How can I vote Democrat?

No decent person can vote for democrats.

Anyone voting for ANY democrat is a piece of shit. It is no different than voting for the Nazi party in 1928 was. We KNOW the party is evil and is dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of the nation. If you vote for evil, you are evil.
How fucking truely stupid must you be to decide that party affiliation trumps all! You would eat horse shit if your party told you to. Oh, ya you all ready are!

Comrade, occasionally a movement arises that is truly evil, the Nazis, the Khmer Rouge, Mao, etc. The democrats at present time are of that ilk, they are pure evil.
You do know that normal people laugh at you when you walk away right! R good D bad or vice versus what a fucking sheep. People like you temp me to be a wolf in the worst way. You do realize how easily minipulated you are dont you.

Comrade, you're not "normal people" and your maniacal laughing at inappropriate times causes people to view you as dangerous to yourself and others....
Still laughing dumb fuck! I will stop when you either grow a brain or die. So when you die!
That makes the mental age of a 12 year old even more spectacular.

Get therapy, fool.

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Do not hijack the thread with your petulant fighting.

Don’t tell me what to do.

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As a Communist you promote slavery. As a slave, you will always be told what to do, and beaten or killed if you fail to comply.

You weren't stupid enough to think YOU would be one of the masters, did you? :rofl: That's it, that's why you're a Communist, you think YOU will be a master and have slaves to rule over, isn't it?

So, the Atlantic Slave Trade was based on Communism?

Feudalism, actually. The European elite had lost their indentured peasants due to the enlightenment and turned to chattel slavery as a replacement.
Not for much longer. You’re old and won’t be around. Thankfully.

My grandmother lived until she was 110. I’m not going anywhere for a while.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your mother is Pelosi?

My mother passed away a few years ago.

Thanks for being a complete douchbag.

I guess you republicans don’t realize how difficult this time if year is.

Bye norm you piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You have spent too much time in the far left plantation. For regular people Christmas time is the most awesome time ever. For liberal of course, they hate seeing other people enjoying themselves.

You are an idiot.
Its not about what other people do.

Its about missing people who are no longer alive.

You republicans have no soul.

You just made the list.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How about a silent moment for the 100 million dead from communism? I miss them...
My grandmother lived until she was 110. I’m not going anywhere for a while.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your mother is Pelosi?

My mother passed away a few years ago.

Thanks for being a complete douchbag.

I guess you republicans don’t realize how difficult this time if year is.

Bye norm you piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You have spent too much time in the far left plantation. For regular people Christmas time is the most awesome time ever. For liberal of course, they hate seeing other people enjoying themselves.

You are an idiot.
Its not about what other people do.

Its about missing people who are no longer alive.

You republicans have no soul.

You just made the list.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How about a silent moment for the 100 million dead from communism? I miss them...
Norm, shouldn't your fat ass be on a bar stool some where drinking away your miserable little life?
Your mother is Pelosi?

My mother passed away a few years ago.

Thanks for being a complete douchbag.

I guess you republicans don’t realize how difficult this time if year is.

Bye norm you piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You have spent too much time in the far left plantation. For regular people Christmas time is the most awesome time ever. For liberal of course, they hate seeing other people enjoying themselves.

You are an idiot.
Its not about what other people do.

Its about missing people who are no longer alive.

You republicans have no soul.

You just made the list.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How about a silent moment for the 100 million dead from communism? I miss them...
Norm, shouldn't your fat ass be on a bar stool some where drinking away your miserable little life?

I don't live in a communist nation. My life is not misery like theirs was.

Ready for the silent moment missing the people your ideology murdered? Or do you celebrate it as an achievement?
My mother passed away a few years ago.

Thanks for being a complete douchbag.

I guess you republicans don’t realize how difficult this time if year is.

Bye norm you piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You have spent too much time in the far left plantation. For regular people Christmas time is the most awesome time ever. For liberal of course, they hate seeing other people enjoying themselves.

You are an idiot.
Its not about what other people do.

Its about missing people who are no longer alive.

You republicans have no soul.

You just made the list.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How about a silent moment for the 100 million dead from communism? I miss them...
Norm, shouldn't your fat ass be on a bar stool some where drinking away your miserable little life?

I don't live in a communist nation. My life is not misery like theirs was.

Ready for the silent moment missing the people your ideology murdered?
Not my idology, but your fat blob of a savior spends some time sucking the former head of the KGB's cock. Think they talk about all the murdered. Go back to the bar stool bitch, it's where you belong!
You have spent too much time in the far left plantation. For regular people Christmas time is the most awesome time ever. For liberal of course, they hate seeing other people enjoying themselves.

You are an idiot.
Its not about what other people do.

Its about missing people who are no longer alive.

You republicans have no soul.

You just made the list.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How about a silent moment for the 100 million dead from communism? I miss them...
Norm, shouldn't your fat ass be on a bar stool some where drinking away your miserable little life?

I don't live in a communist nation. My life is not misery like theirs was.

Ready for the silent moment missing the people your ideology murdered?
Not my idology, but your fat blob of a savior spends some time sucking the former head of the KGB's cock. Think they talk about all the murdered. Go back to the bar stool bitch, it's where you belong!


Let me know when I can stop drinking the tears. The 100 million dead seem to mean nothing to you, but president Trump... he does get the tears flowing.

Only welfare mooching has a meaning, right?
You are an idiot.
Its not about what other people do.

Its about missing people who are no longer alive.

You republicans have no soul.

You just made the list.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How about a silent moment for the 100 million dead from communism? I miss them...
Norm, shouldn't your fat ass be on a bar stool some where drinking away your miserable little life?

I don't live in a communist nation. My life is not misery like theirs was.

Ready for the silent moment missing the people your ideology murdered?
Not my idology, but your fat blob of a savior spends some time sucking the former head of the KGB's cock. Think they talk about all the murdered. Go back to the bar stool bitch, it's where you belong!


Let me know when I can stop drinking the tears. The 100 million dead seem to mean nothing to you, but president Trump... he does get the tears flowing.

Only welfare mooching has a meaning, right?
Here ya go norm see the two lovers gaze into each others eyes as that illegal alien of a first lady looks on and is thinking to her self "Oh the Don,Dons breath will smell like cum tonight"
How about a silent moment for the 100 million dead from communism? I miss them...
Norm, shouldn't your fat ass be on a bar stool some where drinking away your miserable little life?

I don't live in a communist nation. My life is not misery like theirs was.

Ready for the silent moment missing the people your ideology murdered?
Not my idology, but your fat blob of a savior spends some time sucking the former head of the KGB's cock. Think they talk about all the murdered. Go back to the bar stool bitch, it's where you belong!


Let me know when I can stop drinking the tears. The 100 million dead seem to mean nothing to you, but president Trump... he does get the tears flowing.

Only welfare mooching has a meaning, right?
Here ya go norm see the two lovers gaze into each others eyes as that illegal alien of a first lady looks on and is thinking to her self "Oh the Don,Dons breath will smell like cum tonight"

Yes, Trump has met an important man in the global stage.

The rest remains your sick fantasy. You dream about the fake pee scene, don't you?
Now they repeat the Russia Russia Russia BS............Yawn........they at least need to come up with some decent lies and make better SNL skits out of it.
Norm, shouldn't your fat ass be on a bar stool some where drinking away your miserable little life?

I don't live in a communist nation. My life is not misery like theirs was.

Ready for the silent moment missing the people your ideology murdered?
Not my idology, but your fat blob of a savior spends some time sucking the former head of the KGB's cock. Think they talk about all the murdered. Go back to the bar stool bitch, it's where you belong!


Let me know when I can stop drinking the tears. The 100 million dead seem to mean nothing to you, but president Trump... he does get the tears flowing.

Only welfare mooching has a meaning, right?
Here ya go norm see the two lovers gaze into each others eyes as that illegal alien of a first lady looks on and is thinking to her self "Oh the Don,Dons breath will smell like cum tonight"

Yes, Trump has met an important man in the global stage.

The rest remains your sick fantasy. You dream about the fake pee scene, don't you?
Body language baby it's all right in front of you.

Here is a tweet from the Dondon
"Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?"
Donalds own words tweeted
Sept 13, 2013
Now is that not special? Think the Dondon swallowed. I bet he did!
I don't live in a communist nation. My life is not misery like theirs was.

Ready for the silent moment missing the people your ideology murdered?
Not my idology, but your fat blob of a savior spends some time sucking the former head of the KGB's cock. Think they talk about all the murdered. Go back to the bar stool bitch, it's where you belong!


Let me know when I can stop drinking the tears. The 100 million dead seem to mean nothing to you, but president Trump... he does get the tears flowing.

Only welfare mooching has a meaning, right?
Here ya go norm see the two lovers gaze into each others eyes as that illegal alien of a first lady looks on and is thinking to her self "Oh the Don,Dons breath will smell like cum tonight"

Yes, Trump has met an important man in the global stage.

The rest remains your sick fantasy. You dream about the fake pee scene, don't you?
Body language baby it's all right in front of you.

Here is a tweet from the Dondon
"Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?"
Donalds own words tweeted
Sept 13, 2013
Now is that not special? Think the Dondon swallowed. I bet he did!
Not my idology, but your fat blob of a savior spends some time sucking the former head of the KGB's cock. Think they talk about all the murdered. Go back to the bar stool bitch, it's where you belong!


Let me know when I can stop drinking the tears. The 100 million dead seem to mean nothing to you, but president Trump... he does get the tears flowing.

Only welfare mooching has a meaning, right?
Here ya go norm see the two lovers gaze into each others eyes as that illegal alien of a first lady looks on and is thinking to her self "Oh the Don,Dons breath will smell like cum tonight"

Yes, Trump has met an important man in the global stage.

The rest remains your sick fantasy. You dream about the fake pee scene, don't you?
Body language baby it's all right in front of you.

Here is a tweet from the Dondon
"Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?"
Donalds own words tweeted
Sept 13, 2013
Now is that not special? Think the Dondon swallowed. I bet he did!

So thats your come back? LOL Quit stroking fat as norm and try harder!

Let me know when I can stop drinking the tears. The 100 million dead seem to mean nothing to you, but president Trump... he does get the tears flowing.

Only welfare mooching has a meaning, right?
Here ya go norm see the two lovers gaze into each others eyes as that illegal alien of a first lady looks on and is thinking to her self "Oh the Don,Dons breath will smell like cum tonight"

Yes, Trump has met an important man in the global stage.

The rest remains your sick fantasy. You dream about the fake pee scene, don't you?
Body language baby it's all right in front of you.

Here is a tweet from the Dondon
"Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?"
Donalds own words tweeted
Sept 13, 2013
Now is that not special? Think the Dondon swallowed. I bet he did!

So thats your come back? LOL Quit stroking fat as norm and try harder!

Try harder for what?

The Russia bullshit was debunked again and again, daily. To not know this you should not try harder, you should simply TRY.

Let me know when I can stop drinking the tears. The 100 million dead seem to mean nothing to you, but president Trump... he does get the tears flowing.

Only welfare mooching has a meaning, right?
Here ya go norm see the two lovers gaze into each others eyes as that illegal alien of a first lady looks on and is thinking to her self "Oh the Don,Dons breath will smell like cum tonight"

Yes, Trump has met an important man in the global stage.

The rest remains your sick fantasy. You dream about the fake pee scene, don't you?
Body language baby it's all right in front of you.

Here is a tweet from the Dondon
"Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?"
Donalds own words tweeted
Sept 13, 2013
Now is that not special? Think the Dondon swallowed. I bet he did!

So thats your come back? LOL Quit stroking fat as norm and try harder!

Stop playing the same dang rerun day after day after day...........

Come up with some new material........make up some new BS that at least we can get some new meme's about....

You've used that one up...........Come on man.............can't you hire some new actors like Ford on Kavanaugh..............Do the BORK AGAIN........

Here ya go norm see the two lovers gaze into each others eyes as that illegal alien of a first lady looks on and is thinking to her self "Oh the Don,Dons breath will smell like cum tonight"

Yes, Trump has met an important man in the global stage.

The rest remains your sick fantasy. You dream about the fake pee scene, don't you?
Body language baby it's all right in front of you.

Here is a tweet from the Dondon
"Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?"
Donalds own words tweeted
Sept 13, 2013
Now is that not special? Think the Dondon swallowed. I bet he did!

So thats your come back? LOL Quit stroking fat as norm and try harder!

Try harder for what?

The Russia bullshit was debunked again and again, daily. To not know this you should not try harder, you should simply TRY.

Nothing has been debunked I gave you the dondons word there are more.
Feb. 10, 2014
Trump says Putin contacted him during Miss Universe and was “so nice:”

“When I went to Russia with the Miss Universe pageant, (Putin) contacted me and was so nice. I mean, the Russian people were so fantastic to us,” he said on “Fox and Friends.” “I’ll just say this, they are doing – they’re outsmarting us at many turns, as we all understand. I mean, their leaders are, whether you call them smarter or more cunning or whatever, but they’re outsmarting us. If you look at Syria or other places, they’re outsmarting us.”
Put your ostrige head in the sand but this shit happened! Trump sounds like a 7th grade girl talking about the cool 9th grader wanting her to blow him. You know he does. As far as sexual fantisies go trying to fuck the euro trash out that first lady might be fun. We know that will not happen the bitch can barely speak english. Euro trash through and through.

She sound American to you?
Here ya go norm see the two lovers gaze into each others eyes as that illegal alien of a first lady looks on and is thinking to her self "Oh the Don,Dons breath will smell like cum tonight"

Yes, Trump has met an important man in the global stage.

The rest remains your sick fantasy. You dream about the fake pee scene, don't you?
Body language baby it's all right in front of you.

Here is a tweet from the Dondon
"Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?"
Donalds own words tweeted
Sept 13, 2013
Now is that not special? Think the Dondon swallowed. I bet he did!

So thats your come back? LOL Quit stroking fat as norm and try harder!

Stop playing the same dang rerun day after day after day...........

Come up with some new material........make up some new BS that at least we can get some new meme's about....

You've used that one up...........Come on man.............can't you hire some new actors like Ford on Kavanaugh..............Do the BORK AGAIN........

Ya, quote from trump not actor dumb fuck but keep trying. Your come back was ground hog day not even on topic. What a dumb fuck
Yes, Trump has met an important man in the global stage.

The rest remains your sick fantasy. You dream about the fake pee scene, don't you?
Body language baby it's all right in front of you.

Here is a tweet from the Dondon
"Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?"
Donalds own words tweeted
Sept 13, 2013
Now is that not special? Think the Dondon swallowed. I bet he did!

So thats your come back? LOL Quit stroking fat as norm and try harder!

Try harder for what?

The Russia bullshit was debunked again and again, daily. To not know this you should not try harder, you should simply TRY.

Nothing has been debunked I gave you the dondons word there are more.
Feb. 10, 2014
Trump says Putin contacted him during Miss Universe and was “so nice:”

“When I went to Russia with the Miss Universe pageant, (Putin) contacted me and was so nice. I mean, the Russian people were so fantastic to us,” he said on “Fox and Friends.” “I’ll just say this, they are doing – they’re outsmarting us at many turns, as we all understand. I mean, their leaders are, whether you call them smarter or more cunning or whatever, but they’re outsmarting us. If you look at Syria or other places, they’re outsmarting us.”
Put your ostrige head in the sand but this shit happened! Trump sounds like a 7th grade girl talking about the cool 9th grader wanting her to blow him. You know he does. As far as sexual fantisies go trying to fuck the euro trash out that first lady might be fun. We know that will not happen the bitch can barely speak english. Euro trash through and through.

She sound American to you?

I suppose he will jump to the impeachment / Russia 2.0 bandwagon soon enough. Speaking of that, I do believe being this repetitive and boring is an impeachable offense.

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