How can anyone with a brain and motivation support democrats

I just don't get it. The party stands for do nothing lazy ass forest gumps. How in the hell can you guys support Obama? Blows my mind.

Pure pubcrappe. Everything you know is wrong, bathroom installer. Read something. Start with my sig. Reaganism has ruined the USA, now pure lies is all dupes have.

Compare NY to Ok and Miss. lol
I just don't get it. The party stands for do nothing lazy ass forest gumps. How in the hell can you guys support Obama? Blows my mind.

And I don't get how your party stands for complete hypocrisy and irrational stubbornness.
How this stays in politics an not the flame zone is beyond me. It just proves something I've thought all along.
I just don't get it. The party stands for do nothing lazy ass forest gumps. How in the hell can you guys support Obama? Blows my mind.

Wasn't it you that tried to say the "liberals" on here post pointless threads? No information, no article, no nothing?

Find something to do with your time other than post worthless, angry crap. Do some research on politics, maybe?
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The dupes are all about hate and BS, certainly not facts and history. So this is "politics" for them.
I just don't get it. The party stands for do nothing lazy ass forest gumps. How in the hell can you guys support Obama? Blows my mind.

Wasn't it you that tried to say the "liberals" on here post pointless threads? No information, no article, no nothing?

Find something to do with your time other than post worthless, angry crap. Do some research on politics, maybe?

Do you remember Billy Martin--the former infielder who managed the Yankees for several turns? He was one of those guys who isn't happy unless he's pissed off. It seems as though the conserve-hate-ives here have adopted that psychee.

We've had the outrage over the President calling President Bush, George.
We've had the outrage over the President campaigning while in office.
We've had the outrage over the President killing Osama Bin Ladin
We've had the outrage over a movie coming out on November 2 that stars a black actor playing a hero--I'm guessing the outrage is that he wasn't playing a servant on that one
We've had the outrage over Michelle Obama wanting kids to eat healthier
We've had the outrage over the President eating a dog when he was 10 years old--about 40 years ago.

As a collective group, I think it is safe to assume that the President is 1) either doing a good job and these are the topics they choose to voice or 2) they don't have the mental ability to voice legitimate outrage.

Time will tell.
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Someone else should pay higher taxes.....what party do I belong to?

I've read countless posts from Republicans stating that the bottom 50% doesn't pay enough, so I'll go with Republicans.

This game is fun.

You apparently don't understand that the bottom 50% don't pay any federal income tax on their income. They did before the Bush tax cuts were passed, and if they aren't extended, they will pay again.

Who wants the Bush tax cuts, that Obama extended last year, extended again?

Someone else should pay higher taxes.....what party do I belong to?

I've read countless posts from Republicans stating that the bottom 50% doesn't pay enough, so I'll go with Republicans.

This game is fun.

You apparently don't understand that the bottom 50% don't pay any federal income tax on their income. They did before the Bush tax cuts were passed, and if they aren't extended, they will pay again.

Who wants the Bush tax cuts, that Obama extended last year, extended again?


Where was income mentioned at that point?

Maybe you should keep reading. :thup:

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