How Can There Be Multiple Gods and Multiple Truths?

Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?
there are no "gods"....we were put here,"seeded", so to speak by a super advanced race of beings.....
Probably more likely than the god story. Certainly possible.

Lol. Isn't that the same as a "god?"
no.....a god is a singular being,while an advanced race is a group.....
Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?
there are no "gods"....we were put here,"seeded", so to speak by a super advanced race of beings.....
Probably more likely than the god story. Certainly possible.

Lol. Isn't that the same as a "god?"
no.....a god is a singular being,while an advanced race is a group.....

And how is that any less far fetched than believing in a god? And . . . I don't see any evidence at all for that either. You watched that show about ancient aliens, didn't you? :D
Probably more likely than the god story. Certainly possible.

Lol. Isn't that the same as a "god?"
No. If I take a poop and maggots grow out of my poop, I am not a god. I was born and I die. But feel free to worship me if you want.

That is the still the same idea as belief in a creator/god.

Something that's not a god could have created us. Certainly possible. Maybe it brought down 5 test tubes. One for fish, one for birds, one for mammals, one for amphibians and one for reptiles.

Personally, I believe in the theory of evolution.
i believe in evolution to a point....
Think about it. I come to you and I tell you about an invisible creature that has no beginning and no end and it created you and cares about you and built a heaven for you and a hell for your enemies. SHould I go on?

Point is, the chances of my invisible creature being real are not 50/50. And do you have to ask me if the odds are in favor or against it?

Without the organized religions, what evidence do you have for God? You have nothing. So without the stories that god visited and told your ancestors these stories you seem to believe, the odds of a god existing are very very low.

Could there be a generic creator that created the universe? Sure there could. I would have to be a god to know for sure if there is or isn't so in a way I'm agnostic. I don't know either way. BUT, do I lean one way or the other? Oh yea! I lean towards believing there is no god.

Could there be a creator? Sure. But no evidence to date suggest there is one.

Forget about "organized religions" for a minute. We have self-evidence of a spiritual creator greater than ourselves. If we didn't, we'd still be living in the trees with the monkeys... our common ancestors. Something obviously inspired us... made us not afraid to tame fire... to invent the wheel... to climb out of our tree and explore the universe around us.

We can argue philosophically over what that thing is... I think you assume it must be some kind of "invisible creature" because that's how you often describe it... but I don't believe in invisible creatures. Creatures are physical and have physical attributes. This guiding force is beyond the physical, it doesn't have those attributes.

You say that "no evidence suggests a creator" but you can't physically explain how physics created physics. It's a dichotomy... a paradox. In order for physical nature to exist, it has to have some source of creation. We observe physical nature exists and has entropy... the steady and constant devolving from order to chaos... so we have to presume physical nature had a beginning point. But how did it manage to create itself if it didn't exist? Occam's Razor says the simplest answers are usually the best. In this case, the simplest answer is a spiritual force created physical nature.

Now, perhaps you need to replace "spiritual force" with some other phrase in order to distinguish it in your mind away from religious beliefs... but do that... call it something else if you wish... that is what created us.

They say nothing can come from nothing but that's where you guys say God came from. No mom or dad, right? No beginning or end?

The only thing that has no beginning and end is the Cosmos. No need for a God. And if there is a creator, lucky guess because he never visited. Yet somehow you feel you have a personal relationship with it.
The only thing that has no beginning and end is the Cosmos
can you prove that bobo?....
There is one True Almighty God but there are thousands of false gods and most are demon inspired. Seek to know and find Truth and God will help you.If you are a real seeker of truth start reading His inspired (God breathed) Word.
yea written by men.....some of them zealots....
Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?

there could be several

exodus 23:3

thou shalt have no other gods before me

which would suggest that there are other gods
or it suggests that he knows other gods will be manufactured...
Why did Christianity borrow symbols from paganism? This in and of itself makes no sense if you are a "religious" person. According to everything I know and read and all the evidence, IMO, god is a made up entity by ancient men to help explain things they didn't understand in ancient times and in order to help keep people under control somewhat. Nothing more than that. The OT is not any different from any other "holy book", full of outrageous stories and NO evidence.
Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?

there could be several

exodus 23:3

thou shalt have no other gods before me

which would suggest that there are other gods
or it suggests that he knows other gods will be manufactured...

I explained this! Hello! McFly! :)
Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?
there are no "gods"....we were put here,"seeded", so to speak by a super advanced race of beings.....
Probably more likely than the god story. Certainly possible.

Lol. Isn't that the same as a "god?"
no.....a god is a singular being,while an advanced race is a group.....

And how is that any less far fetched than believing in a god? And . . . I don't see any evidence at all for that either. You watched that show about ancient aliens, didn't you? :D
its not.....but i will go with the advanced civilization over a singular being who is just so advanced he/she would no doubt be just a mass of energy...
Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?

there could be several

exodus 23:3

thou shalt have no other gods before me

which would suggest that there are other gods
or it suggests that he knows other gods will be manufactured...

I explained this! Hello! McFly! :)
and i answered a question....why did you not say this to the guy i was answering,than i would not have had to ......ey?....
Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?

there could be several

exodus 23:3

thou shalt have no other gods before me

which would suggest that there are other gods
or it suggests that he knows other gods will be manufactured...

I explained this! Hello! McFly! :)
and i answered a question....why did you not say this to the guy i was answering,than i would not have had to ......ey?....

No one listens to me!!!! :)
Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?

there could be several

exodus 23:3

thou shalt have no other gods before me

which would suggest that there are other gods
or it suggests that he knows other gods will be manufactured...

I explained this! Hello! McFly! :)
and i answered a question....why did you not say this to the guy i was answering,than i would not have had to ......ey?....

No one listens to me!!!! :)
come on you are not like dottie.....
Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?

there could be several

exodus 23:3

thou shalt have no other gods before me

which would suggest that there are other gods
or it suggests that he knows other gods will be manufactured...


however there had been lots of gods floating around in those days

young gods and old gods

god of the sky anu

storm god enlil

enki the water god

to name a few
Probably more likely than the god story. Certainly possible.

Lol. Isn't that the same as a "god?"
No. If I take a poop and maggots grow out of my poop, I am not a god. I was born and I die. But feel free to worship me if you want.

That is the still the same idea as belief in a creator/god.

Something that's not a god could have created us. Certainly possible. Maybe it brought down 5 test tubes. One for fish, one for birds, one for mammals, one for amphibians and one for reptiles.

It would have to be like that because there are no fossil records showing a mutuation of one to the other.
They are all pretty much the same as they have always been
Not true. Maybe as far back as we can look, a million years give or take a half mill. What about before that? Science thinks all land creatures came from the water. If not, the only other explanation is God put fully formed adult animals on earth ready to procreate. Do you believe that? What about dinosaurs and all the other extinct animals?

Show me God put a new animal on earth that isn't a reptile, amphibian, mammel, bird or fish
Why put us here then?
Why not? I had an ant colony as a kid. I thought it would be fun. I got bored with it after a week and haven't thought about it since. It could be he doesn't even know we're here and he just designed the Universe with a certain set of physics and chemistry rules to see what would happen. And maybe tried different settings in a billion other Universes.

I once said that MAYYYBE.... we're just an old science project in a shoebox sitting in God's closet.
One could certainly make that argument.

Any it would mean our lives are as meaningless as the ants in an ant colony.
As the Verve says, "It's a bittersweet symphony this life. Try to make ends meet, you're a slave to money then you die".
Rather than ask what our purpose is, ask what your purpose is. What reason did God put you on this planet? Make meaning of your life.

What was mlk's purpose?
Why put us here then?
Why not? I had an ant colony as a kid. I thought it would be fun. I got bored with it after a week and haven't thought about it since. It could be he doesn't even know we're here and he just designed the Universe with a certain set of physics and chemistry rules to see what would happen. And maybe tried different settings in a billion other Universes.

I once said that MAYYYBE.... we're just an old science project in a shoebox sitting in God's closet.
One could certainly make that argument.

Any it would mean our lives are as meaningless as the ants in an ant colony.
As the Verve says, "It's a bittersweet symphony this life. Try to make ends meet, you're a slave to money then you die".
Rather than ask what our purpose is, ask what your purpose is. What reason did God put you on this planet? Make meaning of your life.

What was mlk's purpose?

None if there is no God and an asteroid could hit earth tomorrow and obliterate us

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