How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

They check the signature.

No, not all states check signatures and it's written in their laws. They only check that the signature is the same name on the envelope--not what's on file. That's one of the problems here.

Ray, dude, PLEASE :rolleyes-41: Kris Kobach has been laughed out of court minimally a dozen times and quit on Trump because he found NOTHING. There have been dozens of studies into the possibility of "widespread voter fraud". A five year Bush DOJ investigation ended up nationally with a total of around 60 convictions out of two elections. It simply DOES NOT EXIST as much as you seem to want it to.

I used to wonder how that asshole McCain won the primary when he is hated by conservatives. I now know that answer as well.

You mean the American Hero John McCain, who actually served in Vietnam and didn't rely on college deferments and bone spurs that were faked by a Doctor doing a favor for Fred trump? Is that the McCain that you are referring to?
His father was an admiral, so I hardly think dodging the draft would have been an option for him. He was the biggest fuckup who ever got through OCS, He crashed three planes and caused a huge conflagration on the deck of his ship that killed dozens of sailors.

He's hardly a hero.
That's a lie and anyone who ever served....especially those in the Navy....know that to be a lie.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Why don’t you think any court including a trump loaded scotus agrees with your assessment that the election was obviously stolen?
Because they are scared that they will be dozed and then thousands of Trump-hater will show up in front of the door and chant all night and throw rocks and bottles. Then their children will be hounded at school and the Dims will pack the courts.
Haha, Mac just called out that excuse. You don’t actually think that’s believable do you? We are talking about SCOTUS here. You think every one is scared and therefore hiding from enforcing the law?! Every single one of them?? Come on man. That’s not even close to believable.
Whatever. Then the Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 to stop the recount. What right did they have?

And yes votes were thrown away just for having hanging chads. Shady.

Youre right fox called it for bush when it was too soon and too close to call. Then the other media’s started calling Florida for bush.

Who called it on fox? Bush’s first cousin John Ellis.

So George got help from the media, his relatives and the republicans on the Supreme Court.

All the same shady shit you claim happened this year, without proof, happened in 2000 including hacked Diebold voting machines.

I already explained what happened in 2000 and posted the FactCheck link that the Diebold claim was as bogus as a three dollar bill.
You explained it?

Filmed over three years it documents American citizens investigating anomalies and irregularities with 'e-voting' (electronic voting) systems that occurred during the 2000 and 2004 elections in the United States, especially in Volusia County, Florida. The film investigates the flawed integrity of electronic voting machines, particularly those made by Diebold Election Systems, exposing previously unknown backdoors in the Diebold trade secret computer software. The film culminates dramatically in the on-camera hacking of the in-use / working Diebold election system in Leon County, Florida - the same computer voting system which has been used in actual American elections across thirty-three states, and which still counts tens of millions of America's votes today.

In 2007 Hacking Democracy was nominated for an Emmy award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism - Long Form.

The documentary follows Bev Harris and Kathleen Wynne, director and associate director for nonprofit election watchdog group Black Box Voting, as they attempt to discover the extent to which it would be possible to alter results on the electronic voting machines of Diebold Election Systems (now Premier Election Solutions). Andy Stephenson, an employee of Black Box Voting from July–December 2004, assisted with comparisons of audit documents in Volusia County and obtained a secret videotape of Harris interviewing a voting machine testing lab. Kathleen Wynne captured live video of Harris finding voting machine records in a Volusia County trash bag, and captured video of Cuyahoga County, Ohio elections workers admitting that the initial 3% recount ballots had not been randomly selected during the 2004 presidential election. Harris and Wynne then embarked on a series of five voting machine hack tests with Dr. Herbert Hugh Thompsonand Harri Hursti in 2005 and 2006. During the course of the documentary, multiple methods of tampering with the votes are shown.

The first is through editing the database file that contains the voting totals. This file is a standard Microsoft Access database, and can be opened by normal means outside of the encompassing voting program without a password. Some jurisdictions have disabled Microsoft Access, making it more difficult to alter the database, but this protection was shown to be bypassed by Dr. Herbert Hugh Thompson through a Visual Basic program which searched for a string of text and edited the file through external means. However, alterations of the results in either of these fashions would be caught if a vigilant elections official compared the results with voting machine tapes.[2]

Another hacking technique was demonstrated through hacking the actual computer code used in the Diebold Accu-Vote memory cards. This method was discovered by Finnish computer security expert Harri Hursti and is known as "the Hursti Hack". In this hack, Harri Hursti rigged the Diebold optical scan voting system to make the wrong candidate win by adding negative (minus) votes to one race. This resulted in that race having votes literally subtracted from its vote total. These methods were tested by the Leon County Supervisor of Elections, Ion Sancho, on the actual Diebold optical scan voting system used by Tallahassee, Florida in all their prior elections. This method demonstrated, contrary to a previous Diebold statement, that a person attempting to rig the votes of a precinct would need access to only the memory card, not the optical scan voting system or tabulation software. This method, when cross-checked between the optical scan voting system and tabulation software, perfectly mimics a legitimate result, and further makes the voting machine produce a false zero-vote print-out, falsely confirming that the memory card has no votes inside it before voting begins. Following this historic hack Ion Sancho stated: "If I had not known what was behind this I would have certified this election as a true count of the votes."[2]

Even though no one from Diebold Election Systems admitted to having seen the film,[3] Diebold President David Byrd suggested that Hacking Democracy was "replete with material examples of inaccurate reporting", and demanded that it not be aired.[4][5] His criticism was based on an earlier film made by the same three filmmakers. However, HBO refused to remove it from their schedules. In addition Diebold wrote a letter to HBO referring to the famous vote changing 'Hursti Hack' featured in the film, claiming that "Harri Hursti is shown attacking a Diebold machine in Florida. But his attack proved later to be a complete sham." This statement by Diebold was proven to be wholly wrong by independent computer scientists at UC Berkeley who investigated the Hursti Hack.

California's Secretary of State commissioned a Special Report by scientists at UC Berkeley to investigate the Hursti Hack. Page 2 of their report states:

Harri Hursti's attack does work: Mr. Hursti's attack on the AV-OS is definitely real. He was indeed able to change the election results by doing nothing more than modifying the contents of a memory card. He needed no passwords, no cryptographic keys, and no access to any other part of the voting system, including the GEMS election management server.
Had I voted twice under two very similar names at the same address and the same signature, I can GUARANTEE that I'd have gotten a knock on the door at a very inopportune time.

Under that circumstance you would have. But what if you were one of these people that went to the polls in person and they told you your ballot was already cast through mail? They don't know who the person is that sent a ballot in under your name, and it's impossible to find them.
I used to wonder how that asshole McCain won the primary when he is hated by conservatives. I now know that answer as well.

You mean the American Hero John McCain, who actually served in Vietnam and didn't rely on college deferments and bone spurs that were faked by a Doctor doing a favor for Fred trump? Is that the McCain that you are referring to?
His father was an admiral, so I hardly think dodging the draft would have been an option for him. He was the biggest fuckup who ever got through OCS, He crashed three planes and caused a huge conflagration on the deck of his ship that killed dozens of sailors.

He's hardly a hero.
And yet Republicans elected him every 4 years and you even tried to make him our president.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Why don’t you think any court including a trump loaded scotus agrees with your assessment that the election was obviously stolen?
Equal protections and the legality of unsolicited mail in ballots to everybody who has registered whether they're alive or not. That, and of course we have a responsible SCOTUS thanks to Trump and McConnell.

Democracy must survive.
Yet not one Justice saw any of Trumps accusations as credible enough to take up a case. You’re being lied to. Don’t be a dupe
I used to wonder how that asshole McCain won the primary when he is hated by conservatives. I now know that answer as well.

You mean the American Hero John McCain, who actually served in Vietnam and didn't rely on college deferments and bone spurs that were faked by a Doctor doing a favor for Fred trump? Is that the McCain that you are referring to?
His father was an admiral, so I hardly think dodging the draft would have been an option for him. He was the biggest fuckup who ever got through OCS, He crashed three planes and caused a huge conflagration on the deck of his ship that killed dozens of sailors.

He's hardly a hero.

Nope...he is a Hero. Everyone likes Heroes that served their country. No one liked Loser that whine and cry and blame everyone else for being a LOSER. trump IS A LOSER....
All genuine Republicans hate McCain. Only leftwing douchebags like you defend him.
You mean trump cultists, not genuine REpublicans.
Had I voted twice under two very similar names at the same address and the same signature, I can GUARANTEE that I'd have gotten a knock on the door at a very inopportune time.

Under that circumstance you would have. But what if you were one of these people that went to the polls in person and they told you your ballot was already cast through mail? They don't know who the person is that sent a ballot in under your name, and it's impossible to find them.
Did this happen? And how did they get my paperwork? They mailed it to my home.
Had I voted twice under two very similar names at the same address and the same signature, I can GUARANTEE that I'd have gotten a knock on the door at a very inopportune time.

Under that circumstance you would have. But what if you were one of these people that went to the polls in person and they told you your ballot was already cast through mail? They don't know who the person is that sent a ballot in under your name, and it's impossible to find them.

Did their signature match the one on my driver's license? HELL no!! It should be noted that most of these cases involve seniors who FORGOT that they voted by mail and then go vote in person. Senior moments are excusable, and caught nearly every time.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.

You prevent future stolen elections by running them EXACTLY the way the 2020 election was run. Every reliable source, both nationally and internationally, has certified this to be the fairest election in US history.
Whatever. Then the Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 to stop the recount. What right did they have?

And yes votes were thrown away just for having hanging chads. Shady.

Youre right fox called it for bush when it was too soon and too close to call. Then the other media’s started calling Florida for bush.

Who called it on fox? Bush’s first cousin John Ellis.

So George got help from the media, his relatives and the republicans on the Supreme Court.

All the same shady shit you claim happened this year, without proof, happened in 2000 including hacked Diebold voting machines.

I already explained what happened in 2000 and posted the FactCheck link that the Diebold claim was as bogus as a three dollar bill.
You explained it?

Filmed over three years it documents American citizens investigating anomalies and irregularities with 'e-voting' (electronic voting) systems that occurred during the 2000 and 2004 elections in the United States, especially in Volusia County, Florida. The film investigates the flawed integrity of electronic voting machines, particularly those made by Diebold Election Systems, exposing previously unknown backdoors in the Diebold trade secret computer software. The film culminates dramatically in the on-camera hacking of the in-use / working Diebold election system in Leon County, Florida - the same computer voting system which has been used in actual American elections across thirty-three states, and which still counts tens of millions of America's votes today.

In 2007 Hacking Democracy was nominated for an Emmy award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism - Long Form.

The documentary follows Bev Harris and Kathleen Wynne, director and associate director for nonprofit election watchdog group Black Box Voting, as they attempt to discover the extent to which it would be possible to alter results on the electronic voting machines of Diebold Election Systems (now Premier Election Solutions). Andy Stephenson, an employee of Black Box Voting from July–December 2004, assisted with comparisons of audit documents in Volusia County and obtained a secret videotape of Harris interviewing a voting machine testing lab. Kathleen Wynne captured live video of Harris finding voting machine records in a Volusia County trash bag, and captured video of Cuyahoga County, Ohio elections workers admitting that the initial 3% recount ballots had not been randomly selected during the 2004 presidential election. Harris and Wynne then embarked on a series of five voting machine hack tests with Dr. Herbert Hugh Thompsonand Harri Hursti in 2005 and 2006. During the course of the documentary, multiple methods of tampering with the votes are shown.

The first is through editing the database file that contains the voting totals. This file is a standard Microsoft Access database, and can be opened by normal means outside of the encompassing voting program without a password. Some jurisdictions have disabled Microsoft Access, making it more difficult to alter the database, but this protection was shown to be bypassed by Dr. Herbert Hugh Thompson through a Visual Basic program which searched for a string of text and edited the file through external means. However, alterations of the results in either of these fashions would be caught if a vigilant elections official compared the results with voting machine tapes.[2]

Another hacking technique was demonstrated through hacking the actual computer code used in the Diebold Accu-Vote memory cards. This method was discovered by Finnish computer security expert Harri Hursti and is known as "the Hursti Hack". In this hack, Harri Hursti rigged the Diebold optical scan voting system to make the wrong candidate win by adding negative (minus) votes to one race. This resulted in that race having votes literally subtracted from its vote total. These methods were tested by the Leon County Supervisor of Elections, Ion Sancho, on the actual Diebold optical scan voting system used by Tallahassee, Florida in all their prior elections. This method demonstrated, contrary to a previous Diebold statement, that a person attempting to rig the votes of a precinct would need access to only the memory card, not the optical scan voting system or tabulation software. This method, when cross-checked between the optical scan voting system and tabulation software, perfectly mimics a legitimate result, and further makes the voting machine produce a false zero-vote print-out, falsely confirming that the memory card has no votes inside it before voting begins. Following this historic hack Ion Sancho stated: "If I had not known what was behind this I would have certified this election as a true count of the votes."[2]

Even though no one from Diebold Election Systems admitted to having seen the film,[3] Diebold President David Byrd suggested that Hacking Democracy was "replete with material examples of inaccurate reporting", and demanded that it not be aired.[4][5] His criticism was based on an earlier film made by the same three filmmakers. However, HBO refused to remove it from their schedules. In addition Diebold wrote a letter to HBO referring to the famous vote changing 'Hursti Hack' featured in the film, claiming that "Harri Hursti is shown attacking a Diebold machine in Florida. But his attack proved later to be a complete sham." This statement by Diebold was proven to be wholly wrong by independent computer scientists at UC Berkeley who investigated the Hursti Hack.

California's Secretary of State commissioned a Special Report by scientists at UC Berkeley to investigate the Hursti Hack. Page 2 of their report states:

Harri Hursti's attack does work: Mr. Hursti's attack on the AV-OS is definitely real. He was indeed able to change the election results by doing nothing more than modifying the contents of a memory card. He needed no passwords, no cryptographic keys, and no access to any other part of the voting system, including the GEMS election management server.

And you think that left leaning FactCheck is lying? Their claim is that there was no Diebold hacking. You're talking about somebody who made a film they want to sell.
Had I voted twice under two very similar names at the same address and the same signature, I can GUARANTEE that I'd have gotten a knock on the door at a very inopportune time.

Under that circumstance you would have. But what if you were one of these people that went to the polls in person and they told you your ballot was already cast through mail? They don't know who the person is that sent a ballot in under your name, and it's impossible to find them.

Are there instances of this actually happening? Where has it been reported by a responsible source with journalistic standards?
Did their signature match the one on my driver's license? HELL no!!

It doesn't matter. My father went to the polls one year to vote, and because of his arm surgery, he couldn't sign his name the way he usually did, so they stopped him. He showed them the surgery scar on his right arm, he presented two valid forms of ID, and all he was allowed to do is fill out a provisional ballot.
Had I voted twice under two very similar names at the same address and the same signature, I can GUARANTEE that I'd have gotten a knock on the door at a very inopportune time.

Under that circumstance you would have. But what if you were one of these people that went to the polls in person and they told you your ballot was already cast through mail? They don't know who the person is that sent a ballot in under your name, and it's impossible to find them.

Did their signature match the one on my driver's license? HELL no!! It should be noted that most of these cases involve seniors who FORGOT that they voted by mail and then go vote in person. Senior moments are excusable, and caught nearly every time.
My mother had Alzheimers and we tried to fill out her absentee ballot for her because she could no longer write. She wanted to vote for Hillary. They rejected her ballot because the signature didn't match.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.

You prevent future stolen elections by running them EXACTLY the way the 2020 election was run. Every reliable source, both nationally and internationally, has certified this to be the fairest election in US history.

Yep, Donald's own cyber-security chief and attorney general both said NO WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD.
I'm not sure what to do with these people, but they are chronically misinformed.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Why don’t you think any court including a trump loaded scotus agrees with your assessment that the election was obviously stolen?
Equal protections and the legality of unsolicited mail in ballots to everybody who has registered whether they're alive or not. That, and of course we have a responsible SCOTUS thanks to Trump and McConnell.

Democracy must survive.

Being a
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.

I think that in 2020, democrats will start feeling bad that they've been winning by cheating since Tammany Hall and admit it and swear off ever cheating again.

I just know it!

Age of Aquarius and all.

The Democrats in Chicago stole the 1960 election for JFK.

The Democrats would have stolen the election in 2016 but they thought Crooked Hillary was a shoe in so they didn't set of the mechanism to do it. They weren't going to make that same mistake in 2020.

Biden's Chinese buddy's virus set up the perfect scenario for corruption with mail in ballots. Democrats were not going to let an opportunity for thievery like that to pass. In 2016 their Illegal voting didn't do it for them so they needed something else. The Chinese (who ownes the Biden family lock, stock and barrel) handed it to them on a silver platter. Methink something is rotten in Denmark.
Republican governor rick Snyder stole Michigan in 2016 and gave it to trump. Then he endorsed biden in 2020. That’s how bad trump was at being president.

You little shitheads are pathetic as can be with your denial.

You assholes denied that Obama was the shittest president in the history of the Republic even with his well documented history of failure like increased poverty, decreased family income, failed health care and dismal economic growth.

Then you little assholes denied Crooked Hillary's massive corruption. Everything from getting rich selling US uranium to the Russians to selling government influence and then laundering the money thought that scam foundation. You even deny she was guilty of crime in covering up the influence peddling.

You denied the massive corruption of Biden with his deal with the Chinese, Russians and Ukrainians and you little pukes are denying the massive Democrat voter fraud in the 2020 election.

That is all you stupid uneducated low information low IQ Moon Bats ever do; deny, deny deny.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.

You prevent future stolen elections by running them EXACTLY the way the 2020 election was run. Every reliable source, both nationally and internationally, has certified this to be the fairest election in US history.
This is not a thread for denial. Rather it is a thread to find ways of precluding future incidents of stolen elections.

Why is that so hard to understand?
Did their signature match the one on my driver's license? HELL no!!

It doesn't matter. My father went to the polls one year to vote, and because of his arm surgery, he couldn't sign his name the way he usually did, so they stopped him. He showed them the surgery scar on his right arm, he presented two valid forms of ID, and all he was allowed to do is fill out a provisional ballot.
There you go! It sounds like it's impossible to vote for someone else.

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