How can the additional 1400 stimulus fail in the Senate?

That's as simplistic as saying that starving people should just eat more.
You are happy in a world where everyone is standing six feet apart in a breadline before going home to watch tv all day

but America is better than that
You seem particularly clueless in this thread.

you think borrowing from future has no consequences and you call me clueless?

you are a typical lib who cant smell your own stink

Maybe mcconnell loves his grandchildren too much to spend their earnings before they are even born
McConnel is a spending queen unless it happens to actually help people. Thanks to additional tax cuts and more spending we get higher deficits to pile onto the debt. McConnel has done nothing to stop this while Trump is in office.

There is no $2000 stimulus bill pend8ng in congress right now and wont be until after the Thief in Chief takes office
Wrong, The house passed and it's now up to the senate, already to be voted on before Trump leaves office.

Tax revenue went up after the tax cut
Government spending went up which accounts for the additional revenue. You put money in the economy and then you collect taxes on it. The government nets less hence higher deficits.

You are wrong a lot.
I read this:
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hasn’t said whether the Senate would take up the House bill, attempt to vote on a different one that would also increase direct payments or simply ignore the issue. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said he’ll seek unanimous consent to pass the House bill on Tuesday. But the move is expected to draw an objection from a Republican, effectively shutting down the effort.
Senate GOP Has Stimulus Dilemma as Democrats Side With Trump (
And can't the gop simply filibuster the bill? I don't think its a tax bill
Pelosi already passed a bill with the increase in the house did she not?
She did...although the unanimous consent option failed because some dickhead Republican blocked it. That would be the case in the Senate as well with the likes of Rand Paul there so it comes Moscow Mitch.

As always he has zero interest in helping the American people so that's unlikely unless he is forced to bring it to a vote. Incidentally it would require 60 votes (which it would get) and not just a simple majority.

The good news is that Bernie Sanders is saying he will hold up the Defense Bill over ride unless Mitch the Bitch does allow a vote on the $2K
LOL Good for Bernie, playing those reindeer games!
Mitch knows it would pass, so my guess is he won't bring it to the floor.
Looks like the worst case scenario is playing out - Mitch laid the foundation in his opening remarks to tie the $2k increase to the repeal of section 230, and also Election Security.
Looks like the worst case scenario is playing out - Mitch laid the foundation in his opening remarks to tie the $2k increase to the repeal of section 230, and also Election Security.
Sounds good to me

if demos want to get something they have to give something
Looks like the worst case scenario is playing out - Mitch laid the foundation in his opening remarks to tie the $2k increase to the repeal of section 230, and also Election Security.
Sounds good to me
You don't have an argument for that that makes any sense whatsoever. Like I told you before, Cultists are unreachable.
There is no $2000 stimulus bill pend8ng in congress right now and wont be until after the Thief in Chief takes office
Wrong, The house passed and it's now up to the senate, already to be voted on before Trump leaves office.
Yes, I was mistaken about that
Thanks to additional tax cuts
The deficit is not driven by tax cuts

the tax revenue increased after reducing taxes
Because spending increased. When you throw money into the economy tax revenues increase, you're still spending more than you're taking in however.

Anyway, its clear you didn't even understand my post.
Still hoping for the asteroid belt to arrive.
Just imagine...every capital city on earth flat and all the oligarchs burned up.Nobody to send those letters to.
Because spending increased
Sure but how did it increase?

is it government pinheads doling out the dollars where they want them to go?

Or individuals spending their own money as they think best?

I prefer the latter
Because spending increased
Sure but how did it increase?

is it government pinheads doling out the dollars where they want them to go?

Or individuals spending their own money as they think best?

I prefer the latter

I'm sure you love it when Obama did the very same thing. Only difference was we were in recession. That simple sentence I'm sure also flew over your head.
I'm sure you love it when Obama did the very same thing. Only difference was we were in recession. That simple sentence I'm sure also flew over your head.
I dont recall obama ever letting Americans keep more of their own money

He was the prototype big government spender
I'm sure you love it when Obama did the very same thing. Only difference was we were in recession. That simple sentence I'm sure also flew over your head.
I dont recall obama ever letting Americans keep more of their own money

He was the prototype big government spender

You just have zero ability to reply to a post, do you without tying yourself in knots?

Yes, Obama extended tax cuts for the middle class.

And right on cue when I tell that you agree with Trump's spending and you hated it when Obama did it when we were in a recession. Thanks for making it painfully clear you don't now what you're talking about.

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