How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

Why secret ?? Isn't that the word where corruption forms under it ??? The election should be totally transparent. By the time the action subsides if everyone votes on election day, no recourse by friends and family members would have time to use intimidation to change your mind. The secrecy should only be held up untill the vote is cast, then it should be recorded openly. Laws regarding threats and recourse after the fact should insure a fair and reasonable election where no one is punished by anyone afterwards. The laws should be the toughest in the world in order to protect the citizen's from any fall out after they cast their vote.

Yes but it wouldn't work that way. You cast your vote, it's published, and you get laid off from your job two weeks later for no reason, or your landlord raises your rent. We on the right don't hold grudges by how people vote, but we've all heard stories about families disowning somebody because they voted for GW or Trump. You never hear stories like that when Obama or Clinton was President; at least I never have. You may even have couples where the husband tells his wife he voted for Biden when he really voted for Trump just to keep peace between them.

We seen how childish the left is. They attended Trump rallies for the sole purpose of starting trouble, they go to the national Republican conventions to do the same. Most of us on the right believe it's a persons business how they voted and not hold it against them. The left on the other hand acts like you should vote the way they do or they will retaliate.
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This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
You mean, how can we assure that white votes count more than colored ones.
How woulld making them all equal make white votes count more?
Dead-end trumpers don't believe in equal, they want their votes to count as more than colored votes.
We believe in equality before the law, not equality of results.
Sure, you cead-end trumpers believe that law is to protect one side while used against the other. Just look at the DOJ under trump sycophant billy barr.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Trump had 4 years to do something, yet he lets the election be stolen from him. He got out-Trumped.
That may be, but it has to be stopped in the future if democracy is going to survive.
Democracy will never survive with people who lose and can't take it....
Actually, democracy (not that we have one) will survive if the institutions ensure that personal reactions to loss don't carry over into defiance of the law. IOW, it doesn't matter how mad TRUMP! gets, he's going to leave office in January because if he doesn't he gets taken out the moment the inauguration happens. And he knows that. Only if he's allowed to stay would democracy not survive. It didn't matter how mad Hillary got, how drunk she got, how many of her sycophants claimed for 4 years that TRUMP! wasn't legitimate, wasn't THEIR president, blah, blah, blah, he was President and will always be called Mr. President. As long as those institutions stand, so will democracy. Now, as to stealing elections, we need to make every effort to ensure all legitimate and only legitimate votes are counted. I personally like the idea of getting a paper receipt with a QR code that I can scan, go online with and verify that my vote was counted correctly. It wouldn't solve all the problems but would at least give voters some assurance that their vote was not tossed.
He will always be Known as Mr one term got impeached president who embarrassed himself on the way out.
Nope, he'll be Mr. President. 20 years from now kids will be looking at you wondering how you can hold so much hate for someone you've never met.

Mr. Impeached, One Term, president that tried to destroy the electoral system in our country.
How did Trump try to destroy electoral system in our country? You mean by contesting a swindle?
They wanted to pull a move where they never conceed and drag it out and have it go to the house where each state gets one vote
Unless you can prove something they did was illegal, you don't have a leg to stand on. The system was built to allow for challenges, with an ultimate decider. Using those legal avenues for challenge is not destroying anything except liberal minds.
You didn’t feel that way in 2000, 2004 or 2016. You cried stop the recounts. Such hypocrites. But you lost so I’m happy
At no time has the electoral system been in danger due to legal court battles. That's just your fantasy because you want everything TRUMP! does to be illegal so you can yell about it. What DOES put the system in danger is the current move to invalidate votes by forcing state's electors to follow the wishes of major urban centers.
Those people get one vote, you get one vote, bitch. Sorry if there’s more of us than you
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Trump had 4 years to do something, yet he lets the election be stolen from him. He got out-Trumped.
That may be, but it has to be stopped in the future if democracy is going to survive.
Democracy will never survive with people who lose and can't take it....
Actually, democracy (not that we have one) will survive if the institutions ensure that personal reactions to loss don't carry over into defiance of the law. IOW, it doesn't matter how mad TRUMP! gets, he's going to leave office in January because if he doesn't he gets taken out the moment the inauguration happens. And he knows that. Only if he's allowed to stay would democracy not survive. It didn't matter how mad Hillary got, how drunk she got, how many of her sycophants claimed for 4 years that TRUMP! wasn't legitimate, wasn't THEIR president, blah, blah, blah, he was President and will always be called Mr. President. As long as those institutions stand, so will democracy. Now, as to stealing elections, we need to make every effort to ensure all legitimate and only legitimate votes are counted. I personally like the idea of getting a paper receipt with a QR code that I can scan, go online with and verify that my vote was counted correctly. It wouldn't solve all the problems but would at least give voters some assurance that their vote was not tossed.
He will always be Known as Mr one term got impeached president who embarrassed himself on the way out.
Nope, he'll be Mr. President. 20 years from now kids will be looking at you wondering how you can hold so much hate for someone you've never met.

Mr. Impeached, One Term, president that tried to destroy the electoral system in our country.
How did Trump try to destroy electoral system in our country? You mean by contesting a swindle?
They wanted to pull a move where they never conceed and drag it out and have it go to the house where each state gets one vote
Unless you can prove something they did was illegal, you don't have a leg to stand on. The system was built to allow for challenges, with an ultimate decider. Using those legal avenues for challenge is not destroying anything except liberal minds.
You didn’t feel that way in 2000, 2004 or 2016. You cried stop the recounts. Such hypocrites. But you lost so I’m happy
At no time has the electoral system been in danger due to legal court battles. That's just your fantasy because you want everything TRUMP! does to be illegal so you can yell about it. What DOES put the system in danger is the current move to invalidate votes by forcing state's electors to follow the wishes of major urban centers.
Invalidate what votes?
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
You mean, how can we assure that white votes count more than colored ones.
How woulld making them all equal make white votes count more?
Dead-end trumpers don't believe in equal, they want their votes to count as more than colored votes.
We believe in equality before the law, not equality of results.
Sure, you cead-end trumpers believe that law is to protect one side while used against the other. Just look at the DOJ under trump sycophant billy barr.
What about him?
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
You mean, how can we assure that white votes count more than colored ones.
How woulld making them all equal make white votes count more?
Dead-end trumpers don't believe in equal, they want their votes to count as more than colored votes.
We believe in equality before the law, not equality of results.
Sure, you cead-end trumpers believe that law is to protect one side while used against the other. Just look at the DOJ under trump sycophant billy barr.
And even he says trump is crazy. Rex, Maddox, Bolton, Snyder, the list is too long to remember all the people who quit trump o trump fired because they disagreed with him that much. It was that important That they could no go along with his plans. All th guys that went to jail. Trump gives hush money Michael Cohen goes to jail. It’s amazing that his presidency has been a catastrophe.
Why secret ?? Isn't that the word where corruption forms under it ??? The election should be totally transparent. By the time the action subsides if everyone votes on election day, no recourse by friends and family members would have time to use intimidation to change your mind. The secrecy should only be held up untill the vote is cast, then it should be recorded openly. Laws regarding threats and recourse after the fact should insure a fair and reasonable election where no one is punished by anyone afterwards. The laws should be the toughest in the world in order to protect the citizen's from any fall out after they cast their vote.

Yes but it wouldn't work that way. You cast your vote, it's published, and you get laid off from your job two weeks later for no reason, or your landlord raises your rent. We on the right don't hold grudges by how people vote, but we've all heard stories about families disowning somebody because they voted for GW or Trump. You never hear stories like that when Obama or Clinton was President; at least I never have. You may even have couples where the husband tells his wife he voted for Biden when he really voted for Trump just to keep peace between them.

We seen how childish the left is. They attended Trump rallies for the sole purpose of starting trouble, they go to the national Republican conventions to do the same. Most of us on the right believe it's a persons business how they voted and not hold it against them. The left on the other hand acts like you should vote the way they do or they will retaliate.
So the proud boy rally in DC this week when they got drunk and then rampaged thru the city tearing down banners they didn't own from churcvhes was an example of what?

Not caring how people vote or advocate for?

Stop being an orange naïve basturd ray.
Why secret ?? Isn't that the word where corruption forms under it ??? The election should be totally transparent. By the time the action subsides if everyone votes on election day, no recourse by friends and family members would have time to use intimidation to change your mind. The secrecy should only be held up untill the vote is cast, then it should be recorded openly. Laws regarding threats and recourse after the fact should insure a fair and reasonable election where no one is punished by anyone afterwards. The laws should be the toughest in the world in order to protect the citizen's from any fall out after they cast their vote.

Yes but it wouldn't work that way. You cast your vote, it's published, and you get laid off from your job two weeks later for no reason, or your landlord raises your rent. We on the right don't hold grudges by how people vote, but we've all heard stories about families disowning somebody because they voted for GW or Trump. You never hear stories like that when Obama or Clinton was President; at least I never have. You may even have couples where the husband tells his wife he voted for Biden when he really voted for Trump just to keep peace between them.

We seen how childish the left is. They attended Trump rallies for the sole purpose of starting trouble, they go to the national Republican conventions to do the same. Most of us on the right believe it's a persons business how they voted and not hold it against them. The left on the other hand acts like you should vote the way they do or they will retaliate.
So the proud boy rally in DC this week when they got drunk and then rampaged thru the city tearing down banners they didn't own from churcvhes was an example of what?

Not caring how people vote or advocate for?

Stop being an orange naïve basturd ray.
They tore down banners?


So the proud boy rally in DC this week when they got drunk and then rampaged thru the city tearing down banners they didn't own from churcvhes was an example of what?

Not caring how people vote or advocate for?

Stop being an orange naïve basturd ray.

And you want to make a comparison to people starting cars on fire, damaging private and public property?
Why secret ?? Isn't that the word where corruption forms under it ??? The election should be totally transparent. By the time the action subsides if everyone votes on election day, no recourse by friends and family members would have time to use intimidation to change your mind. The secrecy should only be held up untill the vote is cast, then it should be recorded openly. Laws regarding threats and recourse after the fact should insure a fair and reasonable election where no one is punished by anyone afterwards. The laws should be the toughest in the world in order to protect the citizen's from any fall out after they cast their vote.

Yes but it wouldn't work that way. You cast your vote, it's published, and you get laid off from your job two weeks later for no reason, or your landlord raises your rent. We on the right don't hold grudges by how people vote, but we've all heard stories about families disowning somebody because they voted for GW or Trump. You never hear stories like that when Obama or Clinton was President; at least I never have. You may even have couples where the husband tells his wife he voted for Biden when he really voted for Trump just to keep peace between them.

We seen how childish the left is. They attended Trump rallies for the sole purpose of starting trouble, they go to the national Republican conventions to do the same. Most of us on the right believe it's a persons business how they voted and not hold it against them. The left on the other hand acts like you should vote the way they do or they will retaliate.
So the proud boy rally in DC this week when they got drunk and then rampaged thru the city tearing down banners they didn't own from churcvhes was an example of what?

Not caring how people vote or advocate for?

Stop being an orange naïve basturd ray.
They tore down banners?


Did they have permission to be on property? Did they own the banners?

Did the red-ass self proclaimed autonomous state bar owner in Staten Island NY who ran over a cop breaking both his legs suddenly lost his Blue Lives Matter when you dead-end trumpers decide not to care...
Does one have to affirm second amendment rights every couple of years? By returning gun registration cards.

Yes, you do. How else is a state supposed purge the rolls of people who died, moved away, or are in a nursing facility and can't vote? If you got kicked off the rolls because you were too lazy to mail in a postage paid card, then that's your fault, and nobody took your right away except you. If you don't register to vote and therefore can't, is that taking your voting rights away?
Where in Constitution does it state that you lose your 1st Amendment rights if you chose not to vote?

Nowhere. You don't lose your right to vote if you respond to their requests to keep you on the voter roll.
Does one have to affirm second amendment rights every couple of years? By returning gun registration cards.
Where does the Constitution say you have the right to vote?
The 15th, 19th and 26th.
Why secret ?? Isn't that the word where corruption forms under it ??? The election should be totally transparent. By the time the action subsides if everyone votes on election day, no recourse by friends and family members would have time to use intimidation to change your mind. The secrecy should only be held up untill the vote is cast, then it should be recorded openly. Laws regarding threats and recourse after the fact should insure a fair and reasonable election where no one is punished by anyone afterwards. The laws should be the toughest in the world in order to protect the citizen's from any fall out after they cast their vote.

Yes but it wouldn't work that way. You cast your vote, it's published, and you get laid off from your job two weeks later for no reason, or your landlord raises your rent. We on the right don't hold grudges by how people vote, but we've all heard stories about families disowning somebody because they voted for GW or Trump. You never hear stories like that when Obama or Clinton was President; at least I never have. You may even have couples where the husband tells his wife he voted for Biden when he really voted for Trump just to keep peace between them.

We seen how childish the left is. They attended Trump rallies for the sole purpose of starting trouble, they go to the national Republican conventions to do the same. Most of us on the right believe it's a persons business how they voted and not hold it against them. The left on the other hand acts like you should vote the way they do or they will retaliate.
So the proud boy rally in DC this week when they got drunk and then rampaged thru the city tearing down banners they didn't own from churcvhes was an example of what?

Not caring how people vote or advocate for?

Stop being an orange naïve basturd ray.
They tore down banners?


Did they have permission to be on property? Did they own the banners?

Did the red-ass self proclaimed autonomous state bar owner in Staten Island NY who ran over a cop breaking both his legs suddenly lost his Blue Lives Matter when you dead-end trumpers decide not to care...
How many people did BLM kill this year? How many buildings did they burn down? How many people did they assault?

We were talking about the Proud Boys, not some bar-owner in Staten Island NY. BLM thugs killed half a dozen cops. When did you care about them?
Does one have to affirm second amendment rights every couple of years? By returning gun registration cards.

Yes, you do. How else is a state supposed purge the rolls of people who died, moved away, or are in a nursing facility and can't vote? If you got kicked off the rolls because you were too lazy to mail in a postage paid card, then that's your fault, and nobody took your right away except you. If you don't register to vote and therefore can't, is that taking your voting rights away?
Bullshit, If I register to vote and skip a few elections I should have to run the conservative gauntlet to return that right. Voting isn't mandatory.

The US postal service notifies county clerks of change of address forms, SS checks are made. Conservatives just want to limit voting.
Why secret ?? Isn't that the word where corruption forms under it ??? The election should be totally transparent. By the time the action subsides if everyone votes on election day, no recourse by friends and family members would have time to use intimidation to change your mind. The secrecy should only be held up untill the vote is cast, then it should be recorded openly. Laws regarding threats and recourse after the fact should insure a fair and reasonable election where no one is punished by anyone afterwards. The laws should be the toughest in the world in order to protect the citizen's from any fall out after they cast their vote.

Yes but it wouldn't work that way. You cast your vote, it's published, and you get laid off from your job two weeks later for no reason, or your landlord raises your rent. We on the right don't hold grudges by how people vote, but we've all heard stories about families disowning somebody because they voted for GW or Trump. You never hear stories like that when Obama or Clinton was President; at least I never have. You may even have couples where the husband tells his wife he voted for Biden when he really voted for Trump just to keep peace between them.

We seen how childish the left is. They attended Trump rallies for the sole purpose of starting trouble, they go to the national Republican conventions to do the same. Most of us on the right believe it's a persons business how they voted and not hold it against them. The left on the other hand acts like you should vote the way they do or they will retaliate.
So the proud boy rally in DC this week when they got drunk and then rampaged thru the city tearing down banners they didn't own from churcvhes was an example of what?

Not caring how people vote or advocate for?

Stop being an orange naïve basturd ray.
They tore down banners?


Did they have permission to be on property? Did they own the banners?

Did the red-ass self proclaimed autonomous state bar owner in Staten Island NY who ran over a cop breaking both his legs suddenly lost his Blue Lives Matter when you dead-end trumpers decide not to care...
How many people did BLM kill this year? How many buildings did they burn down? How many people did they assault?

We were talking about the Proud Boys, not some bar-owner in Staten Island NY. BLM thugs killed half a dozen cops. When did you care about them?
How does one become a fourth degree proud boy?
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
There was no stolen election.

We do need a federally mandated full-time state-official whose express job is to sterilize the voter rolls in each state. We get audited at my place of business multiple times by governing organizations. There should be an independent group that follows up and sees how Mississippi is doing in purging the dead, relocated, and demonstrated disinterested from their voter rolls

Mail in voting is here and it's going to expand. Participating in 2020 was at record levels and that should be the hope of all who are fans of democracy. It makes sense to make the process as sterile as possible.
Mass mail in voting was an unfortunate one-off and shall never be repeated. That is why I invoked SCOTUS in the OP. That cannot stand.


Five states send a ballot to every registered voter in every election held by the state. Nobody has ever questioned the validity of the elections, the legitimacy of the victors, or exposed any sizable fraud in those five states.

It needs to be expanded nationwide.

At the same time, we need to police the voter rolls very closely so only living breathing voters who still live at their address receive ballots.
Agree! Voter rolls in tip top shape is key. Plus a system to view your ballot was accepted, and if not...a way to notify the ballots rejected people, with like a 10 day window, to 'cure' the ballot envelope.

And another perk is that mail in ballots are filled out paper ballots, so if there is ever any dispute with electronic/cyber security or counts, there is a paper ballot as a paper trail to use in recounts.

Chris Krebs said that he ensured that there was a paper ballot for every vote cast to back up the numbers.

There was a meme making the rounds with Putin telling Trump to oppose mail-in ballots because his hackers could hack those votes.
There might be some truth to that...or at least as much truth to that as there is that there was massive voter fraud by the Democrats.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
There was no stolen election.

We do need a federally mandated full-time state-official whose express job is to sterilize the voter rolls in each state. We get audited at my place of business multiple times by governing organizations. There should be an independent group that follows up and sees how Mississippi is doing in purging the dead, relocated, and demonstrated disinterested from their voter rolls

Mail in voting is here and it's going to expand. Participating in 2020 was at record levels and that should be the hope of all who are fans of democracy. It makes sense to make the process as sterile as possible.
Mass mail in voting was an unfortunate one-off and shall never be repeated. That is why I invoked SCOTUS in the OP. That cannot stand.


Five states send a ballot to every registered voter in every election held by the state. Nobody has ever questioned the validity of the elections, the legitimacy of the victors, or exposed any sizable fraud in those five states.

It needs to be expanded nationwide.

At the same time, we need to police the voter rolls very closely so only living breathing voters who still live at their address receive ballots.
Agree! Voter rolls in tip top shape is key. Plus a system to view your ballot was accepted, and if not...a way to notify the ballots rejected people, with like a 10 day window, to 'cure' the ballot envelope.

And another perk is that mail in ballots are filled out paper ballots, so if there is ever any dispute with electronic/cyber security or counts, there is a paper ballot as a paper trail to use in recounts.
In other words, there is no problem with stealing elections with illegitimate votes.
Nothing was stolen....

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