How can I vote Democrat?

Not for much longer. You’re old and won’t be around. Thankfully.

My grandmother lived until she was 110. I’m not going anywhere for a while.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your mother is Pelosi?

My mother passed away a few years ago.

Thanks for being a complete douchbag.

I guess you republicans don’t realize how difficult this time if year is.

Bye norm you piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You have spent too much time in the far left plantation. For regular people Christmas time is the most awesome time ever. For liberal of course, they hate seeing other people enjoying themselves.

You are an idiot.
Its not about what other people do.

Its about missing people who are no longer alive.

You just made the list.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You know, this is not the therapist forum.
My first ever vote for a Democrat will be for Bernie Sanders.

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I did not know 12 year olds can vote.

I’m 61.

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You're in a state where the Communists are letting convicted felons vote?

So, felons voting is liberty, no?

Maybe you should grasp what you truly yearn for.

Voting in any capacity is not liberty. Letting communists vote is what destroys liberty.
National Socialists had the best tech of the era because they invested in it.

Soviets had the most patents & scientific papers in the 1980s that trend fell apart switching to Capitalist Russia
Soviets were nationalist and communists and Jews had many of those patents. Lucky for them they had a huge Jewish population but they were still behind the US in terms of tech and modernization sans the military.

Nationalism & social Conservatism is at odds with Capitalism & Libertarianism.
Not really. Even in Soviet Russia you had wealthy and powerful people. Govt workers mostly.

Freedom enconpasses the Liberals.

Capitalism encompasses profit over Nation.
Liberals want freedom on their own terms so not really freedom. Capitalism encompasses hope and does support a nation.

Capitalism encompasses degeneracy & decay.

Music industry producing Gangster rap music, degenerate Porn, Prostitutes, Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners, Hollywood smut, shoot em up & degenerate raunchy films, Drug dealers etc.
I’m 61.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That makes the mental age of a 12 year old even more spectacular.

Get therapy, fool.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Do not hijack the thread with your petulant fighting.

Don’t tell me what to do.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

As a Communist you promote slavery. As a slave, you will always be told what to do, and beaten or killed if you fail to comply.

You weren't stupid enough to think YOU would be one of the masters, did you? :rofl: That's it, that's why you're a Communist, you think YOU will be a master and have slaves to rule over, isn't it?

So, the Atlantic Slave Trade was based on Communism?
In this modern era, being an American and voting for Democrats is like being a jew and voting for nazis.

Democrats/neo-commies no longer represent the interests of the American people. They represent the interests of the world in America.

There are basically 2 types of Democrats.

The first type are neo-communist who hate capitalism, democracy, and America. They attack America on every level. Their goal is to take over America and fundamentally transform it into a global socialist police state run by oligarchs out of Europe.

The second type of Democrats are useful idiots who believe and repeat the propaganda of the first type. They cling to their hate of Republicans and nostalgia of the past while having no clue what their party is really doing.

Real Right Wingers don't like Capitalism either.

Every single issue we have is Capitalism in action.
No decent person can vote for democrats.

Anyone voting for ANY democrat is a piece of shit. It is no different than voting for the Nazi party in 1928 was. We KNOW the party is evil and is dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of the nation. If you vote for evil, you are evil.
How fucking truely stupid must you be to decide that party affiliation trumps all! You would eat horse shit if your party told you to. Oh, ya you all ready are!

Comrade, occasionally a movement arises that is truly evil, the Nazis, the Khmer Rouge, Mao, etc. The democrats at present time are of that ilk, they are pure evil.
You do know that normal people laugh at you when you walk away right! R good D bad or vice versus what a fucking sheep. People like you temp me to be a wolf in the worst way. You do realize how easily minipulated you are dont you.

It's not about "R" or "D"

It's about liberty versus slavery, capitalism versus socialism. Wake up, the democrats are not the loyal opposition anymore, they are the enemy dedicated to utter destruction of the Constitutional Republic.

So,Progressives are running Public Education, Colleges, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Amazon, Lyft, and numerous other outlets that promote our fall.

Republican logic, do nothing personal freedom.

See, how you support meekness & weakness?

You don't combat those who seek to use freedom to destroy you by doing nothing.

Fascists are basically Right-Wingers with brains & balls.

Republicans are just Liberals pretending to be something else.
Bernie Sanders is leading in the polls in NH!!!

2020 poll: View latest results from New Hampshire - CNNPolitics
Economic Professor Breaks Down Bernie Sanders’ Economic Agenda

The same Bernie Sanders that:

  • Open Socialist
  • Wants free healthcare and free education. "Free" --- paid for by????
  • Has never held a job in the private sector. Mayor of Burlington from 1981 to 1989. Member of the US House of Representatives from Vermont's at-large district since 1991.
  • Anti Death Penalty and actually wants criminals to vote.
  • Pro universal childcare. More free stuff.
  • Wants to take the $$ spent on the military to spend on the green new deal...did not learn from Solyndra. - His quote: "We must pass a Green New Deal to achieve 100 percent sustainable energy for electricity and transportation by no later than 2030 and to fully decarbonize the economy by 2050 at the latest..."
  • Anti voter ID laws.
  • Wants to give $$ to Iran -- Nuclear deal so that they can siphon it to Hamas and Hezbollah
  • A Jew who is anti Israel and pro Hamas/Fatah..explains the Iran rationale.
  • Anti border wall but doesn't give an alternative plan for better border security. AKA doesn't have one or doesn't care. His quote:"If a mother and a child walk thousands of miles on a dangerous path, in my view, they are not criminals. They are people fleeing violence."
  • Pro free healthcare for illegal. Raised his hand.
  • Anti Business --- All publicly-traded companies, and private companies with at least $100 million in revenue, must be at least 20% owned by their employees; 45% of the board of directors at these companies must be directly elected by the company’s workers; no stock buybacks. Companies that lay off workers to move operations overseas must share some of the “gains” with the laid-off American workers

And he is the FRONT RUNNER?!??!?!?!

Has the world gone insane? What intelligent and logical voter would vote for this candidate? I welcome your thoughts.
The people telling you he is a front runner are lying to you.
According to RCP Sanders is leading in NH woh 19% followed by Buttigieg with 17.7%, Biden with 14.3% and Warren with 13%.

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

This may be the poorest field of potential candidates I ever recall seeing in either party.
Real clear politics are proven liars.
lol Only a proven liar would make that claim.
No decent person can vote for democrats.

Anyone voting for ANY democrat is a piece of shit. It is no different than voting for the Nazi party in 1928 was. We KNOW the party is evil and is dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of the nation. If you vote for evil, you are evil.
How fucking truely stupid must you be to decide that party affiliation trumps all! You would eat horse shit if your party told you to. Oh, ya you all ready are!

Comrade, occasionally a movement arises that is truly evil, the Nazis, the Khmer Rouge, Mao, etc. The democrats at present time are of that ilk, they are pure evil.
You do know that normal people laugh at you when you walk away right! R good D bad or vice versus what a fucking sheep. People like you temp me to be a wolf in the worst way. You do realize how easily minipulated you are dont you.

It's not about "R" or "D"

It's about liberty versus slavery, capitalism versus socialism. Wake up, the democrats are not the loyal opposition anymore, they are the enemy dedicated to utter destruction of the Constitutional Republic.

So,Progressives are running Public Education, Colleges, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Amazon, Lyft, and numerous other outlets that promote our fall.

Republican logic, do nothing personal freedom.

See, how you support meekness & weakness?

You don't combat those who seek to use freedom to destroy you by doing nothing.

Fascists are basically Right-Wingers with brains & balls.

Republicans are just Liberals pretending to be something else.

Is the rant finally over?

So capitalism is bad and fascism is good. No you see, that's dumb. Fascism worked for about two weeks, and will descent into an authoritarian nightmare.

Republicans are what are called pussies, it's not ideological. They will grow their balls eventually, but it takes time.
Bernie Sanders is leading in the polls in NH!!!

2020 poll: View latest results from New Hampshire - CNNPolitics
Economic Professor Breaks Down Bernie Sanders’ Economic Agenda

The same Bernie Sanders that:

  • Open Socialist
  • Wants free healthcare and free education. "Free" --- paid for by????
  • Has never held a job in the private sector. Mayor of Burlington from 1981 to 1989. Member of the US House of Representatives from Vermont's at-large district since 1991.
  • Anti Death Penalty and actually wants criminals to vote.
  • Pro universal childcare. More free stuff.
  • Wants to take the $$ spent on the military to spend on the green new deal...did not learn from Solyndra. - His quote: "We must pass a Green New Deal to achieve 100 percent sustainable energy for electricity and transportation by no later than 2030 and to fully decarbonize the economy by 2050 at the latest..."
  • Anti voter ID laws.
  • Wants to give $$ to Iran -- Nuclear deal so that they can siphon it to Hamas and Hezbollah
  • A Jew who is anti Israel and pro Hamas/Fatah..explains the Iran rationale.
  • Anti border wall but doesn't give an alternative plan for better border security. AKA doesn't have one or doesn't care. His quote:"If a mother and a child walk thousands of miles on a dangerous path, in my view, they are not criminals. They are people fleeing violence."
  • Pro free healthcare for illegal. Raised his hand.
  • Anti Business --- All publicly-traded companies, and private companies with at least $100 million in revenue, must be at least 20% owned by their employees; 45% of the board of directors at these companies must be directly elected by the company’s workers; no stock buybacks. Companies that lay off workers to move operations overseas must share some of the “gains” with the laid-off American workers

And he is the FRONT RUNNER?!??!?!?!

Has the world gone insane? What intelligent and logical voter would vote for this candidate? I welcome your thoughts.
The people telling you he is a front runner are lying to you.
According to RCP Sanders is leading in NH woh 19% followed by Buttigieg with 17.7%, Biden with 14.3% and Warren with 13%.

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

This may be the poorest field of potential candidates I ever recall seeing in either party.
Real clear politics are proven liars.
lol Only a proven liar would make that claim.
No, their bias and one sidedness and willingness to fake news is well known. Anyone with any sense takes anything the media says with a grain of salt except people like you who fan the flames of fakeness.
How fucking truely stupid must you be to decide that party affiliation trumps all! You would eat horse shit if your party told you to. Oh, ya you all ready are!

Comrade, occasionally a movement arises that is truly evil, the Nazis, the Khmer Rouge, Mao, etc. The democrats at present time are of that ilk, they are pure evil.
You do know that normal people laugh at you when you walk away right! R good D bad or vice versus what a fucking sheep. People like you temp me to be a wolf in the worst way. You do realize how easily minipulated you are dont you.

It's not about "R" or "D"

It's about liberty versus slavery, capitalism versus socialism. Wake up, the democrats are not the loyal opposition anymore, they are the enemy dedicated to utter destruction of the Constitutional Republic.

So,Progressives are running Public Education, Colleges, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Amazon, Lyft, and numerous other outlets that promote our fall.

Republican logic, do nothing personal freedom.

See, how you support meekness & weakness?

You don't combat those who seek to use freedom to destroy you by doing nothing.

Fascists are basically Right-Wingers with brains & balls.

Republicans are just Liberals pretending to be something else.

Is the rant finally over?

So capitalism is bad and fascism is good. No you see, that's dumb. Fascism worked for about two weeks, and will descent into an authoritarian nightmare.

Republicans are what are called pussies, it's not ideological. They will grow their balls eventually, but it takes time.

Authoritarianism is needed to combat Liberal Individualism.

You don't sit around praising Capitalism, and Individualist freedom while complaining about what Capitalism& Individualism brings you being Illegals immigrants, Islamic Refugees, H2b VISA migrants, Outsourced jobs, Porn, Abortion, Gangster Rap Music, Sex change operations, Gay Marriage, Che Guevara T-Shirts sold, Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners, Hollywood smut, Liberal media, Liberal Facebook, Prostitutes, Drug dealers and yada yada yada.
Bernie Sanders is leading in the polls in NH!!!

2020 poll: View latest results from New Hampshire - CNNPolitics
Economic Professor Breaks Down Bernie Sanders’ Economic Agenda

The same Bernie Sanders that:

  • Open Socialist
  • Wants free healthcare and free education. "Free" --- paid for by????
  • Has never held a job in the private sector. Mayor of Burlington from 1981 to 1989. Member of the US House of Representatives from Vermont's at-large district since 1991.
  • Anti Death Penalty and actually wants criminals to vote.
  • Pro universal childcare. More free stuff.
  • Wants to take the $$ spent on the military to spend on the green new deal...did not learn from Solyndra. - His quote: "We must pass a Green New Deal to achieve 100 percent sustainable energy for electricity and transportation by no later than 2030 and to fully decarbonize the economy by 2050 at the latest..."
  • Anti voter ID laws.
  • Wants to give $$ to Iran -- Nuclear deal so that they can siphon it to Hamas and Hezbollah
  • A Jew who is anti Israel and pro Hamas/Fatah..explains the Iran rationale.
  • Anti border wall but doesn't give an alternative plan for better border security. AKA doesn't have one or doesn't care. His quote:"If a mother and a child walk thousands of miles on a dangerous path, in my view, they are not criminals. They are people fleeing violence."
  • Pro free healthcare for illegal. Raised his hand.
  • Anti Business --- All publicly-traded companies, and private companies with at least $100 million in revenue, must be at least 20% owned by their employees; 45% of the board of directors at these companies must be directly elected by the company’s workers; no stock buybacks. Companies that lay off workers to move operations overseas must share some of the “gains” with the laid-off American workers

And he is the FRONT RUNNER?!??!?!?!

Has the world gone insane? What intelligent and logical voter would vote for this candidate? I welcome your thoughts.
The people telling you he is a front runner are lying to you.
According to RCP Sanders is leading in NH woh 19% followed by Buttigieg with 17.7%, Biden with 14.3% and Warren with 13%.

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

This may be the poorest field of potential candidates I ever recall seeing in either party.
Real clear politics are proven liars.
lol Only a proven liar would make that claim.
No, their bias and one sidedness and willingness to fake news is well known. Anyone with any sense takes anything the media says with a grain of salt except people like you who fan the flames of fakeness.
In other words, yo know of absolutely no reason not to trust RCP's polls.
Comrade, occasionally a movement arises that is truly evil, the Nazis, the Khmer Rouge, Mao, etc. The democrats at present time are of that ilk, they are pure evil.
You do know that normal people laugh at you when you walk away right! R good D bad or vice versus what a fucking sheep. People like you temp me to be a wolf in the worst way. You do realize how easily minipulated you are dont you.

It's not about "R" or "D"

It's about liberty versus slavery, capitalism versus socialism. Wake up, the democrats are not the loyal opposition anymore, they are the enemy dedicated to utter destruction of the Constitutional Republic.

So,Progressives are running Public Education, Colleges, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Amazon, Lyft, and numerous other outlets that promote our fall.

Republican logic, do nothing personal freedom.

See, how you support meekness & weakness?

You don't combat those who seek to use freedom to destroy you by doing nothing.

Fascists are basically Right-Wingers with brains & balls.

Republicans are just Liberals pretending to be something else.

Is the rant finally over?

So capitalism is bad and fascism is good. No you see, that's dumb. Fascism worked for about two weeks, and will descent into an authoritarian nightmare.

Republicans are what are called pussies, it's not ideological. They will grow their balls eventually, but it takes time.

Authoritarianism is needed to combat Liberal Individualism.

You don't sit around praising Capitalism, and Individualist freedom while complaining about what Capitalism& Individualism brings you being Illegals immigrants, Islamic Refugees, H2b VISA migrants, Outsourced jobs, Porn, Abortion, Gangster Ra[ Music, Sex change operations, Gay Marriage, Che Guevara T-Shirts sold, Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners, Hollywood smut, Liberal media, Liberal Facebook, Prostitutes, Drug dealers and yada yada yada.

Dude you are all over the place. Please make your own thread if you want to talk about capitalism and how authoritarianism is needed to defeat the degeneracy of the left.

I don't feel like autism will defeat much of anything.
You do know that normal people laugh at you when you walk away right! R good D bad or vice versus what a fucking sheep. People like you temp me to be a wolf in the worst way. You do realize how easily minipulated you are dont you.

It's not about "R" or "D"

It's about liberty versus slavery, capitalism versus socialism. Wake up, the democrats are not the loyal opposition anymore, they are the enemy dedicated to utter destruction of the Constitutional Republic.

So,Progressives are running Public Education, Colleges, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Amazon, Lyft, and numerous other outlets that promote our fall.

Republican logic, do nothing personal freedom.

See, how you support meekness & weakness?

You don't combat those who seek to use freedom to destroy you by doing nothing.

Fascists are basically Right-Wingers with brains & balls.

Republicans are just Liberals pretending to be something else.

Is the rant finally over?

So capitalism is bad and fascism is good. No you see, that's dumb. Fascism worked for about two weeks, and will descent into an authoritarian nightmare.

Republicans are what are called pussies, it's not ideological. They will grow their balls eventually, but it takes time.

Authoritarianism is needed to combat Liberal Individualism.

You don't sit around praising Capitalism, and Individualist freedom while complaining about what Capitalism& Individualism brings you being Illegals immigrants, Islamic Refugees, H2b VISA migrants, Outsourced jobs, Porn, Abortion, Gangster Ra[ Music, Sex change operations, Gay Marriage, Che Guevara T-Shirts sold, Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners, Hollywood smut, Liberal media, Liberal Facebook, Prostitutes, Drug dealers and yada yada yada.

Dude you are all over the place. Please make your own thread if you want to talk about capitalism and how authoritarianism is needed to defeat the degeneracy of the left.

I don't feel like autism will defeat much of anything.

Western Europeans are a race of one track minded cretins, with OCD panic attacks.

Your only destiny is to go extinct, because of your ignorance, and subservience.
It's not about "R" or "D"

It's about liberty versus slavery, capitalism versus socialism. Wake up, the democrats are not the loyal opposition anymore, they are the enemy dedicated to utter destruction of the Constitutional Republic.

So,Progressives are running Public Education, Colleges, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Amazon, Lyft, and numerous other outlets that promote our fall.

Republican logic, do nothing personal freedom.

See, how you support meekness & weakness?

You don't combat those who seek to use freedom to destroy you by doing nothing.

Fascists are basically Right-Wingers with brains & balls.

Republicans are just Liberals pretending to be something else.

Is the rant finally over?

So capitalism is bad and fascism is good. No you see, that's dumb. Fascism worked for about two weeks, and will descent into an authoritarian nightmare.

Republicans are what are called pussies, it's not ideological. They will grow their balls eventually, but it takes time.

Authoritarianism is needed to combat Liberal Individualism.

You don't sit around praising Capitalism, and Individualist freedom while complaining about what Capitalism& Individualism brings you being Illegals immigrants, Islamic Refugees, H2b VISA migrants, Outsourced jobs, Porn, Abortion, Gangster Ra[ Music, Sex change operations, Gay Marriage, Che Guevara T-Shirts sold, Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners, Hollywood smut, Liberal media, Liberal Facebook, Prostitutes, Drug dealers and yada yada yada.

Dude you are all over the place. Please make your own thread if you want to talk about capitalism and how authoritarianism is needed to defeat the degeneracy of the left.

I don't feel like autism will defeat much of anything.

Western Europeans are a race of one track minded cretins, with OCD panic attacks.

You're only destiny is to go extinct, because of your ignorance, and subservience.

Imagine, you could have a whole thread about that topic. Why limit it to one post?
So,Progressives are running Public Education, Colleges, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Amazon, Lyft, and numerous other outlets that promote our fall.

Republican logic, do nothing personal freedom.

See, how you support meekness & weakness?

You don't combat those who seek to use freedom to destroy you by doing nothing.

Fascists are basically Right-Wingers with brains & balls.

Republicans are just Liberals pretending to be something else.

Is the rant finally over?

So capitalism is bad and fascism is good. No you see, that's dumb. Fascism worked for about two weeks, and will descent into an authoritarian nightmare.

Republicans are what are called pussies, it's not ideological. They will grow their balls eventually, but it takes time.

Authoritarianism is needed to combat Liberal Individualism.

You don't sit around praising Capitalism, and Individualist freedom while complaining about what Capitalism& Individualism brings you being Illegals immigrants, Islamic Refugees, H2b VISA migrants, Outsourced jobs, Porn, Abortion, Gangster Ra[ Music, Sex change operations, Gay Marriage, Che Guevara T-Shirts sold, Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners, Hollywood smut, Liberal media, Liberal Facebook, Prostitutes, Drug dealers and yada yada yada.

Dude you are all over the place. Please make your own thread if you want to talk about capitalism and how authoritarianism is needed to defeat the degeneracy of the left.

I don't feel like autism will defeat much of anything.

Western Europeans are a race of one track minded cretins, with OCD panic attacks.

You're only destiny is to go extinct, because of your ignorance, and subservience.

Imagine, you could have a whole thread about that topic. Why limit it to one post?

I've made such threads.
Is the rant finally over?

So capitalism is bad and fascism is good. No you see, that's dumb. Fascism worked for about two weeks, and will descent into an authoritarian nightmare.

Republicans are what are called pussies, it's not ideological. They will grow their balls eventually, but it takes time.

Authoritarianism is needed to combat Liberal Individualism.

You don't sit around praising Capitalism, and Individualist freedom while complaining about what Capitalism& Individualism brings you being Illegals immigrants, Islamic Refugees, H2b VISA migrants, Outsourced jobs, Porn, Abortion, Gangster Ra[ Music, Sex change operations, Gay Marriage, Che Guevara T-Shirts sold, Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners, Hollywood smut, Liberal media, Liberal Facebook, Prostitutes, Drug dealers and yada yada yada.

Dude you are all over the place. Please make your own thread if you want to talk about capitalism and how authoritarianism is needed to defeat the degeneracy of the left.

I don't feel like autism will defeat much of anything.

Western Europeans are a race of one track minded cretins, with OCD panic attacks.

You're only destiny is to go extinct, because of your ignorance, and subservience.

Imagine, you could have a whole thread about that topic. Why limit it to one post?

I've made such threads.

Well that is great, then why are you spamming this thread?
Authoritarianism is needed to combat Liberal Individualism.

You don't sit around praising Capitalism, and Individualist freedom while complaining about what Capitalism& Individualism brings you being Illegals immigrants, Islamic Refugees, H2b VISA migrants, Outsourced jobs, Porn, Abortion, Gangster Ra[ Music, Sex change operations, Gay Marriage, Che Guevara T-Shirts sold, Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners, Hollywood smut, Liberal media, Liberal Facebook, Prostitutes, Drug dealers and yada yada yada.

Dude you are all over the place. Please make your own thread if you want to talk about capitalism and how authoritarianism is needed to defeat the degeneracy of the left.

I don't feel like autism will defeat much of anything.

Western Europeans are a race of one track minded cretins, with OCD panic attacks.

You're only destiny is to go extinct, because of your ignorance, and subservience.

Imagine, you could have a whole thread about that topic. Why limit it to one post?

I've made such threads.

Well that is great, then why are you spamming this thread?

Spam how?
A topic on Socialism vs Capitalism seems pretty spot on with the OP.

Just because you have a one track mind, doesn't mean everyone's a ignoramus.
Dude you are all over the place. Please make your own thread if you want to talk about capitalism and how authoritarianism is needed to defeat the degeneracy of the left.

I don't feel like autism will defeat much of anything.

Western Europeans are a race of one track minded cretins, with OCD panic attacks.

You're only destiny is to go extinct, because of your ignorance, and subservience.

Imagine, you could have a whole thread about that topic. Why limit it to one post?

I've made such threads.

Well that is great, then why are you spamming this thread?

Spam how?
A topic on Socialism vs Capitalism seems pretty spot on with the OP.

Just because you have a one track mind, doesn't mean everyone's a ignoramus.

The topic is about Sanders. Sure little off-topic is fine, but you are taking it to a whole new level. Capitalism vs. socialism is completely different, almost abstract topic.
Western Europeans are a race of one track minded cretins, with OCD panic attacks.

You're only destiny is to go extinct, because of your ignorance, and subservience.

Imagine, you could have a whole thread about that topic. Why limit it to one post?

I've made such threads.

Well that is great, then why are you spamming this thread?

Spam how?
A topic on Socialism vs Capitalism seems pretty spot on with the OP.

Just because you have a one track mind, doesn't mean everyone's a ignoramus.

The topic is about Sanders. Sure little off-topic is fine, but you are taking it to a whole new level. Capitalism vs. socialism is completely different, almost abstract topic.

The first point he made was Sanders was a Socialist.

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