How Coronavirus Raced Through Quarantined Cruise Ship.

Agree or Disagree. Coronavirus in New York Apartments is being spread through the ventilation system

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All long as you don't advocate going back to work. The dangers you mention are absolutely greater in office buildings, stores, and schools than at home
The CDC's take on the matter

TL;DR = so far, no evidence of fecial transmission of Covid-19 ... low transmission rates in related viruses ...

Don't play with other people's poop ... common sense hygiene ... God, you kids today have some disgusting habits ...
I've shown others who disagree with the CDC.

Let me rephrase the CDC.........We will not say it is possible to to transmit this disease via your poop until we have done CLINICAL STUDIES for a year and the disease is already over..........They don't ever come out early until they have full evidence to back it up.

The History and studies of the past be damned..........Other countries as I've shown say they are seeing Coronavirus in the poop.
Is CLEAR no one wants to just have a discussion on factors that might minimize the spread here.

Have a nice day. I don't live in a High Rise Apartment building............Enjoy the experiment for those who do.............

Doesn't mean squat to us in fly over states who don't live packed in like Sardines.......
I have been stating for weeks now .....hell maybe even a month that this virus will spread through ventilation systems. I've also shown the SARs reports for Hong Kong OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Because the studies SHOWED HOW IT SPREAD.

The Cruise ship Diamond Princess quarantined was in effect a LAB EXPERIMENT. Showing a set number of people exposed to the virus in close quarters and about 690 people got it, out of 3500 people on the ship. The early articles said that it didn't spread through the ventilation systems.........this article says different as does the SARs report on Hong Kong.

TUESDAY, Feb. 25, 2020 -- The crisis aboard the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan shows how germs can spread rapidly through air conditioning systems that can't filter out particles as small as the new coronavirus, one air quality expert says.

Typical conditions onboard cruise ships probably contributed to those case numbers, one expert said.

"It's standard practice for the air conditioning systems of cruise ships to mix outside air with inside air to save energy," Qingyan Chen, a professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind., explained.

"The problem is that these systems can't filter out particles smaller than 5,000 nanometers. If the coronavirus is about the same size as SARS [severe acute respiratory syndrome], which is 120 nanometers in diameter, then the air conditioning system would be carrying the virus to every cabin," Chen said in a university news release.

"Cruise ships could minimize this problem by just using outside air and not recirculating it," he added.

Toilets would be the main source of coronavirus transmission on commercial flights.

"Stool also contains viruses. Close the lid before you flush to limit how much goes into the air. Planes should provide wet wipes with alcohol to prevent the spread of the virus through touch," Chen said.

Study showing how it spread in Amoy Gardens.

As floor drains are the biggest cause of virus transmission/contamination. The air systems in these buildings are generally negative flow, it will pull air from dried out floor drain traps. This air pulls aerosolized virus from feces and urine contaminating the air in all cabins.

These people are spot on. The virus then builds in the ventilation system and everyone is exposed. This is why apartment buildings with these same construction designs have the SAME PROBLEM.

Remember Legionnaires Disease?
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Is CLEAR no one wants to just have a discussion on factors that might minimize the spread here.

Have a nice day. I don't live in a High Rise Apartment building............Enjoy the experiment for those who do.............

Doesn't mean squat to us in fly over states who don't live packed in like Sardines.......
These items are discussed in Biological warfare school. They discuss how our current building codes and techniques can help transmit or stop a potential pathogen. Floor drains in labs go through a negative pull chamber which stops this potential back flow.
All long as you don't advocate going back to work. The dangers you mention are absolutely greater in office buildings, stores, and schools than at home
So are places like New York City telling the residents of these high rises or owners to check these lessons from the past..........................I've been on a thread where they were doing nothing to inform them in high rises in New York.

My point being an OUNCE OF PREVENTION is better than a pound of cure. How hard would it be to add water to all traps and some disinfectant or Bleach to them.............Pretty cheap thing to do........makes sure that it kills anything in the plumbing..........which in fact started the Amoy Gardens problems.
Very simple cure of the problem... but it must be done weekly at a maximum time span.
The CDC's take on the matter

TL;DR = so far, no evidence of fecial transmission of Covid-19 ... low transmission rates in related viruses ...

Don't play with other people's poop ... common sense hygiene ... God, you kids today have some disgusting habits ...
I've shown others who disagree with the CDC.

Let me rephrase the CDC.........We will not say it is possible to to transmit this disease via your poop until we have done CLINICAL STUDIES for a year and the disease is already over..........They don't ever come out early until they have full evidence to back it up.

The History and studies of the past be damned..........Other countries as I've shown say they are seeing Coronavirus in the poop.
The WHO has already found that the COVID19 (l) (s) are both living in feces and urine for upwards of 3 weeks. This is why China used Decon trucks to wash down surfaces in large amounts so that the sewer systems were also cleaned.

This is a study of it. Well before we even knew about this going on now. A study of how corona aka SARs can live in water........and sewage.............It lived a long time in water...In sewage 2 to 3 days because sewage systems get soap and other disinfectants into the system.

If everyone in these apartments would just do some simple steps......I think the spread would lesson.........Which why I've been posting this information on many threads for a while now.

The politics don't allow it..........and I don't see these precautions in New York and others that are BLOOMING with the virus..........

WHY..........I don't get it............simple steps could reduce the spread.
The CDC's take on the matter

TL;DR = so far, no evidence of fecial transmission of Covid-19 ... low transmission rates in related viruses ...

Don't play with other people's poop ... common sense hygiene ... God, you kids today have some disgusting habits ...
I've shown others who disagree with the CDC.

Let me rephrase the CDC.........We will not say it is possible to to transmit this disease via your poop until we have done CLINICAL STUDIES for a year and the disease is already over..........They don't ever come out early until they have full evidence to back it up.

The History and studies of the past be damned..........Other countries as I've shown say they are seeing Coronavirus in the poop.
The WHO has already found that the COVID19 (l) (s) are both living in feces and urine for upwards of 3 weeks. This is why China used Decon trucks to wash down surfaces in large amounts so that the sewer systems were also cleaned.
I've read that as well.........but I don't see these measures yet here. Perhaps they aren't showing them.......or..........they aren't telling people to just do it all over the city.......
The CDC's take on the matter

TL;DR = so far, no evidence of fecial transmission of Covid-19 ... low transmission rates in related viruses ...

Don't play with other people's poop ... common sense hygiene ... God, you kids today have some disgusting habits ...
I've shown others who disagree with the CDC.

Let me rephrase the CDC.........We will not say it is possible to to transmit this disease via your poop until we have done CLINICAL STUDIES for a year and the disease is already over..........They don't ever come out early until they have full evidence to back it up.

The History and studies of the past be damned..........Other countries as I've shown say they are seeing Coronavirus in the poop.
The WHO has already found that the COVID19 (l) (s) are both living in feces and urine for upwards of 3 weeks. This is why China used Decon trucks to wash down surfaces in large amounts so that the sewer systems were also cleaned.
I've read that as well.........but I don't see these measures yet here. Perhaps they aren't showing them.......or..........they aren't telling people to just do it all over the city.......
China was using chemical concentrations that killed animals to deal with it. I dont think spraying this into the air and on surfaces would be allowed here as those concentrations in the air could kill humans too.
Is CLEAR no one wants to just have a discussion on factors that might minimize the spread here.

Have a nice day. I don't live in a High Rise Apartment building............Enjoy the experiment for those who do.............

Doesn't mean squat to us in fly over states who don't live packed in like Sardines.......
An abundance of caution is fine. Make sure your drains have water in them. NO question. That's easy. If you use the sinks on a daily basis they don't dry up

But understand this

If the ventilation systems in cruise ships was as dangerous as this poster is claiming...then EVERYONE on those ships would have it. That didn't happen.

The main vector (transmission mode) is person to person and surface contamination. Worry about that first and most
The CDC's take on the matter

TL;DR = so far, no evidence of fecial transmission of Covid-19 ... low transmission rates in related viruses ...

Don't play with other people's poop ... common sense hygiene ... God, you kids today have some disgusting habits ...
I've shown others who disagree with the CDC.

Let me rephrase the CDC.........We will not say it is possible to to transmit this disease via your poop until we have done CLINICAL STUDIES for a year and the disease is already over..........They don't ever come out early until they have full evidence to back it up.

The History and studies of the past be damned..........Other countries as I've shown say they are seeing Coronavirus in the poop.
The WHO has already found that the COVID19 (l) (s) are both living in feces and urine for upwards of 3 weeks. This is why China used Decon trucks to wash down surfaces in large amounts so that the sewer systems were also cleaned.
I've read that as well.........but I don't see these measures yet here. Perhaps they aren't showing them.......or..........they aren't telling people to just do it all over the city.......
China was using chemical concentrations that killed animals to deal with it. I dont think spraying this into the air and on surfaces would be allowed here as those concentrations in the air could kill humans too.
I didn't hear that. But China already has serious water problems.....I'd imagine their waste water gets dumped into the rivers there.

It does here as well.........mainly in heavy rain and sewage gets into the other drainage systems.

Hot soap and water then. Every sink, toilet, and every drain in New York and New Jersey.

That would be a possible solution. Most soaps have sanitzer in them anyway.
Is CLEAR no one wants to just have a discussion on factors that might minimize the spread here.

Have a nice day. I don't live in a High Rise Apartment building............Enjoy the experiment for those who do.............

Doesn't mean squat to us in fly over states who don't live packed in like Sardines.......
An abundance of caution is fine. Make sure your drains have water in them. NO question. That's easy. If you use the sinks on a daily basis they don't dry up

But understand this

If the ventilation systems in cruise ships was as dangerous as this poster is claiming...then EVERYONE on those ships would have it. That didn't happen.

The main vector (transmission mode) is person to person and surface contamination. Worry about that first and most
Ventilation on ships is in SECTIONS........Not one system feeds all...........In the common areas there is usually only ONE.......same as any lobby in any building.

So saying all would get it..........I don't agree with it.

Studies in the past from it spreads in the air...........and the POOP.

And just open window traveling on air currents building to building........That SARs got stopped pretty quick and it was a KILLER.........good thing........they found it .....isolated it or it may have been spread world wide.
The main vector (transmission mode) is person to person and surface contamination. Worry about that first and most
I don't have a problem with everyone taking those precautions........and I believe many are doing that. What I'm saying is it is still spreading rapidly............What the hell would it hurt for the Mayor of New York to say...........please check and make sure water is in all traps in your home and add hot soapy water as a PRECAUTION.
The main vector (transmission mode) is person to person and surface contamination. Worry about that first and most
You are correct to a point.

The areosolized virus becomes surface virus in these rooms where it is pulled into a larger room. Its like spraying water into the air, it falls onto the surface. It is also pulled into the ventilation systems as we found with Legionnaires disease where the condensation and water vapor allows it to grow.

It is simply a time factor before the whole of the system is compromised. They demolished multi-million dollar hotels in Reno over this.
The CDC's take on the matter

TL;DR = so far, no evidence of fecial transmission of Covid-19 ... low transmission rates in related viruses ...

Don't play with other people's poop ... common sense hygiene ... God, you kids today have some disgusting habits ...
I've shown others who disagree with the CDC.

Let me rephrase the CDC.........We will not say it is possible to to transmit this disease via your poop until we have done CLINICAL STUDIES for a year and the disease is already over..........They don't ever come out early until they have full evidence to back it up.

The History and studies of the past be damned..........Other countries as I've shown say they are seeing Coronavirus in the poop.
The WHO has already found that the COVID19 (l) (s) are both living in feces and urine for upwards of 3 weeks. This is why China used Decon trucks to wash down surfaces in large amounts so that the sewer systems were also cleaned.
I've read that as well.........but I don't see these measures yet here. Perhaps they aren't showing them.......or..........they aren't telling people to just do it all over the city.......
China was using chemical concentrations that killed animals to deal with it. I dont think spraying this into the air and on surfaces would be allowed here as those concentrations in the air could kill humans too.
I didn't hear that. But China already has serious water problems.....I'd imagine their waste water gets dumped into the rivers there.

It does here as well.........mainly in heavy rain and sewage gets into the other drainage systems.

Hot soap and water then. Every sink, toilet, and every drain in New York and New Jersey.

That would be a possible solution. Most soaps have sanitzer in them anyway.
I'm not sure it would be as effective given the dilution rates.
The CDC's take on the matter

TL;DR = so far, no evidence of fecial transmission of Covid-19 ... low transmission rates in related viruses ...

Don't play with other people's poop ... common sense hygiene ... God, you kids today have some disgusting habits ...
I've shown others who disagree with the CDC.

Let me rephrase the CDC.........We will not say it is possible to to transmit this disease via your poop until we have done CLINICAL STUDIES for a year and the disease is already over..........They don't ever come out early until they have full evidence to back it up.

The History and studies of the past be damned..........Other countries as I've shown say they are seeing Coronavirus in the poop.
The WHO has already found that the COVID19 (l) (s) are both living in feces and urine for upwards of 3 weeks. This is why China used Decon trucks to wash down surfaces in large amounts so that the sewer systems were also cleaned.
I've read that as well.........but I don't see these measures yet here. Perhaps they aren't showing them.......or..........they aren't telling people to just do it all over the city.......
China was using chemical concentrations that killed animals to deal with it. I dont think spraying this into the air and on surfaces would be allowed here as those concentrations in the air could kill humans too.
I didn't hear that. But China already has serious water problems.....I'd imagine their waste water gets dumped into the rivers there.

It does here as well.........mainly in heavy rain and sewage gets into the other drainage systems.

Hot soap and water then. Every sink, toilet, and every drain in New York and New Jersey.

That would be a possible solution. Most soaps have sanitzer in them anyway.
I'm not sure it would be as effective given the dilution rates.
I'd mainly be concerned with the U Traps in the bathrooms and kitchen areas.........Having them full and protected would be a good thing. Bleach would be would kill the hell out of the virus.
OF even greater concern is the homeless populations of LA, San Diego, New Orleans, and other liberal cesspools where public urination and defecation are allowed.

These Cities will have to use Decon Trucks to wash down the feces and urine from the streets. The homeless tents will have to be burned...

This will not be pretty...
OF even greater concern is the homeless populations of LA, San Diego, New Orleans, and other liberal cesspools where public urination and defecation are allowed.

These Cities will have to use Decon Trucks to wash down the feces and urine from the streets. The homeless tents will have to be burned...

This will not be pretty...
It appears that many big cities are starting to see the exponential trend. Cluster here....cluster there..........It's coming back to California after it slowed somewhat.

Why I have been posting the SARs studies for quite a while now. History always repeats.........and it seems we never learn.

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