How are cops supposed to know if their attacker is armed or not?

If it comes to that, I don't see why the cops can't just shoot them in the leg. No, instead they gotta shoot them ten times in the fucking chest like they never fucking shot anything before. Fucking panzy ass bitches.

I mean if the suspect is aiming a gun at you, fuck yeah shoot him right between the eyes, or the heart. Make that shit precise. Otherwise demonstrate some restraint. Some control. Some respect for Life.

What's happening here? Spring break and every twelve year old is screaming their fag heads off about how "mean" the cops are?
PI jerk-off.
Cops are low-life POS. period.

Been arrested a lot have you?
Nope, I behave myself. I haven't been to prison nor convicted of a crime. I don't bother anyone and mind my own business.

Than why do you have such a problem with cops dealing with obvious criminals?
And don't forget that cops break the same laws they arrest us for. They aren't saints that do no wrong. The steal, assault, murder, rape, molest children, lie and cover up for each other, take bribes from drug dealers and pimps, and other crimes that they arrest John Q. Public for.

Yes Sonny Clark and I appreciate the consistent theme in your posts and threads that you want
law enforcement to be standard for all and not abused or excused where anyone is elevated to saint or immunity.

I share the same goal as you do, and glad we have this in common. it is the crux of what I believe is necessary
for the future of our country, govt and economy. Thank you for this, Sonny.

1. In order to enforce the laws, we must respect the same due process we want these cops to follow
So we cannot just accuse them all of acting rogue and treat them all as 'GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT'

We cannot punish entire groups by association, but each person is responsible for their own actions.
The same way you see Michael Brown didn't get due process and got punished based on the perception of the cop.

You rightly protest this, and the same is true for cops -- just because these cops here or there were abusive
does not give anyone the right to break laws and start abusing, shooting or disobeying ALL cops.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

2. the way to stop the abuses, and this HABIT of assuming "guilt until proven innocent"
is to bring together communities PER DISTRICT and screen out both the abusive cops,
the sick teachers, the criminally ill drug abusers who profit off addictions, etc.

By agreeing to follow laws CORRECTLY and respecting both DUE PROCESS and EQUAL PROTECTIONS
then we don't start down this road of "convicting people on sight" and then
acting as "judge jury and executioner" by meting out punishment based on OUR judgment.

See HPD Mission statement: The role of the police is to solve problems through the enforcement of laws, not through the imposition of judgement or punishment

By all citizens and all police and teachers, parents and students, civil organizations and community members
AGREEING to the same Constitutional laws of due process, equal protections of rights and freedoms, and right to security in our persons, houses and effects, then NOBODY tolerates ANYONE abusing or breaking laws.

when the standard is consistent, then abusers can be weeded out and not mess it up for everyone else.

I agree with you, Sonny and SO GLAD to know this is one of your key issues!
Do you like the idea of teaching ALL citizens what the laws are to enforce,
so that people can hold police and govt accountable by agreeing to uphold the same laws?

I would LOVE to work with you to write letters to police chiefs and Governors
to implement REQUIRED Constitutional legal education for all citizens in order to stop abuses, crimes and corruption.

An empowered educated citizenry is the key, and again I am grateful and please to know you are on the
right track with this point, that the citizens need to hold our police and govt in check, we need to know and enforce the laws.

Thanks, Sonny Clark!
I back you up in making a difference and turning this situation around.
NOTE: Police should always be held to the same standards as everyone else, no exceptions. Everyone, including members of law enforcement should obey our laws, no exceptions. Police should police their own profession in order to weed out the rotten apples. police should stop covering for bad cops. Our courts should punish everyone equally, no exceptions. Police should be instructed to NOT take unfair advantage of their position of authority. If cops want respect, they must give respect.

Agree totally Sonny Clark!
And one of the Constitutional principles is due process.
Not to deprive people of liberty without first proving they are guilty.
And equal protections where everyone has equal justice.

So both sides are demanding the same things.
Both sides want the other to FOLLOW THE LAWS.

So we need a signed agreement within communities
among the citizens/residents and police/govt
to follow the laws, agree to standard procedures,
and have agreed means and assistance to resolve conflicts without
violence or political skewing of the justice/democratic process.

Since you wanted to write letters, how would you like to write up
a proposal for a streamlined standard of law enforcement for
officers and citizens to sign and follow?

Do you like the basic principles I posted at as the standard for public education?

Should this be required for all citizens and all communities
in order to stop crime, abuse and violence?

Should it be required education in the public schools,
for students and parents to agree to in order to participate
in public schools, and get drivers' licenses and citizenship,
where all the CITY officials and police, sheriffs and county,
ALL local officials also have to agree to follow the same rules to serve in govt?
What needs to happen first, is to elect the right people at the top. In this case, everything must come from the top down, and not from the bottom up. It has to start with the president, then the Congress, then the heads of every law enforcement agency, then to the state level, and last to the local level. We have to have laws and policies that ensure true justice across the board, and not the judicial favoritism we have now. We have to have strict law enforcement if we're to have equal justice. Everyone must follow the same laws, and face the same punishment, no exceptions. The way it is now, some get a free pass while other get severe punishment. Some are above the law, and they know who they are.

If members of law enforcement want our respect, they must give us the same respect, no exceptions. We can not have our courts show favoritism to members of law enforcement. All cases must be based on hard rock solid concrete evidence, and not circumstantial evidence. We must not allow someone in uniform to have an advantage in our courts. All cases must stand on their own merits, no exceptions. Then, were guilt is determined by a jury, equal punishment, regardless of whether someone is a member of law enforcement or whether they're John Q. Public.

We can not continue to allow cops to act as criminals and get a free pass. We can not continue to allow law enforcement agencies to handle evaluations of suspected wrong doing by one of their own. We must have an independent agency investigate cases where an unarmed person is killed by a member of law enforcement. There must be undeniable undisputable evidence to prove a case one way or the other.

Steps must be taken to prevent abuse of power and authority. We must return to equal justice for all. We must clean house in the judicial system and establish a system of true justice for all. If we are to fear punishment for crimes we commit, then the same fear should be instilled in members of law enforcement.

Sonny Clark
the people are the government
We would have more authority to hire, fire, and instruct govt officials to work for the people
by all of us agreeing to follow the same laws.

We cannot just depend on "other people at the top to change things"

That was the mistake made by the church, and started this whole business of separating church and state.
The top down model means no access to accountability, and power and control over the many
concentrated in the hands of the few.

Sonny, why do you think the police run amok, if we DON'T answer to each other directly.
If we keep relying on some "third party at the top" to tell police what to do, that is removed by one level.

We no longer have direct say in working with police to make sure they are held to account by us at the bottom.

Sonny if we keep instilling "different people" at the top to "dictate to everyone else"
then we are just rotating out dictators. We end up with "POS" authority freaks because
this leads to fighting for control over who gets to play dictator. And only the bigger
bully or "POS" wins that fight, so we keep ending up with bullies at the top.

I think you answered your own question again.

Depending on external authority instead of direct accountability is why we have POS cops running amok "until they are told what to do by a judge"

We need teachers, police and city/govt officials who will listen to we the people at the community level. That's where the authority of law resides, with the people and consent of the governed.

We have to rewire the system if we are going to get rid of the "POS mentality" that just follows blindly because this is what causes abuses of authority. This top down mentality gets skewed by politics.

We need consistent agreement from the ground floor up, based on a stable foundation.
You don't support a building by holding up the floors from the roof.
If it comes to that, I don't see why the cops can't just shoot them in the leg. No, instead they gotta shoot them ten times in the fucking chest like they never fucking shot anything before. Fucking panzy ass bitches.

I mean if the suspect is aiming a gun at you, fuck yeah shoot him right between the eyes, or the heart. Make that shit precise. Otherwise demonstrate some restraint. Some control. Some respect for Life.

What's happening here? Spring break and every twelve year old is screaming their fag heads off about how "mean" the cops are?
PI jerk-off.
Cops are low-life POS. period.

Hi Sonny Clark
Are you saying that about ALL cops or just the ones abusing their power and creating this bad image and problem?

Of all the police brutality cases and deaths of officers I've seen,
here is one that I found especially critical to review for the purpose of earlier intervention, prevention and correction:
Sgt. Joslyn Johnson Widow of HPD Officer Rodney Johnson - Today s Widow

Rodney Johnson was killed by an illegal immigrant, previously deported and with a criminal record,
he stopped for driving drunk (thus possible saving the lives of the kids in the car with this criminally ill man).

Because the shooter was shown to have physical brain impairment, and was argued to be not a threat to society,
he got life in prison. Even though he later escaped with 4 other inmates, before they were caught.

This case was seen as a threat to officers, that it made it okay to shoot to kill them if you could argue
you were mentally ill, even though this man was not even a legal citizen, but was deported of illegal status and had a criminal record. He did not receive help, and it cost an officer his life.

His widow who is also a police officer, lobbied for better protections such as two police per patrol car and not lone officers.

My main concern is catching mental illness when someone is known to be a danger and not able to comply with laws.

How can we achieve this goal if one side says "all cops are garbage"
and the other side assumes the poor at-risk populations are "enabling thugs."

Aren't we putting people at risk if we DON'T address the criminal attitudes, wherever these are found,
and quit blaming 'all one side or the other' which hides the problems so these crooks and sick people go unchecked.
Killing a 12 year old playing the park is not addressing criminals. Killing unarmed citizens is not addressing criminals. Killing 92 year old unarmed women is not addressing criminals. Killing a man coming home from grocery shopping and walking up the stairs to his apartment is not addressing criminals. It happens somewhere in this country every single day. Keep your eye on the news and follow the headlines and see for yourself what cops do every single day. They do everything from writing BS quota tickets to cold blooded murder. And they do everything that they arrest other people for doing. Defend them if you want, but I live in reality and not a fairy tale worlds where cops are the good guys.

Here you go sonny.
This is abuse of power and clearly against the law.
Cop Gets Caught In Illegal Unmarked Car Video
You need to stop harping on shootings involving clear violations of the law.
While I am pro cop there is a time and place to call them out...this is one of them.
Thanks. I appreciate the info.
It doesnt matter what you think. He grabbed him by the throat and implied bodily harm. That is a felony.
Do you have the video? Yes or no? Was he executed for taking cigars? Did he put someone in intensive care in the hospital? Did he disable someone for life? Was killing him justified for stealing a few cigars? Was there any other way to handle it? Could he have been arrested and tried in a court of law? Was murder the only course of action?

There was no murder, both a grand jury and the Justice department agreed to that.

Yes, there was another way that this could have ended without the death. That is, MB submitting to a lawful order.
There was no trial. No proof other the word of the officer. And, he could've been arrested and jailed. The officer could've called for back up. The officer could've followed him until assistance arrived. There were several other ways it could've been handled besides murder.


MB could have submitted to a lawful order

See how easy the world really works
Maybe so, I agree. But, still, there was no cause to murder him. The cops could've arrested him and tried him in a court of law. There were other ways to handle the situation since he was unarmed.

So you would try and fight a 300 hundred pound dude who is an obvious law breaker?
How about if he attacked a women cop? Or maybe a 115 lb little old man?
If it comes to that, I don't see why the cops can't just shoot them in the leg. No, instead they gotta shoot them ten times in the fucking chest like they never fucking shot anything before. Fucking panzy ass bitches.

I mean if the suspect is aiming a gun at you, fuck yeah shoot him right between the eyes, or the heart. Make that shit precise. Otherwise demonstrate some restraint. Some control. Some respect for Life.

What's happening here? Spring break and every twelve year old is screaming their fag heads off about how "mean" the cops are?
PI jerk-off.
Cops are low-life POS. period.

Been arrested a lot have you?
Nope, I behave myself. I haven't been to prison nor convicted of a crime. I don't bother anyone and mind my own business.

Than why do you have such a problem with cops dealing with obvious criminals?
Because I have a strong sense of right and wrong. I believe in true justice. I believe in humane treatment of others. I believe that it's wrong to take a life just because you can do it and get away with it. Because one can do wrong and get away with it, doesn't make it right. I believe in the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I believe that we all should obey the laws, and if we don't, then we all should be judged and sentenced the same, no favoritism.
You just called all cops a pieces of shit. I would hardly call that being civil.
You have obviously had some bad experiences with them to feel that way.
Yes, I called then POS, and meant it. I'm smart enough to read and keep up with events. I know what they do, and why they do it. It's common knowledge and on the internet and news every day. I feel that way because I live in reality, and not a fairy tail world. One would have to be dumb not to know what's going on considered how much it's plastered all over the news daily. I've never been in prison or convicted of a crime if that's what you mean. But, I have been given several BS quota tickets in my life.

Persecution complex.
Nope. Not at all. No complex here. Just calling it like I see it. Obviously, I have just cause since the news is feeding it to us daily. It happens all across this country daily. We can't ignore it and bury our heads in the sand and pretend that it doesn't happen.

You know the police have been shooting criminals for hundreds of years right?
Why is it now news?
Yes, they have. But, they are now shooting unarmed citizens, children, old people, and disabled people. All unarmed and could've been handled differently. They have made news headlines because it's getting totally out of hand, and we have more people with cameras and spread the word rapidly on the internet.

I posted a vid of a cop that was clearly wrong yet you didnt comment.
Why is that?
If you remember correctly the thing that got Mike Brown killed was lack of respect for the law. What kind of dumbass walks down the middle of the street particularly when a cop is rolling up behind you and you just robbed a store?
And blacks have been playing the old"I didnt see nothen" forever when it comes to crimes.

That's exactly my point. The police tactic of depending on intimidation and force in every situation prevents any respect for the law from developing. If I know I will be treated as criminal no matter what I do, I'm not going to show the respect the police want and need either. I'm not saying that all cops were always wrong, and all the people there were always right. I'm just saying it was stupid for the police to let it degenerate into the combative situation it became. It's the policeman's job to try to prevent that instead of making it worse.

Lack of respect for the police brings it on.
I always ask myself when this kind of crap happens.
Would I ever find myself in a situation like the guy got capped in?
The answer is no 99.9% of the time.
Had MB not robbed a store,stayed out of the street,obeyed the orders of the police officer he'd be alive today. And thats a fact.

The guy was a punk. The police behavior made that more prevalent in the neighborhood.

No,the lack of proper upbringing made that prevalent.
His father was a gang member,is it any wonder he turned out like he did?
If the cycle isnt broken this shit will continue to happen.
Nothing pisses me off more than to hear the dead criminals parents/parent blame the police when they are the ones to blame.
And if I hear "he was such a nice boy"one more time I'm gonna puke.

I already told you I think he was probably a punk. I didn't trust the investigation done by local police because they showed a callous disregard for the rights of the peaceful protestors, but I do trust the DOJ. Contrary to right wing rhetoric, they didn't have a vested interest in the results of the investigation. Bad parents are a terrible problem, and I don't have any more idea how to completely solve that problem than you do, but cops are hired to deal fairly with everybody. It's their job. They aren't allowed to abuse their power just because it is a hard job.

When you attack a cop you forfeit your rights to a trial.
Deal with it in the courtroom not on the street.
Remember Zimmerman? Martin didn't know he was armed until it was too late. I'm just saying, not everyone shows they're armed until it's over.
Yes, there are exceptions to anything, I agree. But, some of these cases are up front and straight forward. The case of the man killed in on the stairs coming home from grocery shopping. I forgot what the state settled out of court for. Or, the old lady, unarmed, in her own home late at night, gunned down by cops that had the wrong address. Or, the old man stopped for a traffic ticket, unarmed, reached for his license, and gunned down. Many cases are documented of trigger happy cops who get a free pass when they nurder unarmed citizens.

How many stops are made a day by police? All over the nation hundreds of thousands. You named three cases. Just think if Zimmerman was a cop. He would be one of them you talk about. Now. how many are valid stops for speeding, DUI, or other good reasons to stop a citizen or to protect another?
I have no idea. And, I bet you have no numbers either.
What's happening here? Spring break and every twelve year old is screaming their fag heads off about how "mean" the cops are?
PI jerk-off.
Cops are low-life POS. period.

Been arrested a lot have you?
Nope, I behave myself. I haven't been to prison nor convicted of a crime. I don't bother anyone and mind my own business.

Than why do you have such a problem with cops dealing with obvious criminals?
Because I have a strong sense of right and wrong. I believe in true justice. I believe in humane treatment of others. I believe that it's wrong to take a life just because you can do it and get away with it. Because one can do wrong and get away with it, doesn't make it right. I believe in the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I believe that we all should obey the laws, and if we don't, then we all should be judged and sentenced the same, no favoritism.

So it was alright with you for MB to attack that little old man and the cop?
You have a problem with authority,and I do as well. But you need to be more rational about it.
Yes, I called then POS, and meant it. I'm smart enough to read and keep up with events. I know what they do, and why they do it. It's common knowledge and on the internet and news every day. I feel that way because I live in reality, and not a fairy tail world. One would have to be dumb not to know what's going on considered how much it's plastered all over the news daily. I've never been in prison or convicted of a crime if that's what you mean. But, I have been given several BS quota tickets in my life.

Persecution complex.
Nope. Not at all. No complex here. Just calling it like I see it. Obviously, I have just cause since the news is feeding it to us daily. It happens all across this country daily. We can't ignore it and bury our heads in the sand and pretend that it doesn't happen.

You know the police have been shooting criminals for hundreds of years right?
Why is it now news?
Yes, they have. But, they are now shooting unarmed citizens, children, old people, and disabled people. All unarmed and could've been handled differently. They have made news headlines because it's getting totally out of hand, and we have more people with cameras and spread the word rapidly on the internet.

I posted a vid of a cop that was clearly wrong yet you didnt comment.
Why is that?
What video? Where is it?
Because I have a strong sense of right and wrong. I believe in true justice. I believe in humane treatment of others. I believe that it's wrong to take a life just because you can do it and get away with it. Because one can do wrong and get away with it, doesn't make it right. I believe in the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I believe that we all should obey the laws, and if we don't, then we all should be judged and sentenced the same, no favoritism.

Dear Sonny Clark

Well you just insisted that ALL cops are POS (no due process, but collective punishment by guilt by association)
Sonny if you view Cops this way, why do you think you are experiencing "the Golden Rule"
with Cops viewing all thugs this way, as all POS to be treated collectively as a group, no due process,

You are getting the justice you ask for.
If you don't like Cops treating all the people they apprehend like lawless thugs
then don't assume all Cops are lawless abusers either.

Don't you see you are getting back the equal and opposite reaction to yours?
This is the Golden Rule at work.

If you want due process and following laws, then both sides have to agree to that.
Not judge as guilty until proven innocent.
If you don't like that one-way justice, then don't impose this on cops one-way either.
Cops are low-life POS. period.

Been arrested a lot have you?
Nope, I behave myself. I haven't been to prison nor convicted of a crime. I don't bother anyone and mind my own business.

Than why do you have such a problem with cops dealing with obvious criminals?
Because I have a strong sense of right and wrong. I believe in true justice. I believe in humane treatment of others. I believe that it's wrong to take a life just because you can do it and get away with it. Because one can do wrong and get away with it, doesn't make it right. I believe in the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I believe that we all should obey the laws, and if we don't, then we all should be judged and sentenced the same, no favoritism.

So it was alright with you for MB to attack that little old man and the cop?
You have a problem with authority,and I do as well. But you need to be more rational about it.
It's never "alright to do wrong, never". I do NOT condone wrong, by anyone.
There was no murder, both a grand jury and the Justice department agreed to that.

Yes, there was another way that this could have ended without the death. That is, MB submitting to a lawful order.
There was no trial. No proof other the word of the officer. And, he could've been arrested and jailed. The officer could've called for back up. The officer could've followed him until assistance arrived. There were several other ways it could've been handled besides murder.


MB could have submitted to a lawful order

See how easy the world really works
Maybe so, I agree. But, still, there was no cause to murder him. The cops could've arrested him and tried him in a court of law. There were other ways to handle the situation since he was unarmed.

And still there was no murder. I will not allow myself the luxury of second guessing a man who was attacked by a 300 pounder who refused a lawful order and came back to do more damage.
So the story goes. But, there were several different version of that story.

Not after the UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL agreed with the grand jury. Case closed.

Just to be clear. I take NO JOY in a young man losing his life. But the truth is, he caused it, he could have stopped it.
Because I have a strong sense of right and wrong. I believe in true justice. I believe in humane treatment of others. I believe that it's wrong to take a life just because you can do it and get away with it. Because one can do wrong and get away with it, doesn't make it right. I believe in the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I believe that we all should obey the laws, and if we don't, then we all should be judged and sentenced the same, no favoritism.

Dear Sonny Clark

Well you just insisted that ALL cops are POS (no due process, but collective punishment by guilt by association)
Sonny if you view Cops this way, why do you think you are experiencing "the Golden Rule"
with Cops viewing all thugs this way, as all POS to be treated collectively as a group, no due process,

You are getting the justice you ask for.
If you don't like Cops treating all the people they apprehend like lawless thugs
then don't assume all Cops are lawless abusers either.

Don't you see you are getting back the equal and opposite reaction to yours?
This is the Golden Rule at work.

If you want due process and following laws, then both sides have to agree to that.
Not judge as guilty until proven innocent.
If you don't like that one-way justice, then don't impose this on cops one-way either.
I understand what you're saying.
It's actually quite simple.

If the attacker is black he/she/it is UNARMED. Even if said black were carrying multiple sidearms and toting an anti-tank weapon our Kenyan Emperor would declare those to not count and, hey presto, another unarmed black dies at the hands of a racist.
What's happening here? Spring break and every twelve year old is screaming their fag heads off about how "mean" the cops are?
PI jerk-off.
Cops are low-life POS. period.

Hi Sonny Clark
Are you saying that about ALL cops or just the ones abusing their power and creating this bad image and problem?

Of all the police brutality cases and deaths of officers I've seen,
here is one that I found especially critical to review for the purpose of earlier intervention, prevention and correction:
Sgt. Joslyn Johnson Widow of HPD Officer Rodney Johnson - Today s Widow

Rodney Johnson was killed by an illegal immigrant, previously deported and with a criminal record,
he stopped for driving drunk (thus possible saving the lives of the kids in the car with this criminally ill man).

Because the shooter was shown to have physical brain impairment, and was argued to be not a threat to society,
he got life in prison. Even though he later escaped with 4 other inmates, before they were caught.

This case was seen as a threat to officers, that it made it okay to shoot to kill them if you could argue
you were mentally ill, even though this man was not even a legal citizen, but was deported of illegal status and had a criminal record. He did not receive help, and it cost an officer his life.

His widow who is also a police officer, lobbied for better protections such as two police per patrol car and not lone officers.

My main concern is catching mental illness when someone is known to be a danger and not able to comply with laws.

How can we achieve this goal if one side says "all cops are garbage"
and the other side assumes the poor at-risk populations are "enabling thugs."

Aren't we putting people at risk if we DON'T address the criminal attitudes, wherever these are found,
and quit blaming 'all one side or the other' which hides the problems so these crooks and sick people go unchecked.
Killing a 12 year old playing the park is not addressing criminals. Killing unarmed citizens is not addressing criminals. Killing 92 year old unarmed women is not addressing criminals. Killing a man coming home from grocery shopping and walking up the stairs to his apartment is not addressing criminals. It happens somewhere in this country every single day. Keep your eye on the news and follow the headlines and see for yourself what cops do every single day. They do everything from writing BS quota tickets to cold blooded murder. And they do everything that they arrest other people for doing. Defend them if you want, but I live in reality and not a fairy tale worlds where cops are the good guys.

Here you go sonny.
This is abuse of power and clearly against the law.
Cop Gets Caught In Illegal Unmarked Car Video
You need to stop harping on shootings involving clear violations of the law.
While I am pro cop there is a time and place to call them out...this is one of them.
Thanks. I appreciate the info.

And you never commented on this video.
The cop should be in prison. While I understand why he shot the dude it was clearly wrong.
Last edited:
There was no trial. No proof other the word of the officer. And, he could've been arrested and jailed. The officer could've called for back up. The officer could've followed him until assistance arrived. There were several other ways it could've been handled besides murder.


MB could have submitted to a lawful order

See how easy the world really works
Maybe so, I agree. But, still, there was no cause to murder him. The cops could've arrested him and tried him in a court of law. There were other ways to handle the situation since he was unarmed.

And still there was no murder. I will not allow myself the luxury of second guessing a man who was attacked by a 300 pounder who refused a lawful order and came back to do more damage.
So the story goes. But, there were several different version of that story.

Not after the UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL agreed with the grand jury. Case closed.

Just to be clear. I take NO JOY in a young man losing his life. But the truth is, he caused it, he could have stopped it.
Law enforcement agencies investigating law enforcement agencies, or their members, does not impress me. Now, if an independent agency, experienced in these types of cases did the investigating, then I'd be impressed and satisfied. When an agency investigates it's own members, what are we to think?
It's actually quite simple.

If the attacker is black he/she/it is UNARMED. Even if said black were carrying multiple sidearms and toting an anti-tank weapon our Kenyan Emperor would declare those to not count and, hey presto, another unarmed black dies at the hands of a racist.
Even simpler yet, when giving way too mush authority and power to those above the law, killing unarmed citizens is A-OK.
Persecution complex.
Nope. Not at all. No complex here. Just calling it like I see it. Obviously, I have just cause since the news is feeding it to us daily. It happens all across this country daily. We can't ignore it and bury our heads in the sand and pretend that it doesn't happen.

You know the police have been shooting criminals for hundreds of years right?
Why is it now news?
Yes, they have. But, they are now shooting unarmed citizens, children, old people, and disabled people. All unarmed and could've been handled differently. They have made news headlines because it's getting totally out of hand, and we have more people with cameras and spread the word rapidly on the internet.

I posted a vid of a cop that was clearly wrong yet you didnt comment.
Why is that?
What video? Where is it?

I posted it again because you clearly missed it.
I am all for nailing cops who overstep their authority,the MB case and the majority of cases brought up are clearly legit.
Remember Zimmerman? Martin didn't know he was armed until it was too late. I'm just saying, not everyone shows they're armed until it's over.
Yes, there are exceptions to anything, I agree. But, some of these cases are up front and straight forward. The case of the man killed in on the stairs coming home from grocery shopping. I forgot what the state settled out of court for. Or, the old lady, unarmed, in her own home late at night, gunned down by cops that had the wrong address. Or, the old man stopped for a traffic ticket, unarmed, reached for his license, and gunned down. Many cases are documented of trigger happy cops who get a free pass when they nurder unarmed citizens.

How many stops are made a day by police? All over the nation hundreds of thousands. You named three cases. Just think if Zimmerman was a cop. He would be one of them you talk about. Now. how many are valid stops for speeding, DUI, or other good reasons to stop a citizen or to protect another?
I have no idea. And, I bet you have no numbers either.

LOL, My guess it's over 20, wouldn't you? Stop being silly. I am being honest with you about feelings. I've told you about my feelings on Zimmerman, the chokehold death and some cops pretending to be Rambo which is wrong. And you're going to comment on the vast number of police stops in a day nationwide?

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