How Black Were the Moors?

They came from North Africa--Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, etc. If you go to those countries, you find people of varying degress of skin tone. They are not all like sub-Saharan Africans, but range in color from dark to olive. I don't think most Moors were black as in sub-Saharan African black. I work in an international setting. One of my co-workers is a woman from Egypt. In the US, she would be considered a black woman. She is brown, imo, but has facial features that are more like sub-Saharan African. I've been to Egypt a couple of times. She looks very Egyptian.
Modern day Egyptians

You will now, just as you find black people in America. Remember that the Muslims are and were the slave masters. ALL black slaves in Europe and America were captured and sold by the Muslims. As slave revolts and the actions of Europe to free slaves occurred, black people set free entered these societies. The Moors were Arabs, any blacks with them were slaves.

Cite your evidence for this.

Prove water is wet?

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You will now, just as you find black people in America. Remember that the Muslims are and were the slave masters. ALL black slaves in Europe and America were captured and sold by the Muslims. As slave revolts and the actions of Europe to free slaves occurred, black people set free entered these societies. The Moors were Arabs, any blacks with them were slaves.

Cite your evidence for this.

Prove water is wet?

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Like most illiterates you associate slavery with being Black. Moors enslaved everyone. Yes there were Black slaves and also there were European slaves. Black Moors owned white slaves. The word slave comes to us from the Slavic region of Europe not Africa. My OP is about the presence of Black Moors in positions of power such as Tariq whom the Rock of Gibraltar is named after. He was not a slave and he was Black and a general in the Moorish army. No where in your link does it say all Black Moors were slaves. Why is that?

The Berbers?original MOORS of spain | America:Losing the Empire
Like most illiterates you associate slavery with being Black.

Like most racists, you're not very bright.

The majority of later slave trade dealt with sub-Saharan, i.e. black, slaves.

Moors enslaved everyone. Yes there were Black slaves and also there were European slaves. Black Moors owned white slaves.

I understand that you have no accomplishments of your own, thus you invent accomplishments to attribute to others with similar skin color, so that you can claim their accomplishments as your own. This is the foundation of racists, the idea that group identity creates accomplishment, a looter mentality adopted by those who are aware of their own lack of worth as individuals.

The Moors of course were not black, but Arabs. And while they did kidnap Europeans, the slave trade was virtually all blacks. Typical Muslim raids would murder the European males, and take the women as sex toys.

The word slave comes to us from the Slavic region of Europe not Africa.

That's nice, but we are speaking of Moors, not Romans. These are two distinct eras, separated by over a millennium.

My OP is about the presence of Black Moors in positions of power such as Tariq whom the Rock of Gibraltar is named after. He was not a slave and he was Black and a general in the Moorish army. No where in your link does it say all Black Moors were slaves. Why is that?

Your OP is the fabrication of a racist fool, attempting to distort and fabricate history in a failed attempt to accrue accomplishments to your race that simply do not exist.
Like most illiterates you associate slavery with being Black.

Like most racists, you're not very bright.

The majority of later slave trade dealt with sub-Saharan, i.e. black, slaves.

Moors enslaved everyone. Yes there were Black slaves and also there were European slaves. Black Moors owned white slaves.

I understand that you have no accomplishments of your own, thus you invent accomplishments to attribute to others with similar skin color, so that you can claim their accomplishments as your own. This is the foundation of racists, the idea that group identity creates accomplishment, a looter mentality adopted by those who are aware of their own lack of worth as individuals.

The Moors of course were not black, but Arabs. And while they did kidnap Europeans, the slave trade was virtually all blacks. Typical Muslim raids would murder the European males, and take the women as sex toys.

The word slave comes to us from the Slavic region of Europe not Africa.

That's nice, but we are speaking of Moors, not Romans. These are two distinct eras, separated by over a millennium.

My OP is about the presence of Black Moors in positions of power such as Tariq whom the Rock of Gibraltar is named after. He was not a slave and he was Black and a general in the Moorish army. No where in your link does it say all Black Moors were slaves. Why is that?

Your OP is the fabrication of a racist fool, attempting to distort and fabricate history in a failed attempt to accrue accomplishments to your race that simply do not exist.

I see you completely avoided my question like most illiterates do. Where in your link does it say all Black Moors were slaves? Where is your proof that my OP is a fabrication? I have posted proof of the existence of Black Moors in positions of power. Where is your proof disputing this?
Blacks have nothing to be proud of. Everything they say they are, were or invented is total fabrication. Just like the current lump of coal at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I'll be his next big lie will be that HE and He alone is the Lord and Savior of all living and breathing life in the Universe. And I thought Hillary took that title.

You know, you do sound like a racist. Just because the claims of the Afro-centrics are usually wrong doesn’t mean the blacks don’t have a lot to be proud of . True their history started late, but their have been quite a few blacks that have make significant contributions to betterment of mankind.

Our history is ancient and long before white people even existed. Everything the world now knows is based on the foundation of knowledge developed by the Egyptians which they probably learned from even more ancient African civilizations.
Blacks have nothing to be proud of. Everything they say they are, were or invented is total fabrication. Just like the current lump of coal at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I'll be his next big lie will be that HE and He alone is the Lord and Savior of all living and breathing life in the Universe. And I thought Hillary took that title.

You know, you do sound like a racist. Just because the claims of the Afro-centrics are usually wrong doesn’t mean the blacks don’t have a lot to be proud of . True their history started late, but their have been quite a few blacks that have make significant contributions to betterment of mankind.

Our history is ancient and long before white people even existed. Everything the world now knows is based on the foundation of knowledge developed by the Egyptians which they probably learned from even more ancient African civilizations.
If you had a history, you wouldn't have to try to create one. Blacks were primitive, disorganized and easy prey for slaver traders. Get over it. Your pathological inferiority complex is not going change that.
I see you completely avoided my question like most illiterates do. Where in your link does it say all Black Moors were slaves? Where is your proof that my OP is a fabrication? I have posted proof of the existence of Black Moors in positions of power. Where is your proof disputing this?

  1. Moors were Arab, not black
  2. Some black people, particularly Ethiopeans, were not slaves
  3. None of this has any relevance to your false claims
You know, you do sound like a racist. Just because the claims of the Afro-centrics are usually wrong doesn’t mean the blacks don’t have a lot to be proud of . True their history started late, but their have been quite a few blacks that have make significant contributions to betterment of mankind.

Our history is ancient and long before white people even existed. Everything the world now knows is based on the foundation of knowledge developed by the Egyptians which they probably learned from even more ancient African civilizations.
If you had a history, you wouldn't have to try to create one. Blacks were primitive, disorganized and easy prey for slaver traders. Get over it. Your pathological inferiority complex is not going change that.

Cite your references proving your point.
I see you completely avoided my question like most illiterates do. Where in your link does it say all Black Moors were slaves? Where is your proof that my OP is a fabrication? I have posted proof of the existence of Black Moors in positions of power. Where is your proof disputing this?

  1. Moors were Arab, not black
  2. Some black people, particularly Ethiopeans, were not slaves
  3. None of this has any relevance to your false claims

I said proof not your opinions.
Our history is ancient and long before white people even existed.

The history you post is less than 50 years old, and a complete fabrication.

Everything the world now knows is based on the foundation of knowledge developed by the Egyptians which they probably learned from even more ancient African civilizations.

But then, the Egyptians were not sub-Saharan, closer to Greek than to black.

You are a racist and an idiot. Egypt thrived because of access to the Nile and to the Mediterranean, creating an avenue for trade, of goods and knowledge. You are a pathetic little man, fabricating tales of absurdity.
Our history is ancient and long before white people even existed.

The history you post is less than 50 years old, and a complete fabrication.

Everything the world now knows is based on the foundation of knowledge developed by the Egyptians which they probably learned from even more ancient African civilizations.

But then, the Egyptians were not sub-Saharan, closer to Greek than to black.

You are a racist and an idiot. Egypt thrived because of access to the Nile and to the Mediterranean, creating an avenue for trade, of goods and knowledge. You are a pathetic little man, fabricating tales of absurdity.

Again your opinions hold no weight. Show me some evidence disputing my evidence. Only illiterates still think the Egyptians were not sub-saharan Blacks. Look up the DNA results verified by 3 different sources dumbass. :lol:
Again your opinions hold no weight. Show me some evidence disputing my evidence. Only illiterates still think the Egyptians were not sub-saharan Blacks. Look up the DNA results verified by 3 different sources dumbass. :lol:

I have no need to prove your idiocy is wrong, merely to point to the complete lack of legitimate evidence supporting the racist shit you post.

Again your opinions hold no weight. Show me some evidence disputing my evidence. Only illiterates still think the Egyptians were not sub-saharan Blacks. Look up the DNA results verified by 3 different sources dumbass. :lol:
You've always been completely Dishonest as well as Stupid.
You can't have missed this XXXXX, yet you did NOT address it.


Moors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Moors were the medieval Muslim inhabitants of Morocco, western Algeria, Western Sahara, Mauritania, the Iberian Peninsula, Septimania, Sicily and Malta.

The Moors invaded the Iberian Peninsula in 711 and called the territory Al-Andalus, an area which at different times comprised Gibraltar, most of Spain and Portugal, and parts of France. There was also a Moorish presence in what is now southern Italy, primarily in Sicily. They occupied Mazara on Sicily in 827[1] and in 1224 were expelled to the settlement of Lucera, which was destroyed in 1300. The religious difference of the Moorish Muslims led to a centuries-long conflict with the Christian kingdoms of Europe called the Reconquista. The Fall of Granada in 1492 saw the end of the Muslim rule in Iberia.

Depiction of 3 Moorish knights found on Alhambra's Ladies Tower

(abu afak Note: Hmmm, they look about as Black as Osama bin Laden with no sun!)

Castillian ambassadors attempting to convince Almohad king Abu Hafs Umar al-Murtada to join their alliance (contemporary depiction from The Cantigas de Santa Maria) The term "Moors" has also been used in Europe in a broader sense to refer to Muslims, especially those of Arab or African descent, whether living in Spain or North Africa.

During the colonial years the Dutch introduced the name "Moor", in Sri Lanka. The Bengali Muslims were called Moor. [2]
Moors are NOT a distinct or self-defined people. Medieval and early modern Europeans applied the name to the Berbers, North African Arabs, Muslim Iberians[3] and West Africans from Mali and Niger who had been absorbed into the Almoravid dynasty.[4]

The Moors of al-Andalus of the late Medieval after the Umayyad conquest of Hispania in the early 8th century were initially Arabs and Berbers but later came to include people of mixed heritage, and Iberian Christian converts to Islam, known by the Arabs as Muwalladun or Muladi.[5]

Earlier, the Classical Romans interacted with (and later conquered) parts of Mauretania, a state that covered Northern portions of modern Morocco and much of north western and central Algeria during the classical period. The people of the region were noted in Classical literature as the Mauri. Today such groups inhabit Mauritania and parts of Algeria, Western Sahara, Morocco, Niger and Mali.[6] In the languages of Europe, a number of associated ethnic groups have been historically designated as "Moors". In modern Iberian Peninsula, "Moor" is sometimes colloquially applied to any person from North Africa, but some people consider this usage of the term pejorative, whether in the Spanish version "moro", or in the Portuguese version "mouro".
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Again your opinions hold no weight. Show me some evidence disputing my evidence. Only illiterates still think the Egyptians were not sub-saharan Blacks. Look up the DNA results verified by 3 different sources dumbass. :lol:

I have no need to prove your idiocy is wrong, merely to point to the complete lack of legitimate evidence supporting the racist shit you post.

If you have no need to prove anything wrong you wouldnt be posting on this thread. You are a joke if you can provide no evidence. :lol:

Again your opinions hold no weight. Show me some evidence disputing my evidence. Only illiterates still think the Egyptians were not sub-saharan Blacks. Look up the DNA results verified by 3 different sources dumbass. :lol:
You've always been completely Dishonest as well as Stupid.
You can't have missed this XXXXXX yet you did NOT address it.


Moors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Moors were the medieval Muslim inhabitants of Morocco, western Algeria, Western Sahara, Mauritania, the Iberian Peninsula, Septimania, Sicily and Malta.

The Moors invaded the Iberian Peninsula in 711 and called the territory Al-Andalus, an area which at different times comprised Gibraltar, most of Spain and Portugal, and parts of France. There was also a Moorish presence in what is now southern Italy, primarily in Sicily. They occupied Mazara on Sicily in 827[1] and in 1224 were expelled to the settlement of Lucera, which was destroyed in 1300. The religious difference of the Moorish Muslims led to a centuries-long conflict with the Christian kingdoms of Europe called the Reconquista. The Fall of Granada in 1492 saw the end of the Muslim rule in Iberia.

Depiction of 3 Moorish knights found on Alhambra's Ladies Tower

(abu afak Note: Hmmm, they look about as Black as Osama bin Laden with no sun!)

Castillian ambassadors attempting to convince Almohad king Abu Hafs Umar al-Murtada to join their alliance (contemporary depiction from The Cantigas de Santa Maria) The term "Moors" has also been used in Europe in a broader sense to refer to Muslims, especially those of Arab or African descent, whether living in Spain or North Africa.

During the colonial years the Dutch introduced the name "Moor", in Sri Lanka. The Bengali Muslims were called Moor. [2]
Moors are NOT a distinct or self-defined people. Medieval and early modern Europeans applied the name to the Berbers, North African Arabs, Muslim Iberians[3] and West Africans from Mali and Niger who had been absorbed into the Almoravid dynasty.[4]

The Moors of al-Andalus of the late Medieval after the Umayyad conquest of Hispania in the early 8th century were initially Arabs and Berbers but later came to include people of mixed heritage, and Iberian Christian converts to Islam, known by the Arabs as Muwalladun or Muladi.[5]

Earlier, the Classical Romans interacted with (and later conquered) parts of Mauretania, a state that covered Northern portions of modern Morocco and much of north western and central Algeria during the classical period. The people of the region were noted in Classical literature as the Mauri. Today such groups inhabit Mauritania and parts of Algeria, Western Sahara, Morocco, Niger and Mali.[6] In the languages of Europe, a number of associated ethnic groups have been historically designated as "Moors". In modern Iberian Peninsula, "Moor" is sometimes colloquially applied to any person from North Africa, but some people consider this usage of the term pejorative, whether in the Spanish version "moro", or in the Portuguese version "mouro".

What is it you want me to address? I said there were Arabs as well as Black Africans. Where is your proof that there were no Black Africans. My evidence is posted all over the thread. Show me something that says all of that is a lie.
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If you have no need to prove anything wrong you wouldnt be posting on this thread. You are a joke if you can provide no evidence. :lol:

I post in this thread to highlight what an assclown you are.

Racism is a mental disorder.

You have succeeded only in showing what an assclown you are if you cannot refute my evidence. I really want you to try refuting the evidence instead of burying your head in the sand. It wont go away until you can refute it with more than your opinions. Go ahead and give it a try. What do you have to lose now that you already look like an assclown?

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