How Are Republicans Or Any Republican, For That Matter, Christians?

How Are Republicans Or Any Republican, For That Matter, Christians?
Christianity is an OPEN SOURCE religion.

Anybody can call themselves a Christian, regardless of what the say, believe or do.

I must have missed the law that made it illegal to call yourself a Buddhist unless you had a certificate of approval from the Dalai Lama.

Either that, or this is another example of you being completely idiotic.
Hey, hey, need to get your panties twisted up into a tight knot.

I asked a question dude. I just asked a simple question.

My question involved asking, someone like yourself, to point out how and/or who in the Republican party today exemplifies a Christian.

We only have to go by what the Republican politicians display.

We have to assume that, self-proclaimed Christians, like yourself, of the RW persuasion supports them time and time again, therefore you approve of their behavior.

So again, I ask you, as a fellow Christian,...what about The Republicans, or any Republican, for that matter, is Christian?

Your go.

Marc, Avatar gave you the answer and an excellent one at that. He told you what most Republicans believe and they can be very much, Christians, just as yourself. I might add one more topic. I happen to be pro life which is against most Democratic views. I find it very difficult how you can reconcile abortion with any Christian view.

God provided woman with reproductive organs and a womb, or a vessel to nurture a child to the time of birth. For a woman to call it her body and not recognize its purpose for bringing a baby to life is the height of delusion and selfishness. And even if the woman did not want to be a mother, to deny they child its life and kill the child is against a commandment given to us. The child could have been give to a barren woman to have the gift of motherhood. In your heart, if you are a true Christian, you know that.
I agree with you 102% Brother Jackson, however, it's not my right, nor do I have the authority to force my understanding onto another person. Just as God gives every soul the power of free will, aka choice, I have to do the same.

The most I can do is advise them on the error of their ways, but I can't force them. That includes legislate. Their decision is a moral one and they have to reconcile that with their Maker, not with me, you, I, nor their government.

What RW Christians are engaging in a Christian version of Sharia Law, that is wrong on all accounts.

Well, are you Christian? Because you just did.
Avatar, you're being a disingenuous. You know full well, that I simply quoted the person that said that. You skipped them and assigned it to me. That's deception in it's highest form.

Not Christlike.

I always ask how Democrats, for that matter any Democrat can crow they are the more caring people and call themselves a Christian...

yet they fully support taking a life with abortion and call it a, women's choice...

and then turn around and quote scripture from the bible to put down others..

I find these people phony as hell, but that's just me
That's where you RW fundamentalist Christians get it wrong. NO ONE SUPPORTS abortion. You won't find ONE person that says that's what you should do. We simply ACKNOWLEDGE the individual's right to choice. THEY have to deal with the consequences of it and face their Maker. Not me, not you, not their government.

It's not hard to understand.

Stop your fundamentalist's not right, it's radical.

Let me get this straight.

You are saying the other guys are attempting to shove their beliefs down your throat, but the fact that the government is currently shoving your beliefs down my throat is not a problem with you.

There is only one reasonable response to that, fuck off, asshole.
Yeah, you! :lol:

If you say so....You'd never see him post something like this about Democrats...
to me these types of threads are for stirring up hate
@Stephanie I don't think you're thinking clearly.

For one thing, you don't see Democrats doing what Republicans do. Democrats don't use their religion to bludgeon others or Republicans into their narrow way of thinking. They don't go about claiming themselves to be THEE symbol and/or protector of Christianity. They don't force their Christianity on others. Democrats aren't the ones trying to legislate Christianity. They simply don't. Therefore, it doesn't apply to them. Why would I address them about something that doesn't apply to them? More of the false equivalency nonsense that is so prevalent in the media?

You really should practice pausing for a moment of reflection sometimes. It would do you a lot of good.

The fact that you don't see it proves that you aren't looking.
If you say so....You'd never see him post something like this about Democrats...
to me these types of threads are for stirring up hate
@Stephanie I don't think you're thinking clearly.

For one thing, you don't see Democrats doing what Republicans do. Democrats don't use their religion to bludgeon others or Republicans into their narrow way of thinking. They don't go about claiming themselves to be THEE symbol and/or protector of Christianity. They don't force their Christianity on others. Democrats aren't the ones trying to legislate Christianity. They simply don't. Therefore, it doesn't apply to them. Why would I address them about something that doesn't apply to them? More of the false equivalency nonsense that is so prevalent in the media?

You really should practice pausing for a moment of reflection sometimes. It would do you a lot of good.

Hope you don't mind me interrupting between the two of you, but I am interested in this as well. Marc, you made me think about how the Republicans use religion into their way of thinking and I think that is true on one issue, that of abortion. I grant you that, but I can't think right now of any other issues, can you?

And to my knowledge, no bills have been brought up by Republicans to limit or ban abortions by Republicans, so we can't say they have tried to legislate Christianity.

And I believe we all have to be wary of painting each side with a broad brush and remember that each party is made up of individuals with their own thoughts. Not every Republican is a Christian just like the Democrats.

Let me know where I am wrong.

Why is abortion a religious issue? I opposed abortion when I thought Christians were all idiots because I saw it as taking a human life. On top of that, we have the example of Nancy Pelosi, who thinks that abortion is a religious rights issue.

Maybe you should stop thinking in one dimension, then you might be able to see why Marc is a hypocritical lying sack of shit.
Yeah, you! :lol:

If you say so....You'd never see him post something like this about Democrats...
to me these types of threads are for stirring up hate

Thanks so much, Stephanie! Its easy to be on the defensive when most of the board is against you and we wouldn't expect him to say derogatory statements about the Democrats because he is a Democrat. But I have noticed that he doesn't name call and he's honest. Honest enough to give you a point when the facts are showing you are right. But of course, that is a two way street. I have to be the same way and be objective about his statements. Just how much truth are there in his statements?

It's just a give and take that I think works out well. I wish more people could give each other a break and think before they swipe. All this name calling and flaming brings on more from the recipients and nothing ever really gets discussed honestly between left and right. Know what I mean? Can you imagine Franco having a real discussion? I don't think he could he's so used the flame throwing.

If he was half as honest as you think he is he would be pointing out that his beliefs actually preclude Democrats from being politicians also, and scold them just as thoroughly as he does Republicans. Since he isn't honest, he doesn't have to do that, does he?
@Stephanie I don't think you're thinking clearly.

For one thing, you don't see Democrats doing what Republicans do. Democrats don't use their religion to bludgeon others or Republicans into their narrow way of thinking. They don't go about claiming themselves to be THEE symbol and/or protector of Christianity. They don't force their Christianity on others. Democrats aren't the ones trying to legislate Christianity. They simply don't. Therefore, it doesn't apply to them. Why would I address them about something that doesn't apply to them? More of the false equivalency nonsense that is so prevalent in the media?

You really should practice pausing for a moment of reflection sometimes. It would do you a lot of good.

Good geeeahhad,do you listen to yourself?? you don't have a splinter in your eye you have the whole Forrest.

Try and be honest,its not that hard.
Please point out the dishonesty in my post ChickenWing.


Do you seriously expect people to believe that you have never seen a Democrat use their religious beliefs to defend a law?
@Stephanie I don't think you're thinking clearly.

For one thing, you don't see Democrats doing what Republicans do. Democrats don't use their religion to bludgeon others or Republicans into their narrow way of thinking. They don't go about claiming themselves to be THEE symbol and/or protector of Christianity. They don't force their Christianity on others. Democrats aren't the ones trying to legislate Christianity. They simply don't. Therefore, it doesn't apply to them. Why would I address them about something that doesn't apply to them? More of the false equivalency nonsense that is so prevalent in the media?

You really should practice pausing for a moment of reflection sometimes. It would do you a lot of good.

Seriously? Democrats don't use religion to bludgeon others into their narrow way of thinking? So what exactly is Nancy Pelosi doing when she cites her Catholicism as a reason for her abortion position, other than completely misstating Catholic doctrine? What is Obama doing when he quotes the Bible to support one of his radical policies?

Or is it somehow Democrats are all sincere in their use of religion while the Republicans arent?
Explain to me, Guy Smiley, how exactly is giving your reason for doing something, the same as FORCING others into believing as you do?

The false equivalency nonsense again.

Umm, what?

Explain to me, in detail, the difference between using religion to explain your reasons for passing a law that requires people to conform to your narrow way of thinking, and passing a law that requires you to conform to a narrow way of thinking because of your religion.
Are you a Christian bayoubill?


I'm a huge fan of Jesus...

I love him and his message of love and forgiveness...

and I try to witness to that message in my daily life in all my dealings with folks around me...

but, no... in the strictest sense, I'm not a Christian, because I refuse to believe that Jesus is the only way...

to be sure, his way is the most perfect that I've found... but I have no doubt that folks can travel the good and righteous path without the benefit of knowing Jesus...

What if I pointed out that, as long as you follow Jesus because you believe he set a good example, and believe his teachings, that it doesn't really matter if there are other ways to get where you are going?
That's problematic. Do you use the Bible to witness to people because it says over and over, Christ is the only way. Because Christ took our punishment, we took His righteousness. When you emerge from the baptism water you are suppose to be a new man in Christ. If you don't consider what He said as the truth, then I'm not sure how you commit.

I am glad you love Him and His message is love and forgiveness. But how do you believe some of what He said and not all?
I hope you don't include your take on what Christ said when you witness. The very best and righteous have nothing to do with salvation. One man lost it for us. One man gave it back. Our very best work can't remove sin from the blood. Only pure blood can be used for the transfusion.

Does the Bible sight any other way but through Christ?

You really should stop trying to pretend you are privy to the decisions of Management, you are not God, you don't get to decide who gets saved.
We turn the other cheek not to show submission, but to show equality with the one doing the slapping.
I seem to remember Carter quoting scripture.

I find Democrats more willing than Republicans to force the global initiative on us. The global governance that is prophesied to move against Israel, God's land. The Democrats just told Israel, give up your land or else.... and have spent millions and millions and millions arming Israel's enemies, so Israel has no choice.
Giving Muslims every opportunity to wipe Israel off the map is something both U.S. parties should be guarding against. If we had a Christian leading this country instead of a Muslim one, our President would know the following:

"FOR BEHOLD, in those days and at that time when I shall reverse the captivity and restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there will I deal with and execute judgment upon them for their treatment of My people and of My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and because they have divided My land." Joel 3:1-2;
A vote for the global initiative is a vote against our sovereignty and Israel's. We need a president that is all about American initiative for a change......
@Jackson, et al. These are the types of statements and beliefs that Republicans harbor that strengthens the premise of the OP.

You simply don't see that on the Left.

If I provide you with an example will you admit you are wrong and never again criticize anyone for their beliefs?
Explain to me, Guy Smiley, how exactly is giving your reason for doing something, the same as FORCING others into believing as you do?

The false equivalency nonsense again.

Using the same standards as you my friend. How are Republicans giving their reason for something the same as forcing others to believe as they do?

Isn't it interesting though that you excuse Democrats for doing the same thing you accuse Republicans of doing?
Here is the difference my friend.

Republicans say, "we are a Christian nation, therefore we must do x, y, z."

Republicans say, "because we have left God behind, as a nation, x, y, z is wrong and we must turn back to God."

Republicans use these types of arguments to legislate Christianity.

This is why EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. around this time you see theFOXNEWS come out with their bogus "Attack on Christmas" stories, led by the "Christian" Bill O'Reilly.

Democrats. DO. NOT. DO. THIS.

Only Republicans do.

You know this.

Ironically, Christmas has absolutely NOTHING to do w/Christianity. But that's besides the point.

I hate to point out that obvious (not true, I actually enjoy rubbing your face in your hypocrisy) but social justice is a direct product of the teachings of Christianity and would not exist if the Christian left did not exist.
The Left has a lot of nerve using this dang Op...............

While their famed ACLU has a legacy of attacking the Christian Faith and symbols...................

They will fight tooth and nail against a War Memorial with the symbol of the cross on it preaching separation of Church and State.

They will fight against having a Nativity scene in a public park, while saying it's OK to allow a bunch of Nudist to run threw the same park butt ass naked.

They agree with abortion and the slaughter of unborn children, including late term abortions. Trying to change the definition of when life begins to justify the slaughter.

This would include Late term abortions, which anyone who sees a video of a late term abortion should be horrified. But to LEFTIST SCUM it is OK..........................

They don't give a damn about the sanctity of Marriage, and are OK with Same sex marriage. They agree with suing those who REFUSE TO OBEY or provide business services to the same. Slandering anyone who disagrees.........................................

They BELIEVE IN CHARITY................ONLY WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY...................

And so on.............

So the leftist scum and their attack on what we believe can just simply kiss my butt..............
That's problematic. Do you use the Bible to witness to people because it says over and over, Christ is the only way. Because Christ took our punishment, we took His righteousness. When you emerge from the baptism water you are suppose to be a new man in Christ. If you don't consider what He said as the truth, then I'm not sure how you commit.

I am glad you love Him and His message is love and forgiveness. But how do you believe some of what He said and not all?
I hope you don't include your take on what Christ said when you witness. The very best and righteous have nothing to do with salvation. One man lost it for us. One man gave it back. Our very best work can't remove sin from the blood. Only pure blood can be used for the transfusion.

Does the Bible sight any other way but through Christ?

You really should stop trying to pretend you are privy to the decisions of Management, you are not God, you don't get to decide who gets saved.

I was just remarking to myself how you are really doing the work of God by debating with MarcATL and freeing some of the Christians up in here but I'm not sure what your story is or why you could be using your education for the greater good.

God delegated His authority to His disciples to say:

John 20:23 Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

I believe we have the right to say, "your sins are remitted" or "your sins are retained" to people.

So the question is today, "What is a disciple?"

We have a right to speak about Him.

Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

I believe Mark 16:9-16 is in the Bible. It was a leaf on the back of a scroll or book. Did you ever have a cover that came off?

I received a free e-book defending Mark 16:9-16 by someone who has more intelligence than the best of them.
Using the same standards as you my friend. How are Republicans giving their reason for something the same as forcing others to believe as they do?

Isn't it interesting though that you excuse Democrats for doing the same thing you accuse Republicans of doing?
Here is the difference my friend.

Republicans say, "we are a Christian nation, therefore we must do x, y, z."

Republicans say, "because we have left God behind, as a nation, x, y, z is wrong and we must turn back to God."

Republicans use these types of arguments to legislate Christianity.

This is why EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. around this time you see theFOXNEWS come out with their bogus "Attack on Christmas" stories, led by the "Christian" Bill O'Reilly.

Democrats. DO. NOT. DO. THIS.

Only Republicans do.

You know this.

Ironically, Christmas has absolutely NOTHING to do w/Christianity. But that's besides the point.

I hate to point out that obvious (not true, I actually enjoy rubbing your face in your hypocrisy) but social justice is a direct product of the teachings of Christianity and would not exist if the Christian left did not exist.
No, that's the problem. Christianity is not political, it's neither right, nor left, however, the right has taken it up and branded it theirs.

That's the premise of my OP.

That's why you have RW Christian fundamentalist like Sarah Palin claiming that the new Pope seems like a Leftie to her, because she's invested in what SHE believes is Christianity, which is a RW brand of Christianity, which should be, actually it is, nonexistent.

Clearly, like Sarah Palin, and many members of the fundamentalist Christian Right, you're invested in that WRONG way of thinking about what is and/or isn't Christianity, with this false Right/Left paradigm.
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Here is the difference my friend.

Republicans say, "we are a Christian nation, therefore we must do x, y, z."

Republicans say, "because we have left God behind, as a nation, x, y, z is wrong and we must turn back to God."

Republicans use these types of arguments to legislate Christianity.

This is why EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. around this time you see theFOXNEWS come out with their bogus "Attack on Christmas" stories, led by the "Christian" Bill O'Reilly.

Democrats. DO. NOT. DO. THIS.

Only Republicans do.

You know this.

Ironically, Christmas has absolutely NOTHING to do w/Christianity. But that's besides the point.

I hate to point out that obvious (not true, I actually enjoy rubbing your face in your hypocrisy) but social justice is a direct product of the teachings of Christianity and would not exist if the Christian left did not exist.
No, that's the problem. Christianity is not political, it's neither right, nor left, however, the right has taken it up and branded it theirs.

That's the premise of my OP.

The right saw their liberties being taken away, they established the Alliance Defense Fund because of all the lawsuits so they got into politics only because the left was attacking them. If you don't want to be challenged then don't challenge.
What liberties have been taken away?

List them please.

That's problematic. Do you use the Bible to witness to people because it says over and over, Christ is the only way. Because Christ took our punishment, we took His righteousness. When you emerge from the baptism water you are suppose to be a new man in Christ. If you don't consider what He said as the truth, then I'm not sure how you commit.

I am glad you love Him and His message is love and forgiveness. But how do you believe some of what He said and not all?
I hope you don't include your take on what Christ said when you witness. The very best and righteous have nothing to do with salvation. One man lost it for us. One man gave it back. Our very best work can't remove sin from the blood. Only pure blood can be used for the transfusion.

Does the Bible sight any other way but through Christ?

You really should stop trying to pretend you are privy to the decisions of Management, you are not God, you don't get to decide who gets saved.

I was just remarking to myself how you are really doing the work of God by debating with MarcATL and freeing some of the Christians up in here but I'm not sure what your story is or why you could be using your education for the greater good.

God delegated His authority to His disciples to say:

John 20:23 Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

I believe we have the right to say, "your sins are remitted" or "your sins are retained" to people.

So the question is today, "What is a disciple?"

We have a right to speak about Him.

Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

I believe Mark 16:9-16 is in the Bible. It was a leaf on the back of a scroll or book. Did you ever have a cover that came off?

I received a free e-book defending Mark 16:9-16 by someone who has more intelligence than the best of them.

Not all disciples are given all authority. Or necessarily any. Not all are called to be Apostles. Nor are all priests. We can see in Acts that some had authority to baptize, but not to give the Holy Ghost. This shouldn't surprise any of us or make us feel jealous towards one another because some are called to certain responsibilities and others arent.

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