How Bernie Sanders Could Break Up the Big Wall Street Banks

ummm..... because they were too big to fail you moron. :banghead: That why breaking them up is needed so they never have this great nation over a barrel again

Ah, I then tell me this: If that were the case - why didn't either of those two clowns break them up while "the iron was hot"? Hmmm?

I'll gladly answer for you.... Because this is a Capitalist society and, as it should be, it's not illegal to "get big" - or didn't you know that? However, were it me - I would have let them go belly up - as they SHOULD have done. True Capitalism would dictate that.
Because Repubs, and many of the Dems (they're two sides of the same coin) are owned by wall st you dweeb. Lock, stock, and barrel. Gawd but you're dumb.

And you are a fucking idiot that is incapable of understanding that NO politician is going to "break up" anything. We are a Capitalist society dumbass. There is NOTHING illegal about becoming "big".

And even if that old man of yours WERE to try anything, he would end up dead. Found in his bed, dead of a heart attack.

You go ahead and screw with the ultra-rich. They didn't become ultra-rich by answering to little people like you and me. GAWD your dumb.
we got ourselves a live one here people, an ultra-rich fluffer. AND, quelle surprise, he's a Rightie :clap2:The safety & security of this great nation is the responsibility of the executive kiddo and having all of ones eggs in a single basket (a few monopolistic Banksters) runs contrary to that

Take that ultra rich cawk outta yer mouth son and come to your senses
Your class warfare rhetoric and nonsensical bullshit posts are tiresome.

Indeed. Apparently, this idiot us in favor of a tyranny and a tyrant, apparently the idiot feels that LAWS are irrelevant (of course, that is unless they are "liberal" laws).

This fucking idiot is pissing down his leg believing that the "Bern" can just wave his old man wand and *poof* the banks are suddenly "broken up".

Fucking Fidel Sanders lover.
And you are a fucking idiot that is incapable of understanding that NO politician is going to "break up" anything. We are a Capitalist society dumbass. There is NOTHING illegal about becoming "big".
The exact same arguments used to convince the Federal Reserve and Congress to not let the Big Banks fail due to their own incompetence is the exact same set of arguments that point to them being too big for national security to remain safe from the impact of banks whose policies of clones of each other to fall to the same set of threats like some gaggle of central American banana plantations.
This fucking idiot is pissing down his leg believing that the "Bern" can just wave his old man wand and *poof* the banks are suddenly "broken up".

A strong argument can be made that these banks constitute a threat to national security and therefore could be broken up by Executive Order as various EOs since WW2 have allowed for.
This fucking idiot is pissing down his leg believing that the "Bern" can just wave his old man wand and *poof* the banks are suddenly "broken up".

A strong argument can be made that these banks constitute a threat to national security and therefore could be broken up by Executive Order as various EOs since WW2 have allowed for.

Like I said earlier. Go ahead Bernie, try to do the tyrant thing. They'll find him dead in the White House or he'll fall ill suddenly and die shortly thereafter.

I know you guys LOVE the old man, but if you believe, for one second, that multi-billionaires are going to allow this old ass communist to take "their" empires from them, then you really are too damned naive to be allowed to vote.
Why do we want the government screwing with the banks or any other private industry? Haven't we screwed our economy enough?
ummm..... because the too big to fail banks of 2008 are even bigger now since they acquired the banks that failed? You like taxpayer-financed bailouts eh?

They need to be broken-up to the size that their failure wont bring down the entire economy like it came perilously close to doing in '08

There's a lot that Bernie Sanders doesn't know, and if he does--he sure won't share it with his supporters.

1. Tarp 1 & 2 bailouts had to be done. If they hadn't we would have bread and soup lines in this country 40 miles long as employers would have not been able to pay their employees. Smaller banks were bought up by larger banks to fill this gap so that we could avoid a depression that would have made the great depression of the 1930's look like a cake walk.

2. The banking aka Wall street bailouts were paid back in full several years ago, along with 48 billion in interest.

Honestly, what does it say about a 25 year senator that does NOT know that the Federal Reserve banks, and the Federal Government operate separately and independent of one another. IOW--The Federal Government is not in charge of the Federal Reserve. This is a basic, fundamental banking principle that has been in place forever, and Sanders didn't know it!--and this is his main campaign platform rhetoric---breaking up the big banks.-LOL The Federal Government has no authority, via legislation or anything else to control the Federal Reserve banks.

Bernie Sanders isn't qualified to be a Senator much less the POTUS.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News

So right after the New York debate what does Sander's do? Right in the middle of a Presidential primary, 2 days before a big one New York--in which he is required to win, and not only win, but win in a landslide--he uses campaign donations to fly off to Europe to get the Pope (of all people) to endorse him--LOL The Pope has NEVER endorsed any political candidate regardless of what country they come from.

Here's what the Pope said.

It's really got to be embarrassing to be a Sanders supporter.

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This fucking idiot is pissing down his leg believing that the "Bern" can just wave his old man wand and *poof* the banks are suddenly "broken up".

A strong argument can be made that these banks constitute a threat to national security and therefore could be broken up by Executive Order as various EOs since WW2 have allowed for.

The only "national security" threat here is from you wannabe communists.
And you are a fucking idiot that is incapable of understanding that NO politician is going to "break up" anything. We are a Capitalist society dumbass. There is NOTHING illegal about becoming "big".
The exact same arguments used to convince the Federal Reserve and Congress to not let the Big Banks fail due to their own incompetence is the exact same set of arguments that point to them being too big for national security to remain safe from the impact of banks whose policies of clones of each other to fall to the same set of threats like some gaggle of central American banana plantations.

I was all for letting the banks fail. Screw them. I am a true capitalist. There is no such thing as "too big to fail". But tell that to a government that is so beholden to these "trillion dollar empires".

Between you and me - if all those institutions failed tomorrow, I wouldn't shed a tear. Fuck 'em. First, the government (in particular Barney Frank and Chris Dodd) colluded with these same banks to screw people that should NEVER had a mortgage to begin with, then, when the bullshit sub-prime debacle happened - the FIRST that was taken care of, were those very institutions that screwed us all over. Nothing more than tit-for-tat between government and financial institutions.

The PEOPLE get screwed and the banks make trillions.
This fucking idiot is pissing down his leg believing that the "Bern" can just wave his old man wand and *poof* the banks are suddenly "broken up".

A strong argument can be made that these banks constitute a threat to national security and therefore could be broken up by Executive Order as various EOs since WW2 have allowed for.

Like I said earlier. Go ahead Bernie, try to do the tyrant thing. They'll find him dead in the White House or he'll fall ill suddenly and die shortly thereafter.

I know you guys LOVE the old man, but if you believe, for one second, that multi-billionaires are going to allow this old ass communist to take "their" empires from them, then you really are too damned naive to be allowed to vote.
So you're saying that they're sooo strong that to try to regulate them would result in his death? You really served in the military? REALLY. You sound yellow to me
This fucking idiot is pissing down his leg believing that the "Bern" can just wave his old man wand and *poof* the banks are suddenly "broken up".

A strong argument can be made that these banks constitute a threat to national security and therefore could be broken up by Executive Order as various EOs since WW2 have allowed for.

Like I said earlier. Go ahead Bernie, try to do the tyrant thing. They'll find him dead in the White House or he'll fall ill suddenly and die shortly thereafter.

I know you guys LOVE the old man, but if you believe, for one second, that multi-billionaires are going to allow this old ass communist to take "their" empires from them, then you really are too damned naive to be allowed to vote.
So you're saying that they're sooo strong that to try to regulate them would result in his death? You really served in the military? REALLY. You sound yellow to me

Dumbass - there's quite a difference between being yellow (no doubt you) and pragmatic (me). Apparently, there's a world out there that you, little fella, know nothing about. If you think for one minute that the rich are going to allow that old shit head to take what they have away from them - and they aren't going to put up a fight - remember these names dumbass - Blackwater, Watkins Arsenal, Chisolm Corporation and The Kelly Group as well as Aegis and GS4 services. Not to mention the other groups that I no longer know their names.

Together they have/had some of the largest private military organizations in the world. Keep that in mind before you assert that you have a clue about the real world, Sonny.
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This fucking idiot is pissing down his leg believing that the "Bern" can just wave his old man wand and *poof* the banks are suddenly "broken up".

A strong argument can be made that these banks constitute a threat to national security and therefore could be broken up by Executive Order as various EOs since WW2 have allowed for.

Like I said earlier. Go ahead Bernie, try to do the tyrant thing. They'll find him dead in the White House or he'll fall ill suddenly and die shortly thereafter.

I know you guys LOVE the old man, but if you believe, for one second, that multi-billionaires are going to allow this old ass communist to take "their" empires from them, then you really are too damned naive to be allowed to vote.
So you're saying that they're sooo strong that to try to regulate them would result in his death? You really served in the military? REALLY. You sound yellow to me

Dumbass - there's quite a difference between being yellow (no doubt you) and pragmatic (me). Apparently, there's a world out there that you, little fella, know nothing about. If you think for one minute that the rich are going to allow that old shit head to take what they have away from them - and they aren't going to put up a fight - remember these names dumbass - Blackwater, Watkins Arsenal, Chisolm Corporation and The Kelly Group as well as Aegis and GS4 services. Not to mention the other groups that I no longer know their names.

Together they have/had some of the largest private military organizations in the world. Keep that in mind before you assert that you have a clue about the real world, Sonny.

tell me something I don't know kid.

Thats the best you got. Private security firms lol
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This fucking idiot is pissing down his leg believing that the "Bern" can just wave his old man wand and *poof* the banks are suddenly "broken up".

A strong argument can be made that these banks constitute a threat to national security and therefore could be broken up by Executive Order as various EOs since WW2 have allowed for.

Like I said earlier. Go ahead Bernie, try to do the tyrant thing. They'll find him dead in the White House or he'll fall ill suddenly and die shortly thereafter.

I know you guys LOVE the old man, but if you believe, for one second, that multi-billionaires are going to allow this old ass communist to take "their" empires from them, then you really are too damned naive to be allowed to vote.
So you're saying that they're sooo strong that to try to regulate them would result in his death? You really served in the military? REALLY. You sound yellow to me

Dumbass - there's quite a difference between being yellow (no doubt you) and pragmatic (me). Apparently, there's a world out there that you, little fella, know nothing about. If you think for one minute that the rich are going to allow that old shit head to take what they have away from them - and they aren't going to put up a fight - remember these names dumbass - Blackwater, Watkins Arsenal, Chisolm Corporation and The Kelly Group as well as Aegis and GS4 services. Not to mention the other groups that I no longer know their names.

Together they have/had some of the largest private military organizations in the world. Keep that in mind before you assert that you have a clue about the real world, Sonny.

yell me something I don't know kid.

Thats the best you got. Private security firms lol

Ask yourself this one question, genius. How do you suppose it is that during all this shit that has been happening in this country, the death of the middle class, lying about the unemployment rate (and grinning about it) more and more companies moving off shore and yet 3 things have remained constant - banks have gotten bigger than ever, the stock market continues to make the rich richer, and there are more billionaires (since your boy took over) than at ANY time in history - just in the last 8 years.

Your problem? You don't understand that when Barry touted the "fundamental transformation" of the country - he was right. Unfortunately, it didn't include you or yours. "Hope and change"? Indeed. For the ultra wealthy.

Now, that old assed man thinks he's going to reverse the course?

Sonny, I was born in the day - but it damned sure wasn't yesterday.

Wake the hell up. You and the rest of us folks have become yesterday's news. We don't "count" anymore.
A strong argument can be made that these banks constitute a threat to national security and therefore could be broken up by Executive Order as various EOs since WW2 have allowed for.

Like I said earlier. Go ahead Bernie, try to do the tyrant thing. They'll find him dead in the White House or he'll fall ill suddenly and die shortly thereafter.

I know you guys LOVE the old man, but if you believe, for one second, that multi-billionaires are going to allow this old ass communist to take "their" empires from them, then you really are too damned naive to be allowed to vote.
So you're saying that they're sooo strong that to try to regulate them would result in his death? You really served in the military? REALLY. You sound yellow to me

Dumbass - there's quite a difference between being yellow (no doubt you) and pragmatic (me). Apparently, there's a world out there that you, little fella, know nothing about. If you think for one minute that the rich are going to allow that old shit head to take what they have away from them - and they aren't going to put up a fight - remember these names dumbass - Blackwater, Watkins Arsenal, Chisolm Corporation and The Kelly Group as well as Aegis and GS4 services. Not to mention the other groups that I no longer know their names.

Together they have/had some of the largest private military organizations in the world. Keep that in mind before you assert that you have a clue about the real world, Sonny.

yell me something I don't know kid.

Thats the best you got. Private security firms lol

Ask yourself this one question, genius. How do you suppose it is that during all this shit that has been happening in this country, the death of the middle class, lying about the unemployment rate (and grinning about it) more and more companies moving off shore and yet 3 things have remained constant - banks have gotten bigger than ever, the stock market continues to make the rich richer, and there are more billionaires (since your boy took over) than at ANY time in history - just in the last 8 years.

Your problem? You don't understand that when Barry touted the "fundamental transformation" of the country - he was right. Unfortunately, it didn't include you or yours. "Hope and change"? Indeed. For the ultra wealthy.

Now, that old assed man thinks he's going to reverse the course?

Sonny, I was born in the day - but it damned sure wasn't yesterday.

Wake the hell up. You and the rest of us folks have become yesterday's news. We don't "count" anymore.
whatever you have to tell yourself kid.

Keep kickin that can down the road
Why do we want the government screwing with the banks or any other private industry? Haven't we screwed our economy enough?

The banks screwed the economy in 2008. Dubya even said so, "Wall Street got drunk!" Now they have paid big fines, but nothing that wasn't baked into the cake before they initiated the most convoluted, poorly understood instruments that guaranteed big returns, betting on the failure of the very Bankenstein monster they created.

And Congress wouldn't touch them. Obama won't either. They run the country.
^ that
The problem is if the banks went down, so did our Ira's and any pension anyone still has. Bernie's a fool, and always has been. The question is whether we are now requiring the banks to more fairly capitalize the risk they take. We did not properly regulate that or how loans are valued. And, we are not regulating what's referred to as shadow banking - or hedge funds and money market funds.
Why do we want the government screwing with the banks or any other private industry? Haven't we screwed our economy enough?

The banks screwed the economy in 2008. Dubya even said so, "Wall Street got drunk!" Now they have paid big fines, but nothing that wasn't baked into the cake before they initiated the most convoluted, poorly understood instruments that guaranteed big returns, betting on the failure of the very Bankenstein monster they created.

And Congress wouldn't touch them. Obama won't either. They run the country.
^ that
The problem is if the banks went down, so did our Ira's and any pension anyone still has. Bernie's a fool, and always has been. The question is whether we are now requiring the banks to more fairly capitalize the risk they take. We did not properly regulate that or how loans are valued. And, we are not regulating what's referred to as shadow banking - or hedge funds and money market funds.
Repubs are against any regulation of East Las Vegas (Wall St). You know that right? :eusa_eh:
Why do we want the government screwing with the banks or any other private industry? Haven't we screwed our economy enough?

The banks screwed the economy in 2008. Dubya even said so, "Wall Street got drunk!" Now they have paid big fines, but nothing that wasn't baked into the cake before they initiated the most convoluted, poorly understood instruments that guaranteed big returns, betting on the failure of the very Bankenstein monster they created.

And Congress wouldn't touch them. Obama won't either. They run the country.
^ that
The problem is if the banks went down, so did our Ira's and any pension anyone still has. Bernie's a fool, and always has been. The question is whether we are now requiring the banks to more fairly capitalize the risk they take. We did not properly regulate that or how loans are valued. And, we are not regulating what's referred to as shadow banking - or hedge funds and money market funds.
Repubs are against any regulation of East Las Vegas (Wall St). You know that right? :eusa_eh:
Well, yes, but I'm not planning on voting in the presidential general contest. But Sanders' contending banks will be broken up is not only not going to happen, but it's socialist nonsense.
Why do we want the government screwing with the banks or any other private industry? Haven't we screwed our economy enough?

The banks screwed the economy in 2008. Dubya even said so, "Wall Street got drunk!" Now they have paid big fines, but nothing that wasn't baked into the cake before they initiated the most convoluted, poorly understood instruments that guaranteed big returns, betting on the failure of the very Bankenstein monster they created.

And Congress wouldn't touch them. Obama won't either. They run the country.
^ that
The problem is if the banks went down, so did our Ira's and any pension anyone still has. Bernie's a fool, and always has been. The question is whether we are now requiring the banks to more fairly capitalize the risk they take. We did not properly regulate that or how loans are valued. And, we are not regulating what's referred to as shadow banking - or hedge funds and money market funds.
Repubs are against any regulation of East Las Vegas (Wall St). You know that right? :eusa_eh:
Well, yes, but I'm not planning on voting in the presidential general contest. But Sanders' contending banks will be broken up is not only not going to happen, but it's socialist nonsense.
at least he's putting it on the table. What Obama should have done but it wouldve gone nowhere as we know that repubs are wall streets lap poodles as are > a few Dems as well
No Bernies not putting it all on the table. Crooked Hillary actually does have a proposal to regulate shadow banking and require better capitalization of risk. And as for TARP and Obama and W and Paulson, the Treasury actually has, or will, get it's paper money back from the bailouts. And the people actually working at the mortgage lenders and traders did LOSE their jobs. The guys at the tip of the fraud did not, and didn't go to the courts, and that annoys me no end with Obama and Holder.

But what Bernie's peddling is "the rich got bailed out and you didn't." And that bs, because our 401k and Ira's got bailed out too. And in the end, it's not really going to cost us any real money. The people who didn't get bailed out were the ones who took out loans they never could repay and/or those who bought homes in a balloon market. Bernie's clever enough not to be trying to sell an idea that you and I should pay somebody else's mortgage. Instead, he's saying some unnamed rich people stole your money.
The size of the banks is not the issue
How is that when 'Too BIG to Fail' is the whole point?

Bank consolidation was CAUSED by Washington. Congress allowed the minions of the damned in the agencies an OPEN-ENDED invitation to "regulate". This contributed to the demise of the smaller local/regional banks. WASHINGTON made another rule besides "too big to fail".. It's called "too small to survive"..

AND NOW -- the same characters that CONTRIBUTED to the consolidation -- want to fix it..
They don't have a CLUE how shit works in this country..
The size of the banks is not the issue
How is that when 'Too BIG to Fail' is the whole point?

Bank consolidation was CAUSED by Washington. Congress allowed the minions of the damned in the agencies an OPEN-ENDED invitation to "regulate". This contributed to the demise of the smaller local/regional banks. WASHINGTON made another rule besides "too big to fail".. It's called "too small to survive"..

AND NOW -- the same characters that CONTRIBUTED to the consolidation -- want to fix it..
They don't have a CLUE how shit works in this country..
But there is no one else that CAN fix what they broke but our representatives....we need to keep on THEM to fix it.... now with the knowledge and exposure of all that is 'going down' on our internet we can FORCE them to fix it!

We just can't throw our arms up and give up!

It's not really in the President's hands, it's with our representatives.
The size of the banks is not the issue
How is that when 'Too BIG to Fail' is the whole point?

Bank consolidation was CAUSED by Washington. Congress allowed the minions of the damned in the agencies an OPEN-ENDED invitation to "regulate". This contributed to the demise of the smaller local/regional banks. WASHINGTON made another rule besides "too big to fail".. It's called "too small to survive"..

AND NOW -- the same characters that CONTRIBUTED to the consolidation -- want to fix it..
They don't have a CLUE how shit works in this country..
But there is no one else that CAN fix what they broke but our representatives....we need to keep on THEM to fix it.... now with the knowledge and exposure of all that is 'going down' on our internet we can FORCE them to fix it!

We just can't throw our arms up and give up!

It's not really in the President's hands, it's with our representatives.

So you want the same inept and clueless to FIX what THEY screwed up??

Here's a fix.. CLOSE DODD-FRANK. No more agency rules as they go along. That wasn't a "law" Congress passed. It was a blank check for bureaucratic tyranny. And every tiny Credit Union and local bank is paying the price with their existence..

Good luck with Congress. Only 4 people run that place. The rest of the 535 members are irrelevent.. You can't take a piss there without the Party bosses approval.. Majority/Minority leaders. The NEW party bosses.

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