How climate-change doubters lost a papal fight


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Once again it must be pointed out, it is the man-made part that is really being debated. Considering that no warming in the US for a number of years also casts doubt.

That said I wonder how man of the CC fear mongers are now going to fall in love with the RCC?

How climate-change doubters lost a papal fight

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis was about to take a major step backing the science behind human-driven global warming, and Philippe de Larminat was determined to change his mind.

A French doubter who authored a book arguing that solar activity — not greenhouse gases — was driving global warming, de Larminat sought a spot at a climate summit in April sponsored by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Nobel laureates would be there. So would U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, U.S. economist Jeffrey Sachs and others calling for dramatic steps to curb carbon emissions.
Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.
30 years ago the GOP had the Pope in their pocket. This is just another sign that the times they are a-changing.
It is slipping through their fingers like grains of sand isn't it. Just a few years ago Falwell had evangelicals on the march, now atheists are about to overtake evangelicals in popularity.

And there won't be anyone to roll away the stone this time.
It is slipping through their fingers like grains of sand isn't it. Just a few years ago Falwell had evangelicals on the march, now atheists are about to overtake evangelicals in popularity.

And there won't be anyone to roll away the stone this time.
Falwell and his ilk are what turn people off Christianity, and Westboro didn't do evangelicals any favors either.

They might be able to pack services and at times outcompete traditional churches, but in doing so they scare people off.

Putting it simply, for every person they bring in, a hundred people they scare off, and some they even traumatize - like gays and lesbians brought up on 'god hates fags' and thus hating themselves.
Oh look the flat earthers and the pope siding together again. Oops I mean the man made warming cult.
Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.

Oh for crying out loud stop with the lies that there is no debate.

My heavens in that one post you packed so much verbal diarrhea it should have come with the warning " BEFORE READING POST TAKE TWO EXTRA STRENGTH IMMODIUM AD TO HANDLE THE BULLSHIT. "
30 years ago the GOP had the Pope in their pocket. This is just another sign that the times they are a-changing.

This Pope is left wing. There are two specific advisers to the Pope that are complete whack jobs and flat out communist and one worlders.
this Pope is silly...meh!

who needs a Pope anyway..
30 years ago the GOP had the Pope in their pocket. This is just another sign that the times they are a-changing.

This Pope is left wing. There are two specific advisers to the Pope that are complete whack jobs and flat out communist and one worlders.
Who are those advisers?

Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo who is a Marxist and Professor Schnellnhuber who is a mega one worlder.
I hope this Pope doesnt turn out to be the Demon ....well a Demon anyway...

Isn't he stupid?????
Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.

Oh for crying out loud stop with the lies that there is no debate.

My heavens in that one post you packed so much verbal diarrhea it should have come with the warning " BEFORE READING POST TAKE TWO EXTRA STRENGTH IMMODIUM AD TO HANDLE THE BULLSHIT. "

There is no debate in the real scientific community anymore.

Do scientists disagree about global warming PolitiFact

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