How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

People didn't know that wearing a mask would defeat Covid either
Because it clearly hasn't.

We cannot defeat COVID when the leader of the country has given up on it. He waved the white flag a couple months ago.
WA gov. Jay Inslee has resisted, indeed sued, the Trump administration EVERY time Trump made attempts to help in the state. A hospital ship was sent to Seattle to treat covid patients but Inslee claimed states rights and shipped covid infected patients to long term care facilities with vulnerable population resulting in many deaths. Inslee also shipped covid infected patients 300 miles away to an area that had no cases prior. That is how democrat governors responded nationwide. Let's quarantine infected people with the weak. SMH
The excuses I'm seeing so far are either (a) they've gone commie, or (b) they're too scared.

Pathetic, yes. Funny, yes. This is almost over.

You've had Brown Shirts out raping, pillaging, and burning for 9 months with no response by law enforcement.

For the week prior to the Texas case, the Brown Shirts took to Twatbook and SWORE that if the justices ruled the wrong way, they would hunt the justices down and kill them. (Twitter never tagged the tweets as disputed, I think Jack Dorsey threatened to rape and then kill ACB)

There is no question that the justices were scared, and bowed to the terrorist democrats.
The excuses I'm seeing so far are either (a) they've gone commie, or (b) they're too scared.

Pathetic, yes. Funny, yes. This is almost over.

You've had Brown Shirts out raping, pillaging, and burning for 9 months with no response by law enforcement.

For the week prior to the Texas case, the Brown Shirts took to Twatbook and SWORE that if the justices ruled the wrong way, they would hunt the justices down and kill them. (Twitter never tagged the tweets as disputed, I think Jack Dorsey threatened to rape and then kill ACB)

There is no question that the justices were scared, and bowed to the terrorist democrats.
Okay, so you're running with (b), got it.

Do I know these people?

We cannot defeat COVID when the leader of the country has given up on it. He waved the white flag a couple months ago.

You're talking about the Democrats not Republicans. Trump told us months ago he would do what he could to get a vaccine out by the end of the year. The MSM ridiculed him repeatedly. Well guess what? We have a vaccine and it's the end of the year. Now the left are telling us we will still have to wear masks until next summer at least.
Sorry, Oregon auto-registered me to vote by mail when I got a driver's license. To get that license I had to present my Idaho DL, my birth certificate, a property tax bill and other mail, safety check on my vehicle and then pass a fairly difficult test that I studied like hell for online and barely passed.

If you move to Oregon and you don't drive, then you still have to get a state issued ID and go through the same rigamarole to prove you are who you say you are.

Doesn't get much safer than that and EVERY state should do the same!

And when they send your ballot and somebody takes it out of your mailbox, fills it out and sends it back, you don't have a problem with that?

That could only happen if the recipient of the ballot didn't bother to vote. If two ballots show up for the same person, they know to find out what happened. Are you going to chance going to federal prison for one vote?
That could only happen if the recipient of the ballot didn't bother to vote. If two ballots show up for the same person, they know to find out what happened. Are you going to chance going to federal prison for one vote?

I wouldn't but I'm an honest person. There were situations this year where the person went to vote in person, and had to fill out a provisional because somebody already mailed in a ballot for them.
Okay, so you're running with (b), got it.

Do I know these people?


Do you go out raping and pillaging with ANTIFA?

We have the technology to fix it, the democrats simply won't allow it.

That's what I'm saying. We have these Democrats who make it so easy to cheat the election and do so on purpose. It's up to the state on their voting procedures, not the federal government. As much as I am against big federal government, I wish this was one area where they had jurisdiction to have one voting standard for all states.
He was a pig whose unethical behavior should have been reported before he got near the white house.

If you are voting for a person based on their behavior, then you have no business voting, and if you're a reporter evaluating for the same reason, you shouldn't be reporting. No wonder this country is so Fd up. Our founders had it right. Not everybody should have the right to vote.

Trump agrees with you.
People didn't know that wearing a mask would defeat Covid either
Because it clearly hasn't.

We cannot defeat COVID when the leader of the country has given up on it. He waved the white flag a couple months ago.
WA gov. Jay Inslee has resisted, indeed sued, the Trump administration EVERY time Trump made attempts to help in the state. A hospital ship was sent to Seattle to treat covid patients but Inslee claimed states rights and shipped covid infected patients to long term care facilities with vulnerable population resulting in many deaths. Inslee also shipped covid infected patients 300 miles away to an area that had no cases prior. That is how democrat governors responded nationwide. Let's quarantine infected people with the weak. SMH
Inslee has been nearly every bit as bad as Cuomo but resides in a mostly overlooked little corner
of the nation that most people ignore. Therefore his crimes are mostly passed over.

Seattle used to be a wonderful place. Now it's that highly overused phrase...a shit hole.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.

States are given the right to run elections in the constitution, poorly educated one.
That could only happen if the recipient of the ballot didn't bother to vote. If two ballots show up for the same person, they know to find out what happened. Are you going to chance going to federal prison for one vote?

I wouldn't but I'm an honest person. There were situations this year where the person went to vote in person, and had to fill out a provisional because somebody already mailed in a ballot for them.

So the system worked. Good to know.
Sorry, Oregon auto-registered me to vote by mail when I got a driver's license. To get that license I had to present my Idaho DL, my birth certificate, a property tax bill and other mail, safety check on my vehicle and then pass a fairly difficult test that I studied like hell for online and barely passed.

If you move to Oregon and you don't drive, then you still have to get a state issued ID and go through the same rigamarole to prove you are who you say you are.

Doesn't get much safer than that and EVERY state should do the same!

And when they send your ballot and somebody takes it out of your mailbox, fills it out and sends it back, you don't have a problem with that?

That could only happen if the recipient of the ballot didn't bother to vote. If two ballots show up for the same person, they know to find out what happened. Are you going to chance going to federal prison for one vote?

I didn't know how things worked in Oregon, so I registered to vote the second I bought a home on the coast. Then Oregon DMV auto-registered me under my full name and I ended up getting two ballots.

Emailed the county registrar and explained the situation, letting him know just to go with the full name DMV. He thanked me, said he fixed it in the system and told me to shred the extra which I did immediately.

Nope, there might be one person in a million willing to take the chance of a felony on their record along with fines and probable prison time.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
This election was not stolen.

Donald Trump couldn't stand the fact the only reason he is President in the first place is that he got leg up by Putin.

This election was supposed to show Trump could make it on his own, especially with the huge advantage of being the incumbent.

That's why Trump is whining. He knows he does not belong in the office, and never did. His ego is shattered.
One term president. I’ve seen 3 in my lifetime. Two were republicans.

Carter would have been re elected but Reagan’s vp was head of th3 cia and he got Iran to hold onto the hostages until after the election. Then years later the Iran contra affair where bush and Reagan had to reward Iran for their help.
Conspiracy theories abound. :rolleyes:

Carter lost because he sucked.

Bush lost because of Perot. And because of his welching on "read my lips, no new taxes".

Trump lost because of Trump.
I dont know how you can look at all the facts and not believe jeb and Catherine Harris rigged florida.

So fucking obvious. In fact it was so obvious even Fox News called it for gore. Then suddenly, mysteriously Carl rove said wait a minute, as if he knew something was coming.

Hacked diebold voting machines.

For god sakes Catherine Harris changed the paper ballots to a thinner paper knowing it would result in hang8ng chads.

All of you listen. The Supreme Court knew its they looked closer we’d see Florida was stolen. So they stopped the recount and gave it to bush. I truly believe they were deep state republicans. Bush had to win. He had already planned out with panic his invasion of Iraq long before 2000.

They threw away democratic votes and stuffed ballots with dead republican votes.

Republicans are so sure it happened this year because they know they did all these things in 2000. Then ken Blackwell stole Ohio in 2004
You got your facts wrong, moron. For one thing, your sequence of events is wrong. The election was originally called for Bush, an Biden was going to concede. Then some Dim election fraudsters talked him out of it. No Democrats votes were "thrown away."

You account of the events is totally fictional.
Whatever. Then the Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 to stop the recount. What right did they have?

And yes votes were thrown away just for having hanging chads. Shady.

Youre right fox called it for bush when it was too soon and too close to call. Then the other media’s started calling Florida for bush.

Who called it on fox? Bush’s first cousin John Ellis.

So George got help from the media, his relatives and the republicans on the Supreme Court.

All the same shady shit you claim happened this year, without proof, happened in 2000 including hacked Diebold voting machines.
I didn't know how things worked in Oregon, so I registered to vote the second I bought a home on the coast. Then Oregon DMV auto-registered me under my full name and I ended up getting two ballots.

Emailed the county registrar and explained the situation, letting him know just to go with the full name DMV. He thanked me and told me to shred the extra which I did immediately.

Nope, there might be one person in a million willing to take the chance of a felony on their record along with fines and probable prison time.

Except how would you catch them? Even if they went to vote in person and they found something amiss, all they do is tell you that you can't vote, or have to vote provisional. Nobody calls the cops on them.

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