How Could Anybody In Their Right Mind Vote For This?

Doesn't change the long laundry list of broken promises and flip-floppery.

But I can understand where it's difficult to see those, when you have your head firmly jammed up Obiedoodle's ass.
How can anyone vote for a president who has continually lied about the disaster in Libya?
So what are you saying? That you care more about 4 Americans in Libya, than 270 million Americans in the US?

At least he hasn't lied us "INTO A WAR", like the last President did.

No. He just went to war and didnt bother getting any authorization or care to tell the American people why we attacked Libya.
How can anyone vote for a president who has continually lied about the disaster in Libya?
So what are you saying? That you care more about 4 Americans in Libya, than 270 million Americans in the US?

At least he hasn't lied us "INTO A WAR", like the last President did.

No. Just hoping to sucker someone like you into admitting lying is okay, depending on the lie.

Thanks for playing.
LMAO!! You're very obviosly one of us who have passed the age when our genetic makeup and urge to reproduce overruled any semblance of logic. The good years. Do Republicans have good years?

No I'm all for abortion. If republicans outlawed abortion, the children born to those irresponsible parents who cant afford them would no doubt mimic the irresponsibility of the welfare queen that spawned them. Thereby, they would vote for more democrats to pay for their inherited laziness. No, abortion is good. Overall, abortions reduce the voting base for democrats, not republicans.

I agree 100%. Why then do those who make up the basic structure of the T Party and Republicans object to using stem cells while doing research to cure severe ailments and fatal disease? Stem're talking about a little goo in a lab dish.

I dunno. Federally and Constitutionally speaking it's a non issue.
Completely irrelevant thread, especially when coming from an abortion proponent.

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