How Can We Solve The Illegal Immigration Problem?

Exactly which means you are making them remove the children from the country they were born in.
So I ask again, what if someone passed through legislation which put your citizenship at risk?

Also there is a specific rule about applying a law to people who were not doing anything illegal before the law was passed. So even if a law were passed , you couldn't go apply it to any children who are already US citizens.

I am telling them to go the fuck home and take their kid with them
. Why do you not get that? When Jose grows up and can look after himself, he can come home.

If you won't address that fact, I'm tired of foolin' with ya.

You are both missing one option. They may leave the anchor baby here. It is the choice of the parent to leave the child or take it with them. No one is yanking the citizenship of the anchor baby, nor saying that it many not come back, but the parents must go. No one is forcing citizens to go.

If illegals KNOW that having an anchor baby is NOT a guarantee of staying in this country my guess is they would have less anchor babies. If illegal mothers knew they were going to be instantly deported upon birth of a child (choice of leaving the baby in this country or taking it with them back home) my guess they would be having less anchor babies.

No one is forcing anyone to do anything. It was the illegals choice to have a child. It will be the illegals choice of what to do with that child, no force required. Take it with her or leave it behind is the mothers choice, but she must go either way. And if you can catch the father he goes too!

and I will ask again, What if someone gave YOUR US citizen child those options. Ok Johnny you can go to Mexico with mommy or you can stay here and have a foster mom... Of course based on what I know of your parenting style, your child would actually be better off with a foster parent, but still I thought you didn't want the state forcing parenting decisions on people?
Holy Jesus are people in this thread actually suggesting we have to "bail Mexico out" before we lock down our borders?

Fuck Mexico, I haven't fought in two wars and risked my life daily in order to pay taxes to support Mexico. If that were my goal, I would have joined the Mexican Army.

No, ConHog. What I am suggesting is that the borders will never really be secure until Mexico has a place for its own poor to be safe and see opportunities. There's no reason to delay action to make the US secure by whatever means possible -- but a part of that security will come from not having a neighbor nation going down in flames.

Mexico does not need a "bail out". It has adequate resources. What it needs is an end to drug-related crime and corruption, and a re-distribution of wealth out towards a new middle class.
The issue is the stupidity of that solution.

A) Do you realize how much it would cost to round them all up, detain them, try them, and deport them?

More than the bullets to shoot them when they try top hop the fence in the first place...
B) What do you propose to do with the ones who are US citizens due to being born here? Just say fuck you and your citizenship?
They're not citizens.

What 'Subject to the Jurisdiction Thereof' Really Means

That IS a legitimate argument that could be made, except that it already has been ruled on

U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)

In fact this case applies DIRECTLY here because the SCOTUS ruled that NO group could be singled out and excluded from the protections of the 14th.

Under the jurisdiction basically means everyone born here except children of visiting dignitaries, in other words if the Saudi Ambassador's wife has a kid here, he is not a citizen, for example.
they said the opposite when it was the indians before that, meaning that the ruling you cite is unconstitutional per scotus' earlier rulings
Thanks for clarifying the Saudi shit. I know I was worried about that.

But may I repeat my question: What Meixcan is gonna fucking leave thier fucking kid here!?

Probably none which means you are FORCING parents to choose to take US CItizens out of the US. That's stupid and patently illegal.

I ask again, how would you feel if someone said dude you're no longer welcome in your country of birth?

I don't like to be rude. Truly.

Look at your question. Who's gonna ask that? Who's gonna answer?

If we we were talking about the country of birth, THERE WOULD BE NO FUCKING PROBLEM! ! ! !

I bet you secretly like being a little rude.:eusa_whistle:
and I will ask again, What if someone gave YOUR US citizen child those options. Ok Johnny you can go to Mexico with mommy or you can stay here and have a foster mom... Of course based on what I know of your parenting style, your child would actually be better off with a foster parent, but still I thought you didn't want the state forcing parenting decisions on people?

I am a US citizen so the question would never be posed. However again the state is not telling her what to do. The state is deporting HER. She can take or leave her child. Her choice her decision, but either way she goes.
Holy Jesus are people in this thread actually suggesting we have to "bail Mexico out" before we lock down our borders?

Fuck Mexico, I haven't fought in two wars and risked my life daily in order to pay taxes to support Mexico. If that were my goal, I would have joined the Mexican Army.

That is exactly what Madeline is suggesting.
they said the opposite when it was the indians before that, meaning that the ruling you cite is unconstitutional per scotus' earlier rulings

:rolleyes: this is not how that works, kid.
silly me, here I thought things like 'precedent' and what the court already said the law meant were supposed to mean something and outweigh political maneuverings :rolleyes:

U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark was a supreme court case, buddy. nothing holds precedent over that save the constitution itself. nothing about a precedent makes a decision unconstitutional, either. a higher court will have to strike it down under appeal, however, the supreme court has no such superior. for this reason, the supreme court has overturned its own precedents, most famously in brown v. board of education.

class is dismissed.
So people here legally (dignitaries) can't drop their kids off, but criminals can?

That make a lot of sense...

Because it's about JURISDICTION. If an illegal get's arrested in this country the justice dep't aka the government has jurisdiction over them, not so with a foreign dignitary.
Holy Jesus are people in this thread actually suggesting we have to "bail Mexico out" before we lock down our borders?

Fuck Mexico, I haven't fought in two wars and risked my life daily in order to pay taxes to support Mexico. If that were my goal, I would have joined the Mexican Army.

That is exactly what Madeline is suggesting.

I know it is, and I welcome her to join the Federales, My oath is to the CON of the USA, unfortunately , in my view, that includes the ruling that the 14th Amendment makes such kids citizens. I will fight for their rights just as I would fight for yours. No one has the right to summarily deport a US citizen. If that were not the case I would be rounding up quite a few dumb asses and shipping them over seas.
As appealing as it is, dismissing the thought of aiding Mexico on the basis that is logically implies leaving the borders open is wrong and I did not suggest it. What I suggested instead was that we do BOTH.
As appealing as it is, dismissing the thought of aiding Mexico on the basis that is logically implies leaving the borders open is wrong and I did not suggest it. What I suggested instead was that we do BOTH.

Why do we have to be the world's captain save a ho? You do realize the rest of the world hates us right? Why should we continue to pay to fix a world that hates us? It's illogical.

Drugs? Close our borders and lets Mexico worry about their own.
As appealing as it is, dismissing the thought of aiding Mexico on the basis that is logically implies leaving the borders open is wrong and I did not suggest it. What I suggested instead was that we do BOTH.

It is rather simple

Close the border
Let mexico fix mexico
Let the US fix the US
U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark was a supreme court case, buddy. nothing holds precedent over that save the constitution itself.

Not even other SCOTUS rulings?

nothing about a precedent makes a decision unconstitutional, either. a higher court will have to strike it down under appeal, however, the supreme court has no such superior. for this reason, the supreme court has overturned its own precedents, most famously in brown v. board of education.

class is dismissed.

In other words, SCOUTS just makes it up as it goes along and is nothing more than a political tool that cares only about serving the ends of its members and doesn't give a damn about what the Constitution really says
U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark was a supreme court case, buddy. nothing holds precedent over that save the constitution itself.

Not even other SCOTUS rulings?

nothing about a precedent makes a decision unconstitutional, either. a higher court will have to strike it down under appeal, however, the supreme court has no such superior. for this reason, the supreme court has overturned its own precedents, most famously in brown v. board of education.

class is dismissed.

In other words, SCOUTS just makes it up as it goes along and is nothing more than a political tool that cares only about serving the ends of its members and doesn't give a damn about what the Constitution really says

the supreme court seems to try to dodge making and even moreso breaking precedent. a lower court should avoid breaking precedent entirely. it could be argued that the supreme court is a political machine, but if you've ever read a decision, they are quite well considered. can you substantiate the conclusion that the SCOTUS doesn't give a damn about the constitution from an analysis of one of their opinions? is your opinion based on the same understanding you had when you felt that precedent was a constitutional barrier?
Start treating Mexico like the enemy that it is!


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