How can we protect ourselves from terror attacks?


VIP Member
Jul 23, 2014
Now we can see what has happened in Paris with theirs opened multicultural country. There are a lot of blacks and muslims inside. I`m not against blacks and muslim, I`m against radicals in general. Nevermind. What can we do to prevent similar cases in the US? This question rises because we cannot completely rely on the government
I don't think we can. To be brutally honest, having a free and open society limits our ability to curtail people who are determined to attack us.

We enjoy our freedom, but also want to be safe. I think that we have to acknowledge that we can be either free or we can be safe, but we probably can't be both. We have to give up some degree of one for the other, whichever we choose.

Personally, I'd rather be free. If I end up dying like the journalists from Charlie Hebdo, so be it. I'd rather have real freedom with all the risks it entails than the illusion of safety without the freedom to go where I want to go, and be who I want to be.

Further, the average American's risk of being a victim of terrorism is microscopic. We are much more likely to die of hypertension or in a car accident. We have already focused trillions of dollars on protecting ourselves from terrorism, and in my opinion, it has largely been a waste of money. Put in proper perspective, terrorism in the U.S. is a flea bite on an elephant. The vast majority of us have never and will never be affected. So, using up the majority of resources on that one threat while ignoring much greater risks in other areas is an emotionally-driven response that is destined to ultimately fail to keep us safe from all harm.
Now we can see what has happened in Paris with theirs opened multicultural country. There are a lot of blacks and muslims inside. I`m not against blacks and muslim, I`m against radicals in general. Nevermind. What can we do to prevent similar cases in the US? This question rises because we cannot completely rely on the government
We can't protect ourselves. It's impossible. There's absolutely nothing that can monitor the thought processes in someone's head. There's no way of knowing when someone is going to go postal and slaughter innocent people. In this world, there are millions of unstable minds, hate-filled individuals, and "hero-wanta-bes". They could be your next door neighbor, the person you sit next to in church, the friendly man or woman that checks you out at the grocery store, or a relative.

Also, we have those motivated by the actions of others, and feel the need to join in the action. There are a multitude of reasons why people slaughter innocent people. And, at this point in time, there's no way to separate the good from the bad. Many wolves are dressed in sheep clothing.
I think the only way we can realistically cut down on terrorist attacks is to make the consequences for carrying one out so horrible that continued terrorism becomes just too terrifying to contemplate.
Something on the order of bombing a building begets bombing a city.
The terrorists are targeting civilians, yet we refuse to. Bullshit!
Your answer is found in Psalm 127:1,2.

It is written:

A Song of Ascents, of Solomon. Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain.It is vain for you to rise up early, To retire late, To eat the bread of painful labors; For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.
What does this mean? It means that your protection is from the LORD. If you abide under the shadow of the Almighty? Psalm 91 is yours.
If attacks in the US reached a level that really affected the American public..? The American public would become hyper sensitive to muslims among into that what you will.
Simplistic at best, Jer. God gives us tools and knowledge. It is up to us to get up off our asses and use our gifts.
God rarely smites Sodom and Gamora. More often, righteous people have to bomb Nagasaki.
How can we protect ourselves from terror attacks?

Simplistic at best, Jer. God gives us tools and knowledge. It is up to us to get up off our asses and use our gifts.
God rarely smites Sodom and Gamora. More often, righteous people have to bomb Nagasaki.

I have never said I was against our founding fathers idea for America - 2nd amendment rights included. I fully support the message of our founding fathers - the people of America are entitled to defend themselves, Ernie. Tell me, knowing that Americans have permits to carry concealed weapons - have 2nd amendment rights - knowing that there is no telling who is armed and who isn't when plotting a terror attack - where do the terrorists strike? 9/11 - using planes - Boston Marathon - sneaking in and planting bombs - but in France? It was a wide open assault with weapons. They are not doing that here for a reason. They know the odds are someone is going to take them out before they have the chance to pull the trigger.

Hold that thought on God smiting Sodom and Gomorrah because that judgment is at the door and He will indeed do it here. He uses the wicked as his sword. See Psalm 17. I believe Revelation 18 is America and I'm not alone in believing that. We're under judgment. The only reason there has not already been an invasion already is God's Hand holding it back. He is long suffering and merciful to have kept us this long.
The answer is simple - deport every single Muslim not born within the USA to the country of their origin.

Those born in the USA would be subject to intense scrutiny and all mosques to be closely monitored. Any discussions of or plans to attack American soil to instantly result in incarceration in Guantanamo. Anyone carrying out a terror attack to be automatically sentenced to death. Let them go to their 72 virgins.
Now we can see what has happened in Paris with theirs opened multicultural country. There are a lot of blacks and muslims inside. I`m not against blacks and muslim, I`m against radicals in general. Nevermind. What can we do to prevent similar cases in the US? This question rises because we cannot completely rely on the government

Paris has always been multicultural. Partly because it's a European cultural centre, partly because it has a colonial past.
When I lived there 35 years ago I hung with North Africans all the time. I could describe them as "Muslims" since they probably were in the same sense that I would be called "Catholic" in that it was what we grew up in, but our relationships had nothing to do with either.

The voices of the city teemed with Arabic, German, English, Spanish, Italian, Norwegian, lots of African and Asian indigenous languages, anything you can think of, and it wasn't new then. It gave (and gives) it the vibrancy and vitality it's known for.

And it's in no way anything new, nor unique to Paris. London -- same thing, for the same reasons.
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Now we can see what has happened in Paris with theirs opened multicultural country. There are a lot of blacks and muslims inside. I`m not against blacks and muslim, I`m against radicals in general. Nevermind. What can we do to prevent similar cases in the US? This question rises because we cannot completely rely on the government

Paris has always been multicultural. Partly because it's a European cultural centre, partly because it has a colonial past.
When I lived there 35 years ago I hung with North Africans all the time. I could describe them as "Muslims" since they probably were in the same sense that I would be called "Catholic" in that it was what we grew up in, but our relationships had nothing to do with either.

The city was teeming with Arabic, German, English, Italian, lots of African indigenous languages, Asians anything you can think of, and it wasn't new then. It gave (and gives) it the vibrancy and vitality it's known for.

And it's in no way anything new, or unique to Paris.

France wont be multicultural for long......
Neither will America for that matter.
The answer is simple - deport every single Muslim not born within the USA to the country of their origin.

Those born in the USA would be subject to intense scrutiny and all mosques to be closely monitored. Any discussions of or plans to attack American soil to instantly result in incarceration in Guantanamo. Anyone carrying out a terror attack to be automatically sentenced to death. Let them go to their 72 virgins.

There's one small thing standing in the way of this particular degree of Wacko.
We call it the "Constitution".
Apparently they saw you coming. In the 18th century.
How can we protect ourselves from terror attacks?


--- Because if you're going to strike the symptom and ignore the disease, it's important to do so in alphabetical order. :thup:
2. Stop funding them.
3. Anyone with muslim brotherhood ties working for govt should be fired..........
Now we can see what has happened in Paris with theirs opened multicultural country. There are a lot of blacks and muslims inside. I`m not against blacks and muslim, I`m against radicals in general. Nevermind. What can we do to prevent similar cases in the US? This question rises because we cannot completely rely on the government

Paris has always been multicultural. Partly because it's a European cultural centre, partly because it has a colonial past.
When I lived there 35 years ago I hung with North Africans all the time. I could describe them as "Muslims" since they probably were in the same sense that I would be called "Catholic" in that it was what we grew up in, but our relationships had nothing to do with either.

The city was teeming with Arabic, German, English, Italian, lots of African indigenous languages, Asians anything you can think of, and it wasn't new then. It gave (and gives) it the vibrancy and vitality it's known for.

And it's in no way anything new, or unique to Paris.

France wont be multicultural for long......
Neither will America for that matter.
There in lies the problem. Multiculturalism is bullshit. Come to a country, embrace the culture.
Here we don't kill our daughters for being rape victims. We let them practice professions and drive cars. Suicide is not considered "honorable". We don't or shouldn't wear our pants around our knees and glorify rape and cop killing in music.
Call middle class white Anglo-Saxon Protestants all you want, but they aren't blowing up buildings and shooting up our cities over drug turf.
Now we can see what has happened in Paris with theirs opened multicultural country. There are a lot of blacks and muslims inside. I`m not against blacks and muslim, I`m against radicals in general. Nevermind. What can we do to prevent similar cases in the US? This question rises because we cannot completely rely on the government

Paris has always been multicultural. Partly because it's a European cultural centre, partly because it has a colonial past.
When I lived there 35 years ago I hung with North Africans all the time. I could describe them as "Muslims" since they probably were in the same sense that I would be called "Catholic" in that it was what we grew up in, but our relationships had nothing to do with either.

The city was teeming with Arabic, German, English, Italian, lots of African indigenous languages, Asians anything you can think of, and it wasn't new then. It gave (and gives) it the vibrancy and vitality it's known for.

And it's in no way anything new, or unique to Paris.

France wont be multicultural for long......
Neither will America for that matter.
There in lies the problem. Multiculturalism is bullshit. Come to a country, embrace the culture.
Here we don't kill our daughters for being rape victims. We let them practice professions and drive cars. Suicide is not considered "honorable". We don't or shouldn't wear our pants around our knees and glorify rape and cop killing in music.
Call middle class white Anglo-Saxon Protestants all you want, but they aren't blowing up buildings and shooting up our cities over drug turf.

Apparently my point sailed over not one but two heads. So here it comes again- duck....

Paris has always been multicultural. At least ever since it started (a) becoming a cultural nexus and (b) being the capital of a nation traipsing around the world for colonies. It's nothing new. In fact it's centuries old. Trying to pin this causal relationship on this particular donkey is not going to work because history refutes it. Try again.

As for those middle class WASPS, here's a few reality checks for ya --

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Now we can see what has happened in Paris with theirs opened multicultural country. There are a lot of blacks and muslims inside. I`m not against blacks and muslim, I`m against radicals in general. Nevermind. What can we do to prevent similar cases in the US? This question rises because we cannot completely rely on the government

Paris has always been multicultural. Partly because it's a European cultural centre, partly because it has a colonial past.
When I lived there 35 years ago I hung with North Africans all the time. I could describe them as "Muslims" since they probably were in the same sense that I would be called "Catholic" in that it was what we grew up in, but our relationships had nothing to do with either.

The city was teeming with Arabic, German, English, Italian, lots of African indigenous languages, Asians anything you can think of, and it wasn't new then. It gave (and gives) it the vibrancy and vitality it's known for.

And it's in no way anything new, or unique to Paris.

France wont be multicultural for long......
Neither will America for that matter.
There in lies the problem. Multiculturalism is bullshit. Come to a country, embrace the culture.
Here we don't kill our daughters for being rape victims. We let them practice professions and drive cars. Suicide is not considered "honorable". We don't or shouldn't wear our pants around our knees and glorify rape and cop killing in music.
Call middle class white Anglo-Saxon Protestants all you want, but they aren't blowing up buildings and shooting up our cities over drug turf.

Apparently my point sailed over not one but two heads. So here it comes again- duck....

Paris has always been multicultural. At least ever since it started (a) becoming a cultural nexus and (b) being the capital of a nation traipsing around the world for colonies. It's nothing new. In fact it's centuries old. Trying to pin this causal relationship on this particular donkey is not going to work because history refutes it. Try again.

As for those middle class WASPS, here's a couple of reality checks for ya --


So you have two examples? Funny how you left out Kaczynski.
Fact of the matter is,neither muslims nor mexicans are interested in becoming french or American citizens.
There's your difference dumbass.

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