How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

Haha, Mac just called out that excuse. You don’t actually think that’s believable do you? We are talking about SCOTUS here. You think every one is scared and therefore hiding from enforcing the law?! Every single one of them?? Come on man. That’s not even close to believable.
Alito and Thomas declined to endorse the charade the court went through in the Texas law suit.
To say the whole court took the blue pill is a lie.
Are there instances of this actually happening? Where has it been reported by a responsible source with journalistic standards?

Rudy has several people who make this claim and they signed affidavits. Rudy has over 1,000 affidavits. People went to the polls and were denied voting because somebody already mailed in their ballot in their name. They had to fill out a provisional ballot instead.
Had I voted twice under two very similar names at the same address and the same signature, I can GUARANTEE that I'd have gotten a knock on the door at a very inopportune time.

Under that circumstance you would have. But what if you were one of these people that went to the polls in person and they told you your ballot was already cast through mail? They don't know who the person is that sent a ballot in under your name, and it's impossible to find them.

Did their signature match the one on my driver's license? HELL no!! It should be noted that most of these cases involve seniors who FORGOT that they voted by mail and then go vote in person. Senior moments are excusable, and caught nearly every time.
My mother had Alzheimers and we tried to fill out her absentee ballot for her because she could no longer write. She wanted to vote for Hillary. They rejected her ballot because the signature didn't match.

Yep, it's nearly impossible to get away with. Now, if you had power of attorney for your Mom, you likely could have cast her vote in person with proof of such.
Had I voted twice under two very similar names at the same address and the same signature, I can GUARANTEE that I'd have gotten a knock on the door at a very inopportune time.

Under that circumstance you would have. But what if you were one of these people that went to the polls in person and they told you your ballot was already cast through mail? They don't know who the person is that sent a ballot in under your name, and it's impossible to find them.

Are there instances of this actually happening? Where has it been reported by a responsible source with journalistic standards?

Last but not least, has it happened often enough to change the outcome of the election?
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.

You prevent future stolen elections by running them EXACTLY the way the 2020 election was run. Every reliable source, both nationally and internationally, has certified this to be the fairest election in US history.
This is not a thread for denial. Rather it is a thread to preclude future incidents of stolen elections.

Why is that so hard to understand?
Well voter id's is a dumb idea because for one, people are going to start mail in voting moving forward. No reason to make people go stand in line. And you just want to put up an obstacle for poor people so it'll get them to not vote.

And if our Democratic governor decided to give everyone a free voter id, you'd be upset with her for it. But if you try requiring everyone get a voter id, then us liberals are going to push to give everyone who's registered one free of charge. And mail them absentee ballots even if they didn't ask for one. We want to make it easy for everyone to vote.
Are there instances of this actually happening? Where has it been reported by a responsible source with journalistic standards?

Rudy has several people who make this claim and they signed affidavits. Rudy has over 1,000 affidavits. People went to the polls and were denied voting because somebody already mailed in their ballot in their name. They had to fill out a provisional ballot instead.

A signed affidavit means absolutely nothing. 60 different judges concurred.

This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Why don’t you think any court including a trump loaded scotus agrees with your assessment that the election was obviously stolen?
Equal protections and the legality of unsolicited mail in ballots to everybody who has registered whether they're alive or not. That, and of course we have a responsible SCOTUS thanks to Trump and McConnell.

Democracy must survive.
Yet not one Justice saw any of Trumps accusations as credible enough to take up a case. You’re being lied to. Don’t be a dupe
The Justices are trying to delay the inevitable.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Democracy isn't really viable when voters reach this level of stupidity and paranoia.
Then don't allow Trump to vote by mail...

Trump did not vote by mail, you incredible partisan dumbass!

Trump did vote by mail in the state primary in August. However since he did not request the ballot 10 days before the election, he picked up the ballots in-person and had someone else drop off the ballots. Sounds like ballot harvesting.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.

You prevent future stolen elections by running them EXACTLY the way the 2020 election was run. Every reliable source, both nationally and internationally, has certified this to be the fairest election in US history.
This is not a thread for denial. Rather it is a thread to preclude future incidents of stolen elections.

Why is that so hard to understand?
Well voter id's is a dumb idea because for one, people are going to start mail in voting moving forward. No reason to make people go stand in line. And you just want to put up an obstacle for poor people so it'll get them to not vote.

And if our Democratic governor decided to give everyone a free voter id, you'd be upset with her for it. But if you try requiring everyone get a voter id, then us liberals are going to push to give everyone who's registered one free of charge. And mail them absentee ballots even if they didn't ask for one. We want to make it easy for everyone to vote.
Free voter ID is no problem, as long as it is verified.

Why would you mail a "absentee" ballot to someone who isn't absent you ditz-malaka?
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.

The most obvious way is to prevent this one, and imprison, for life, those who tried to steal this one.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.

There are no serious problems. There is no problem with mail-in balloting except it increases the turnout. So-called ballot harvesting is within the traditional grassroots politics. It is no different than giving a voter a lift. Trump used a representative to drop off his mail-in ballot in the state primary
Are there instances of this actually happening? Where has it been reported by a responsible source with journalistic standards?

Rudy has several people who make this claim and they signed affidavits. Rudy has over 1,000 affidavits. People went to the polls and were denied voting because somebody already mailed in their ballot in their name. They had to fill out a provisional ballot instead.
Did you hear his star witness talk? I wouldn't call her credible.

I'm sure you can find 1000 people at trump rallies who would sign any affidavit.

U.S. Rep. Paul Mitchell, a Dryden Republican who votes with Trump 96% of the time, said he’s “disgusted” with what Trump is doing, saying he’s damaging democracy and people’s trust that their vote matters in U.S. elections.

“You can’t just throw out votes you don’t like. That’s a third-world nation. What’s the basis upon which these would be thrown out?” Mitchell said of Wayne County votes.

Mitchell noted that former Michigan elections director Chris Thomas — with decades of experience in election administration — has signed affidavits saying there’s no indication of fraud or gross errors in absentee voting.

“The president lost by over 150,000 votes in Michigan. We’re not talking a handful of votes, so it’s the most exasperating thing I’ve seen in my adult life is someone unable to deal with the reality that they lost the election,” Mitchell said.

“I’m just dismayed that the effort continues. No factual basis has been put forth to argue that the votes shouldn’t count. And I’ve asked,” Mitchell said, referring to inquiries he’s made to Trump campaign advisers.

Democratic U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who represents parts of Wayne County and Detroit, said Trump’s strategy is a criminal scheme to “steal” the election he clearly lost.

“We must make sure that we push back against that kind of approach of taking away people’s voices via their vote. It’s important: You cannot choose your voters. This is not how democracy works,” Tlaib said.

The campaign has 220 affidavits in the "Michigan case" from people who claim they saw wrongdoing, Giuliani said at one point.

Kenny, the Wayne County judge who considered the case, noted that some affidavits by poll challengers alleging unsecured ballots or too many ballots cast for Biden were "rife with speculation" and showed they knew little about the counting process.

The Michigan Court of Appeals panel Monday night denied an appeal of a Kenny's decision. Two of the three judges on the panel were appointed by Republican governors.

Are there instances of this actually happening? Where has it been reported by a responsible source with journalistic standards?

Rudy has several people who make this claim and they signed affidavits. Rudy has over 1,000 affidavits. People went to the polls and were denied voting because somebody already mailed in their ballot in their name. They had to fill out a provisional ballot instead.

If it happened 1000 times, that's unfortunate, but those people would have been able to cast provision ballots and provide affidavits that their mail-in ballot was never received, so the system worked and this was caught.

But Trump lost by more than 7 million votes. There isn't even a single state which Trump lost by fewer than 1000 votes, so the fact that this happened makes no difference to the outcome.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
There was no stolen election.

We do need a federally mandated full-time state-official whose express job is to sterilize the voter rolls in each state. We get audited at my place of business multiple times by governing organizations. There should be an independent group that follows up and sees how Mississippi is doing in purging the dead, relocated, and demonstrated disinterested from their voter rolls

Mail in voting is here and it's going to expand. Participating in 2020 was at record levels and that should be the hope of all who are fans of democracy. It makes sense to make the process as sterile as possible.
Mass mail in voting was an unfortunate one-off and shall never be repeated. That is why I invoked SCOTUS in the OP. That cannot stand.


Five states send a ballot to every registered voter in every election held by the state. Nobody has ever questioned the validity of the elections, the legitimacy of the victors, or exposed any sizable fraud in those five states.

It needs to be expanded nationwide.

At the same time, we need to police the voter rolls very closely so only living breathing voters who still live at their address receive ballots.
Agree! Voter rolls in tip top shape is key. Plus a system to view your ballot was accepted, and if not...a way to notify the ballots rejected people, with like a 10 day window, to 'cure' the ballot envelope.

And another perk is that mail in ballots are filled out paper ballots, so if there is ever any dispute with electronic/cyber security or counts, there is a paper ballot as a paper trail to use in recounts.

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