How can a Porn Star, delay the rise of a Good President. Is this America,?

Don't forget McDaniels, and meeting Melania the escort too. He is trash.
Melania was a model. She wasn't an escort. She wouldn't even give Trump her number till he proved to her that he wasn't dating anyone else.
Trump is an ignorant, vulgar, vindictive, low class, grandiose, slob. Are you making excuses for him or playing what about?

Selective political persecution using the power of big GOVT to stop the opposition. This is Election interference and the real crime. We. All are the victims.
That is why I never trust, or mess with White females. They are to materialistic. And they don't age that well. When they get old, forget it. They look terrible!!
The DA is now bringing charges against a former president that the statute of limitation has long since expired.

The statute of limitation has not run out on felony charges.

Sorry that you are too fucking stupid to understand this, because your hatred of a free country must cause you to wet yourself.

I find it funny you call me stupid but appear to not under stand the difference between misdemeanor and felony SOLs and how time is tolled for SOLs.

Melania was a model. She wasn't an escort. She wouldn't even give Trump her number till he proved to her that he wasn't dating anyone else.

While he was still married to his wife Marla Maples.

So it was OK she was cheating on him with his wife but she was worried about him cheating on her with other women at the same time?

Melania did trade shows and lesbian porn. Trade show models are basically escorts.
Melania speaks 5 languages and is married to a billionaire.

You pick STD scabs off your junk and give them names.

Do you not see the difference?

That's rhetorical.

melania jill ferrari dump.jpg
I watch the evening news, and wonder is this the United States of America, that I 'am living in?? President Trump wants to "Make America Great Again", and bring Jobs back from China, to America. Everything I buy now, is made in China.!!?$$ I see the news report, that a Porn Star, Stormy Daniels, was paid hush money, not to discuss her relationship with a President of the United States, Donald Trump. Is this really happening in America today?
We had Presidents owning Black Slaves, Thomas Jefferson, now this scandal ?? , with President Donald Trump??!!
What is going on with American politics,? The whole world is watching. We had a Civil War, China and Russia are getting ready to take over the entire Earth, ie Ukraine.?! And this is what we see on the evening news?!!
Are you White people sane.??!!in America??!!
Do porn stars not have rights ? I mean a criminal can be Prez ? Whats all that shit about ?
Herman Cain was in the 2012 election to go against the brown turd Obammy. Since Herman was black, the Marxists/Demofascists needed to destroy Herman because not only was Herman the creator of God Father's Pizza, but he was a successful black man who never needed affirmative action. So in come a white female Democrat voter who accused Herman of doing inappropriate things with her, and the Lame Stream Media ran with it, to the point it cause too much distraction and Herman folded even when he never was charged with a crime. This is how the left works, start slinging shit at a candidate and hope it sticks, because they know it inst true but the dumbass voters can be told anything to believe and they do.
How do you know what helped him along in his career?

It was Republicans like Newt Gingrich that sought out his side piece.

If Herman was so great, why didn't republicans vote for him?
Remember that should it should come up in future administrations.
Well when President Trump becomes the 47th president, he can then arrest Barrack Hussain Obama for murdering a US citizen without due process. Joe Biden can be arrested for aiding and abetting the murder of Laken Riley. The flood gates will be open with the precedence set by the Marxists/Demofascists who have brought up bullshit charges in the attempt to bring President Trump down.
Well when President Trump becomes the 47th president, he can then arrest Barrack Hussain Obama for murdering a US citizen without due process. Joe Biden can be arrested for aiding and abetting the murder of Laken Riley. The flood gates will be open with the precedence set by the Marxists/Demofascists who have brought up bullshit charges in the attempt to bring President Trump down.

Trump is finished.

Alawaki was building bombs and training suicide bombers. He wasn't under US jurisdiction. You would have preferred a commercial aircraft bombed?

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