How Bernie Sanders Could Break Up the Big Wall Street Banks

The size of the banks is not the issue
How is that when 'Too BIG to Fail' is the whole point?

Bank consolidation was CAUSED by Washington. Congress allowed the minions of the damned in the agencies an OPEN-ENDED invitation to "regulate". This contributed to the demise of the smaller local/regional banks. WASHINGTON made another rule besides "too big to fail".. It's called "too small to survive"..

AND NOW -- the same characters that CONTRIBUTED to the consolidation -- want to fix it..
They don't have a CLUE how shit works in this country..
But there is no one else that CAN fix what they broke but our representatives....we need to keep on THEM to fix it.... now with the knowledge and exposure of all that is 'going down' on our internet we can FORCE them to fix it!

We just can't throw our arms up and give up!

It's not really in the President's hands, it's with our representatives.

So you want the same inept and clueless to FIX what THEY screwed up??

Here's a fix.. CLOSE DODD-FRANK. No more agency rules as they go along. That wasn't a "law" Congress passed. It was a blank check for bureaucratic tyranny. And every tiny Credit Union and local bank is paying the price with their existence..

Good luck with Congress. Only 4 people run that place. The rest of the 535 members are irrelevent.. You can't take a piss there without the Party bosses approval.. Majority/Minority leaders. The NEW party bosses.

You are correct. And who do those party bosses answer to? Correct. Wall Street. We like (as Americans) to believe that we are "governed" by good and trust worthy people that we elect and send to Washington. It's a nice "civics"'lesson and feels good every 4th of July, but it simply isn't true.

We are "governed" by the rich and powerful. Nothing has changed since the days of Kings and Queens. They rule and we, the serfs, take it. And, in the event we "rise up" - that has already been taken into account. Private Armies now guarantee that we will keep our place.

So let Sanders talk his nonsense. It ain't gonna happen.
The size of the banks is not the issue
How is that when 'Too BIG to Fail' is the whole point?
Do you understand what "to big to fail" actually means?

That's what I thought.

To big to fail isn't about how big a bank is, but how much debt they have accrued. Even a small bank could cause enormous damage if they have a lot of debt. And how do they accrue that debt? Depends on what the bank is doing. What part of business they are involved in. Savings investment or risky loans or worst of all, both. When normal people say break up the banks, it's not about making banks smaller, but about dividing banks that deal with both pensions and risky loans.

Educate yourself. Don't just drink the swill. And stay away from Bernie's snake oil. That shits not good for you.
The size of the banks is not the issue
How is that when 'Too BIG to Fail' is the whole point?

Bank consolidation was CAUSED by Washington. Congress allowed the minions of the damned in the agencies an OPEN-ENDED invitation to "regulate". This contributed to the demise of the smaller local/regional banks. WASHINGTON made another rule besides "too big to fail".. It's called "too small to survive"..

AND NOW -- the same characters that CONTRIBUTED to the consolidation -- want to fix it..
They don't have a CLUE how shit works in this country..
But there is no one else that CAN fix what they broke but our representatives....we need to keep on THEM to fix it.... now with the knowledge and exposure of all that is 'going down' on our internet we can FORCE them to fix it!

We just can't throw our arms up and give up!

It's not really in the President's hands, it's with our representatives.

So you want the same inept and clueless to FIX what THEY screwed up??

Here's a fix.. CLOSE DODD-FRANK. No more agency rules as they go along. That wasn't a "law" Congress passed. It was a blank check for bureaucratic tyranny. And every tiny Credit Union and local bank is paying the price with their existence..

Good luck with Congress. Only 4 people run that place. The rest of the 535 members are irrelevent.. You can't take a piss there without the Party bosses approval.. Majority/Minority leaders. The NEW party bosses.
Just one simple thing has to be done, and that would put the banks back to where they were before Glass/Steagal was reneged, would solve the problem of TOO BIG to fail.... Banks should be banks only....
The size of the banks is not the issue
How is that when 'Too BIG to Fail' is the whole point?

Bank consolidation was CAUSED by Washington. Congress allowed the minions of the damned in the agencies an OPEN-ENDED invitation to "regulate". This contributed to the demise of the smaller local/regional banks. WASHINGTON made another rule besides "too big to fail".. It's called "too small to survive"..

AND NOW -- the same characters that CONTRIBUTED to the consolidation -- want to fix it..
They don't have a CLUE how shit works in this country..
But there is no one else that CAN fix what they broke but our representatives....we need to keep on THEM to fix it.... now with the knowledge and exposure of all that is 'going down' on our internet we can FORCE them to fix it!

We just can't throw our arms up and give up!

It's not really in the President's hands, it's with our representatives.

So you want the same inept and clueless to FIX what THEY screwed up??

Here's a fix.. CLOSE DODD-FRANK. No more agency rules as they go along. That wasn't a "law" Congress passed. It was a blank check for bureaucratic tyranny. And every tiny Credit Union and local bank is paying the price with their existence..

Good luck with Congress. Only 4 people run that place. The rest of the 535 members are irrelevent.. You can't take a piss there without the Party bosses approval.. Majority/Minority leaders. The NEW party bosses.

You are correct. And who do those party bosses answer to? Correct. Wall Street. We like (as Americans) to believe that we are "governed" by good and trust worthy people that we elect and send to Washington. It's a nice "civics"'lesson and feels good every 4th of July, but it simply isn't true.

We are "governed" by the rich and powerful. Nothing has changed since the days of Kings and Queens. They rule and we, the serfs, take it. And, in the event we "rise up" - that has already been taken into account. Private Armies now guarantee that we will keep our place.

So let Sanders talk his nonsense. It ain't gonna happen.

The one tool that STILL exists -- is to keep Congress within it's Constitution bounds. No influence for sale -- no revenue for influence. Should NEVER be a position to pick winners/losers in the marketplace. Should never be in the biz of telling a corporation that they are "too big to fail"..

And they need to get back to actually RESEARCHING the topics BEFORE they write legislation. And not leave the actual laws and research up to the whims and interpretations of the bureaucratic minions..
The size of the banks is not the issue
How is that when 'Too BIG to Fail' is the whole point?

Bank consolidation was CAUSED by Washington. Congress allowed the minions of the damned in the agencies an OPEN-ENDED invitation to "regulate". This contributed to the demise of the smaller local/regional banks. WASHINGTON made another rule besides "too big to fail".. It's called "too small to survive"..

AND NOW -- the same characters that CONTRIBUTED to the consolidation -- want to fix it..
They don't have a CLUE how shit works in this country..
But there is no one else that CAN fix what they broke but our representatives....we need to keep on THEM to fix it.... now with the knowledge and exposure of all that is 'going down' on our internet we can FORCE them to fix it!

We just can't throw our arms up and give up!

It's not really in the President's hands, it's with our representatives.

So you want the same inept and clueless to FIX what THEY screwed up??

Here's a fix.. CLOSE DODD-FRANK. No more agency rules as they go along. That wasn't a "law" Congress passed. It was a blank check for bureaucratic tyranny. And every tiny Credit Union and local bank is paying the price with their existence..

Good luck with Congress. Only 4 people run that place. The rest of the 535 members are irrelevent.. You can't take a piss there without the Party bosses approval.. Majority/Minority leaders. The NEW party bosses.
Just one simple thing has to be done, and that would put the banks back to where they were before Glass/Steagal was reneged, would solve the problem of TOO BIG to fail.... Banks should be banks only....

OK -- that might be part of the reset needed here. But just like the junk mortgage bubble, these maniacs are ALWAYS a large part of the problems in the 1st place. FORCE them to do the research BEFORE they act and stop writing blank check legislation that they can't control..
How is that when 'Too BIG to Fail' is the whole point?

Bank consolidation was CAUSED by Washington. Congress allowed the minions of the damned in the agencies an OPEN-ENDED invitation to "regulate". This contributed to the demise of the smaller local/regional banks. WASHINGTON made another rule besides "too big to fail".. It's called "too small to survive"..

AND NOW -- the same characters that CONTRIBUTED to the consolidation -- want to fix it..
They don't have a CLUE how shit works in this country..
But there is no one else that CAN fix what they broke but our representatives....we need to keep on THEM to fix it.... now with the knowledge and exposure of all that is 'going down' on our internet we can FORCE them to fix it!

We just can't throw our arms up and give up!

It's not really in the President's hands, it's with our representatives.

So you want the same inept and clueless to FIX what THEY screwed up??

Here's a fix.. CLOSE DODD-FRANK. No more agency rules as they go along. That wasn't a "law" Congress passed. It was a blank check for bureaucratic tyranny. And every tiny Credit Union and local bank is paying the price with their existence..

Good luck with Congress. Only 4 people run that place. The rest of the 535 members are irrelevent.. You can't take a piss there without the Party bosses approval.. Majority/Minority leaders. The NEW party bosses.

You are correct. And who do those party bosses answer to? Correct. Wall Street. We like (as Americans) to believe that we are "governed" by good and trust worthy people that we elect and send to Washington. It's a nice "civics"'lesson and feels good every 4th of July, but it simply isn't true.

We are "governed" by the rich and powerful. Nothing has changed since the days of Kings and Queens. They rule and we, the serfs, take it. And, in the event we "rise up" - that has already been taken into account. Private Armies now guarantee that we will keep our place.

So let Sanders talk his nonsense. It ain't gonna happen.

The one tool that STILL exists -- is to keep Congress within it's Constitution bounds. No influence for sale -- no revenue for influence. Should NEVER be a position to pick winners/losers in the marketplace. Should never be in the biz of telling a corporation that they are "too big to fail"..

And they need to get back to actually RESEARCHING the topics BEFORE they write legislation. And not leave the actual laws and research up to the whims and interpretations of the bureaucratic minions..

You would think so, wouldn't you? Unfortunately, this country hasn't had a "government for the people, by the people" in nearly 75 years. I wish I could pin point the exact time and date, but I can't. I "sort of" believe that it was around the time of Viet Nam, but it seemed to get "back to normal" around the time of Reagan and once the. Bushs, Clinton came in - it all seemed to go to hell again...Now? It's just one big orgy of spending and partying.
Bank consolidation was CAUSED by Washington. Congress allowed the minions of the damned in the agencies an OPEN-ENDED invitation to "regulate". This contributed to the demise of the smaller local/regional banks. WASHINGTON made another rule besides "too big to fail".. It's called "too small to survive"..

AND NOW -- the same characters that CONTRIBUTED to the consolidation -- want to fix it..
They don't have a CLUE how shit works in this country..
But there is no one else that CAN fix what they broke but our representatives....we need to keep on THEM to fix it.... now with the knowledge and exposure of all that is 'going down' on our internet we can FORCE them to fix it!

We just can't throw our arms up and give up!

It's not really in the President's hands, it's with our representatives.

So you want the same inept and clueless to FIX what THEY screwed up??

Here's a fix.. CLOSE DODD-FRANK. No more agency rules as they go along. That wasn't a "law" Congress passed. It was a blank check for bureaucratic tyranny. And every tiny Credit Union and local bank is paying the price with their existence..

Good luck with Congress. Only 4 people run that place. The rest of the 535 members are irrelevent.. You can't take a piss there without the Party bosses approval.. Majority/Minority leaders. The NEW party bosses.

You are correct. And who do those party bosses answer to? Correct. Wall Street. We like (as Americans) to believe that we are "governed" by good and trust worthy people that we elect and send to Washington. It's a nice "civics"'lesson and feels good every 4th of July, but it simply isn't true.

We are "governed" by the rich and powerful. Nothing has changed since the days of Kings and Queens. They rule and we, the serfs, take it. And, in the event we "rise up" - that has already been taken into account. Private Armies now guarantee that we will keep our place.

So let Sanders talk his nonsense. It ain't gonna happen.

The one tool that STILL exists -- is to keep Congress within it's Constitution bounds. No influence for sale -- no revenue for influence. Should NEVER be a position to pick winners/losers in the marketplace. Should never be in the biz of telling a corporation that they are "too big to fail"..

And they need to get back to actually RESEARCHING the topics BEFORE they write legislation. And not leave the actual laws and research up to the whims and interpretations of the bureaucratic minions..

You would think so, wouldn't you? Unfortunately, this country hasn't had a "government for the people, by the people" in nearly 75 years. I wish I could pin point the exact time and date, but I can't. I "sort of" believe that it was around the time of Viet Nam, but it seemed to get "back to normal" around the time of Reagan and once the. Bushs, Clinton came in - it all seemed to go to hell again...

It has to do with the folks who ADORE and protect Govt over-reach and those who know what's legal under the Constitution and the INTENT of having a Federal Govt. Although there's some big govt folks in both the ailing parties -- ONE PARTY knows no bounds at all when it comes to govt meddling in markets or competing with the private sector.

Should be obvious what you get when you choose the insiders.. And that's what this election cycle is really about. Folks have figured out that the 2 parties don't exist to preserve democracy and the Constitution. They exist solely to win POWER and use it against the other party...
I managed to catch the end of the democrat debate Saturday night...
Sanders said he gets all the banks together and Yada Yada Yada ...He breaks them up.

But there is no one else that CAN fix what they broke but our representatives....we need to keep on THEM to fix it.... now with the knowledge and exposure of all that is 'going down' on our internet we can FORCE them to fix it!

We just can't throw our arms up and give up!

It's not really in the President's hands, it's with our representatives.

So you want the same inept and clueless to FIX what THEY screwed up??

Here's a fix.. CLOSE DODD-FRANK. No more agency rules as they go along. That wasn't a "law" Congress passed. It was a blank check for bureaucratic tyranny. And every tiny Credit Union and local bank is paying the price with their existence..

Good luck with Congress. Only 4 people run that place. The rest of the 535 members are irrelevent.. You can't take a piss there without the Party bosses approval.. Majority/Minority leaders. The NEW party bosses.

You are correct. And who do those party bosses answer to? Correct. Wall Street. We like (as Americans) to believe that we are "governed" by good and trust worthy people that we elect and send to Washington. It's a nice "civics"'lesson and feels good every 4th of July, but it simply isn't true.

We are "governed" by the rich and powerful. Nothing has changed since the days of Kings and Queens. They rule and we, the serfs, take it. And, in the event we "rise up" - that has already been taken into account. Private Armies now guarantee that we will keep our place.

So let Sanders talk his nonsense. It ain't gonna happen.

The one tool that STILL exists -- is to keep Congress within it's Constitution bounds. No influence for sale -- no revenue for influence. Should NEVER be a position to pick winners/losers in the marketplace. Should never be in the biz of telling a corporation that they are "too big to fail"..

And they need to get back to actually RESEARCHING the topics BEFORE they write legislation. And not leave the actual laws and research up to the whims and interpretations of the bureaucratic minions..

You would think so, wouldn't you? Unfortunately, this country hasn't had a "government for the people, by the people" in nearly 75 years. I wish I could pin point the exact time and date, but I can't. I "sort of" believe that it was around the time of Viet Nam, but it seemed to get "back to normal" around the time of Reagan and once the. Bushs, Clinton came in - it all seemed to go to hell again...

It has to do with the folks who ADORE and protect Govt over-reach and those who know what's legal under the Constitution and the INTENT of having a Federal Govt. Although there's some big govt folks in both the ailing parties -- ONE PARTY knows no bounds at all when it comes to govt meddling in markets or competing with the private sector.

Should be obvious what you get when you choose the insiders.. And that's what this election cycle is really about. Folks have figured out that the 2 parties don't exist to preserve democracy and the Constitution. They exist solely to win POWER and use it against the other party...

I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, patriotism has, for the most part, been bred out of this generation, and why not? Watched a TV program lately? Gone to the movies? They have become so cynical anymore that I can't see any reason why this generation WOULDN'T have given up.

When was the last time they ran "Mr Smith goes to Washington"?

When was the last time a public school did ANYTHING except to run down their parents and their "conservative" viewpoint?

Believe it or not - the saying is true - "all politics are local". It has to start somewhere, yet it is being degraded at home and at school.

Today? It's terribly sad, but most folks just don't care anymore - and the "monster" is running loose.

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