How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

Establish Block Chain voting in all 50 states and you'll never have a fraudulent vote again.

We merely need to decide that we WANT honest and fair elections. We have the technology, we just need to decide that we want election integrity.
Most people don't know what "block chain" is. That's a tough sell telling people they should go to a system
they don't even understand.

People didn't know that wearing a mask would defeat Covid either
Let me know how that's working for you. WA has been locked down for over a month with mask mandates and cases are still spiking. So much for that covid defeat.

I thought the sarcasm was obvious?
The people spoke.

Especially the dead people.

They fired Trump.

Xi fired Trump

China doesn't care if it's ChiComTrump or Biden. The Republicans, on the other hand, are attempting to overturn an election, and install their dictator.

Trump placed heavy tariffs and restrictions on China. Trump stood up for the American people against Red China. Xi's man Quid Pro will end all tariffs and ensure China is unhampered in their goals of world domination. Xi cared very much what the outcome was and heavily influenced that outcome. We could say he exerted his dominion to ensure that Quid Pro would reassert the China First policies of Obama.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.

It has yet to happen so how exactly is it "obviously a very serious problem"?

Elections are up to the individual states. Funny how Trumplicans seem to have ditched state's rights along their path to fascism.
Voter fraud went rampart with mass mail-in voting, obviously.

I doubt you believe in democracy, but for those of us who do, it is indeed a very serious problem. Stolen elections used to be in the realm of 3rd world countries pretending to be democratic, but alas no longer. This seems to cause you no concern ... and we get why.

Those of us (that would not be you) who believe in the democratic process, also happen to believe in the rule of law (also probably not you) and the peaceful transfer of power.

What opponents of democracy are attempting to is invalidate the legal votes of millions of Americans who voted under the rules that state electors provided.

The strange thing is, they have not been able to prove fraud, so they are switching tactics and attempting to challenge the legality of the rule making itself by nitpicking. Even stranger, they ignored it all through the primaries and only challenged it AFTER the general election and people had voted. Now....invalidating millions of votes, only in counties your opponent won, calling electors and state officials from your party and trying to strong arm them into discarding the entire election and appointing friendly electors ...that kind of sounds third world to me. Normally, in a democratic process, the people elect the leaders. In the third world, leaders are appointed or installed.

Something to think about.
No, far too cliché. Try again.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
This election was not stolen.

Donald Trump couldn't stand the fact the only reason he is President in the first place is that he got leg up by Putin.

This election was supposed to show Trump could make it on his own, especially with the huge advantage of being the incumbent.

That's why Trump is whining. He knows he does not belong in the office, and never did. His ego is shattered.
One term president. I’ve seen 3 in my lifetime. Two were republicans.

Carter would have been re elected but Reagan’s vp was head of th3 cia and he got Iran to hold onto the hostages until after the election. Then years later the Iran contra affair where bush and Reagan had to reward Iran for their help.
Conspiracy theories abound. :rolleyes:

Carter lost because he sucked.

Bush lost because of Perot. And because of his welching on "read my lips, no new taxes".

Trump lost because of Trump.
I dont know how you can look at all the facts and not believe jeb and Catherine Harris rigged florida.

So fucking obvious. In fact it was so obvious even Fox News called it for gore. Then suddenly, mysteriously Carl rove said wait a minute, as if he knew something was coming.

Hacked diebold voting machines.

For god sakes Catherine Harris changed the paper ballots to a thinner paper knowing it would result in hang8ng chads.

All of you listen. The Supreme Court knew its they looked closer we’d see Florida was stolen. So they stopped the recount and gave it to bush. I truly believe they were deep state republicans. Bush had to win. He had already planned out with panic his invasion of Iraq long before 2000.

They threw away democratic votes and stuffed ballots with dead republican votes.

Republicans are so sure it happened this year because they know they did all these things in 2000. Then ken Blackwell stole Ohio in 2004
You got your facts wrong, moron. For one thing, your sequence of events is wrong. The election was originally called for Bush, an Biden was going to concede. Then some Dim election fraudsters talked him out of it. No Democrats votes were "thrown away."

You account of the events is totally fictional.
Whatever. Then the Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 to stop the recount. What right did they have?

And yes votes were thrown away just for having hanging chads. Shady.

Youre right fox called it for bush when it was too soon and too close to call. Then the other media’s started calling Florida for bush.

Who called it on fox? Bush’s first cousin John Ellis.

So George got help from the media, his relatives and the republicans on the Supreme Court.

All the same shady shit you claim happened this year, without proof, happened in 2000 including hacked Diebold voting machines.

Ahhh Florida. The home of hanging chads and butterfly ballots. Thankfully, they FINALLY got it right this year and should serve as a model for states that don't want to go all mail in. Remember Katherine "Cruella" Harris and her 12 pounds of makeup? :)

Yeah, they got the fraud down pat this election. Why would they ever want to change it?
The people spoke.

Especially the dead people.

They fired Trump.

Xi fired Trump

China doesn't care if it's ChiComTrump or Biden. The Republicans, on the other hand, are attempting to overturn an election, and install their dictator.

Trump placed heavy tariffs and restrictions on China. Trump stood up for the American people against Red China. Xi's man Quid Pro will end all tariffs and ensure China is unhampered in their goals of world domination. Xi cared very much what the outcome was and heavily influenced that outcome. We could say he exerted his dominion to ensure that Quid Pro would reassert the China First policies of Obama.
Xi has hard cold evidence that Biden is a criminal.
Are republicans doing this in Ohio? We always wonder why Ohio is so red when it’s up north right next to Michigan. Ken Blackwell stole Ohio for bush in 2004

How did he steal it? Our mail in ballots have signature checks. If they don't match up, they get tossed out. In fact our state received many compliments for the way we ran our elections this year, although I'm still against us allowing mail in voting.
Here's how they steal it: tell them a water main broke so they can send the observers home and then no one will ever see whether the signatures match.
Our free and fair election system is dead....the dems have been stealing house and senate races as well as state races for a long they know they can steal the highest office in the land...they will never give it up now....and the GOP are too weak and scared to try and stop them...
View attachment 429884
Our free and fair election system is dead....the dems have been stealing house and senate races as well as state races for a long they know they can steal the highest office in the land...they will never give it up now....and the GOP are too weak and scared to try and stop them...
View attachment 429884
you should be crying because of nut jobs in your party and crooks and cheaters you damn near lost 22 seats in the house...the GOP will take the house in 2022 and hold the one likes cheaters....
I used to wonder how that asshole McCain won the primary when he is hated by conservatives. I now know that answer as well.

You mean the American Hero John McCain, who actually served in Vietnam and didn't rely on college deferments and bone spurs that were faked by a Doctor doing a favor for Fred trump? Is that the McCain that you are referring to?
His father was an admiral, so I hardly think dodging the draft would have been an option for him. He was the biggest fuckup who ever got through OCS, He crashed three planes and caused a huge conflagration on the deck of his ship that killed dozens of sailors.

He's hardly a hero.

Nope...he is a Hero. Everyone likes Heroes that served their country. No one liked Loser that whine and cry and blame everyone else for being a LOSER. trump IS A LOSER....
All genuine Republicans hate McCain. Only leftwing douchebags like you defend him.
You mean trump cultists, not genuine REpublicans.

trump is not a Conservative. He is a Populist and a Fascist.
Biden is the fascist, moron. The modern Democrat party was modeled on the European fascist parties of the 1930s.

President Franklin Roosevelt expressed admiration for the Italian leader, and sent him cordial letters. In June 1933, Roosevelt praised Mussolini in a letter to an American envoy: “... I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy and seeking to prevent general European trouble.” In another letter a few weeks later, the President wrote: “I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with the admirable Italian gentleman.”
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
#1 way is to take down the leftist media. They r the #1 threat to America.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.

It has yet to happen so how exactly is it "obviously a very serious problem"?

Elections are up to the individual states. Funny how Trumplicans seem to have ditched state's rights along their path to fascism.
Voter fraud went rampart with mass mail-in voting, obviously.

I doubt you believe in democracy, but for those of us who do, it is indeed a very serious problem. Stolen elections used to be in the realm of 3rd world countries pretending to be democratic, but alas no longer. This seems to cause you no concern ... and we get why.

Those of us (that would not be you) who believe in the democratic process, also happen to believe in the rule of law (also probably not you) and the peaceful transfer of power.

What opponents of democracy are attempting to is invalidate the legal votes of millions of Americans who voted under the rules that state electors provided.

The strange thing is, they have not been able to prove fraud, so they are switching tactics and attempting to challenge the legality of the rule making itself by nitpicking. Even stranger, they ignored it all through the primaries and only challenged it AFTER the general election and people had voted. Now....invalidating millions of votes, only in counties your opponent won, calling electors and state officials from your party and trying to strong arm them into discarding the entire election and appointing friendly electors ...that kind of sounds third world to me. Normally, in a democratic process, the people elect the leaders. In the third world, leaders are appointed or installed.

Something to think about.
The idea that you or the Dims are defenders of democracy couldn't be more absurd. You are the defenders of a swindle. You talk as if there is something wrong with "invalidating" votes that are fraudulent. We're not required to pretend that your fantasies are real, that democrats conducted an honest election.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Trump had 4 years to do something, yet he lets the election be stolen from him. He got out-Trumped.
That may be, but it has to be stopped in the future if democracy is going to survive.
Democracy will never survive with people who lose and can't take it....
Actually, democracy (not that we have one) will survive if the institutions ensure that personal reactions to loss don't carry over into defiance of the law. IOW, it doesn't matter how mad TRUMP! gets, he's going to leave office in January because if he doesn't he gets taken out the moment the inauguration happens. And he knows that. Only if he's allowed to stay would democracy not survive. It didn't matter how mad Hillary got, how drunk she got, how many of her sycophants claimed for 4 years that TRUMP! wasn't legitimate, wasn't THEIR president, blah, blah, blah, he was President and will always be called Mr. President. As long as those institutions stand, so will democracy. Now, as to stealing elections, we need to make every effort to ensure all legitimate and only legitimate votes are counted. I personally like the idea of getting a paper receipt with a QR code that I can scan, go online with and verify that my vote was counted correctly. It wouldn't solve all the problems but would at least give voters some assurance that their vote was not tossed.
He will always be Known as Mr one term got impeached president who embarrassed himself on the way out.
Nope, he'll be Mr. President. 20 years from now kids will be looking at you wondering how you can hold so much hate for someone you've never met.

Mr. Impeached, One Term, president that tried to destroy the electoral system in our country.
How did Trump try to destroy electoral system in our country? You mean by contesting a swindle?

He used Putin tactics to pressure even Republican state legislatures to overturn the vote of the people. HE LOST GEORGIA! THINK ABOUT IT......GEORGIA.....WHAT A LOSER!

And he is still threatening people to lie for him. trump IS A LOSER!
Pursuing legal remedies is "using Putin tactics?"

You Trump-hating morons are the ultimate douchebags. He didn't lose GA if you only count legal votes.
What illegal votes were counted?

Also don’t forget trump purposely slowed up the mail hoping he’d get to throw out votes that arrived late. Sorry cheater, that’s not gonna fly
This has been explained to you morons 1000 times already.
You mean you've been spamming?
you should be crying because of nut jobs in your party and crooks and cheaters you damn near lost 22 seats in the house...the GOP will take the house in 2022 and hold the one likes cheaters....

I hope so.

If so, Harris MUST be impeached the day the house is sworn in and every Republican plus Mitt must vote for her removal.
No. Easier for everyone to vote. If they vote Republican so be it.

See Ray, this way Republicans maybe will have to start caring about brown and poor people. If they know they are going to vote they can't ignore them and hope to win.

What you want is for poor and brown people to not vote. You want to make it harder for them to vote. Make them jump through unnecessary hoops.

I certainly don't want elections to be rigged. You are assuming this election was rigged. We're all telling you you're an idiot. And any Republican who tells you the same you label a deep state rino. You're brainwashed.

I remember you guys were this loyal to Bush too.

For your information, Trump got more of the black and brown vote this time than last. Apparently black and brown people like what he did for them and this country. Either that or they didn't care for comments like: poor kids can be just as bright as white kids, they want to put y'all back in chains, he (Obama) is articulate and clean, I didn't want to send my kid to a racial jungle, you have to speak Indian to go to a 7-11.

Maybe this is a new trend. Maybe black and brown people realize they don't need to be catered to like children on the short bus the way Democrats do. Maybe a rising tide does lift all boats. Record low employment since records were kept for woman and every minority groups, and not one policy made specifically for them. Trump just treated everybody like Americans. We know how Democrats hate that concept. They need minorities to rely on them instead of being independent.

Voting should not be easy. The only people who want voting easy are those that don't really care about voting. People who don't care about voting vote Democrat because they are politically ignorant. The only thing they know is what Democrats tell them: Republicans are for the rich guy and Democrats for the poor.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Trump had 4 years to do something, yet he lets the election be stolen from him. He got out-Trumped.
That may be, but it has to be stopped in the future if democracy is going to survive.
Democracy will never survive with people who lose and can't take it....
Actually, democracy (not that we have one) will survive if the institutions ensure that personal reactions to loss don't carry over into defiance of the law. IOW, it doesn't matter how mad TRUMP! gets, he's going to leave office in January because if he doesn't he gets taken out the moment the inauguration happens. And he knows that. Only if he's allowed to stay would democracy not survive. It didn't matter how mad Hillary got, how drunk she got, how many of her sycophants claimed for 4 years that TRUMP! wasn't legitimate, wasn't THEIR president, blah, blah, blah, he was President and will always be called Mr. President. As long as those institutions stand, so will democracy. Now, as to stealing elections, we need to make every effort to ensure all legitimate and only legitimate votes are counted. I personally like the idea of getting a paper receipt with a QR code that I can scan, go online with and verify that my vote was counted correctly. It wouldn't solve all the problems but would at least give voters some assurance that their vote was not tossed.
He will always be Known as Mr one term got impeached president who embarrassed himself on the way out.
Nope, he'll be Mr. President. 20 years from now kids will be looking at you wondering how you can hold so much hate for someone you've never met.

Mr. Impeached, One Term, president that tried to destroy the electoral system in our country.
Mr. President. Sorry, you can't stop it. All you'll accomplish is having people looking at you with pity.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Trump had 4 years to do something, yet he lets the election be stolen from him. He got out-Trumped.
That may be, but it has to be stopped in the future if democracy is going to survive.
Democracy will never survive with people who lose and can't take it....
Actually, democracy (not that we have one) will survive if the institutions ensure that personal reactions to loss don't carry over into defiance of the law. IOW, it doesn't matter how mad TRUMP! gets, he's going to leave office in January because if he doesn't he gets taken out the moment the inauguration happens. And he knows that. Only if he's allowed to stay would democracy not survive. It didn't matter how mad Hillary got, how drunk she got, how many of her sycophants claimed for 4 years that TRUMP! wasn't legitimate, wasn't THEIR president, blah, blah, blah, he was President and will always be called Mr. President. As long as those institutions stand, so will democracy. Now, as to stealing elections, we need to make every effort to ensure all legitimate and only legitimate votes are counted. I personally like the idea of getting a paper receipt with a QR code that I can scan, go online with and verify that my vote was counted correctly. It wouldn't solve all the problems but would at least give voters some assurance that their vote was not tossed.
He will always be Known as Mr one term got impeached president who embarrassed himself on the way out.
Nope, he'll be Mr. President. 20 years from now kids will be looking at you wondering how you can hold so much hate for someone you've never met.

Mr. Impeached, One Term, president that tried to destroy the electoral system in our country.
How did Trump try to destroy electoral system in our country? You mean by contesting a swindle?
They wanted to pull a move where they never conceed and drag it out and have it go to the house where each state gets one vote
Unless you can prove something they did was illegal, you don't have a leg to stand on. The system was built to allow for challenges, with an ultimate decider. Using those legal avenues for challenge is not destroying anything except liberal minds.
In every state it needs to be the same, bring your ID, and vote in person. Mail in ballots should be very rare and only given out upon request.

Poll watchers from each party need to be present, and allowed access to all ballot tabulations under the supervision of independent 3rd party security enforcement.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
You mean, how can we assure that white votes count more than colored ones.

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