How Conservatives Define a True Rino

I laugh at the hypocrisy of the brain dead Left trying to tell us, of all people, who a "true" Republican is.

So Mr. “As conservative as they get”, please let us know which presidential candidates you voted for prior to 2016.

I’d like to know who you considered a true Republican.
Registered Right To Life until this year, but vote straight Conservative.
I laugh at the hypocrisy of the brain dead Left trying to tell us, of all people, who a "true" Republican is.

So Mr. “As conservative as they get”, please let us know which presidential candidates you voted for prior to 2016.

I’d like to know who you considered a true Republican.
Oh, as far as a True Republican? Certainly not the countryclub Liberal establishment types.
I laugh at the hypocrisy of the brain dead Left trying to tell us, of all people, who a "true" Republican is.

So Mr. “As conservative as they get”, please let us know which presidential candidates you voted for prior to 2016.

I’d like to know who you considered a true Republican.
Registered Right To Life until this year, but vote straight Conservative.

You still didn’t answer the question.

Which presidential candidates have you voted for?
I laugh at the hypocrisy of the brain dead Left trying to tell us, of all people, who a "true" Republican is.

So Mr. “As conservative as they get”, please let us know which presidential candidates you voted for prior to 2016.

I’d like to know who you considered a true Republican.
Registered Right To Life until this year, but vote straight Conservative.

You still didn’t answer the question.

Which presidential candidates have you voted for?
GHW Bush twice, Bob Dull, GW bush Twice, and sat out during Obongo's reign of error, and Trump, twice!
Paul Ryan was a definite Rino....he just acted as a Republican, just as Romney and others. Let's not forget the Turtle Mitch McConnell.

How was Paul Ryan a Rino? What did he flip flop on? Just curious.

Here are two examples:

  • From the NYT: “Fifteen months after Republicans took full control of Washington, the man long seen as central to the party’s future is abandoning one of the most powerful jobs in the capital, imperiling the G.O.P. grip on the House and signaling that the political convulsions of the Trump era are taking a grave toll on the right months before Election Day. House Speaker Paul D. Ryan’s retirement announcement on Wednesday blindsided many House Republican candidates and their campaign leaders who were counting on him to lead them to victory in the November midterm elections. His decision to leave Congress at 48 sent an undeniably pessimistic message to Republicans: that stable, steady leadership is lacking in their deeply divided party as they head into a campaign season defined by the whims of President Trump.”
  • “Already, some veteran Republicans are suggesting that the party shift its focus from the House to protecting its one-seat Senate majority. ‘It seems clear now that the fight is to hold the Senate,’ said Billy Piper, a lobbyist and former chief of staff to Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader. ‘The first thing a Democrat House majority would do is begin impeachment proceedings. The second would be to undo tax reform. A G.O.P. Senate will stop both of those things and continue to put conservatives on the bench at a record pace.’”

So neither of those are Paul Ryan abandoning conservative principals.
I'm confused.

I don't see a single conservative position that Paul Ryan is abandoning.
Paul Ryan was a definite Rino....he just acted as a Republican, just as Romney and others. Let's not forget the Turtle Mitch McConnell.

How was Paul Ryan a Rino? What did he flip flop on? Just curious.
He was very pro ILLEGAL alien. He was a Chamber of Commerce "Republican."

I liked him when he ran as a Tea Party Republican, but he was deceptive. He soon began pushing a pro illegal alien agenda

I don't know what you are talking about.

"we must first secure the border and stem the flow of illegal immigration, and then work to increase legal immigration through an enforceable guest worker program" -Paul Ryan.

That's my position. And it is the defacto conservative position.
He aligns himself with the Democrats while opposing sound conservative principles yet calls himself a Republican because his district or state votes Republican

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Would it be rude to point out that eight years ago, all you Conservatives thought this Weird Mormon Robot would be the best guy to run the country, and now you all totally hate him?
don't know what you are talking about.

"we must first secure the border and stem the flow of illegal immigration, and then work to increase legal immigration through an enforceable guest worker program" -Paul Ryan.

That's my position. And it is the defacto conservative position.

But the cost of these handful of reforms was one of the largest amnesties in recent history. This bill would have created a pathway to citizenship for both the children of long-term foreign workers in the United States (approximately 75,000 individuals), as well as the entire Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) eligible population (approximately 1.8 million individuals). Additionally, it would have permitted illegal aliens who: are in the midst of removal proceedings, have remained in the U.S. after ignoring an official removal order, or are apprehended after the date of enactment to apply for one of this bill’s amnesty categories if they are prima facie eligible. Therefore, individuals who have already been reprimanded for ignoring U.S. law at least once would have been given another bite of the apple, halting immigration enforcement, and causing an even greater backlog in our courts. Finally, it would not have defunded sanctuary jurisdictions or eliminated chain migration

He aligns himself with the Democrats while opposing sound conservative principles yet calls himself a Republican because his district or state votes Republican

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You voted for Trump, so if you had no issue with Trump policies then you have no right to call anyone a RINO seeing Trump is the biggest one ever!

Hell Trump wanted a large infrastructure bill and Covid plan, so ask yourself are you a RINO that pretend to be Conservative when Republicans are not in office?
Paul Ryan was a definite Rino....he just acted as a Republican, just as Romney and others. Let's not forget the Turtle Mitch McConnell.

How was Paul Ryan a Rino? What did he flip flop on? Just curious.

Here are two examples:

  • From the NYT: “Fifteen months after Republicans took full control of Washington, the man long seen as central to the party’s future is abandoning one of the most powerful jobs in the capital, imperiling the G.O.P. grip on the House and signaling that the political convulsions of the Trump era are taking a grave toll on the right months before Election Day. House Speaker Paul D. Ryan’s retirement announcement on Wednesday blindsided many House Republican candidates and their campaign leaders who were counting on him to lead them to victory in the November midterm elections. His decision to leave Congress at 48 sent an undeniably pessimistic message to Republicans: that stable, steady leadership is lacking in their deeply divided party as they head into a campaign season defined by the whims of President Trump.”
  • “Already, some veteran Republicans are suggesting that the party shift its focus from the House to protecting its one-seat Senate majority. ‘It seems clear now that the fight is to hold the Senate,’ said Billy Piper, a lobbyist and former chief of staff to Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader. ‘The first thing a Democrat House majority would do is begin impeachment proceedings. The second would be to undo tax reform. A G.O.P. Senate will stop both of those things and continue to put conservatives on the bench at a record pace.’”

So neither of those are Paul Ryan abandoning conservative principals.
I'm confused.

I don't see a single conservative position that Paul Ryan is abandoning.
The bloated spend-a-thon budget that he and McTurtle sandbagged Trump with in '17 was a total abandonment of what the GOP swamp liars claim to believe.

Ryan also never met an idiotic foreign war that he couldn't at least shrug his shoulders over, if not give his full support.
It's not that he just opposed Trump.

He masturbated to Trump opposition. He was fucking obsessed.

Um, maybe he feels guilt. The only reason why Trump has the stature he has is back in 2012, Mitt Romney kissed his ring to keep him from running as a third party candidate.

He looks at the absolute chaos that Trump has inflicted on the country and his party- a party that once nominated him for President - and realizes how toxic he has become. And it's partially his fault.

Imagine the alternate time line where Romney said to Trump. "No, I don't endorse your racism, and it has no place in my party." Maybe Trump would have tried to run as a third party candidate, but he'd have failed miserably.
A RINO is just any Republican who doesn't worship Trump.

Because cult.
No, a RINO is just that
We've been lambasting Republicans who side with the enemy (Democrats) for decades now. such luminaires as Bob Dull, John McStain, Mittens, Paul Ryan, and Mitch the Bitch. We need REAL Conservatives in the GOP. Not two faced mealymouthed Liberals masquerading as Republicans.

And yet you guys voted for Trump!

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