How can you EVER spin this, right wingers?

I've yet to see one shred of evidence that anything Russia did affected a single vote cast in the US,

MORON.....this thread is NOT about "Russia and U.S. votes".........You idiots CANNOT address the O/P so you go off n your delusional stupidity.
So with the help from the Russians, Hillary received 2.86 million more votes..

With all the wikileaks emails, you won't find any DNC emails to or from Russians wanting to help Hillary win the election.

All those come from the Trump campaign.
I've yet to see one shred of evidence that anything Russia did affected a single vote cast in the US, Camp!

Trump went from 50% job approval, to 35% job approval. One difference is the Russians are no longer trying to help Trump.
I've yet to see one shred of evidence that anything Russia did affected a single vote cast in the US,

MORON.....this thread is NOT about "Russia and U.S. votes".........You idiots CANNOT address the O/P so you go off n your delusional stupidity.

So now you're claiming this thread isn't about Russia? Oh,'s about Russia...but only the way that YOU want to discuss it affecting the election? You're amusing, Nat...
As it turns out Sater didn't even have an email address to write to. He had to use the Russian general media email.

He was blowing hot air.

ummmm he sure had an email addy...

I've yet to see one shred of evidence that anything Russia did affected a single vote cast in the US, Camp!

Trump went from 50% job approval, to 35% job approval. One difference is the Russians are no longer trying to help Trump.

So if the Russians were "helping" think he'd have that 50% job approval rating, RR? That's ALSO amusing! Let's be honest here...Trump has been subjected to nonstop negative coverage by CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, The New York Times & The Washington Post! He's also been lambasted nonstop by the late night comedy shows and the Hollywood elites!

The liberal bias against this Presidency is so over the pervasive in foaming at the mouth...that it's like nothing I've ever seen before.
The liberals in all of those media outlets went all in for Hillary Clinton...assuring her of a landslide victory...or so they told us...and then the UNTHINKABLE happened! Hillary Clinton lost and lost big! The electorate didn't listen to the main stream media...the late night jokers...and the Hollywood elites! They looked at the two candidates and decided Trump was what the US needed to stop business as usual in Washington. Because of THAT...a jihad has been declared against Trump by the left. They have to destroy him or else everything they stand for will be shown for what it really is...a failed agenda that doesn't improve people's lives.
Ah, the point was that Sater didn't have the email address of the Kremlin bigshots, Playtim

Ahhhhhh, the old "didn't have the right email defense" .."right up there with the Twinkie defense".....LOL.
So now you're claiming this thread isn't about Russia? Oh,'s about Russia...but only the way that YOU want to discuss it affecting the election? You're amusing, Nat...

Something else to amuse you, boy....LOL

“I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected,”Sater wrote.
So with the help from the Russians, Hillary received 2.86 million more votes.

Let me correct that sentence for you....."In spite of...............the Russians.........."

You know you can bitch and bellyache all the hell you want. Until charges are brought up, and he is convicted, you got what those that went after Obama have, nothing. I thought it was pretty moronic when the right wing nuts couldn't let go and I think it is moronic that you left wing nuts can't let it go. Both sides deserve each other.

Until you idiots can admit why you really lost, you are just a bunch of sore losers.
You know you can bitch and bellyache all the hell you want. Until charges are brought up, and he is convicted, you got what those that went after Obama have, nothing. I thought it was pretty moronic when the right wing nuts couldn't let go and I think it is moronic that you left wing nuts can't let it go. Both sides deserve each other.

Well, righties went at it for EIGHT YEARS.........We lefties only had seven months.....LOL
You know you can bitch and bellyache all the hell you want. Until charges are brought up, and he is convicted, you got what those that went after Obama have, nothing. I thought it was pretty moronic when the right wing nuts couldn't let go and I think it is moronic that you left wing nuts can't let it go. Both sides deserve each other.

Well, righties went at it for EIGHT YEARS.........We lefties only had seven months.....LOL

So you just want to bitch and moan about not getting your way. Got it.
He got the votes within the 50 states and DC that culminated in his 304 total. Are you saying that the Russians called all of those people that voted for Trump?

Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.

Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)

So with the help from the Russians, Hillary received 2.86 million more votes.
Oh, the Heartbreak of Constitutional Illiteracy on Parade!

Moron....what does the above have to do with the thread's topic???

*sigh* You really are a fish in a barrel, bub...and a sad little bottom feeder at that.
Your turn in the barrel comes next election day boedi America now sees you for the scum you and your president are

I thought that was going to happen last election? I mean no way would Clinton lose to Trump. The Democrats need to be honest as to why they lost, until then they will continue to struggle.

That's what the left is so mad about. They can't understand how someone so unbeatable could lose. They don't know how to act so they lash out in frustration.
Americans must be informed and made aware that the Russians put Donald Trump in the White House.
No, retard, 304 electoral votes put Trump in the White House and only 227 kept your bitch out of it. How's that for something that can be proven?
He would have never gotten the votes without the help he got from Putin and his Russian friends. Insult post all you want, it is expected from folks like you who rely on those kinds of deflections and diversions. Trump would never have gotten the votes needed without Russian help.

I've yet to see one shred of evidence that anything Russia did affected a single vote cast in the US, Camp! Trump got the votes needed because Hillary Clinton ran one of the worst campaigns in the history of politics. She didn't spend time campaigning in the Rust Belt because she assumed that she would win there. She and her minions over at the DNC got caught red handed fixing the process in the primaries so that Bernie Sanders never had a chance at getting the nomination...which pissed off Bernie's supporters so much that many of them stayed home on election day. Clinton hid from the Press...not giving a press conference for months at a time because she didn't want to have to answer questions about Benghazi and then emails. She destroyed evidence that Congressional investigators were asking for and lied about what she'd done.

Trump didn't NEED Russian help to defeat Hillary...his biggest asset in that political fight was Clinton herself!

I've yet to see where one Russian voted in the election. The left acts as if Trump bought millions plane tickets and flew them over here last November.
He got the votes within the 50 states and DC that culminated in his 304 total. Are you saying that the Russians called all of those people that voted for Trump?

Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.

Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)

So with the help from the Russians, Hillary received 2.86 million more votes.
Oh, the Heartbreak of Constitutional Illiteracy on Parade!

Moron....what does the above have to do with the thread's topic???

*sigh* You really are a fish in a barrel, bub...and a sad little bottom feeder at that.
Your turn in the barrel comes next election day boedi America now sees you for the scum you and your president are

I thought that was going to happen last election? I mean no way would Clinton lose to Trump. The Democrats need to be honest as to why they lost, until then they will continue to struggle.

That's what the left is so mad about. They can't understand how someone so unbeatable could lose. They don't know how to act so they lash out in frustration.
We didn't like the GWB election either but didn't object as much as we do now And the reason is we know trump is a complete lying thieving AH with not a presidential bone in his body,,,,gwb was just a jerk
""UN has a new found respect for the USA " ??? dump said What a p***k we have in the WH
He got the votes within the 50 states and DC that culminated in his 304 total. Are you saying that the Russians called all of those people that voted for Trump?

Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.

Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)

So with the help from the Russians, Hillary received 2.86 million more votes.
Moron....what does the above have to do with the thread's topic???

*sigh* You really are a fish in a barrel, bub...and a sad little bottom feeder at that.
Your turn in the barrel comes next election day boedi America now sees you for the scum you and your president are

I thought that was going to happen last election? I mean no way would Clinton lose to Trump. The Democrats need to be honest as to why they lost, until then they will continue to struggle.

That's what the left is so mad about. They can't understand how someone so unbeatable could lose. They don't know how to act so they lash out in frustration.
We didn't like the GWB election either but didn't object as much as we do now And the reason is we know trump is a complete lying thieving AH with not a presidential bone in his body,,,,gwb was just a jerk

But you got your ****** in between the two and that's all that matters to you.
Perhaps the MODs will interpret this as "too controversial"....but, ignorance is NO virtue

Trump business associate, Felix Sater, wrote a series of e-mails to Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which he boasted about his ties to Putin and predicted that building a Trump Tower in Moscow would be a political boon to Trump’s candidacy.

“Buddy our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote in an e-mail. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”

The e-mails show that, from the earliest months of Trump’s campaign, his associates viewed close ties with Moscow as a political advantage. Those ties are now under investigation by the Justice Department and multiple congressional committees.

“I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected,”Sater wrote.

‘Our boy can become president . . . and we can engineer it,’ Trump ally said of Russia deal - The Boston Globe

He got the votes within the 50 states and DC that culminated in his 304 total. Are you saying that the Russians called all of those people that voted for Trump?

Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.

Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)

So with the help from the Russians, Hillary received 2.86 million more votes.
*sigh* You really are a fish in a barrel, bub...and a sad little bottom feeder at that.
Your turn in the barrel comes next election day boedi America now sees you for the scum you and your president are

I thought that was going to happen last election? I mean no way would Clinton lose to Trump. The Democrats need to be honest as to why they lost, until then they will continue to struggle.

That's what the left is so mad about. They can't understand how someone so unbeatable could lose. They don't know how to act so they lash out in frustration.
We didn't like the GWB election either but didn't object as much as we do now And the reason is we know trump is a complete lying thieving AH with not a presidential bone in his body,,,,gwb was just a jerk

But you got your ****** in between the two and that's all that matters to you.
I became a Dem in 2000 I dislike most everything about Republicans and their leaders,,,, I voted for GWB and it was the worst vote of my life

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