How correct was Fauci's predictions on the Kung Flu?

All we know is this...

msnbc and the rest of the traitors attacked Trump for this statement, "The coronavirus is not the flu, it is vicious. "

The left wing media all insisted the flu was worse and Trump was a xenophobic racist for stopping travel from China...

As for Fauci....and the WHO along with the rest of satanic globalist liars, they have double talked their way through every aspect of this political attack to remove Trump from office so that he doesn't lead an investigation and reveal the level of worldwide 40 year old corruption.

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, says he doesn't regret advising Americans against wearing masks early on in the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • In an interview with CBS Evening News anchor Norah O'Donnell published in InStyle, Fauci defended his credibility and decision-making in response to recent attempts from the White House to undermine him.
  • "I don't regret anything I said then because in the context of the time in which I said it, it was correct. We were told in our task force meetings that we have a serious problem with the lack of PPEs," he said.
All of a sudden Trump is blamed for leading the nazi white Americans to not wear masks, yet there was Fauci saying masks won't work.

What did the WHO say? Huh, let's see.
  • On April 6, the World Health Organization released new guidance saying that healthy people don't need to wear face masks to prevent coronavirus spread.
  • Masks should be for the sick, their caretakers, and healthcare workers, the WHO guidance said.
Huh, that was on April 6th. Not January 6th. We were in the middle of the declared worldwide pandemic and they claimed masks don't work

Along with Fauci. Trump decided to GO ALONG WITH THE DOCTORS AND SCIENTISTS.

All of a sudden....

Trump is the idiot. Like Hydrochloroquine, thousands of Doctors claimed it was effective treatment. The WHO called it promising. Tom Hanks and his wife used it. Didn't say anything bad about it.


Trump praised Hydrochloroquine and JUST LIKE THAT it became the worst thing you could possibly take. Even though to this moment it is being used to TREAT COVID-19.


Ignore the left. They will lead you to hell.

Fauci makes Trump look like Louis Pasteur.
I remember when repubs were saying that the death toll and numbers was not what was predicted in the first few month. . As it got closer then the argument changed.

Ignore the numbers and now its about the economy. Now its the numbers were wrong. Well it is what they do. Like most government agencies they put out numbers and predict what will happen in the future. My guess it is best to underestimate than overestimate.

Still this is how they make plans for the future. Which is a hard thing to predict. Unless your a sports team that never wins anything. Still when Trump says, "It's just one case and it will be over soon", the crowd goes ooh, aah,, and woman start to faint. That is called underestimating something and it cost him. It also make you sound like you know it all.
Predictions in the first few months was 2.2 MILLION dead in America, Dummy.

Wow you really know how to show someone as being the "Dummy"

care to back that number up as u did say in America. Then again if ur looking at the numbers those zeros can get tricky. Also if ur referring to the world estimates then step back as the forecast is for lighting to strike
I remember when repubs were saying that the death toll and numbers was not what was predicted in the first few month. . As it got closer then the argument changed.

Ignore the numbers and now its about the economy. Now its the numbers were wrong. Well it is what they do. Like most government agencies they put out numbers and predict what will happen in the future. My guess it is best to underestimate than overestimate.

Still this is how they make plans for the future. Which is a hard thing to predict. Unless your a sports team that never wins anything. Still when Trump says, "It's just one case and it will be over soon", the crowd goes ooh, aah,, and woman start to faint. That is called underestimating something and it cost him. It also make you sound like you know it all.
Predictions in the first few months was 2.2 MILLION dead in America, Dummy.

Wow you really know how to show someone as being the "Dummy"

care to back that number up as u did say in America. Then again if ur looking at the numbers those zeros can get tricky. Also if ur referring to the world estimates then step back as the forecast is for lighting to strike
Don't worry, I notice you ignoring me.

Don't blame you.
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
He's a con man--------he didn't just make mistakes (major ones) that would be bad but the fucker lied to the american people and actually worked to spread the disease. What he was saying wasn't up to medical standards and in the case of cuomo his buddy for decades----this fucking Fauci stayed quiet while Cuomo and whitmer purposely spread this disease in nursing homes. It's a virus and this lying sack of chit knew exposing the weak and elderly in nursing homes would certainly spread the disease resulting in thousands of deaths just like any other killer virus would have.

I sat and watch Fauci early on tell the american public things that I knew wasn't up to basic medical standards and then watch this ass give a speech to a collection of medical personal reversing what he told the public the day before only to watch him a few days later be back on his original lies. This isn't an act of a New Unknown virus--this isn't even the act of an inept doctor---this is an act of political a-hole working for agenda that benefits from getting people killed.
I remember when repubs were saying that the death toll and numbers was not what was predicted in the first few month. . As it got closer then the argument changed.

Ignore the numbers and now its about the economy. Now its the numbers were wrong. Well it is what they do. Like most government agencies they put out numbers and predict what will happen in the future. My guess it is best to underestimate than overestimate.

Still this is how they make plans for the future. Which is a hard thing to predict. Unless your a sports team that never wins anything. Still when Trump says, "It's just one case and it will be over soon", the crowd goes ooh, aah,, and woman start to faint. That is called underestimating something and it cost him. It also make you sound like you know it all.
Predictions in the first few months was 2.2 MILLION dead in America, Dummy.

Wow you really know how to show someone as being the "Dummy"

care to back that number up as u did say in America. Then again if ur looking at the numbers those zeros can get tricky. Also if ur referring to the world estimates then step back as the forecast is for lighting to strike
Are you always this stupid?

Now, STFU kid.
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
He's a con man--------he didn't just make mistakes (major ones) that would be bad but the fucker lied to the american people and actually worked to spread the disease. What he was saying wasn't up to medical standards and in the case of cuomo his buddy for decades----this fucking Fauci stayed quiet while Cuomo and whitmer purposely spread this disease in nursing homes. It's a virus and this lying sack of chit knew exposing the weak and elderly in nursing homes would certainly spread the disease resulting in thousands of deaths just like any other killer virus would have.

I sat and watch Fauci early on tell the american public things that I knew wasn't up to basic medical standards and then watch this ass give a speech to a collection of medical personal reversing what he told the public the day before only to watch him a few days later be back on his original lies. This isn't an act of a New Unknown virus--this isn't even the act of an inept doctor---this is an act of political a-hole working for agenda that benefits from getting people killed.

Sure. Because a 40+ year public servant and health professional is actually working to spread this virus...ahhh...are you dumb?..or just stupid? :auiqs.jpg:
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
He's a con man--------he didn't just make mistakes (major ones) that would be bad but the fucker lied to the american people and actually worked to spread the disease. What he was saying wasn't up to medical standards and in the case of cuomo his buddy for decades----this fucking Fauci stayed quiet while Cuomo and whitmer purposely spread this disease in nursing homes. It's a virus and this lying sack of chit knew exposing the weak and elderly in nursing homes would certainly spread the disease resulting in thousands of deaths just like any other killer virus would have.

I sat and watch Fauci early on tell the american public things that I knew wasn't up to basic medical standards and then watch this ass give a speech to a collection of medical personal reversing what he told the public the day before only to watch him a few days later be back on his original lies. This isn't an act of a New Unknown virus--this isn't even the act of an inept doctor---this is an act of political a-hole working for agenda that benefits from getting people killed.

Sure. Because a 40+ year public servant and health professional is actually working to spread this virus...ahhh...are you dumb?..or just stupid? :auiqs.jpg:
What did he get right?

Be specific, and bring links.
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
He's a con man--------he didn't just make mistakes (major ones) that would be bad but the fucker lied to the american people and actually worked to spread the disease. What he was saying wasn't up to medical standards and in the case of cuomo his buddy for decades----this fucking Fauci stayed quiet while Cuomo and whitmer purposely spread this disease in nursing homes. It's a virus and this lying sack of chit knew exposing the weak and elderly in nursing homes would certainly spread the disease resulting in thousands of deaths just like any other killer virus would have.

I sat and watch Fauci early on tell the american public things that I knew wasn't up to basic medical standards and then watch this ass give a speech to a collection of medical personal reversing what he told the public the day before only to watch him a few days later be back on his original lies. This isn't an act of a New Unknown virus--this isn't even the act of an inept doctor---this is an act of political a-hole working for agenda that benefits from getting people killed.

Sure. Because a 40+ year public servant and health professional is actually working to spread this virus...ahhh...are you dumb?..or just stupid? :auiqs.jpg:
What did he get right?

Be specific, and bring links.

He made the right calls when the situation called for it. Changed his recommendations when the situation called for it.
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
He's a con man--------he didn't just make mistakes (major ones) that would be bad but the fucker lied to the american people and actually worked to spread the disease. What he was saying wasn't up to medical standards and in the case of cuomo his buddy for decades----this fucking Fauci stayed quiet while Cuomo and whitmer purposely spread this disease in nursing homes. It's a virus and this lying sack of chit knew exposing the weak and elderly in nursing homes would certainly spread the disease resulting in thousands of deaths just like any other killer virus would have.

I sat and watch Fauci early on tell the american public things that I knew wasn't up to basic medical standards and then watch this ass give a speech to a collection of medical personal reversing what he told the public the day before only to watch him a few days later be back on his original lies. This isn't an act of a New Unknown virus--this isn't even the act of an inept doctor---this is an act of political a-hole working for agenda that benefits from getting people killed.

Sure. Because a 40+ year public servant and health professional is actually working to spread this virus...ahhh...are you dumb?..or just stupid? :auiqs.jpg:
What did he get right?

Be specific, and bring links.

He made the right calls when the situation called for it. Changed his recommendations when the situation called for it.
He made the right calls when the situation called for it?

Are you serious?

Do you ever read the shit you post before hitting reply?
Hey Dr Fauci, the situation does not call for you being right, so just get on National TV and talk out of your ass.

Fauci predicted we would see a spike in cases in the fall
He was correct

Trump predicted it would all be over by election day
He was wrong
Big whoopy chit-------we see a spike in flu cases every fall too-----------

Everyone was saying that there would be huge spike----specifically I was screaming it.
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
He's a con man--------he didn't just make mistakes (major ones) that would be bad but the fucker lied to the american people and actually worked to spread the disease. What he was saying wasn't up to medical standards and in the case of cuomo his buddy for decades----this fucking Fauci stayed quiet while Cuomo and whitmer purposely spread this disease in nursing homes. It's a virus and this lying sack of chit knew exposing the weak and elderly in nursing homes would certainly spread the disease resulting in thousands of deaths just like any other killer virus would have.

I sat and watch Fauci early on tell the american public things that I knew wasn't up to basic medical standards and then watch this ass give a speech to a collection of medical personal reversing what he told the public the day before only to watch him a few days later be back on his original lies. This isn't an act of a New Unknown virus--this isn't even the act of an inept doctor---this is an act of political a-hole working for agenda that benefits from getting people killed.

Sure. Because a 40+ year public servant and health professional is actually working to spread this virus...ahhh...are you dumb?..or just stupid? :auiqs.jpg:
What did he get right?

Be specific, and bring links.

He made the right calls when the situation called for it. Changed his recommendations when the situation called for it.
He made the right calls when the situation called for it?

Are you serious?

Do you ever read the shit you post before hitting reply?

Yep. All ya got is Trump love. Beat on the public servant. Cause he makes my savior look bad.
Newsflash. Trump's looked bad since 1981. Fraud then. Fraud now.
I remember when repubs were saying that the death toll and numbers was not what was predicted in the first few month. . As it got closer then the argument changed.

Ignore the numbers and now its about the economy. Now its the numbers were wrong. Well it is what they do. Like most government agencies they put out numbers and predict what will happen in the future. My guess it is best to underestimate than overestimate.

Still this is how they make plans for the future. Which is a hard thing to predict. Unless your a sports team that never wins anything. Still when Trump says, "It's just one case and it will be over soon", the crowd goes ooh, aah,, and woman start to faint. That is called underestimating something and it cost him. It also make you sound like you know it all.
Predictions in the first few months was 2.2 MILLION dead in America, Dummy.

Wow you really know how to show someone as being the "Dummy"

care to back that number up as u did say in America. Then again if ur looking at the numbers those zeros can get tricky. Also if ur referring to the world estimates then step back as the forecast is for lighting to strike
Are you always this stupid?

Now, STFU kid.
Still waiting for the source for your claim of

Predictions in the first few months was 2.2 MILLION dead in America, Dummy
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
He's a con man--------he didn't just make mistakes (major ones) that would be bad but the fucker lied to the american people and actually worked to spread the disease. What he was saying wasn't up to medical standards and in the case of cuomo his buddy for decades----this fucking Fauci stayed quiet while Cuomo and whitmer purposely spread this disease in nursing homes. It's a virus and this lying sack of chit knew exposing the weak and elderly in nursing homes would certainly spread the disease resulting in thousands of deaths just like any other killer virus would have.

I sat and watch Fauci early on tell the american public things that I knew wasn't up to basic medical standards and then watch this ass give a speech to a collection of medical personal reversing what he told the public the day before only to watch him a few days later be back on his original lies. This isn't an act of a New Unknown virus--this isn't even the act of an inept doctor---this is an act of political a-hole working for agenda that benefits from getting people killed.

Sure. Because a 40+ year public servant and health professional is actually working to spread this virus...ahhh...are you dumb?..or just stupid? :auiqs.jpg:
What did he get right?

Be specific, and bring links.

He made the right calls when the situation called for it. Changed his recommendations when the situation called for it.
He made the right calls when the situation called for it?

Are you serious?

Do you ever read the shit you post before hitting reply?

Yep. All ya got is Trump love. Beat on the public servant. Cause he makes my savior look bad.
Newsflash. Trump's looked bad since 1981. Fraud then. Fraud now.
Once again, all Tardboi has is TDS delusions.

Anything on topic?
I remember when repubs were saying that the death toll and numbers was not what was predicted in the first few month. . As it got closer then the argument changed.

Ignore the numbers and now its about the economy. Now its the numbers were wrong. Well it is what they do. Like most government agencies they put out numbers and predict what will happen in the future. My guess it is best to underestimate than overestimate.

Still this is how they make plans for the future. Which is a hard thing to predict. Unless your a sports team that never wins anything. Still when Trump says, "It's just one case and it will be over soon", the crowd goes ooh, aah,, and woman start to faint. That is called underestimating something and it cost him. It also make you sound like you know it all.
Predictions in the first few months was 2.2 MILLION dead in America, Dummy.

Wow you really know how to show someone as being the "Dummy"

care to back that number up as u did say in America. Then again if ur looking at the numbers those zeros can get tricky. Also if ur referring to the world estimates then step back as the forecast is for lighting to strike
Are you always this stupid?

Now, STFU kid.
Still waiting for the source for your claim of

Predictions in the first few months was 2.2 MILLION dead in America, Dummy
Just gave it to you, you raving lunatic.:cuckoo:
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
He's a con man--------he didn't just make mistakes (major ones) that would be bad but the fucker lied to the american people and actually worked to spread the disease. What he was saying wasn't up to medical standards and in the case of cuomo his buddy for decades----this fucking Fauci stayed quiet while Cuomo and whitmer purposely spread this disease in nursing homes. It's a virus and this lying sack of chit knew exposing the weak and elderly in nursing homes would certainly spread the disease resulting in thousands of deaths just like any other killer virus would have.

I sat and watch Fauci early on tell the american public things that I knew wasn't up to basic medical standards and then watch this ass give a speech to a collection of medical personal reversing what he told the public the day before only to watch him a few days later be back on his original lies. This isn't an act of a New Unknown virus--this isn't even the act of an inept doctor---this is an act of political a-hole working for agenda that benefits from getting people killed.

Sure. Because a 40+ year public servant and health professional is actually working to spread this virus...ahhh...are you dumb?..or just stupid? :auiqs.jpg:
What did he get right?

Be specific, and bring links.

He made the right calls when the situation called for it. Changed his recommendations when the situation called for it.
He made the right calls when the situation called for it?

Are you serious?

Do you ever read the shit you post before hitting reply?

Yep. All ya got is Trump love. Beat on the public servant. Cause he makes my savior look bad.
Newsflash. Trump's looked bad since 1981. Fraud then. Fraud now.
Once again, all Tardboi has is TDS delusions.

Anything on topic?

All of it on topic, Slinky...:)
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
Gotta love it! Not a single Dimwinger wants to address the fact Fauci is an idiot.

All they can come with is ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One Horse Ponies" Pedo Joe would say. :banana:

Because he's not. He's served every President since Reagan appointed him. Republican and Democrat.
We got an issue this year with him..why? A fast moving virus that the common denominator ignored...The Orange Roughy. Nuff said. Orange Man...INCOMPETENT. I'm glad Fauci and Birx stuck around to work through this abortion of an administration.
He's a con man--------he didn't just make mistakes (major ones) that would be bad but the fucker lied to the american people and actually worked to spread the disease. What he was saying wasn't up to medical standards and in the case of cuomo his buddy for decades----this fucking Fauci stayed quiet while Cuomo and whitmer purposely spread this disease in nursing homes. It's a virus and this lying sack of chit knew exposing the weak and elderly in nursing homes would certainly spread the disease resulting in thousands of deaths just like any other killer virus would have.

I sat and watch Fauci early on tell the american public things that I knew wasn't up to basic medical standards and then watch this ass give a speech to a collection of medical personal reversing what he told the public the day before only to watch him a few days later be back on his original lies. This isn't an act of a New Unknown virus--this isn't even the act of an inept doctor---this is an act of political a-hole working for agenda that benefits from getting people killed.

Sure. Because a 40+ year public servant and health professional is actually working to spread this virus...ahhh...are you dumb?..or just stupid? :auiqs.jpg:
What did he get right?

Be specific, and bring links.

He made the right calls when the situation called for it. Changed his recommendations when the situation called for it.
He made the right calls when the situation called for it?

Are you serious?

Do you ever read the shit you post before hitting reply?

Yep. All ya got is Trump love. Beat on the public servant. Cause he makes my savior look bad.
Newsflash. Trump's looked bad since 1981. Fraud then. Fraud now.
Once again, all Tardboi has is TDS delusions.

Anything on topic?

All of it on topic, Slinky...:)
Well, we should all listen to blog guy of :abgg2q.jpg:
Fauci predicted we would see a spike in cases in the fall
He was correct

Trump predicted it would all be over by election day
He was wrong
Big whoopy chit-------we see a spike in flu cases every fall too-----------

Everyone was saying that there would be huge spike----specifically I was screaming it.
Not Trump
He denied it
More correct than Fat Donnies predictions
Bingo. Not even close.

"We're turning the corner", the orange buffoon belched a hundred times, right before the surge.

Neither of them have been particularly accurate. The only difference is in the biased perception one holds of each man.
Fauci is a health scientist. Science is often going to be wrong, especially when it is facing something like this, and it fully admits it.

Trump is something entirely different.
More correct than Fat Donnies predictions
Bingo. Not even close.

"We're turning the corner", the orange buffoon belched a hundred times, right before the surge.

Neither of them have been particularly accurate. The only difference is in the biased perception one holds of each man.
Fauci is a health scientist. Science is often going to be wrong, especially when it is facing something like this, and it fully admits it.

Trump is something entirely different.
Trump knows more than the Scientists
Also, all Scientists have it in for Trump. They invented this stuff just to make him lose

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