How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

WEre black people taken off the roles? So were white people. They had every oportunity to get their name back on the roles. All they had to do was return a letter sent to them to validate their address.

We went through the same thing here in Ohio. They sent several letters to every registered voter who hasn't voted in five years. If they didn't respond, they were taken off the rolls. It's the only reasonable way since it would be quite a task to keep track of all the people who died or moved out of the state.
Did you find any cases of this?

How would you find out? If I decided not to vote this year and somebody mailed in a ballot in my name, I have no idea somebody did that, and neither does the election board. It's not like they send you a thank you letter if you voted.
Exactly right. Why not a public video channel on line, that shows in every state in alphabetical order the names of every citizen who voted in which could be looked up, and then verified by the voter after voting ?? The site could go up before the election starts, and would remain fluid until the election ends. A running total could be tabulated in real time as the event unfolds. This would be in two categories at the bottom of the page showing R & D tabulation.

The voter could then print out the page in which their vote fell upon. This would be the receipt needed to confirm the vote and the category cast in.
The people spoke. They fired Trump.
The people spoke, AGAIN.

Only THIS time, it will STICK.
So, the people didn't speak when they said hell no to Hillary?
Yes, and she won by three million votes.

Oh, wait.

In your world, she lost by 65 million votes.

Sorry. My bad.
Well, which is it?
Since we exist in different realities, they are both correct.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Trump had 4 years to do something, yet he lets the election be stolen from him. He got out-Trumped.
That may be, but it has to be stopped in the future if democracy is going to survive.
Democracy will never survive with people who lose and can't take it....
Actually, democracy (not that we have one) will survive if the institutions ensure that personal reactions to loss don't carry over into defiance of the law. IOW, it doesn't matter how mad TRUMP! gets, he's going to leave office in January because if he doesn't he gets taken out the moment the inauguration happens. And he knows that. Only if he's allowed to stay would democracy not survive. It didn't matter how mad Hillary got, how drunk she got, how many of her sycophants claimed for 4 years that TRUMP! wasn't legitimate, wasn't THEIR president, blah, blah, blah, he was President and will always be called Mr. President. As long as those institutions stand, so will democracy. Now, as to stealing elections, we need to make every effort to ensure all legitimate and only legitimate votes are counted. I personally like the idea of getting a paper receipt with a QR code that I can scan, go online with and verify that my vote was counted correctly. It wouldn't solve all the problems but would at least give voters some assurance that their vote was not tossed.
Biden didn't win, and President Trump did. I sure hope the people of Georgia elect both Republicans for the Senate and that the Georgia vote is accurate to help us keep our Constitution forever going our way.
We want our President back and the Extortion practitioner J. Biden answering a court as why he should have left taxpayer gifts to the countries the Congress sent them to in the first place.​
Did you find any cases of this?

How would you find out? If I decided not to vote this year and somebody mailed in a ballot in my name, I have no idea somebody did that, and neither does the election board. It's not like they send you a thank you letter if you voted.
Exactly right. Why not a public video channel on line, that shows in every state in alphabetical order the names of every citizen who voted in which could be looked up, and then verified by the voter after voting ?? The site could go up before the election starts, and would remain fluid until the election ends. A running total could be tabulated in real time as the event unfolds. This would be in two categories at the bottom of the page showing R & D tabulation.

The voter could then print out the page in which their vote fell upon. This would be the receipt needed to confirm the vote and the category cast in.
Just one problem with that, secret ballot. If they can put how you voted on line, it is no longer a secret ballot. Some states do have sites similar to what you are advocating for. WA is one of them. I moved here six years ago and went to the site to verify that my vote had been accepted, it had. I was also able to check every election that I voted in for accepted ballots. You can't see how you voted though.
Exactly right. Why not a public video channel on line, that shows in every state in alphabetical order the names of every citizen who voted in which could be looked up, and then verified by the voter after voting ?? The site could go up before the election starts, and would remain fluid until the election ends. A running total could be tabulated in real time as the event unfolds. This would be in two categories at the bottom of the page showing R & D tabulation.

The voter could then print out the page in which their vote fell upon. This would be the receipt needed to confirm the vote and the category cast in.

To be totally honest, I don't trust technology in voting any longer. These Dominion machines with the Smartmatic software was developed for Chavez to cheat his elections. In fact he invested and became a 35% owner of Smartmatic. Colonel Waldron testified that not only is it capable of flipping votes, but it tells you how to do it in the owners manual.

I want to go back to the way we did it before technology. It may take longer to determine a winner, but at least it will help restore confidence in election results that was greatly lost because of this election.
Did their signature match the one on my driver's license? HELL no!!

It doesn't matter. My father went to the polls one year to vote, and because of his arm surgery, he couldn't sign his name the way he usually did, so they stopped him. He showed them the surgery scar on his right arm, he presented two valid forms of ID, and all he was allowed to do is fill out a provisional ballot.
I myself went a few election periods to vote, and was turned away because I wasn't in the system they claimed. So I had my voter registration card, but lost it prior, and figured oh well all I have to do is show my driver's license. Nope they said, otherwise they said that if my voter card wasn't renewed I couldn't vote. Huh ?
Did you find any cases of this?

How would you find out? If I decided not to vote this year and somebody mailed in a ballot in my name, I have no idea somebody did that, and neither does the election board. It's not like they send you a thank you letter if you voted.
Exactly right. Why not a public video channel on line, that shows in every state in alphabetical order the names of every citizen who voted in which could be looked up, and then verified by the voter after voting ?? The site could go up before the election starts, and would remain fluid until the election ends. A running total could be tabulated in real time as the event unfolds. This would be in two categories at the bottom of the page showing R & D tabulation.

The voter could then print out the page in which their vote fell upon. This would be the receipt needed to confirm the vote and the category cast in.
Just one problem with that, secret ballot. If they can put how you voted on line, it is no longer a secret ballot. Some states do have sites similar to what you are advocating for. WA is one of them. I moved here six years ago and went to the site to verify that my vote had been accepted, it had. I was also able to check every election that I voted in for accepted ballots. You can't see how you voted though.
Why secret ?? Isn't that the word where corruption forms under it ??? The election should be totally transparent. By the time the action subsides if everyone votes on election day, no recourse by friends and family members would have time to use intimidation to change your mind. The secrecy should only be held up untill the vote is cast, then it should be recorded openly. Laws regarding threats and recourse after the fact should insure a fair and reasonable election where no one is punished by anyone afterwards. The laws should be the toughest in the world in order to protect the citizen's from any fall out after they cast their vote.
Did you find any cases of this?

How would you find out? If I decided not to vote this year and somebody mailed in a ballot in my name, I have no idea somebody did that, and neither does the election board. It's not like they send you a thank you letter if you voted.
Exactly right. Why not a public video channel on line, that shows in every state in alphabetical order the names of every citizen who voted in which could be looked up, and then verified by the voter after voting ?? The site could go up before the election starts, and would remain fluid until the election ends. A running total could be tabulated in real time as the event unfolds. This would be in two categories at the bottom of the page showing R & D tabulation.

The voter could then print out the page in which their vote fell upon. This would be the receipt needed to confirm the vote and the category cast in.
Just one problem with that, secret ballot. If they can put how you voted on line, it is no longer a secret ballot. Some states do have sites similar to what you are advocating for. WA is one of them. I moved here six years ago and went to the site to verify that my vote had been accepted, it had. I was also able to check every election that I voted in for accepted ballots. You can't see how you voted though.
Why secret ?? Isn't that the word where corruption forms under it ??? The election should be totally transparent. By the time the action subsides if everyone votes on election day, no recourse by friends and family members would have time to use intimidation to change your mind. The secrecy should only be held up untill the vote is cast, then it should be recorded openly. Laws regarding threats and recourse after the fact should insure a fair and reasonable election where no one is punished by anyone afterwards. The laws should be the toughest in the world in order to protect the citizen's from any fall out after they cast their vote.
a voter's secrecy is paramount. The strongest anti-intimidation laws in the world would not stop a corrupt government from seeking retribution against people who voted against them. Hell, we don't have open ballots now and AOC and the democrats are already discussing how they are going to have enemies lists that they will blackball.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
You mean, how can we assure that white votes count more than colored ones.
How woulld making them all equal make white votes count more?
Dead-end trumpers don't believe in equal, they want their votes to count as more than colored votes.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Trump had 4 years to do something, yet he lets the election be stolen from him. He got out-Trumped.
That may be, but it has to be stopped in the future if democracy is going to survive.
Democracy will never survive with people who lose and can't take it....
Actually, democracy (not that we have one) will survive if the institutions ensure that personal reactions to loss don't carry over into defiance of the law. IOW, it doesn't matter how mad TRUMP! gets, he's going to leave office in January because if he doesn't he gets taken out the moment the inauguration happens. And he knows that. Only if he's allowed to stay would democracy not survive. It didn't matter how mad Hillary got, how drunk she got, how many of her sycophants claimed for 4 years that TRUMP! wasn't legitimate, wasn't THEIR president, blah, blah, blah, he was President and will always be called Mr. President. As long as those institutions stand, so will democracy. Now, as to stealing elections, we need to make every effort to ensure all legitimate and only legitimate votes are counted. I personally like the idea of getting a paper receipt with a QR code that I can scan, go online with and verify that my vote was counted correctly. It wouldn't solve all the problems but would at least give voters some assurance that their vote was not tossed.
He will always be Known as Mr one term got impeached president who embarrassed himself on the way out.
Nope, he'll be Mr. President. 20 years from now kids will be looking at you wondering how you can hold so much hate for someone you've never met.

Mr. Impeached, One Term, president that tried to destroy the electoral system in our country.
How did Trump try to destroy electoral system in our country? You mean by contesting a swindle?
They wanted to pull a move where they never conceed and drag it out and have it go to the house where each state gets one vote
Unless you can prove something they did was illegal, you don't have a leg to stand on. The system was built to allow for challenges, with an ultimate decider. Using those legal avenues for challenge is not destroying anything except liberal minds.
You didn’t feel that way in 2000, 2004 or 2016. You cried stop the recounts. Such hypocrites. But you lost so I’m happy
WEre black people taken off the roles? So were white people. They had every oportunity to get their name back on the roles. All they had to do was return a letter sent to them to validate their address.

We went through the same thing here in Ohio. They sent several letters to every registered voter who hasn't voted in five years. If they didn't respond, they were taken off the rolls. It's the only reasonable way since it would be quite a task to keep track of all the people who died or moved out of the state.
Where in Constitution does it state that you lose your 1st Amendment rights if you chose not to vote?
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Good luck with that. With Chinese communist Dominion software, gutless Republicans etc don't hold your breath on anything being done.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
You mean, how can we assure that white votes count more than colored ones.
How woulld making them all equal make white votes count more?
Dead-end trumpers don't believe in equal, they want their votes to count as more than colored votes.
We believe in equality before the law, not equality of results.
WEre black people taken off the roles? So were white people. They had every oportunity to get their name back on the roles. All they had to do was return a letter sent to them to validate their address.

We went through the same thing here in Ohio. They sent several letters to every registered voter who hasn't voted in five years. If they didn't respond, they were taken off the rolls. It's the only reasonable way since it would be quite a task to keep track of all the people who died or moved out of the state.
Where in Constitution does it state that you lose your 1st Amendment rights if you chose not to vote?
What does the First Amendment have to do with voting?
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Trump had 4 years to do something, yet he lets the election be stolen from him. He got out-Trumped.
That may be, but it has to be stopped in the future if democracy is going to survive.
Democracy will never survive with people who lose and can't take it....
Actually, democracy (not that we have one) will survive if the institutions ensure that personal reactions to loss don't carry over into defiance of the law. IOW, it doesn't matter how mad TRUMP! gets, he's going to leave office in January because if he doesn't he gets taken out the moment the inauguration happens. And he knows that. Only if he's allowed to stay would democracy not survive. It didn't matter how mad Hillary got, how drunk she got, how many of her sycophants claimed for 4 years that TRUMP! wasn't legitimate, wasn't THEIR president, blah, blah, blah, he was President and will always be called Mr. President. As long as those institutions stand, so will democracy. Now, as to stealing elections, we need to make every effort to ensure all legitimate and only legitimate votes are counted. I personally like the idea of getting a paper receipt with a QR code that I can scan, go online with and verify that my vote was counted correctly. It wouldn't solve all the problems but would at least give voters some assurance that their vote was not tossed.
He will always be Known as Mr one term got impeached president who embarrassed himself on the way out.
Nope, he'll be Mr. President. 20 years from now kids will be looking at you wondering how you can hold so much hate for someone you've never met.

Mr. Impeached, One Term, president that tried to destroy the electoral system in our country.
How did Trump try to destroy electoral system in our country? You mean by contesting a swindle?
They wanted to pull a move where they never conceed and drag it out and have it go to the house where each state gets one vote
Unless you can prove something they did was illegal, you don't have a leg to stand on. The system was built to allow for challenges, with an ultimate decider. Using those legal avenues for challenge is not destroying anything except liberal minds.
You didn’t feel that way in 2000, 2004 or 2016. You cried stop the recounts. Such hypocrites. But you lost so I’m happy
At no time has the electoral system been in danger due to legal court battles. That's just your fantasy because you want everything TRUMP! does to be illegal so you can yell about it. What DOES put the system in danger is the current move to invalidate votes by forcing state's electors to follow the wishes of major urban centers.
Did their signature match the one on my driver's license? HELL no!!

It doesn't matter. My father went to the polls one year to vote, and because of his arm surgery, he couldn't sign his name the way he usually did, so they stopped him. He showed them the surgery scar on his right arm, he presented two valid forms of ID, and all he was allowed to do is fill out a provisional ballot.
I myself went a few election periods to vote, and was turned away because I wasn't in the system they claimed. So I had my voter registration card, but lost it prior, and figured oh well all I have to do is show my driver's license. Nope they said, otherwise they said that if my voter card wasn't renewed I couldn't vote. Huh ?
What state? I think they may have pulled a fast one unless they made it crystal clear you must register for each year in the beginning or lose your right to vote.

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