How Britain killed democracy: Illegal wars and terror wars


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
It seems like these days any country with even a single airworthy aircraft is lining up to bomb Syria. I feel sorry for Syrians as their sovereignty does not seem to matter. It is borderline troubling how wolves have descended on Syria. Now, Little Britain wants to feel like a Big Britain by bombing poor Syria.


And so it has begun … shortly after British Prime Minister David Cameron manipulated his way to war, Britain dispatched its first planes to Syria, pounding, officials have confirmed, those targets London identified as radical hideouts.

“I can confirm that four British Tornados were in action after the vote last night attacking oilfields in eastern Syria – the Omar oilfields – from which the Daesh terrorists receive a huge part of their revenue,” Defence Secretary Michael Fallon told the BBC on Thursday, adding: “This strikes a very real blow at the oil and the revenue on which the Daesh terrorists depend.”

But there’s more, Britain is already gearing up for a much larger military deployment as it wants to commit eight additional jets - two Tornados and six Typhoons - to its operations in Syria.

Without so much as a mention of international law, or even an acknowledgement of Syria’s territorial sovereignty, Fallon was only too eager to note how Britain was finally meeting the coalition’s military needs by stepping up its military involvement.


How Britain killed democracy: Illegal wars and terror wars
It seems like these days any country with even a single airworthy aircraft is lining up to bomb Syria. I feel sorry for Syrians as their sovereignty does not seem to matter. It is borderline troubling how wolves have descended on Syria. Now, Little Britain wants to feel like a Big Britain by bombing poor Syria.


And so it has begun … shortly after British Prime Minister David Cameron manipulated his way to war, Britain dispatched its first planes to Syria, pounding, officials have confirmed, those targets London identified as radical hideouts.

“I can confirm that four British Tornados were in action after the vote last night attacking oilfields in eastern Syria – the Omar oilfields – from which the Daesh terrorists receive a huge part of their revenue,” Defence Secretary Michael Fallon told the BBC on Thursday, adding: “This strikes a very real blow at the oil and the revenue on which the Daesh terrorists depend.”

But there’s more, Britain is already gearing up for a much larger military deployment as it wants to commit eight additional jets - two Tornados and six Typhoons - to its operations in Syria.

Without so much as a mention of international law, or even an acknowledgement of Syria’s territorial sovereignty, Fallon was only too eager to note how Britain was finally meeting the coalition’s military needs by stepping up its military involvement.


How Britain killed democracy: Illegal wars and terror wars

Unfortunately, some countries look at these situations as opportunities for profit. If they are not involved in the military actions, they will have less access when, if ever, the conflict ends and rebuilding is required. The countries involved in the murder and mayhem will have access, those not involved will not. Interestingly, this puts the losers of WW2 at a disadvantage. Italy and Germany, for example, are hesitant to get involved. Italy could have acted as the French are acting in Mali and the rest of its former colonies in Africa. But, Italy does not feel it can act pro-actively in its former colonies such as Libya.
It seems like these days any country with even a single airworthy aircraft is lining up to bomb Syria. I feel sorry for Syrians as their sovereignty does not seem to matter. It is borderline troubling how wolves have descended on Syria. Now, Little Britain wants to feel like a Big Britain by bombing poor Syria.


And so it has begun … shortly after British Prime Minister David Cameron manipulated his way to war, Britain dispatched its first planes to Syria, pounding, officials have confirmed, those targets London identified as radical hideouts.

“I can confirm that four British Tornados were in action after the vote last night attacking oilfields in eastern Syria – the Omar oilfields – from which the Daesh terrorists receive a huge part of their revenue,” Defence Secretary Michael Fallon told the BBC on Thursday, adding: “This strikes a very real blow at the oil and the revenue on which the Daesh terrorists depend.”

But there’s more, Britain is already gearing up for a much larger military deployment as it wants to commit eight additional jets - two Tornados and six Typhoons - to its operations in Syria.

Without so much as a mention of international law, or even an acknowledgement of Syria’s territorial sovereignty, Fallon was only too eager to note how Britain was finally meeting the coalition’s military needs by stepping up its military involvement.


How Britain killed democracy: Illegal wars and terror wars

Unfortunately, some countries look at these situations as opportunities for profit. If they are not involved in the military actions, they will have less access when, if ever, the conflict ends and rebuilding is required. The countries involved in the murder and mayhem will have access, those not involved will not. Interestingly, this puts the losers of WW2 at a disadvantage. Italy and Germany, for example, are hesitant to get involved. Italy could have acted as the French are acting in Mali and the rest of its former colonies in Africa. But, Italy does not feel it can act pro-actively in its former colonies such as Libya.

I think the Italian hesitation in part comes from their poor performance in the battlefields during World War II. I recall reading an incident in African Theater where 200K Italians were routed by around 30K Indians.
It seems like these days any country with even a single airworthy aircraft is lining up to bomb Syria. I feel sorry for Syrians as their sovereignty does not seem to matter. It is borderline troubling how wolves have descended on Syria. Now, Little Britain wants to feel like a Big Britain by bombing poor Syria.


And so it has begun … shortly after British Prime Minister David Cameron manipulated his way to war, Britain dispatched its first planes to Syria, pounding, officials have confirmed, those targets London identified as radical hideouts.

“I can confirm that four British Tornados were in action after the vote last night attacking oilfields in eastern Syria – the Omar oilfields – from which the Daesh terrorists receive a huge part of their revenue,” Defence Secretary Michael Fallon told the BBC on Thursday, adding: “This strikes a very real blow at the oil and the revenue on which the Daesh terrorists depend.”

But there’s more, Britain is already gearing up for a much larger military deployment as it wants to commit eight additional jets - two Tornados and six Typhoons - to its operations in Syria.

Without so much as a mention of international law, or even an acknowledgement of Syria’s territorial sovereignty, Fallon was only too eager to note how Britain was finally meeting the coalition’s military needs by stepping up its military involvement.


How Britain killed democracy: Illegal wars and terror wars

Unfortunately, some countries look at these situations as opportunities for profit. If they are not involved in the military actions, they will have less access when, if ever, the conflict ends and rebuilding is required. The countries involved in the murder and mayhem will have access, those not involved will not. Interestingly, this puts the losers of WW2 at a disadvantage. Italy and Germany, for example, are hesitant to get involved. Italy could have acted as the French are acting in Mali and the rest of its former colonies in Africa. But, Italy does not feel it can act pro-actively in its former colonies such as Libya.

I think the Italian hesitation in part comes from their poor performance in the battlefields during World War II. I recall reading an incident in African Theater where 200K Italians were routed by around 30K Indians.

Italians have been waging war since before the Etruscans fought the Romans. You will find that throughout history, Italians have been quite successful in waging war. In fact, there has been no case where 200,000 Italians were routed by 30K Indians.

In fact, out gunned and outmanned the Italian Africa Corps, abandoned by German armor, fought valiantly against the British 8th Army, which your Indian troops were part of and really did not contribute much.

"A 2007 book on El Alamein by two British historians, John Bierman and Colin Smith, had several good things to say about Italian soldiers in the North African campaign.
''The Italian tank regiment, despite the prattle about the abundance of reverse gears, fought with great audacity, just as the 'Ariete' artillery regiment did,'' Bierman told Italian TV in an interview.
According to American historian John W.Gordon, whose book Behind Rommel's Lines was recently translated into Italian, the British special forces were so impressed by the methods and tactics of the Italian desert corps that they actually copied them.
Italy's crack paratrooper regiment, the 'Folgore,' sent some 5,000 of its men to El Alamein. Only 304 returned.
''The paratroopers threw themselves against oncoming tanks with Molotov cocktails and live mines,'' said Francesco Marini Dettina, a survivor of the battle who was awarded a silver medal for valour.
Interviewed for a documentary, Dettina said: ''They urged us to surrender but the only answer they got came from the artillery with our last remaining shells. The British were surprised by the Italians' behaviour.'' Churchill said in a speech to the House of Commons a month after El Alamein: ''We must honour the men that were the Lions of the Folgore''.
It seems like these days any country with even a single airworthy aircraft is lining up to bomb Syria. I feel sorry for Syrians as their sovereignty does not seem to matter. It is borderline troubling how wolves have descended on Syria. Now, Little Britain wants to feel like a Big Britain by bombing poor Syria.


And so it has begun … shortly after British Prime Minister David Cameron manipulated his way to war, Britain dispatched its first planes to Syria, pounding, officials have confirmed, those targets London identified as radical hideouts.

“I can confirm that four British Tornados were in action after the vote last night attacking oilfields in eastern Syria – the Omar oilfields – from which the Daesh terrorists receive a huge part of their revenue,” Defence Secretary Michael Fallon told the BBC on Thursday, adding: “This strikes a very real blow at the oil and the revenue on which the Daesh terrorists depend.”

But there’s more, Britain is already gearing up for a much larger military deployment as it wants to commit eight additional jets - two Tornados and six Typhoons - to its operations in Syria.

Without so much as a mention of international law, or even an acknowledgement of Syria’s territorial sovereignty, Fallon was only too eager to note how Britain was finally meeting the coalition’s military needs by stepping up its military involvement.


How Britain killed democracy: Illegal wars and terror wars

Unfortunately, some countries look at these situations as opportunities for profit. If they are not involved in the military actions, they will have less access when, if ever, the conflict ends and rebuilding is required. The countries involved in the murder and mayhem will have access, those not involved will not. Interestingly, this puts the losers of WW2 at a disadvantage. Italy and Germany, for example, are hesitant to get involved. Italy could have acted as the French are acting in Mali and the rest of its former colonies in Africa. But, Italy does not feel it can act pro-actively in its former colonies such as Libya.

I think the Italian hesitation in part comes from their poor performance in the battlefields during World War II. I recall reading an incident in African Theater where 200K Italians were routed by around 30K Indians.

Italians have been waging war since before the Etruscans fought the Romans. You will find that throughout history, Italians have been quite successful in waging war. In fact, there has been no case where 200,000 Italians were routed by 30K Indians.

In fact, out gunned and outmanned the Italian Africa Corps, abandoned by German armor, fought valiantly against the British 8th Army, which your Indian troops were part of and really did not contribute much.

"A 2007 book on El Alamein by two British historians, John Bierman and Colin Smith, had several good things to say about Italian soldiers in the North African campaign.
''The Italian tank regiment, despite the prattle about the abundance of reverse gears, fought with great audacity, just as the 'Ariete' artillery regiment did,'' Bierman told Italian TV in an interview.
According to American historian John W.Gordon, whose book Behind Rommel's Lines was recently translated into Italian, the British special forces were so impressed by the methods and tactics of the Italian desert corps that they actually copied them.
Italy's crack paratrooper regiment, the 'Folgore,' sent some 5,000 of its men to El Alamein. Only 304 returned.
''The paratroopers threw themselves against oncoming tanks with Molotov cocktails and live mines,'' said Francesco Marini Dettina, a survivor of the battle who was awarded a silver medal for valour.
Interviewed for a documentary, Dettina said: ''They urged us to surrender but the only answer they got came from the artillery with our last remaining shells. The British were surprised by the Italians' behaviour.'' Churchill said in a speech to the House of Commons a month after El Alamein: ''We must honour the men that were the Lions of the Folgore''.

I made a slight typo. I meant to say 40K not 30K. So it was 200K Italians that were routed by 40K Indians. Performance of Italians was so bad that Germans had to come to their rescue.

Also, not a single Italian soldier participated in the liberation war of Italy. It was mainly done by Indian troops backed by New Zealanders and American troops backed by Polish irregulars. That should tell you how poorly Italians were thought of as far as combat is concerned.

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