How Are Republicans Or Any Republican, For That Matter, Christians?

They're still under the Christian banner though.

Dear God, Ignorance at it's finest....

What's the "Christian Banner."

Catholics are indeed Christian, dumbass.
The first.

You know that whole reformation thing?

Probably not.

Read up on it dumbass.
If posts here are any indication, they aren't.


This is why EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. around this time you see theFOXNEWS come out with their bogus "Attack on Christmas" stories, led by the "Christian" Bill O'Reilly.

Who, as it happens, works for a Muslim.

I don't really mind that they thump their bibles and all the rest. Its that they have the nerve to preach family values. Fucking hypocrites like Santorum whose "abortion was different", loves fetus but wants children to starve. They "support our troops" by sending them into illegal wars and when they get home, screw em. They despise women an, if we'd let them, they'd put the elderly on ice floes.

Hateful vile people.
Yeah, you! :lol:

If you say so....You'd never see him post something like this about Democrats...
to me these types of threads are for stirring up hate
[MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] I don't think you're thinking clearly.

For one thing, you don't see Democrats doing what Republicans do. Democrats don't use their religion to bludgeon others or Republicans into their narrow way of thinking. They don't go about claiming themselves to be THEE symbol and/or protector of Christianity. They don't force their Christianity on others. Democrats aren't the ones trying to legislate Christianity. They simply don't. Therefore, it doesn't apply to them. Why would I address them about something that doesn't apply to them? More of the false equivalency nonsense that is so prevalent in the media?

You really should practice pausing for a moment of reflection sometimes. It would do you a lot of good.

One of the most used and abused cliche's used by lefties is "they force their Christianity on others" All Christians do is offer everyone a way to salvation and everlasting life, take it or leave it at your own peril.
The lefties around here sure do like them their troll threads alright, alright. Yuuup, they loves them their troll threads.
This is why EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. around this time you see theFOXNEWS come out with their bogus "Attack on Christmas" stories, led by the "Christian" Bill O'Reilly.

He is Roman Catholic:'Reilly_(political_commentator)
Yes, I know his religious affiliation.

They're still under the Christian banner though.

In fact, they were the original Church, as referenced in the Bible.

We're under the same banner? We don't follow the pope and Pope Leo never removed his excommunication of Martin Luther and never lifted his anathema of Protestants. Did I miss something here of us being under the same banner?

However, many other Christians use the term "Catholic" (sometimes with a lower-case letter "c") to refer more broadly to the whole Christian Church or to all believers in Jesus Christ regardless of denominational affiliation.[7][8] Theologians writing in English will sometimes use the term "Church Catholic" or "Church catholic" to avoid confusion between this concept and the Catholic Church.

History of the term "Catholic" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fact that I and other Christians would refer to catholics with the little "C" or the fact that believers would refer to "Church Catholic" or "Church catholic" should tell you something.

I tried to get the word "Catholic" or "Universal" out of Acts 9:31 and I wasn't able to do it tonight with the tools that I'm using:

Acts 9 (Blue Letter Bible: KJV - King James Version)

I refer to Catholicism as an incomplete gospel and that is as polite as I can come without repelling Catholics. You have to be born from above which is not baptism but being born again means different things to the Catholic.

I fought the baptism debate for years and I have four printouts of my debates that equal the size of a book and it is quite a lengthy debate but you'll never prove to me or win a debate where you become Christian by being baptized. Start a new thread and address me if you wish to go down that road but I'll give you an introduction and I also have all the arguments written down and I can win but first look at this introductory information:

Meaning of the Word Baptize

Do Mark 16:16 and John 3:5 Teach Salvation by Baptism?

Do Acts 2;38 and Romans 6:4 Teach Salvation by Baptism?

What Is Required For Salvation?

1 Peter 3:21 The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

A "like figure" in 1 Peter 3:21 would be the equivalent to a photograph today. Photographs don't create history or make history happen. Photographs only record a past or present reality. Photographs don't create present realities so that is a big part of my argument why Baptism does not save a person.

Baptism doesn't represent life because it represents DEATH:

Romans 6:4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

There are these other symbols of baptism:

1 Corinthians 10:2 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;

We have this symbolism. Noah is also a symbol of baptism. The eight souls in the ark were baptized. The people outside of the ark were baptized too and died. You have to put your faith in Jesus (the ark) because everyone outside was baptized and died just like millions of Catholics will be baptized and die in their sins because they aren't saved.

Matthew 7:21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

You want to go to heaven? Don't be misled.
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Yes, I know his religious affiliation.

They're still under the Christian banner though.

In fact, they were the original Church, as referenced in the Bible.

We're under the same banner? We don't follow the pope and Pope Leo never removed his excommunication of Martin Luther and never lifted his anathema of Protestants. Did I miss something here of us being under the same banner?

However, many other Christians use the term "Catholic" (sometimes with a lower-case letter "c") to refer more broadly to the whole Christian Church or to all believers in Jesus Christ regardless of denominational affiliation.[7][8] Theologians writing in English will sometimes use the term "Church Catholic" or "Church catholic" to avoid confusion between this concept and the Catholic Church.

History of the term "Catholic" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fact that I and other Christians would refer to catholics with the little "C" or the fact that believers would refer to "Church Catholic" or "Church catholic" should tell you something.

I tried to get the word "Catholic" or "Universal" out of Acts 9:31 and I wasn't able to do it tonight with the tools that I'm using:

Acts 9 (Blue Letter Bible: KJV - King James Version)

I refer to Catholicism as an incomplete gospel and that is as polite as I can come without repelling Catholics. You have to be born from above which is not baptism but being born again means different things to the Catholic.

I fought the baptism debate for years and I have four printouts of my debates that equal the size of a book and it is quite a lengthy debate but you'll never prove to me or win a debate where you become Christian by being baptized. Start a new thread and address me if you wish to go down that road but I'll give you an introduction and I also have all the arguments written down and I can win but first look at this introductory information:

Meaning of the Word Baptize

Do Mark 16:16 and John 3:5 Teach Salvation by Baptism?

Do Acts 2;38 and Romans 6:4 Teach Salvation by Baptism?

What Is Required For Salvation?

1 Peter 3:21 The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

A "like figure" in 1 Peter 3:21 would be the equivalent to a photograph today. Photographs don't create history or make history happen. Photographs only record a past or present reality. Photographs don't create present realities so that is a big part of my argument why Baptism does not save a person.

Baptism doesn't represent life because it represents DEATH:

Romans 6:4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

There are these other symbols of baptism:

1 Corinthians 10:2 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;

We have this symbolism. Noah is also a symbol of baptism. The eight souls in the ark were baptized. The people outside of the ark were baptized too and died. You have to put your faith in Jesus (the ark) because everyone outside was baptized and died just like millions of Catholics will be baptized and die in their sins because they aren't saved.

Matthew 7:21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

You want to go to heaven? Don't be misled.
Did I saw we were under the same banner?

Or did I say that Catholics are Christians?

That's what Christian banner means, they too, are Christians.

In trying to do too much, you're not doing much at all...

You want to go to heaven? Don't be misled.
Did I saw we were under the same banner?

Or did I say that Catholics are Christians?

That's what Christian banner means, they too, are Christians.

In trying to do too much, you're not doing much at all...


•"If any one saith, that by faith alone the impious is justified; in such wise as to mean, that nothing else is required to co-operate in order to the obtaining the grace of Justification, and that it is not in any way necessary, that he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own will; let him be anathema," (Canon 9, Council of Trent).
•"If any one saith, that man is truly absolved from his sins and justified, because he assuredly believed himself absolved and justified; or, that no one is truly justified but he who believes himself justified; and that, by this faith alone, absolution and justification are effected; let him be anathema," (Canon 14, Council of Trent).
•For more on this, please see Council of Trent. Canons on Justification.

Are Roman Catholics Christian | Catholic Doctrine of Salvation | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

So we can be "anathema" (going to hell) and Christian?
That is pretty funny.
Chuck, I know EXACTLY where you're coming from, trust me.

However, for all intents and purposes of THIS thread, Catholics are Christian.
Chuck, I know EXACTLY where you're coming from, trust me.

However, for all intents and purposes of THIS thread, Catholics are Christian.

Apparently, Catholics and Protestants didn't give you the memo.

For my intents and purposes, I don't believe the majority of Catholics are Christian.
Theologically, this thread is worth nothing.
Biblically, Catholics are not Christian.
Catholicism is an incomplete gospel.

James was the head of the church...not Peter.
Scripture says that by their fruits you shall know them, Matthew 7:20: Matthew 7:20 KJV - Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know - Bible Gateway

Further expounds and put into context in the previous verses as seen here: Matthew 7:15-20 NKJV - You Will Know Them by Their Fruits - Bible Gateway

In my devotion this morning I came across a description/guide for Christians in Titus 2:7-8, Titus - Paul, a servant of God and an apostle - Bible Gateway

In reflecting on these passages I can't help but think to myself, how the HECK do Republicans even remotely resemble any of this?

Anyone can help me with that?

Maybe I'm missing something here.

To be fair, I don't see how choosing a life of politics goes with being a Christian, and the one President that exuded Christianity, Carter, has been bashed to bits by the Party that claims to be Christian. They labeled him weak. When Jesus Himself said to turn the other cheek. Luke - Introduction - Many have undertaken to - Bible Gateway Moreover, said that "Vengeance is mine." Romans 12:19 KJV - Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, - Bible Gateway

Things that make me go "Hmmm.....!!"

One of the sure signs of a fake Christian is telling other people that they aren't Christians simply because you are too arrogant to admit you might not know everything.

"And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own?
So you're going to judge the lives of millions of people you don't know based on the propaganda of the left and some corrupt Republican politicians? How exactly is that Christian?

You are seriously going to sit here and tell me I don't know Christ and don't seek to follow Him because I believe we need to be free, that we need to be good stewards of the tax payers money, that we should actually follow the Constitution, and empower people.

And are Democrats really any better? Take Obamacare. Millions of people are losing their insurance. Even if they keep them their rates are skyrocketing. And those who pushed it knew this would happen before they did it. How is that Christian? Now we have advertisements from the government encouraging people to live promiscuous lifestyles because now they can sign up for Obamacare. How is that Christian? How is it Christian to call everyone who suggests a different way a bigot, a racist or some other divisive slur because they have different ideas? How is it Christian to divide people into classes and pretend people are somehow better or worse than their brother because of the amount of money they earn?

People can follow Christ and belong to either party. That doesn't mean they support every bad thing other people in the party does.
Hey, hey, need to get your panties twisted up into a tight knot.

I asked a question dude. I just asked a simple question.

My question involved asking, someone like yourself, to point out how and/or who in the Republican party today exemplifies a Christian.

We only have to go by what the Republican politicians display.

We have to assume that, self-proclaimed Christians, like yourself, of the RW persuasion supports them time and time again, therefore you approve of their behavior.

So again, I ask you, as a fellow Christian,...what about The Republicans, or any Republican, for that matter, is Christian?

Your go.

It is none of my business whether being a member of any political party is harmonious with being a Christian. Yet, for some reason, you feel qualified to question one group, while ignoring the fact that there are just as many people who claim to be Christian in the other group. That makes you the problem.

End of your attempt to pretend that you are just asking a question.
You just asked a question? Please dont pretend to be seeking innocent and honest discussion when you ask a loaded partisan question like that.

So why should we use the propaganda of the left to evaluate who is Christian or not? You don't see Christians in the Republican party because you are conveniently ignoring the ones that practice Christianity and focusing on the ones that do. Not only that but you ignore what many Republicans are actually doing and instead believe the lies the Democrats say they are doing.

Are Republicans perfect? Hell no. Are Christians perfect? Not in the slightest. Are Democrats perfect? Hell Hell no.

But does that mean all Republicans aren't Christian? or does that mean there aren't real Christians in both parties? Does that mean there are no Christian Democrats?

The progressive rot in both parties makes seeing Christians difficult. The Progressives in both parties point at the progressives in the other party and talk about how corrupt and evil they are (and they are corrupt and evil) in order to malign good Christians and other good people.

How can a Christian support Obamacare? More people uninsured. Higher costs. Higher deductables. Criminals obtaining private information from people and stealing their identities. Quite frankly I don't know how, but there are some that do.

How can a Christian support borrowing money we don't have to pay for government we can't afford? There are some that do.

How can a Christian support burdening the tax payers with higher and higher taxes? How can a Christian support dividing their brethren by the amount of money they make? There are some that do

How can a Christian support putting faith in government to solve our problems instead of faith in God? I don't know but there are som ethat do.

How can a Christian support abortion? Sure as heck dont know but somehow some do.

Fighting to uphold the Constitution is Christian. Fighting to be a good steward of our money is Christian. Fighting to preserve the life of innocent children is Christian. These are all things that many Republicans fight for. Unfortunately we have progressives in both parties fighting against these things.

Our politics shouldn't be defining our Christianity. Our Christianity should define who we are in our politics. And by that I don't mean we should be passing laws to force people to be Christian. That's contrary to what Christianity teaches us. The Bible is clear. "Chose this day whom you will serve". Christ came to provide liberty to the oppressed.

So why do we let the progressives of either party get away with empowering themselves in Washington and blaming the progressives of the other party for what they are all collectively doing?

We have robbers in our government. Robbers who think they are entitled to take from us and give to themselves and their political cronies to secure their own power. And we have to stop them. The first thin we have to do is humble ourselves before God and ask for forgiveness. We've let ourselves sleep. We've let ourselves be decieved politically. We've let politicians divide us when we should be united.

You've fallen for the trap here. You've allowed yourself to not see your Christian brethren because they have a different political party affiliation.

We have let ourselves become an extremely proud society. We have to humble ourselves. Or we will end up destroying ourselves. And there isn't a single person on this message board who doesn't have a pride issue. We can let our pride destroy us and separate us. Or we can humble ourselves.

We can start honestly looking at the world around us or we can allow partisan shades to block us.

We can continue to outsource our responsibilities to an ever growing government and ensure nothing gets done or we can step up and take more responsibility in our lives.
What ELSE has your Crystal Ball revealed to thee oh great and might Svengali?


BTW: With that entire diatribe you brought out not ONE, single, solitary Republican that strikes you as Christian.


Note: I did NOT say, or suggest that ALL Republicans aren't Christian. I simply asked to point one out and/or how they are. The rest was your magical conjecture.

Carry on.

You are the one with the standards, tell me which Democrats that claim to be Christian fail to measure up, or admit that the criticism of your partisan attack is completely justified.
Do Christians use words like "Asswipe?"

Some do.

There is nothing, repeat nothing, in the Bible you can use to justify any attempt to tell anyone else what language to use. Abraham had his servant grab his cock in order to make a promise to see that Isaac would marry someone from his family. Maybe, just maybe, YHWH isn't a wimp ass sissy that is afraid to admit that people have sex.

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