot. Many victims aren't adults and can't have a gun. Drugs and alcohol are often involved so a gun couldn't be used. Often it is a boyfriend who won't accept no after already naked, not going to use a gun then either. Sorry almost no rapes are defendable with a gun.
On cold winter's night

Woman: "Oh wait one second Mr Rapist I need to take my gloves off because I have a smart gun"

Rapist: "Sure thing Ma'am take your time I'll wait for you to take off your gloves and draw your weapon"

Most rapes aren't defensable with a gun. There is about 0 % chance of that happening.

Just as long as you're not that 1 in a million you'll be just fine and so will your little girl

Again the chance that one in a million is raped cause she can't get to her gun is about 0.

Says you?

Since only about 13% of all rapes and attempted rapes are reported you really have no fucking clue how many could have been or were stopped by an intended victim who was armed


We know a lot. Many victims aren't adults and can't have a gun. Drugs and alcohol are often involved so a gun couldn't be used. Often it is a boyfriend who won't accept no after already naked, not going to use a gun then either. Sorry almost no rapes are defendable with a gun.
I'll amend that because the site I got the 13% gave a link to stats I couldn't corroborate

But that said

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls in the United States between 1992 and 2000 were not reported to the police. Only 36 percent of rapes, 34 percent of attempted rapes, and 26 percent of sexual assaults were reported. [Oct 26, 2010

So you still have 66% of rapes and attempted rapes on women not reported and an even higher percentage of sexual assaults are not reported so I'll stick with the assertion that you have no fucking clue how many rapes, attempted rapes or sexual assaults were or could have been prevented if the intended victim was armed
Most rapes aren't defensable with a gun. There is about 0 % chance of that happening.

Just as long as you're not that 1 in a million you'll be just fine and so will your little girl

Again the chance that one in a million is raped cause she can't get to her gun is about 0.

Says you?

Since only about 13% of all rapes and attempted rapes are reported you really have no fucking clue how many could have been or were stopped by an intended victim who was armed


We know a lot. Many victims aren't adults and can't have a gun. Drugs and alcohol are often involved so a gun couldn't be used. Often it is a boyfriend who won't accept no after already naked, not going to use a gun then either. Sorry almost no rapes are defendable with a gun.
I'll amend that because the site I got the 13% gave a link to stats I couldn't corroborate

But that said

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls in the United States between 1992 and 2000 were not reported to the police. Only 36 percent of rapes, 34 percent of attempted rapes, and 26 percent of sexual assaults were reported. [Oct 26, 2010

So you still have 66% of rapes and attempted rapes on women not reported and an even higher percentage of sexual assaults are not reported so I'll stick with the assertion that you have no fucking clue how many rapes, attempted rapes or sexual assaults were or could have been prevented if the intended victim was armed

The rapes not reported aren't the type that are defensable with a gun. They are the type I mentioned. You think a woman gets raped in the street by a stranger and doesn't report it? Those are reported.
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Just as long as you're not that 1 in a million you'll be just fine and so will your little girl

Again the chance that one in a million is raped cause she can't get to her gun is about 0.

Says you?

Since only about 13% of all rapes and attempted rapes are reported you really have no fucking clue how many could have been or were stopped by an intended victim who was armed


We know a lot. Many victims aren't adults and can't have a gun. Drugs and alcohol are often involved so a gun couldn't be used. Often it is a boyfriend who won't accept no after already naked, not going to use a gun then either. Sorry almost no rapes are defendable with a gun.
I'll amend that because the site I got the 13% gave a link to stats I couldn't corroborate

But that said

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls in the United States between 1992 and 2000 were not reported to the police. Only 36 percent of rapes, 34 percent of attempted rapes, and 26 percent of sexual assaults were reported. [Oct 26, 2010

So you still have 66% of rapes and attempted rapes on women not reported and an even higher percentage of sexual assaults are not reported so I'll stick with the assertion that you have no fucking clue how many rapes, attempted rapes or sexual assaults were or could have been prevented if the intended victim was armed

The rapes not reported aren't the type that are defensable with a gun. They are the type I mentioned. You think a woman gets raped in the street by a stranger and doesn't report it? Those are reported.

And how do you know that rapes attempted rapes and sexual assaults not reported and of which you have absolutely no knowledge of the details were not defensible with a gun?
What's 43 times 0

Oh yeah 0

My weapons have a more than 3 decade track record of never harming anyone living in any home I have ever lived in

besides most of the deaths used in that Kellerman study (84%) to be exact were suicides and suicides aren't crimes

Didn't say they were crimes. But a lot of those people wouldn't be dead if there wasn't a gun in the house.

Also, the vast majority of lawn darts never killed anyone either. We still banned them.

Almost all of those people wouldn't be dead if they hadn't married violent people……or people who were violent criminals or people who had drug and alcohol problems….those are the real factors in domestic killings.

If you are a normal person and have a gun you are not going to shoot your family with it. No matter how mad you get, or how late dinner is. The issue is people with long histories of violence, and criminal behavior as well as drug and alcohol problems…….and the signs are usually multiple calls to the police…..

And if you avoid all those thing you really don't need a gun for defense either.

You can't always avoid those things....explain that to the women raped at bus stops and on El platforms......
Just as long as you're not that 1 in a million you'll be just fine and so will your little girl

Again the chance that one in a million is raped cause she can't get to her gun is about 0.

Says you?

Since only about 13% of all rapes and attempted rapes are reported you really have no fucking clue how many could have been or were stopped by an intended victim who was armed


We know a lot. Many victims aren't adults and can't have a gun. Drugs and alcohol are often involved so a gun couldn't be used. Often it is a boyfriend who won't accept no after already naked, not going to use a gun then either. Sorry almost no rapes are defendable with a gun.
I'll amend that because the site I got the 13% gave a link to stats I couldn't corroborate

But that said

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls in the United States between 1992 and 2000 were not reported to the police. Only 36 percent of rapes, 34 percent of attempted rapes, and 26 percent of sexual assaults were reported. [Oct 26, 2010

So you still have 66% of rapes and attempted rapes on women not reported and an even higher percentage of sexual assaults are not reported so I'll stick with the assertion that you have no fucking clue how many rapes, attempted rapes or sexual assaults were or could have been prevented if the intended victim was armed

The rapes not reported aren't the type that are defensable with a gun. They are the type I mentioned. You think a woman gets raped in the street by a stranger and doesn't report it? Those are reported.

No, not true. Those are failed to be reported for the same reason that other rapes aren't...feelings of shame, embarassment.......any number of reasons...which is why women should use guns to stop them.
Again the chance that one in a million is raped cause she can't get to her gun is about 0.

Says you?

Since only about 13% of all rapes and attempted rapes are reported you really have no fucking clue how many could have been or were stopped by an intended victim who was armed


We know a lot. Many victims aren't adults and can't have a gun. Drugs and alcohol are often involved so a gun couldn't be used. Often it is a boyfriend who won't accept no after already naked, not going to use a gun then either. Sorry almost no rapes are defendable with a gun.
I'll amend that because the site I got the 13% gave a link to stats I couldn't corroborate

But that said

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls in the United States between 1992 and 2000 were not reported to the police. Only 36 percent of rapes, 34 percent of attempted rapes, and 26 percent of sexual assaults were reported. [Oct 26, 2010

So you still have 66% of rapes and attempted rapes on women not reported and an even higher percentage of sexual assaults are not reported so I'll stick with the assertion that you have no fucking clue how many rapes, attempted rapes or sexual assaults were or could have been prevented if the intended victim was armed

The rapes not reported aren't the type that are defensable with a gun. They are the type I mentioned. You think a woman gets raped in the street by a stranger and doesn't report it? Those are reported.

No, not true. Those are failed to be reported for the same reason that other rapes aren't...feelings of shame, embarassment.......any number of reasons...which is why women should use guns to stop them.

No you just want to sell guns. As I have proven to you many times almost none are defendable with a gun. They are ore likely to shoot themselves than use it in defense.
Again the chance that one in a million is raped cause she can't get to her gun is about 0.

Says you?

Since only about 13% of all rapes and attempted rapes are reported you really have no fucking clue how many could have been or were stopped by an intended victim who was armed


We know a lot. Many victims aren't adults and can't have a gun. Drugs and alcohol are often involved so a gun couldn't be used. Often it is a boyfriend who won't accept no after already naked, not going to use a gun then either. Sorry almost no rapes are defendable with a gun.
I'll amend that because the site I got the 13% gave a link to stats I couldn't corroborate

But that said

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls in the United States between 1992 and 2000 were not reported to the police. Only 36 percent of rapes, 34 percent of attempted rapes, and 26 percent of sexual assaults were reported. [Oct 26, 2010

So you still have 66% of rapes and attempted rapes on women not reported and an even higher percentage of sexual assaults are not reported so I'll stick with the assertion that you have no fucking clue how many rapes, attempted rapes or sexual assaults were or could have been prevented if the intended victim was armed

The rapes not reported aren't the type that are defensable with a gun. They are the type I mentioned. You think a woman gets raped in the street by a stranger and doesn't report it? Those are reported.

No, not true. Those are failed to be reported for the same reason that other rapes aren't...feelings of shame, embarassment.......any number of reasons...which is why women should use guns to stop them.

Just as we have stats on how many are not reported, rape stats do not include just those reported to the police.
Again the chance that one in a million is raped cause she can't get to her gun is about 0.

Says you?

Since only about 13% of all rapes and attempted rapes are reported you really have no fucking clue how many could have been or were stopped by an intended victim who was armed


We know a lot. Many victims aren't adults and can't have a gun. Drugs and alcohol are often involved so a gun couldn't be used. Often it is a boyfriend who won't accept no after already naked, not going to use a gun then either. Sorry almost no rapes are defendable with a gun.
I'll amend that because the site I got the 13% gave a link to stats I couldn't corroborate

But that said

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls in the United States between 1992 and 2000 were not reported to the police. Only 36 percent of rapes, 34 percent of attempted rapes, and 26 percent of sexual assaults were reported. [Oct 26, 2010

So you still have 66% of rapes and attempted rapes on women not reported and an even higher percentage of sexual assaults are not reported so I'll stick with the assertion that you have no fucking clue how many rapes, attempted rapes or sexual assaults were or could have been prevented if the intended victim was armed

The rapes not reported aren't the type that are defensable with a gun. They are the type I mentioned. You think a woman gets raped in the street by a stranger and doesn't report it? Those are reported.

And how do you know that rapes attempted rapes and sexual assaults not reported and of which you have absolutely no knowledge of the details were not defensible with a gun?

For all the reasons I have already given.
Again the chance that one in a million is raped cause she can't get to her gun is about 0.

Says you?

Since only about 13% of all rapes and attempted rapes are reported you really have no fucking clue how many could have been or were stopped by an intended victim who was armed


We know a lot. Many victims aren't adults and can't have a gun. Drugs and alcohol are often involved so a gun couldn't be used. Often it is a boyfriend who won't accept no after already naked, not going to use a gun then either. Sorry almost no rapes are defendable with a gun.
I'll amend that because the site I got the 13% gave a link to stats I couldn't corroborate

But that said

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls in the United States between 1992 and 2000 were not reported to the police. Only 36 percent of rapes, 34 percent of attempted rapes, and 26 percent of sexual assaults were reported. [Oct 26, 2010

So you still have 66% of rapes and attempted rapes on women not reported and an even higher percentage of sexual assaults are not reported so I'll stick with the assertion that you have no fucking clue how many rapes, attempted rapes or sexual assaults were or could have been prevented if the intended victim was armed

The rapes not reported aren't the type that are defensable with a gun. They are the type I mentioned. You think a woman gets raped in the street by a stranger and doesn't report it? Those are reported.

And how do you know that rapes attempted rapes and sexual assaults not reported and of which you have absolutely no knowledge of the details were not defensible with a gun?

This is how you have less rape:
Rape prevention training greatly lowers risk of sex assault: study
Says you?

Since only about 13% of all rapes and attempted rapes are reported you really have no fucking clue how many could have been or were stopped by an intended victim who was armed


We know a lot. Many victims aren't adults and can't have a gun. Drugs and alcohol are often involved so a gun couldn't be used. Often it is a boyfriend who won't accept no after already naked, not going to use a gun then either. Sorry almost no rapes are defendable with a gun.
I'll amend that because the site I got the 13% gave a link to stats I couldn't corroborate

But that said

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls in the United States between 1992 and 2000 were not reported to the police. Only 36 percent of rapes, 34 percent of attempted rapes, and 26 percent of sexual assaults were reported. [Oct 26, 2010

So you still have 66% of rapes and attempted rapes on women not reported and an even higher percentage of sexual assaults are not reported so I'll stick with the assertion that you have no fucking clue how many rapes, attempted rapes or sexual assaults were or could have been prevented if the intended victim was armed

The rapes not reported aren't the type that are defensable with a gun. They are the type I mentioned. You think a woman gets raped in the street by a stranger and doesn't report it? Those are reported.

No, not true. Those are failed to be reported for the same reason that other rapes aren't...feelings of shame, embarassment.......any number of reasons...which is why women should use guns to stop them.

No you just want to sell guns. As I have proven to you many times almost none are defendable with a gun. They are ore likely to shoot themselves than use it in defense.

How do you come up with that crap....true, you are simply trying to get a reaction, but after a while you would think you would lose interest.
This research shows that guns are the most effective way to prevent rape...

And here we have studies that show that guns are the most effective way to stop a rape.....
Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together.

Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun.

Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.

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