How Black Were the Moors?

We care about color...why, again?

Thats what I asked when I was told the Moors were white Arabs. I looked for myself and found out exactly why white people cared. Turned out a lot of the ones that were in positions of power were Black. So maybe you have a different reason why it mattered to tell people they were white Arabs?
This was done by a famous painter in the 1800's. Ludwig Deutsch. Pretty weird that white people get upset about this stuff when i am getting all this stuff proving the Moors were also Black Africans in high positions of power from evidence supplied by other white people. Again why does this make white people on this message board so angry?

We care about color...why, again?

Thats what I asked when I was told the Moors were white Arabs. I looked for myself and found out exactly why white people cared. Turned out a lot of the ones that were in positions of power were Black. So maybe you have a different reason why it mattered to tell people they were white Arabs?

You started the thread with a question. So why do you care?
PS...I know for a fact that color doesn't matter a bit. It's completely irrelevant to anything.

But obviously, it matters a you.
We care about color...why, again?

Thats what I asked when I was told the Moors were white Arabs. I looked for myself and found out exactly why white people cared. Turned out a lot of the ones that were in positions of power were Black. So maybe you have a different reason why it mattered to tell people they were white Arabs?

You started the thread with a question. So why do you care?

I care because I want to know the truth instead of being told lies. Is the truth important to you?
PS...I know for a fact that color doesn't matter a bit. It's completely irrelevant to anything.

But obviously, it matters a you.

Its hardly irrelevant. People were enslaved over it. Unless you consider slavery to be irrelevant? Yes to me it matters a great deal. I can tell my children the truth instead of them thinking they had no history besides being slaves and running around naked in africa eating missionaries. i can tell them our true history. Thats very relevant wouldn't you agree?
I don't care about the *truth* about color, because it's irrelevant. I could care less if the moors were black as iron, or just sort of brown. I don't care if Jews are white, or not.

It doesn't matter. Get over it.
I don't care about the *truth* about color, because it's irrelevant. I could care less if the moors were black as iron, or just sort of brown. I don't care if Jews are white, or not.

It doesn't matter. Get over it.

Your actions belie your words. You somehow found your way to this race relations/racism forum, located my thread on the Moors, and actually typed not one but several comments. That is not the actions of someone that does not care. You dont have to lie about it.
I don't care about color.

I am curious about your obsession with it. How that proves I *care* about color is a mystery to me, but I can see you don't work in logic.

It's a simple question. Why do you care about what degree of blackness the Moors enjoyed?
It's also telling that you ask the question..then maintain that anyone who ventures an answer (which I have not) *cares* about color.
I don't care about color.

I am curious about your obsession with it. How that proves I *care* about color is a mystery to me, but I can see you don't work in logic.

It's a simple question. Why do you care about what degree of blackness the Moors enjoyed?

I think I already addressed my "obsession" with it. However, that has raised some questions as to why white people are worried or bothered by my obsession? What is it you dont want me to find out?
It's also telling that you ask the question..then maintain that anyone who ventures an answer (which I have not) *cares* about color.

Actually whats telling is you typing on this thread and claiming you dont care. How confused are you? You obviously care or you would not be typing in this thread. You even admitted you were not answering the question. Why are you here then?
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Give a rest Ass. Every body knows that there were descendants of slave were Moors. There is not a lot of information, but if history to the present is any guide, they were not terribly successful.
Give a rest Ass. Every body knows that there were descendants of slave were Moors. There is not a lot of information, but if history to the present is any guide, they were not terribly successful.

I think you are the only one that has that view point. Very few know that Black Moors brought Europe out of the dark ages and taught them that taking baths was not evil. I think they were pretty successful at it. All the white people would have died of uncleanliness if they had been left to their own devices. What makes you say they were unsuccessful?
So why do you care how black the moors were, ass? Why don't you want to answer that question...?
So why do you care how black the moors were, ass? Why don't you want to answer that question...?
Because he wants to assign, or really appropriate the history of other African and Middle East history as rooted in sub-Saharn Africa. The repetition cannot convince but the simplest-minded of its veracity.
So why do you care how black the moors were, ass? Why don't you want to answer that question...?
Because he wants to assign, or really appropriate the history of other African and Middle East history as rooted in sub-Saharn Africa. The repetition cannot convince but the simplest-minded of its veracity.

How can I be appropriating others history? I clearly stated in the OP that Arabs were also part of the Moors. Are you blind or just stupid?

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