How Bad Are the Vaccines? House Dems: They're Trump's Fault

Holy shit.

All I’m saying is that the article says nothing about vaccines being ineffective. Because it doesn’t.

I don’t know how I can make this any clearer for you.
here you go

That’s only regarding transmission.

“In a segment on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, Walensky said that while the vaccines are doing very well to protect against serious illness and death, what they cannot do anymore is stop transmission.”

So we agree that the vaccines are doing a good job of protecting against serious illness and death. Looks like you and I agree with Trump on that.
That’s only regarding transmission.

“In a segment on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, Walensky said that while the vaccines are doing very well to protect against serious illness and death, what they cannot do anymore is stop transmission.”

So we agree that the vaccines are doing a good job of protecting against serious illness and death. Looks like you and I agree with Trump on that.
he said ineffective. That was your key word.
he said ineffective. That was your key word.
At preventing transmission, sure.

But looks like we agree that it’s effective at preventing serious illness and death. I’m glad we agree on that. The vaccine certainly does that. Thank you for posting that.
Worse news is on the horizon. You've heard of "sudden adult death"? What do you think that might be?
You poor Q-tards. Your massive ignorance and bottomless credulity is once again being exploited by your propagandists.

Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome has been around far longer then Covid.

Look, here's an article from 2007: Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome

You're welcome.
you think I care? hly fk, you are full of you. As I said before, good for you to take what you want, me, nope. Now what?
Your article agrees with me too. Vaccines are effective at preventing serious illness and death.

Thanks buddy. Great link.
At preventing transmission, sure.

But looks like we agree that it’s effective at preventing serious illness and death. I’m glad we agree on that. The vaccine certainly does that. Thank you for posting that.
nope, the other one says natural immunity is better. Sorry pal, you're zero for your posts today. Now what?

“Until March 2020, the CICP [Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program,] attracted little attention, deciding fewer than 500 cases in its entire history. It’s now drowning in a 16-fold spike in claims, with more than 5,400 COVID-19 vaccine injury cases pending.”

  • US Army Special Forces and Military Doctor Lt. Colonel Peter Chambers Describes His and Others’ COVID Vaccine Injuries in US Military (view at Rumble)

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